ni ni ii r 11 PAGZ ?0C2 Sport Shirts By Forsyth Open neck, in the popular Saddle stitching. Cream, green and blue pastel.;. $1.65 TO $2,50 Fine Gabardines, regular collar. Tan, green and Wue. $3.50 Polo Shirts, with zipper cr crew neck. In long-wearing Terry cloth. $1.00 and $1.25 2 Boys' Numbers Sport Shirt with open neek Plain shades and Jitterbug patterns MEN'S SOLID LEATHER Work The ITome of Good Shoes ' SL00 gjoBTHnr 85c and 9-,, Watts & Nickerson Open Until 10 pjn. Saturdays Boots In Crepe, Panco and Oak Tanned Soles. Priced from $2.95 T0 $7.50 Our Stock of SHOE FINDINGS Including Polishes, Laces, Arch Supports, Corn Pads, Shoe Trees, Etc., is the Largest in the City SOLE AGENTS FOR JACK AND JILL SHOES Family shoe store ltD- Moth Fume CRYSTALS 1 lb. Tin 50c Moth Proof BAGS Price 50c Grmes Ltd. TTitA Pioneer Druqjpists The Keiall Store Phonei 81 it II Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 y.m. Sundayi and Holiday, from 12 to 2 p.m. and 1 to Tf.txh. If you lose anything, advertise tor it. FARCE WAS WELL DONE! Put on -The Private Secretary' Its Mast Finished Production To Date The most finished production to date of the Prince Rupert Little Theatre Sir Charles Mawtrey's comedy farce in three acts, 'The Pri-rate Secretary." was presented last night in the Capitol Theatre before an audience which well filled the more desirable accommodation of the house. A study in humorous, characters, the piece was excellently done by one of the mot compe- tent all around casts that has been i assembled here in a lone time. The audience was fully aDDrectative and all those who took part are to be congratulated on the success of the effort. It is only to be reeretted that more people were not able to see this entertainment. Briefly, the story of "Th Private Secretary" concerns the sltuat'cns arising In quick succession and under most ludicrous circumstances after two young men become embarrassed financially and make of a quite simple and credulous i young curate who is engaged as a private secretary and injected into me proceedings to confuse the is sue. With the assistance of a wealthy uncle, all ends happily after a number of delirious euisortes. mainly concerning the nrivate sec retary. Taking the title role, Lieut. L. H. Hobden carried out his nart In n Highly entertaining manner and jkept the audience In ripples of merriment whenever and wherever he , appeared on the scene. Had the others in the cast not been sr. nhi themselves, he would undoubtedly! nave "stolen me show" himself. As a blustering, fuming uncle from India, O. R. S. Blackaby had I the second most Important part and his ponderous and apolectic goings !on were also an lmDortant part of ;the general merriment. Mr. Black aby Is another local histrionic find which will undoubtedly be made good use of. Mrs. Nora Arnold as the landlady was In h - - UUUi gvuu AUWll ;and did much to keep the fun going . . . on. aiso important was Len Griffiths as a socially ambitions Bond Street tailor with the double objective of collecting an account and ."soaring" Into society. Mrs. F. N. Good as a fluttery devotee of spiritualism was also good in a character part. More conventional roles were those of the two nephews ably carried out by Bruce Stevens and Corp. B: W. Bruecklng and Mrs. II. L. A. Tarr and Mrs. 44a. Douglas xyuuBioa Kerr ivcrr as as two iwtj J to acting as director was able to take the part of a country host and master of hounds. Completing the cast were Sapper N. Parkhouse as a writ server and A. M. Borland as a manservant. The executive branch of the production included Len Crinns as stage manager, Sapper Parkhouse In charge of properties and Mrs. T. A. McWaters as wardrobe mistress. Usherettes were Miss Margaret McLachlan, Miss Marion McLach-lan, Miss Coral Rogers and Miss Muriel Vance and Mrs. James Simp--son and Miss Creddie Morgan had charge of the candy sale. Appeals for War Loan j Between the first and second acts. Col. J. W. Nicholls appeared on the stage to make an appeal for support of the Victory Loan, drive. He referred to the freedom and pleasure which people of Canada were able ;to enjoy contras'ting the picture with that in England today. The job of Canadians should bo to see "' ; cucjujr nilgai, ue met un even terms and. victory assured. Col. mcnoiis read from a letter 7hich had been received' in his own fam ily, showing how people of England were united in the active and arduous Jobs of defending the Motherland. It was up to Canadians to support the effort by putting all possible Into purchase of war loan bonds'. . We need your co-operation to give you better service. Please put out our milk bottles daily as. we need them for tomorrow. Dominion Dairy PHONE 10 LOCAL NEWS NOTES TTao Pitmltiiro hrtiioht fnr rush Able Cast Enables Little Theatre to or commission. Elios, Moose Building, Third Avenue. Schedule for First Half of Season Announced Starts Tonight GRENADIERS AWHEEL (tf) John Thompson of Stewart, following a brief visit to the city, sail ed by the Prince RuDert veUerdav afternoon on his return north. Patrons of the stage Dlay "The Private Secretary" showing tonight at the Capitol Theatre are advised that the curtain will rise promptly at 8:15. Please be in vour scat ati mat time. .i24i Thomas Smurthwalte, who has been paying a visit to the citv. sail ed by the Prince Rupert yesterday ter a brief business visit to the city. sailed by the Prince Rupert yester- j Catholic tea, Mrs. Blaln's, May 29. Battle of ' Jutland Tea Mav 31. Canadian Legion. .Bundles Hill GO DanceJune 6. Presbyterian Missionary tea, Mrs Duncan McRae's, June 4. Parent Teachers' Tea. June 8. Queen Mary tea, Legion June 14 for soldiers' graves. United Church Young June 19. Boy Scout June 21. Hall, 102nd Auxiliary Tea, Canadian Leg-Ion, June 19. Tea Mrs. O. C, Tea, Mrs. J. Clark Anglican Tea, Mrs. Evitt's June 26. PAINTING Decorative Kalsomlnlng LOItNE CORNELL Gordon and Anderson's Phone 46 G. W. Cripps, provincial assessor, is sailing on the Prince Rupert to morrow afternoon for a trip to Stewart and Premier on official business. Capt. G. W. Marsdan of the Roval , Canadian Engineers was the speaker today at the reeular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Ro- tary Club, telling interestingly of his travels in Asia and Europe.' President Dr. Neal Carter waj in the chair and there was a good at-' tendance of members with a few guests. Kitkatla Man Enjoyed Trip afternoon on his return to Premier. .Willie Gladstone On w Xaas River After Visit i hp- kii. E. T. Applewhaite of Stewart, af-, nd "V ,f !day afternoon on his return north, on Tuesdav LADIES IN SOFTBALL, , ... .. .. nVvnnl U . . . IIWM "MAW If Fred Nash B.C.L.S. of Terrace sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Stewart. Tonight's train, due from the east at II o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. Calllne all Oddfellows iand Re . bekahs. to bring all their friends to the big dime show on Friday, May 30, 8 pjn. Oddfellows' Hall. (126) V PORK and BEANS When the name RflvAlCrrY Is on the ran the product h bound to Le Rood. These Pork & Heans have the IM.piilar rich flavor and appearand. KEL0WNA MEMENTO Namesake City Will Make Presentation to Mine Sweeper Launched Here Yesterday Afternoon ihr. ghfs ti train was . Wll-Ie, new CanadIan minesweeper lie Gladstone of Kitkatla who ro- "cluw,ia- P1- "rn, in reply to a naval servis? Hnrnminil.. nirea riv thp vj-rt ... owwlu uk vessel peiore sne was o..... ,ww ve.ssci c :3 ex 'that it u-n.., ,-."'r" the world T. J BOUtf-l n ... tendent. was toarta:' successive h:T it ... . kj do better w:rk y. out better cr jr tzt t' Capt. J. H. Home, adjutant of val offlcer ln charge ii the Rocky Mountain Rangers, who, in civil life, was an alderman at Kelowna, represented the mayor of that Okanagan city, O. A. McXav. at the "w launching launcning here nere yesterday yesterday of of i Among the passengers arriving . pert, aepuUzir.j e-'i i-, mandlnr nt p-- a- . uiitr spenamg Victoria" tl' , V ' Mnan- Day at Kltwanga as the guest of 5d, A 1 e TgJ,eiS 0t my0r McKay at among ... ... i iiinxftviH . ......ivj .ir.i a uiiLL AlthMioU it, ... i the 4C.C;: 'Chief Councillor Wallace Monran ibelng unable to be Present and an- 'soeakinir tw- "Z" 'and his family, who Zl1 e nt,Un t'raTciP hospitable. ' .f the c"y Kelowna to send a mated 2so O.0O0K3 ftnniyVf (.. On May 23 Mr. Gladstone ' su,table be placed i r I - I . I I i . ' 1 H 1 . V'lU reieree twn onm nt f.un f'-cu m cunuiiusiun. 4, .. . . I I. k nthor Crw.v.,. .i u I "e nupxi) Crcnn C club. : ;rnnT'r jour!iey: ey Announcements All advertisements In this column will1 be charged for a full month at 25c a word. ;that the fighting forces were pro- Strawberry Tea. St. Peter's Eve- viaea wun tne best of equipment so ning Branch. Mrs. Thomas, June rmwm . u WM U A A 11 - ITII1K Ml Tl flTlt JM T. 1. vu uciwjous reiresnments at Hazelton and fIni.hpH fv,pi- -picnic Picnic eighty eigntj' miles miles up up the the hiehwi' highway completely charming young ladles England s gasoline ration now at the Moricetown Falls and ni who fitted into the romantic in-IPe the ordinary driver to ground P y r w? m mnes a On May 26 Stephen Morgan f" r- " i" aouiwon tniei 01 SKeena Crossinff hlrpH rniiip Ryan's car fnr n rW - - " ..Ml. Kltwanga to Hazelton and back ln The famous Kine's HousphnW f .u.. ji wieir visitor. Regiment, the Grenadier Guards,; Mr. Gladstone enjoyed his ms visit visU now mechanized, ride on motor- tn tn L . l y?.. cycles equipped with quick-firing "'ver VUiages- Tommyguns. I- Timely Recipes VEAL CUTLETS lVi lbs. veal steak or chops cut one Inch thick 3 tablespoons fat 3 tablespoons flour 2 cups water V2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon chill sauce Cut meat in nieces siiitah.o fnr serving. Dredge with flour. Brown m not fat. Cover with boiling water. Add Salt. COOk 4S intnt. Just before serving stir chili sauce irno gravy. SIP OF RUM FATAL LONDON. Mav 2a- mn t hausted after fighting fires all night during a heavy air-raid, an auxiliary fireman drank some rum, became ill and died. PEEPHOLE FOR CURB A patent has been granted an automobile door with o on hole near the bottom so the driver tn see now close he is parking to 1.1IC tutu. AT THE VARIETY STORE They are selling small tools Including Chisels Screwdrivers, Files, Tack Hammers, Hack Saws, Blades, Screws, Rivets, Tacks, Bolts, Curtain Rods, Curtain Rings, Hinges, Brackets, Padlock, and other shelf hardware lines. Call at the VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" Phone Red 120 P.O.Box 757 330 3rd Ave. West i i. inn TTnin rrvi am-ah m . n v.ic u.. !"v ana le games were play-; V', " . .." " ' "c . contains liSQrd u narmnn aiibIA v m n. . i m tauii.ii 11 1 ririv tt.iv inr i nmtr i w ... ... w4wuoijf . vii iviav Z4 rlP season in tne Ledies sottball League was asked to iimnir. ine ther factor Capt. Horn ex it. . . v"- l--J l.t. . . , toocu uco- -ies ior me success cnampionsnip Softball eame be-,y May 30-Service Club vs. Grotto, tween the cup holders Cedarvalelof H- M- C" s- Keloa in her e June 2 Gordon & Anderson vs. and th v,,ii '.,. deavours Dartleularlv. in Grotto. was also asked to umpire the men's 5 icause-June (VService Club vs4Freser 'final hnMK,ii Mrs. D. J. Mathftnn n,if ct.ppt yqr - v -7 s"'" out ne was too' . . " " " wit nine. i . ..juvis. tx urai June 9 IJraser Street vs. Grotto. On Sunday, the day after the speech ln to a tot to er-June 13 Gordon & Anderson vs. celebration . ..self, addlne her cnnH viih Service Club. .William. ti, '. . I i June 16-Gordon ..T J.f.r.uLIOf & Anderson vs. a n traser street. jwere stopped, however hv a tuJ fne oTr0iM VS" SerV,e Club- and had t0 Pt of the way to 1 June j Grotto vs. Gordon & Kkponn Anderson. : Z"n ZT Ll" l.nef renled I June27rrrRtrPpfv. .r."1 . ampare 111 I'I'I 1 I I j tint PI II I I ISIII 1 J W 1 Lfl 111 TOVir.lIT S; P.M I KY DUCK VS. . m Emm rm m m m m m m m m m mtmw mm i 1 a Ell llf II lllllllllll- 1,1 A GOOD PIJVCE TO UUV n t- ...... uressers with four drawers. Larce svue mirror, walnut OOO finished PHONE 7?5 ." ft ". T T r .IT j iean-up rami-u Make Repairs, Build 'afilUB mJU mm ' e can supply all the materials for a new home or to the old one. Call In and talk U over . (or add'H Albert & McCaf fery, Ltd. PHONE 116 FHONS lfl Just Completed! ICE New Ice Storage Method! Pncm-inn I 1 . - 41. vmlfrhnllt thB .iiauiiiis uwy iow icmpcraiurc ice imui"-fishing season Fishermen are Invited to Inspect Our Reconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperature Dry Ice Now on Sale by Canadian Fish;& Cold SW Prlnr ltnnt P I J nrltlb Colo'!