1 PAQE two DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue ... . . H. PULLEN ; F. - - - Managing-Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City Per year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, : 50c; One Week. 12c Out of Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year! Aaverusinp ana circulation xeiepnone . a ADVERTISING KATES Local Readers, per line, per. Insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion Member of Audit bureau oi Circulations Commences Monday TheMarkets ten B.C. Fresh Extras, Grade A Large, cartoned, doz. Local, new laidj doz; Fruit Grapefruit, California Qrapefrult, Florida, 3 for . Lemons, doz. 40c to Oranges, doz. 20c to . Bananas, lb fc .30 ,35 Cranberries, lb. none B. C. Rhubarb, outdoorj;. ... .05 Apptts Yellow Newtons, box j 1.50 Butter First Grade, lb .37 Thursday, May, 29, 1941. EDITORIAL United States at War - - WMlo'TrUa TTtllfol Qfnfoo Vino nnf rlnlninr1 urn nn (lnv TllO ll' inmnnim. TFii- T 1 I For doubters of his dav in England. T.mvl Mnmnlnv wrote in 1830: "If we were to prophecy that in the year 1930 a population Of 50.000.000 will onvfir rriPao ialnnrla KQffQ,. Eternal En eland Curse and eliminate Nazidom on earth Let us therefore support The seafaring boys To them alone The Palm of victory Chancellor Hitler Is not worthy to live The people across the sea Will be the sole survivor The German Fuehrer Will finish the odyssey A fitting punishment Awaits the swastika. - Sfbond Grade, lb ...t U.. .35 lard Pure, lb. j3 Veeeubles B. C. Potatoes, 10 lbs .25 B. C. Onions. rer lb. m Garlic, imported, lb .20 Parsley, bunch. in B. C. Hothouse Tomatoes '.; B. O. Lettuce .'head. .md 'in 05 New Green Cabbage, lb .08 .25 JO ,60c ,15 Utah Celery, lb 12 Bunch Carrots, bunch, 07 Onibrw, 2 bunches 3 for .10 Turnips, 6 lbs. '. .25 Meats Fowl, No. 1, lb 25 Roasting Chicken, lb 30 Bacon side, sliced, best grade .... .45 Second grade, lb .35 Ham, first grade, lb 35 SOFTBALL ..1JI SCHEDUL dune J uruuu vs. aieei wuiiitrs, Stones vs. Drydock. June 5 Dry Dock vs. Steel Stones vs. Grotto. June 10 Grotto vs. Dry Dock; savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 ERASER STREET Prince Rupert TH1 DAICT REWf CANADA UNITES TO HONOR "JOHN A.M JUNE 7 (Continued from Page One) United States. In his address ha Games to be riayed Each Tuesday state my firm belief that the pros-ami Thudsday Evening, Starting perity or Canada depends upon its This Week permanent connection with the Mother Conntrv and 1 shall resist double-header uuuuic-iicauci to - the - utmost any attempt (from .. .1 . . 1 1 1 v,.. Mnmal i rruviuuig .ur ,bv "J "vvu President W. F. Stcne. The iuuiuu ur nit i;a.iadm. rums iSSTSSS SuethlrS," th MU1- ln L" May 29-Stones vs. Steel Workers; aw rtjau 01 repucilcfctlon of aoeclaJ desoatohes thereto are also reserved 'Dry Dock VS. Grot to. June 12 Drv Dork vs Stones! election Of 1891 f . 1 . 1 rm II. otee. wumers vs. ursuu. . Workers vs. vs. Dry Dry Dock Dock Jujjg June 19 19 Stones Stones VS vs. S Steel Work ......v. uiiiivu LHttiv.ii nuo jiui uluui ti u hi uii many and no troops are to be sent overseas yet, in most'ers; Dry Dock vs. arotto respects tne country is at war. The e.xecutive branch oil June-2. -Grotto vs. steel work the government has full war time powers and the President has declared his intention of enforcing the freedom of the seas. It is probable that this policy will lead to a fulj declaration of war before long. lb may vuiiicj games each Tuesday and Thursday mi"- - 'evening, the City Softball League which may tend to weaken that aa . , . . IL. union." 02 scneouie ior me iirst nan ui vue season was announced this morning At that time he was an impetu ous young man of 29 years not above a fist fight, one of which took place in a court roaii. He changed, greatly as the year$j went r by and became the most patient and skillful .composer of differences among men of conflicting views on the political scene. He made his last formal addres. to the Canadian people befor? 1h' SUCUUUUS TJUDII after 47 years of life and his un- June 17-Grotto vs. Stones, steel cnangecr views on impenai reia-'orkers ons were summed nip in "As fo- ers; Stones vs. Dry Dock. myself, my course h clear. A Bri tish subject I was born a B-lMrh subject I will die." Four month-; later he died. ! Early Life ' The crowds convcr82 on vavkfp SI""'INGS siiiiiivrc 7 Kingston where John A. spent his rr-u The first coin struck in what is lboyhood. Born ln Scotland in 1815 now the united states were pine,he had ccme t0 Canada wltn n, Itree shillings, made of silver worth, 12 cents. Clad and lodfrPn thnn TnnrlicV nf mv rloir fUfif IPHR afiAT.P RpHrflntr tUlU . rt ron e ntnon iifn -iron . T-. . out plants, ipuivuko micii live jrcaio uiu, liir family lived ln Kingston most of the time and his father Hugh Mac- donald died there when John A. .uuimdy. ine City nas Deen OlViaea into zones and calls Glass manufacturers are produc- was still a young man. "I had no Will be made on all residents, whether permanent or tem- ing cables which they contend have boyhood" he once told a friend, porary. It will save a lot Of time if those Who are able to Ureater tensi'e strength than steel. fFrom the age of 15 I began to Subscribe Will make thfiir nlnns in nflvnnno fnor tVo' .earn my own living. work of the canvassers may be expedited. Looking Forward FOR SAL!, Sir John often lamented the fact he had no university education but was a prodigious reader and after enterintr n lnw nff(o in vin-tn progressed so rapidly that he was Called to the bar when 21 veari old. He went by boat to attend Mis first legislature meeting in Mont real. The older generation will recall that "John A." had Chines constructed On principles yet Undiscovered Will be Greenhouse, Alfred Street, see Mr. jnose about which he Joked more in every house-that our debt, vast as it seems to us, will -Wlia a20) :0X "STSJ appear trifling to our great grandchildren-many people i salens feet 2-mch brass taii'was a remarkable art Seal rS Then WOUld think US insane. 1 shaft snait with with long long sleeve sleeve and and bush- bush- lanr lance ht,n between him n.JT La nnrt nni,i "We prophesy nothing, but this we say: if any person' had told the Parliampnt. whinh m. nfto th nvnc.u irron; w villi VlUDIl Ui that , m . 1830 the wealth of England would surpass their wildest dreams that stagecoaches would" run from London to York' in 9d rtnnrc fKnf man ,,.,,1,1 Un : T-u.'i. ing ln perfect condition; complete Disraeli, prime minister of Great set of taps and dies, VSS.; 15 Britain at the, time Sir John was one-inch boom chains; 2 bath prime minister of Canada, tubs; 10 wash basins, Just like pnii-k.- n Ta new at half price. Phone Hik. 324. Sir Jo , l0Ved Canada t B. C. Furniture it' intensely . L)Ulu uc 1U Ul jluuu, i ana nis Duoyant optimism for its 01 sailing Without Wings and WOUld be beginning to ride -TOR SALE-Overhauled and con- fut"re inspired hLs colleagues. He without Without horses horses our our ancestors ancestors u'nnlrl would Vi have given much ' verted Star enplnp 5 h brought in his "natlnn.il nnii.i r as credit to the prediction as they gave to Gulliver's Travels. i c waiiuuL ausoiuieiy prove tnat those are in error who tell us we have seen our best days but so said all who came before us, and with just as much apparent reason " Whatever kind of world we live in five or 10 vears hence will hold plenty of problems and plenty of dangers but we may be sure that if it is a free world, the opportunities for greater human happiness will outweitrh to the headaches. Paris Jibes at Hitler One dav last month rhp Mni.r 5Tff1rfEI?ei? iJIS? anonymous contributor, extolling' .m.11 . it i can . Aimons et.admirons le Chancelier Hitler L eternelle Angleterre est indigne de vivre Maudissons et ecrasons le peuple d'outre-mer Le Nazi sur la terre sera seul a survivre Soyons done le soutien du Fuehrer allemand Des boys navigateurs finira l'odyssee A eux seuls appartient un juste chatiment La Palme du vamqueur attend la Croix gammee. By last week Paris-soir knew that it had beea thoroughly hoaxed. Cut in half, from top to bottom the poem became two poems, expressing very different sentiments: Let us love and admire Duty Imperial. 2 boat stoves nnp protection to make his nountrv n wjth oil burner. Halibut gear great industrial nation as well as anchors, net guard and gill net a Producer of primary materials, lines. 740 Taylor St., phone Black Bisraphers agree that he be- 1C6. (125) came a consummate leader of his FOR SALE-7-room house 332 7th once said of him: "He Is a man.of Ave. nasi, wear botn schools and extraordinary ability. I admit as a drydock. $2,000 cash. Phone i manager of men, I have never Oreen 922. n2S) 'seen his r0al t "If WANTED WANTED Bright young fellow for day work. Chris Mill Bakery. . (125) -I""' FC VlHTll nuii BOARD AND ROOM ?nerLd hZl 22. .able mt- ii--ww iiiuum luc cuar- BOARD AND ROOM Close in acter and shape the actions of thp Gentlemen 1 only. Phone Black men who supported him. 905. (tf) "Whether it Is magnetism or J necromancy, whether It Is the ,ln- l?nr t'OR REN1 .r, herent strength that he possesses FOR RENT Small furnished house. rLlLU.akn!ss of Apply Co-Op Store. Q25) W to w ttat. TTtt - j wub question is unsolved in mind." my own Most political students agree that the security of his leadershln wa. not due to selecting weak men as WANTED- Experienced stenogra- ZZ ifS Pher or summer months. RO. cabinet,. Some Srrsaid" 7" L12i . several of his colleagues were WANTED A good woman cook, greater orators and In other res-Scandanavlan preferred. Phone pects more brllUant than the "old Black 154. tf chleftan" but they served under' " nlm with unquestioned loyalty y and WANTED-Wlre-haired terrier pup. devotion. , Red 942, (130) Biographers described Sir John NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19G dS iree irom bigotry as it was pos sible for a human being to be. His parents were Presbyterian and he was raised by a deeply religious mother. In later years he ininprf the Anglican Church of which Lady Macdonald had lonir hoon o Imember. He regularly attended St. moans unurch In Ottawa, After his Important part ln the Confederation negotiations he be- came the Dominion's f. ret ni-fwm minister from 1867 to 1R7S hls government was defeated. He was returned to cower in i7 o-i remained prime minister until his aeaui. Bonds or Bondaee Bnv vin fnrv Bonds! MAIL US YOUR FILMS TODAY Any size roll developed and printed 25c Special "Decko-Art" prints Reprints twelve for 35c STEFFENS-COLMER PHOTO CO. P.O. Box 220 Vancouver B.C. Died With Pals I 109-YEAR I OLD VET ' ISSLAIN Veteran Was Among 10 Killed When Night Raider Dropped Hi Wares On Old Chelsea Ily DOUGLAS (AMAHO." Canadian Press Staff Writer IONDON, May 29: (CP) A German night raider claimed as a victim Henry Augustus Rattray, an dd soldier whose only grudge was aealnst people vho hid hi3 cheroots. Oldest pen-'i"ner at the Royal Hospital, rbisca, the 1C0- year - old former bands- pn urn klllpri with nine 0th- W'v er veterans when a bomb levelled the infirmary where they lay with other aged patients. Rattray's life history wiii never be written for even his closest cronies knew little of his early years. He ioined the 24th (2nd Warwickshire 1 Regiment of Foot many years ago at least 60. for in 1831 his regiment became the South Wales Borderers. "He never talked much he wa$ beyond the age of being talkative." said the hospital adjutant who des-scribed Rattray as a benevolent old scldier, loved by all with whpm he was associated. "He came to us three years ago and in next to no time was a favorite In the wards. Tha only times he was obstreperous were wjien we wouldn't let him have hLs cheroots. He would fmoke all we gave him and more If he could get them." Keen JNIemory Rattray, whose keen memory never failed, remained ln the infirmary from the time he wa admitted but until three weeks before his death was able to get ud for dlriner every day. He followed world events closely, reading the newspapers and discussing the war with other patients. Ills bic day each year was Christ mas when it was his privilege, as the old-est pensioner, to make a speech at 0 party for the patients In hLs ward. As a sergeant-bandsman he had seen little service in war but he kept his soldierly bearing to the end and his square Jaw Jutted out like a rock when he talked of Hitler and the Germans. Once before death came close to this veteran but he shrugged It off as the sort of thing a soldier has to expect. Last fall a delayed action bomb landed in a flower garden underneath his window. ' Awakened he sat uo ln bed and cursed loudly, then rolled over and .went back to sleep. He was not disturbed by the bomb which fell last month. Death was almost VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden. Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Reasonable Prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STOKR phonM 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 B------aB.KttSHHBIHaBHBBHililB ( aniM...ii THE SEAL QUALITY 1 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all th tear round payroll In Prince Rupert O WHOLESOME APPETIZING DELICIOUS LAGER PHONE C5I FOR FREE DEUUtf This advertisement is not published or displayed by thMaJ SCHEDULE OF BOWLS Season Starts Next Monday Eleven i Rinks In Play May 30 Rogers vs. Benson, .Vlckers vs. Wlnslow, Frew. vs. Paul. June 2 Rogers vs. Paul, McPhee vs. Vlckers, Muiray vs. Frew, Mc-Meekln vs. Preece. June 4 Frew vs. Wlnslow, Mc-'Meekln vs. Tinker, Paul vs. Bsn-!son. Murray V . Vlckers. June 6 Rogers vs. Wlnslow, McPhee vs. Tinker, Preete vs. Benson. 1 June 9 Rogers vs. Frew, Mtf- iPhee vs. Paul, Murray vs. Preece iMcMeekln vs. Vlckers. I June 11 Rogers vs. Preece, Murray vs. Wlnslow, McMeekln vs. Benson, Paul vs. Tinker. I June 13 McPhee v. Wlnslow, Vlckers vs. Benson F:-j t er. unc 10- Kjer t M.Phee vs. Frew Mt;rr, er, Paul vs. Pretce June 18- MrMcr. v McPhee vs Prec s w Benson, Vlckers 1 r .i- j June 20- Murra? v BJ 'Roger vs. Vickcr 1 low. fll 1. ...v ........... ...I ' -' ,un.-i lllius Will More than 40 r t Mississippi are cv I THKY DIE FASTER unties aeain rai? 1. ;;. pij per 1.000 more 'hr ', as the United r CHIROPRACTI l!inleT W Colton, D.WlJ Wallace Mock, Phone 'A Donnacona Insulating Board! WALLBOARDS We have on hand large stocks of coal to suit every (cqu'-"tt All our coal is carefully screened and prepared Ai;o a c"r-'J line of lumber for every tyoe of bulldine. Our shingles antral the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are not kiln dried and fc an or tne natural oils so necessary to long life ano duriwi SAND CEMENT GRAVEL INGERSOLL - Famous Time Pieces - UMff Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 PHONE C! n ... . . . J AAH ov. viLL-ami 1 1 mpi ivr nrm niinv iiiiiimn"-1" The "Ensign" At The "Lad" At Pocket Watches $2.25 Sweep Second Type flf Qff At p&VO "Mickey Mouse" Lapel $2.95 S4.95 Sweep Second Type ("Q The "Malnliner" Chrome The "Malnliner" Gold $6.50 $7.95 The "Maple Leaf 2.50 At .-y The "M.L.- Radio $2,95 lite Pendant" Minia- g595 lure The -Lassie"- 4,95 At "Mickey Mouse" 4.95 Chrome The "Kelton 6.95 Escort" The "Kelton Dean" $g,9d Af A. Everyone of every age needs a serviceable, depcm able Watcb INGERSOLL supplies that need Now Sold in Prince Rupert at