mi. FADE THRf ' iiTi . r'AlJ nccewary ior treatment of the sick, f 1 n, i t 111 rUK ,but lt has bocomc nccessary tor Dritisn otvle 11 Uicm to exercise Increased vieil-! OPESTERS Supplies .'0 ancc In protecting their supplies Pnffnn FrnrL-c because addict who havo 1, thw WllUll 1 1 UlIYO illegal source of supply have be- come desperate." LONDON. May 29: (CP) Smar. ,.. o l!n1cr Control Authorities said the existing women of Britain will soon be ablf 1 . .... anjifl nlVlAm ms.,.1.4 V. - . . 1 1.1 , , . ... . 1 iias iicmi . ijiuicm wum ve i uiuiiidri7.ru uius wear cuiwn irocKS wun nnnieo .., . !, . . j ! ' . . . r illicit arugsuppnes nave oeen re- ocsigns which are the work of duced sharply, but the addict, with famous artists. Graham Suther- rrn .nnm his cravln?, remains. Illegal sup- 'and, one of whose wartime Job3 .... - till r-ja holnir ImrVWislhlo in retain has Vlpn mlnllnn flroe .xnraH I - - - - - . . v... . .n or onions, i wwuii ia uuu , .,. onrf stra- tt,,url-u 'ao alien- iwius tor a government ae- Canadian Mon to ,nc lcgal suPP"es he knows partment. is among them. Otherr , Horn. ex,sl- ar "uiRan urant and John rar- ,. i vpr tho To obtain druss, addicts try 1m- h s victims Is Frsonation. forgery of prescrlp-l Before the war British manu- .ji ever before. ar)H Ma r. inn m ' i . mnnrt that of thos wl,h dru supplies. Board decided that to obtain fut- r the war has Snould other efforts fall, they we success in British export sales mnnnf nf 11. may- 213 a last resort- appear in irph ideas and color must be " ., c court asking for JaU sentences found. " f cinV.lv in and an opportunity to obtain medl- Artists and young designers were v J ral aulctanrp In at.talnlnrr mia " ... . vu,t. it) nff com- controls have of any Illicit nd Fujton St. Wc Close at fi O'clock Saturdays approached and an exhibition re- "The number of cases of forgery suited at which 150 of more thar and theft which come to our at- 000 designs which were submitted tentlon in connection with drug we exhibited. One of Farlelghv 1 . control demonstrate clearly how designs was described as ' supply of drugs , .- ,v,i. M v. MONTH-END SPECIALS FOR NbATKKS and KNIT SUITS a a"n and little Rlrls knit suits. 1.00 I'KINT DKESSKS iir cri sics. small sizes, 2 to G $1.00 ISKOOMEIIS :v dr bloomers, tea rose, small, ..rgc 2 for $1.00 SWKATKUS v. : sweaters, assorted tsiiw-s and $1.00 IIOrSK DKKSSKS ' i-. n prints and glnghnnis. $1.00 SLIPS .itln. lace trim, tea ros? . Kach 1.00 MCIITCOWNS ' , nishtepwns, embroidery trim. $1.00 JACKETS toVro 'nck";s aiict IIbuiccI silk art. Each $1.00 SI'OUT SHIRTS anil BLOUSES ihirts and middy blouses, white v for $1.00 SPOUT SHIRTS , !fi shirts in white stripes or flg-;c Each $1.00 PLAID JACKETS : -J) nlald Jackets. 8 to 14 years, rrg- :t (or PAJAMAS and GOWNS K "Vjumas and gowns, assorted colors. $1.00 E'S FRIDAY and SATURDAY DANCE SETS Dance sets, white or tea rose, lace trim. Each - 95c . SNUC.C.IES and VESTS "a , Ultra OCliUUd to , ilUlkUL ui uicttl -. . ...v funvui wnvn- .aa "TS"J .... iv.. i. ornnrvrte nt nolo mcViM" mVilxV. I :u there Is no i- squired to ease ji said, "Those ta n drugs, such obtain of the addict," said the official. would work out well on organdie. Shekels for Freedom or Shackles A Man who won't Lend is Hit- supplies for Serfs Buy Victory Bonds. ler's Friend! Waffle knit snuggics ana vests, tea rose 3 for $1.00 SILK HOSE Crepe lfosc, pure silk, new shades. Pair 59c COTTON HOSE Women' cotton ho c. grey or fawn. 5 pairs $1.00 CHILDREN'S HOSE Children's cotton rib hase. fawns. 5 pairs- $1.00 IJAHY RLANKETS Ilaby blankets, nurci v dr.slgn. pink only. 2 for $1.00 HAHY PILLOWS lkibj pillows, pink or blue. 2 for $1.00 - . CUSHIONS Cufhlons, cretonne covered, bright patterns. .3 for $1.00 TOWELS "owcls, white or ;: -lors. Ereat values. 3 j--.. 4 fr- 6 for-- $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 TABLE COVERS Rayon table covers, assorted stripes, 50x50. 2 for- $1.00 TEA TOWELS ' Check or stripe tea towels. 5 for $1.00 MUSLINS and NETS Cuitaln muslins and nets, white or colors. 4 for $1.00 CRETONNES .-Cretonnes, assorted patterns. 6 yards--.- $1.00 BEDSPREADS Uuvon silk bed spreads, 80x100. Each $1.95 Phone I) Killed In Baseball Scores American League Cleveland 5, Detroit 8. St. Louis 8, Chicago 4. Philadelphia 8, Boston 6. New York 6, Washington 5. National League Chicago 5, St. Louis 6. Pittsburg 7. Cincinnati 4. Brooklyn 6, Philadelphia 5. our Allied Forces over there! I ECONOMY! IN A CAN You save money every time you use Irradiated Carnation Milk instead of miik in some other form. From treaming coffee to baby's bottle. Carnation meets all milk needs. Try a few cans. fnm ContmUd Cows in the srniKMK coti.r or imiriMi COI.l.Mlll.l IN I'lHHl.TK III the Matter of Hie ' AilmlnMratiini Aft" Anil In tlir Matter wf 111- ttap f Kolirrt Kinunurl Johnson lra-.-l TAKE NOTICE tMi ty Orrk.r His Honor W. E.FUlxT made on the 15th day cf May A. D. 1941. ww pp- tl Executor of ;toe Esta-e or R.-fc.-rt Bnwn- ucl Jchnton, tleooa' f no wi ,pnr having claims mains', tl-; - "V" nir Jicrcbv recrulrcd i" 'c. prepcrly vcrtflod, - mc an or hafcre the 37th day OI Jn. n n. mm all twrtk-v Ind'd fa'r:- w rcqulrwl ito pay tv; pm-rr o. h"r ItidctiiTOiie to mc irrii'!.ui DATED et Prince Rupert. B.C US 27th day cf May. A n OIXF H.VNSON Prince Rnft. n. C. in Tin; siTitK.MK rmitr or iikitimi COIAMIIIA IN I'ltOUATK III the Matter r llir AcliiilnMriilloii Aft" Anil In the Mattrr of Ihr IMa!e if I'.ilward llrnlev, ' MmthwiI TAKE tJOTI'"E fcv Orde- rf Hl.i m w v Tr!H.rr irriMfic on th- 23rd dny cX May. A. D. 1941. I appolntd lAdmlnlp.r8t r of if? r "'"ot Edwrird Haisley, (ttwiiwt. wl!h will asinexed. .nd All por,M Jitvlng claJnw against tine said etae ro iroby rf-ovir',iTt to furnish rvime. prcr-rly verlflfd. to me on cr before the 27h day cf June, A. D. 1941. tid nil pwrtlM rndet11! tn vs ertte are requlrrd to ipy W momt of iihclr Indebtedness to me forth-wlbh. DATED Prince Purer. B. a, tin! 27Ui day of May. A. D. 1941. HERBERT F OLASSEY Official Admin Writer. " tlltt Bid. Crete !i p :gr j at - -1 MAX SCIIMELING CAIRO, May 29: (CP Max Schmeling, former worid's champion heavyweight boxer, was killed while trying to escape from British forces which captured him in Crete, a New Zealand ambulance driver declared today. CIVILIANS ! WIN GAME Man in the Moon Ilooscvelt has been telling em. ihat is the kind of talk that pre cedes action. Now that the Kelowrta is launch ed the Okanazan boys can leave for the front Just as soon as they arc needed. Wouldn't you like to take a crack at Hitler? Give him an overdose nf his own medicine planes, tanks, guns, bombs. Your money loaned to Canada will help to turn the trl:k. Invest In Victory Bonds. Some of the visitors to Prince i?iirvrt hw?ln to think that Van- - a rouver oeoDie never vcu uie num. i They have always said the Prince RuDert weather Is ternoie. i The Kelowna representative In the army admits the weather here U iii.it as eood as in his native tnm t 1 "And her husband has a pros-i nerous business. I suppose?" f Oh.-yes, he Is taking in a lot .of money. Onlyjast night he told me , 'a- receiver was to be appointed; Ito ajslst him." I i The train had finally emerged j - nel. The conductor noticed aj Ivouns coudIc both of whom were armarentlv oulte flustered, and the 1 . . hmw,.. w 0 r, orvvtl eW TP i nrransrinz her dlaieveled nau. Thinking to put them at tneir, ease, the conductor remarked Searchlights Lose Opening- O,. that the tunnel of Baseball Season by Score of . $12- 1) W AAA AW. - - tdUb" was wild youths cha'c women, wine Umpires were George nowe ana ana rong 1 aoni. Minor Simonsen. I kiss no rirls. not even one: PORT CHAT n-;--. PnrnnrQ Int.t.prrd to Ills t't)tiv M".Lrnin knocked out Young Corbett III after two minuses and 37 seconds of the first round In their .Mieduled 10-round wV-id' wlr-'-!-v'f '.' bout at Los Angeles eight years ago tonight. The Vancouver fisht-r floored the chnn'on twice before the referee halted the bout. Rye-and-Bye But BUY and BUY! Results Of Lawn Bowls Games Played Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings of this Week in C.N.K.A. LcaRuc Results of play Tuesday and Wednesday evenings In the Canadian National Recreation Association Lawn Bowling League were as follows: J. Preecc rink, 22; J. A. Frew link, W. H. Wilson-Murray. 17; P. A. Rogers, 13. Thomas McMeekin, 22; R. M. Wlnslow, 12. W. H. Wilson-Murray, 14; Jack Paul, 22. O. P. Tinker, 21; Jack Preece. 18. R, E. Benson, 22; D, A. MacPhee, 19. I I do do not not know Know how now it n Is is done aonc. X L illlVJ r : : e r he r-d "f IT nunds answer, "but I remember nu ticket r, f : r be:ong outpointed by Leroy was. Haynes. Philadelphia negro, In a heavyweight boxing bout at Brook- When 1? a sailor not a sailor? vn five years ago. The mammoth why, when he is a board, to be Italian suffered temporary para- sure, silly. ! alysis In his right hand In the I ninth round. 1 A wealthy auto tourist lost his pedigree dog while stopping In a Frank Shag Shaughnessy was small town. He Inserted a lost ad appointed coach of the M:Glll in the newsoaper, offering a re-j University fcciball team 10 years, ward of J100. j pgn yesterday after a three-year The next day he went to the of-bus:nr--s venture. He later became f ice to inquire, but no one was to be connected with baseball and In found excent a decrepit Janitor. - 1935 piloted Montreal Royals to an "Where th thunder Is the news-International League baseball pen- paoer force?" asked the tourist, lm-. nant. The following year he was patiently. " ' ' ' ' 1 -lrcd president of the Interna- "They're all out " the old man rational League. piled, "trying to find yer dog." Mrs. Longsham, giving Instructions to her new servant, said' "Be- fnrp rmnnvltiff thp snnn nlatre V.. ... K i len, always-ask each person if he or she would like any more." "Very good, madam!" The next day. Ellen, respectfully. bowing to one of the guests, inqulr-' ed: "Would the gentleman like sune more soup?" "Yes. please," was the reply. "UTotl " coif) rlln .K !.. any left!" Canada At War 25 Years Ago ' May 29, 1918: Geimans bombarded British lines between La Bassee and Arras In northern France. Bulgarian artillery active against French advanced positions on the River Vardar In Greece Italians evacuated Asiago on the Austrian front. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bid. Men No More Shaves Thaf Scrape And Pvlll raised. BVf jT PL1 1 f J xp money back if you don't Your agree today's Gillette Blade is better in three rag ways: Radically improved edges inarper, more uniiorm 'give comfortable shaves aster 2. Steel tempered to lass-cultmg nara-ness stays keener shaves longer I 3. Precision-made Blue Gillette Blades protect you from dis comfort caused by substitutes. Atk Fr SptcUl Pock Limited Time Only I mm v-" "v- a Twenty -Five Years Ago May 29, 1916 Mavor M. P. McCaffery is in, '000? .. Mnntrpal todav on business in con- "Did It? inquired the girl, men." j' nation with with final final details aetans oi of the hib ideal weather and a good-sized cV, a,nPt, aftPP a nausc. Well. lt 'crowd favored the opening game of T l"TM U O 1-- DnrnKoll To9?110 last '. tX)nQS. ZALE BEATS IIOSTAK night when Civilians scored an easy My parents told me not to smoke- alternoon on the vc'r-. CHICAGO, ray 29.-Tony Zale 13 to 2 triumph over Searchlights. GOn.t; Lnda of tL home of Mrs. D. C. won by knock-out over Al Hostak in star of the game was Jack Lindsay Nor to a naughty Joke-I Ayenue East ,lttl0 the second round last night. who fanned thirteen batters and , don.t Misses' Louie Fisher, Eleanor Peck clouted out the biggest hit of the xy made it clear I mustn't t wink v !riLn and McRa( Guns for our Sons 'to beat the evening a M pretty girls or even unmc & tea , aW of Huns! ' u "em Pnealut Ti i i I, '"T; s ""' Red (055. From the tea, sale of ' f " , v.',, " v 10 MU? " ,C" cake, candy and ftoen $4.10 was Ally our forces over ne 10 t-. ---- - winded out for five minutes. minutes, V 1 llallbut prices were aptncwhat I improved today at ic per pouna. M Glacier, There's Safety in Numbers-Buy You wouldn't think I had much fun 1;," mon more Bonds! I don't! . " ' ,.., . . ' The Franchise of Freedom "My first tour began at Slocum . related the pantomlne comedian, . Bond Jor a Pacirfc "and I remember singing sonss of my own composing" Purpose! "Was the audience compliment- - 1 ' ary?" queried his-friend. "I - cannot tell you that." " was the KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Peplcts Many Suffer Low Blood Count And Don't Know It. The baffling thing ibout low blood count U that you can weigh about u much a you ever did even kxikdiealthy and strong, yet you can feel if you had lead in your legi, dopey, tired and peplcu. Low blood count meant you haven't got enough red blood corpuscles. It U their vital job to carry life-giving oxygen from your lungs throughout your body. And just as it take oxygen to explode gasoline in your car and make the power to turn the wheels, to you must have plenty of oxygen to ex plode the energy in your body and give you going power. Get Dr. Williams rink Tills today. They are world-noted for the help they give In increasing the number and strength of red corpuscles. Then with your bkiod count up. you'll feel like bounding up the ttairt at if you were floating on air. Ask yur druggist for Dr. Williams Pink Fills today. .Mi. James Clark Palmistry SII.VEKSIDES BLOCK Second St. Phone Green 110 Special Afternoon CRUISE Throuch the Skecna Kiver SATURDAY, JUNE 7 S.S. "CAiMOSUN" Leaves C.N.U. Dock 3:00 ti.m. Return 5:00 p.m. Excursion Fare $1.00' Plus Tax) Children Hair Fare Accommodation Comfortably Limited Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 Mi V i; i . :il : 1 i ! 3 . : .1 I!! H 4 At