MOSCOW, July 10: (CP)- The Red Army slashing in the direction of Lepel on the flank of Germany's Baltic Salient reported today the wiping ing out of a full division of Hitler's motorized troops, perhaps fifteen thousand men and just south of Lepel smashed heavily at a second division near Borisov on the Berezina River. The eastward drive of the German army along the rest of the battlcfront was reported to be stopped. VANCOUVER, July 10: (CP) The Women's Service Corps have algamatcd with the Canadian fad Cross Corps, lt was announced horn Ti.l i Public Men Of Quebec Speak For Slate And Church of War Effort Of French Canadian Province In order to set forth to the rest of Canada what is being done bv the Province of Quebec in connection with the war, the Montreal Herald has just issued a special number from which are culled a few selections: THE EDITOR "Here in Quebec both French speaking ant) English speaking Canadians are one in their es , sential loyalty to Canada and the Empire." j PREMIER ADELARDEGODBOUT "The flocking of our t;ons to the colors, the devotion of our entire busiir I . .1 I-r, . I..-. In flin onA nf HiO Avar pf- reasons for an isolationist posture, is setting inspiring example to the free men of other bloodstreams in Canada and United States." AT A fTMPDAT T A Pl.PPIIP. "Thn fh-cf VPPi "-: n is a newiy iormea icorps oi t.nDio 1 , ...i u inroi pmincti. Thfl fund will remain out the province to operate under "open until the objective Is reached. UlVLSlnnni artvlcnrir vnmmlt tft With Mrs W .T Allnn oc Violr In the recruiting; campaign August 1 to 8 recruits are to ap-P'y to the local Service Corps Detriments or the Red Cross branch. Mrs. e. Miller Is commandant of 0 Prince Rupert detachment. Aid To British Churches Fund Passes Half Way TORONTO, July 10-Tlw "Aid to Tirituh rihnrrhcs Fund" belug rais ed by the United Church of Canada to help parent churches in uruam i hoir ministry of DreachinEi heal ing and comfort has now reached $32,000 toward the $50,ooo otjecuve, it. vms announced today by Rev. Dr. Oordon A. Slsco, Secretary of Gcn- MORE MJLK LONDON, Nearly 13,000 more fnrmrrs are nroduclng milk In Eng land than a year ago, according to n rpnort of the Milk Marketing Boird. This represents an Increase of about eight per cent. RESTAURANT STRIKE SAN FRANCISCO As a result of a strike 38 downtown .restaurants here were closed last night. SHIPBUILDING RUSHED WASHINGTON The government announces that the shipbuilding program is making much better progress than was expected and is well ahead of schedule. Very so-hi it is expected they will be producing new destroyers at the rate of one hundred a year. Aircraft are being rushed to Britain, the number so far going from thh country being well over a thousand. BASES IN IRELAND WASHINGTON WendeM Wilkle hs ben in rnnftrenc wiMi President Roosevelt In regard to the European situation. Mr. WIN kic favors an all-out policy In retard to IJni'ed Sta'es aM and would establish bases in Northern Ireland as well as in Iceland. AIR BASE BEING BUILT WASHINGTON Senator Robert Taft, Ohio Republican, told the Senate today that he had heard a week ago "on reliable authority that the United States was constructing a na?al air base for Britain In northern " GERMANY FURIOUS LONDON The German radio Js:futious with the United. Stales; because of its occupation of Iceland. It claims that German military authorities had no de- i-i .!:... ..ILntinn f r. ,fnv f iiiiii?nrr Vinvp clsn mt dial Ulanri and esneci together been a revelation of. Quebec's innate loyalty and ay t u time when aii their her zeal in the national and imperial cause of liberty and .d IgaS justice." Communist Russia. CARDINAL VILLENEUVE "I am happy to pro- NCW nQ ARRIVE claim the loyalty and enlightened patriotism of the 1 rencn- ( lo'sion Twenty new heavy speaking Canadians in the present war effort, and I am bombers have just arrived from nrnml tn fin on liVm nh n.mnfiinn nnmes are in their nlace the United States and more art y uiui VI lllj X ,a v-i a - a on the rolls nf honor in recruitinir or voluntary srvice, m auxiliary works, in war savings and loans to the state." j COL. FRANK KNOX, U.S. SEC. TO NAVY-"I cs-, penally congratulate' and facilitate this great province of; Quebec on its noteworthy contribution to Canadian war. effort tn Violin iinfnnf. tlm Him. nnd mav I emulov the ster-1 on the way- These planes are all ready for the aviators to take over and put into action. POLAND CONFERS LONDON Representatives of the Polish government legated in this country are conferring with linr, i ...u:L f Himlm,. liovn nvnviflprl to the Soviet administration with a "lift UActllllUU WIHUII VUU IIIUI Ul Hin.ui-v. icv- r - - n. nf 7 sharae'upon the Sumeriodly few but noisy isolationist Z I minority in mv country, who cry out for an impossible iso-, .. . . Uial of lne boundaries laiion 101 US, Willie (IICUCC, naVIllg iar inuie juuiuuuu between the two countries wnen raicnnn ",. :n..l..i.nit i,,f initliin 1 d COttinfT an fill 1 fl Kill 11 HI' I 111 war PnrlS. mem. to reach full strength in Canada when war broke. JJS OUt Was French Canadian." airmen and others. I . , -.1 1 HON. ERNEST LAPOINTE "Nothing should be allowed to divert our minds from the hard and dangerous battle we are fighting for our survival." RED CROSS CORPS IS FORMED M". E, Mitltr Is Commandant Of Prince Rupert Detachment INVESTITURE AT PALACE LONDON King George held an Investiture yesterday at Buck- a number conferred on The cere- monv took place m me grana hall and it was noticed that most of the servant were wearing the uniform of the Home Guard. Lords Debate LONDON The House of Lords held a full dress debate on the position of the colonial governments In connection with the war effort. It was shown that many of them had made contributions of great value, others had suffered so much that the British government had gone to their aid. One notable case was that of Malta, which had been steadily under fire. BEIRUT IS OCCUPIED LONDON Reuters reported that a German controlled Paris radio announced that Australian troops occupied Beirut this morning. HALF CHILDREN GONE nnrsTni, Ene.. July 10: (CP) At least 20,000 children, more than half the city s total, now nave Deen evacuated, either officially or unofficially. ' , ; .k.V feather Forecast Tomorrow's Tides High 2:36 ajn. 21.7 It. prince Rupert District and Queen 15:30 pjn. 20.4 it. Charlotte Islands Moderate northwest Low. 9:13 ajn. 1.1 It. winds, party cloudy and mild. 21:30 pm. 5.6 ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COI.UftIbIA'8 NEWSPAPER Vol XXX No. 160. PRINCE RUPERT, B.CM THURSDAY, JULY 10, "1941.' PRlCJETfTVE CENTS BcrliYill Get It Pretty S oon A Full Division Of Hitler's Motorized Troops Wiped Out RED ARMY SLASHING IN DIRECTION OF LEI'EL GET ABOUT 15,000 MEN AND STOP MtlVE OF GERMANS ON REST OK IIATTLEFRONT Bulletins American-Made Bombers Will Enable Britain To Retaliate For Destruction Of London Declares British Minister BRITISH BOMBS WRECK NAZI AIRDROME This aerial photogranh w.. made bv a B i1 -h obserrrr during an R.A.F raid on the Germa? o,Tunled area of Fiance. It shows a stick of bomte. nine, in ail. bur-ting in a line on the concrete runway of Saint Omer airdrome, used by the Nazis as a ' springboard In raids on England. War N ews 6 6 CHUNGKING BADLY BOMBED i TOKYO Chungking experienced another devastating bombing last night and according to reports from the air ministry is now almost a "City of the Dead." Water and electric light and power services have been cut off. NO ARMISTICE YET LONDON Up to noon today no armistice had been arranged with the High Command in Syria. Fighting is still going on there but it is possible terms" may be agreed upon before the day is over. MANY GERMAN CITIES BOMBED LONDON German controlled cities from Bologne to Dunkirque were bombed today. Weather conditions were perfect and tremendous destruction was caused, holding up communications and factory work in many centres. GERMANS OVER BRITAIN LONDON A few German planes came over southeast Scotland and East. Anglia last night but little damage was done. AID GOING TO RUSSIA . WASHINGTON According to military experts here it looks better for Russia every day and orders are rapidly being pushed forward for arms and ammunition and other material from the United States to help that country in its great struggle against the Invader. NO CO-OPERATION YET WASHINGTON The proposal of Trime Minister Churchill that the American and Britisli navies should co-operate in the defence of Iceland has been turned down as It would practically be the same as a declaration of war against Germany. Halibut Sales American Pacific, 40,000. Booth, 12,7c and 11c. ' Chelaml 25,000. Atlii,12.Cc and ll.6c; v .r. - Weather Forecast General uv. Synopsis It - has - been t German Capital Will Hear Sirens Soon as Enough Big Planes Arrive From United States Many Already Coming, Medium and Large LONDON, July 10: (CP) The increasing flow of American-made bombers soon will enable Britain to an exact manifold retaliation on Berlin for the German bombardment of London, the Minister of Aircraft Production Lt. Col. J. T. C.Moore-Brabazon declared today. It will not be many months he told the House of Commons before A Roosevelt Asking For More Money 4- Washinaton. July 10: (CP) 1' Authoritative sources said to- day that Roosevelt would ask, Congress for $4,700,000,000, 'of new army appropriations at once as the first Installment of 4' the new $15,000,000,000 defence 4- and lease lend program. NAPLES BOMBED Syracuse In Italy Also Gets Daylight Low Level Blow From British Planes ROME, July 10: British air attacks on Italy proper were reported today by the Italian High Command. There was a low level daylight thrust at Syracuse and a night blow at Naples. The Italians claim that In the Naples I attack fourteen persons were killed and thirty injured but the . amount of damage to buildings ' was not mentioned. ROME, July 10: (CP) The R.K.T. nnnnnnred at Cairo that three Ital GERMANS Benin nears uie sirens 01 such at- tacks. "Those famous Wednesday and Saturday night wh;n London was heavily raided, will be child's play compared with the raldi we will be. able to make on Berlin," he said. He said that Britain was getting a more and more moderate weight carrying bombers and also big bombers. GERMANY HOLDING BACK NEWS Says Only That Town of Salla nas Been Taken and Campaign Progressing Relentlessly,... BERLIN, July 10: (CP) The German ffleh Command kept details of the fierce struggle with the Soviet Russia, hidden again today for tne third in a row with a general state ment "operations in the East are progressing relentlessly." The only detail the communique offered was to reiterate yesterday's unofficial claim that Salla, fortified Russian town opposite Flnland'5 eastern frontier, had been captured. The town was acquired by Russia last year. Says Stamp Hobby Helps In Wartime ian seaplanes were destroyed and I Philatelic Expert Commends It otnerswre damaged in a Syracuse, To Nervous Persons During raid but did not mention Naples. DRIVE ON I LONDON, July 10: (CP) War has caused a small boom in stamp collecting, a hobby that has been found to" provide relief from the strains of war. . I H. R. Harmer, philatelic expert British Planes Roared Over Chan-' hQ conducts an auction of rare nel and Explosions Followed lstamps in London every week, said I doctors are among- the most en LONDON, July 10: (CP) The lthusiastlo philatelists and many R.A.F. maintained a relentless drive recommend the hobby to nervous against me su wai uu.."v 'patients for tne oiacKoui. day by smashing at the occupied) 0nce a perS0I1 infected with French coast following an overnight collectmg germ. the hobby In- poundlng of the targets In western yolves deep concentratlon, which Germany. Flying through fog means f0rgetfulness of outside in- banks the British planes roared fluence ne said. over the Channel today and watch-j prk;3 are nigher than before V,cnn4 ovnlnclotle from the .. 1 ninnnl ln- cii .rvK.w.--. luie war anu French coast. The night raids were jveStlng their money In stamps, against Aachen and Osnabruck. ..wnCh are a better Investment : " than diamonds." HOTELMAN DEAD I "The number of .tjjnp. to exiSLence 10 wwwu r (CP) Sir' internationally is the same," Har- iAjwuur-, -Ul x. cali. -Thus the owner of a George Reeves-Bmlth who, as man-," ----- - - . 1W. sampled and bousht the . at KinaSvi wiiica owvRtu .rtu died here at the age of about 86 years. ARMY "LONELY" 10: (CP) A LONDON, ijVjrilAJr. uuijr July i . generally fair and mild on the coast j0ieIy soidler" with a wife and with fog during the night. Iglx children appealed for girls to West Coast of Vancouver Island- write to him. then J I1 Charged with bigamy, who did. Moderate northwest wind locally cloudy and mild with fog off shore, he was bound over for two years. Continental City." SUMMER CLOTHES 'FROZEN' LONDON, July 10: (OP) Trade anneals for the release of 'frozen goods" under clothes rationing regu lations may mean that women s summer sandals, tennU shoes and similar light fojtwear will be on sale soon couponless, i Vl