left w ar News jr wiu:..'j!i Ci. v.i. ,i -.now;. U.C-..J vi.u a iti.-ij merchant seamen during hi:- visit to oiap-) Lz, ' a.shire recenUy These men coming Tom ! it, iif tht Em iri- are the heroes ot the BaUle It ;. to them li.at Britain looka to gut .supplies ihju id. submarine ti aps and bomber territory. 000OCOODOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOQDOOOOOOOOOO I'RIZ KUCKN KSCAIMCS iiiviuiv.Ti.o i:rrman wan.fi in Tri KiiRen, companion Lp ( O.e llisinark, which the Itritish navy sank in revenge for to have ciuacti liriiiMi puru...s o ot II.M.S. Hood, appears lial rrrcs. It U believed she has escaped to a i.erman u I ..... ... . i ...... i.. ..rv fnrllipr f.n Allied In a 'ine far into mc iianuc. umt i iw . HOMHKHS IN SYHIA I' T. Slit 1 One hundred and eighty C.erinaii bombing plannare now based in I reiuh-inanclaled Syria, accordhif; to Itf ports here There are only five ngmcrs aim no .a.. . I. ,v ... ,rrslrd that an altatk on llw urnwi iu...u lOprus may be the next move. ISATI'M? OF CKKTR deterioration of the !n- ( Allu.Tl.erP has been further feh military situation in Crete. Holh (Icrn.an and Italian troop-. lire now bring landed by sea and fewer paracnuie - - Ulhndrd. Meantime what is described as a "terrific slugging I match" continues. WKSTKKN AKUlAliWAR I.'IMM1N-C!ermany and r.nRland exchanged aerial blows tain ti it night. The largest number of Herman P 'n ks came over Uritain, visiting Liverpool and Northern ire-land ind damage was noi bu, the attack was not concentrated k' ..r casualties many. J lic Koyal Air I rcc and ami the Hermans claimed that five Urilish planes had been ''"light down. AXIS DRIVK xT STANDSTILL f liin.- ... Xxis drive in lypt bcc,t ro,,R,,l tu a ilimlstill south and cast of Salum. ; KDKN ON UOOSI3VELT SJ,i!;',,paklllc b. ..v ...... c.-,, Aiillutnv I den speaking tu- dav. .irri.., i.....i..i n.mspvelfs sncech of Tuesday nist Solute expression of fixed determination of the most power- I. 1 ..... .:... In curdle OI Ul nation I,. H, u-nrlil." Mr. (1CII IOOK uccasKMi ... imsl m, ileclatOd that every endeavour uM Have to be made t prevent a recurrence of econon iic. r, ....., i .... .i... r iiiitr nml ticrmanv s "iiuiiiuns which had leu io . - I SUbsrniioxi n.lc.i..lc . 0NK WAS rUKCJKIWniK OTHKK 1 LLO e years ago It was said throughout Germany that Hi , Roehm -cted " 'unu two iwu men men ln in full mil measure. - They were Erns .,.,,.,,. ...a t,..j.,. . -l rmmn vpnrs -ico desDlte tlus rcpu in Hitler s b.oody 101 trust, that Roehm was assassinated New the second Hitler trustee, uuuun " and parachuted to earth in ' JnJ; Oermany In a plane flclaldom W ays Germany. Fully sane, says England's of alter nC S imprisonment. IR RAIDS i NAZIS ARE OVERNIGHT, ADVANCING "1 Rlltnl..... .... . ,..!.. iv airiKC ai a"5 P11")! CnclaiiflCmll Itrltlsh lorie Over (Jermany Hrlloiis Are Ucing Driven Further Hack Today in Battle of Crete, It is Announced PAinn Mav 29 - I W . . . . V U . J Mav 90 ,0i ihpi Nazi " airborne troops ln vttM iimnT r.rtinir ,ir i (il 1 1. r r 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ru. iiai www-- HorfK,..-.. . .n VIZ. n..hDvlnn the uwcsL -.!,. pact east am ana cnnr.npasi. sou"iei. ua n:iCK. i" Hum viit, . -- -- - J and the southeast coast of wrecked capital as well as Suda . R Bay Ser" lond while a Small and the most of the atae . wmnd ' A r .... . .j.j u. if Ttif wra pnnreded today in k,, mice group raiaca . ffVes In . I ti.u mllllo nnart.prS. "urmwestern oermanj. ns umiwjr h""-- XXX., No. 125." can be expected as the expanse of LIBRARY 1 ON TRAIN Alberta Capitol To Have Innovation In Books On Wheels 'fi.t strpet car library ever estab lished in Canada, possibly the, first in North America, will begin operating In Edmonton in September, i the Edmonton public library board 'has decided. Tentative arrangements were I worked out several months ago with the city's street railway department after the Idea first was 'suggested to the board by Hugh C. Oourlay. chief public librarian, formerly of Hamilton, Ontario. I one of the city's oldest' trams, No. 14 and not In use .'during the past two years, will be reconditioned for service, its seats wmnvpd and enough sneives in stalled to hold about 2,000 books. A daring experiment ln culture on wheels, the tram library will visit outlying districts of Edmon ton ln acwrdance with a regular schedule-. It will "park" for about six hours while the motorman leaves the car in care of a mem ber of the library staff. Residents of each district scrvca Crete, heavily will be able to borrow books from ".. ,7-. IZ7. ,hPd defenders ithe tram library exactly as ,oo. vip Tnnin downtown branch or the one In South Edmonton, and books borrowed from the tram will be returnable at either of those branches, Mr. Oourlay said: cnrnr!HLL lauds Atlantic heroes Tomorrows f ides High- 3:21a.m. 19,8ft 16:2? p.m. 17.0 ft. Low - 10:10 a.m. 3.7 ft. - 22:14 pm 8.2 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER IBELIEVED IHITLER TO i drowned: fajl also "Ldilic" Smith, Prominent in Local, Lack of Understanding of British Athletics and Resident Since lloyhood, Lost on Fishing Trip TRTNUEniOTRTTBTCTTTH U RS DA Y, MAY 29, 1941 y Character Will Be His Undoing Like Previous Would-Be Conquerors Edward John Smith, long well Great BrlUln, will balk the am-known In Prince Rupert athletic bltlon of Adolf Hitler for world con-circles and for some time a member quest as it had.'done similar ambl-cf the. staff of the Royal Hotel, is tlons of previous would-be world believed to have been the victim of conquerers Phlljlp II. of Spain, drowning southeast of Lewis Island Louis XIV. of France Napoleon the Skeena Bonaparte and Wilhelm "Pre-Uiver south of the mouth of late Wednesday afternoon, dieted Rev. Capt; R. C. H. Durnford He has not been accounted for since In speaking before the Prince Rune became missing at that time pert Gyro Club at luncheon yeslcr-from the local fishing boat Elida day. All these would-be conq er- ... ,. cohort fa IpH to understand British aDoara wmcn ne was tne raemua - r- of a party heading down the coast 'character. They-had mistaken the on a-trout fishing trip to Klewnug- British s owness of tl f' all if ness or lndifferertce. Above t 8 ' . .... o there was. indeed, a God in history His Interference in the affairs of The evening meal was In course of BrlUln and British history was no out preparation when Smith went accident. "We shall again t 1- on deck. There was a slight swell . . I. timnh." asserted Capt. Durniora. at me lime, a lew minuuus iw;i - -he was found to be not on board. Reserve victory tag Into his ory n desclng the around to make a search which of the five wouUl be proved in vain. Nor had the hall- attempts Caesars (including Hitler) to con-lowing but boat Joe Baker, which was fol- the world running in each not far behind and which into the stumbling block of also took part in the search of the case aaaooooJoooooooooooonooooodooocioDDoooDoori POt, seen anything. The Elida ie-. p probably had tne II.M.S. YORK LOST LONDON The Admiralty today admitted the destruction Iticlion of Hie 8,500-tuii cruhcr York. York was built in 10'W carried a complement of GOO oHiccrs and men. I. !ofk wiled Prince Rupert in 1938, having been then the (laif-jjiDor the North American-West Indies squadron.) The Adinir-" ... ... II f L II. ....1 I ..Ik o indicates thai hopes ot mc crew oi u..i.o. uu :' Ijtjal jitd arc sroundlcss. tuu.ru v p. at best chance of success becau.se Jn night, reporting what appea s to divided and was .hose days been tragea. the i have evidently a controlled the rich-exact circumstances of which are , quite uncertain. Other members v "l America. America, However, ixuwcvci, MuC. Queen Ellza- . nl n fnl.f m t-lnrr nivln tVlAm " " - " uvui, ...w..., MJ , ... LUII11JI. in "is iamcr. jumi . o.....", He mistook British slowness of ac- was with the provincial police, a tion for apathy and weakness. The sergeant at the time of his retire- resuU lhe Battle of Bienhelm ment from the force some years wh Marlborouch an ancestor of . . 1 1 i . - trl.lnr Q " . . Churchill, had defeated 'ine lamer is nw y.uv... ago. Winston Wm5ton c with lhe Veterans Home Guard but Louls ,ouis X1V XIV. 1 1 i .1111 l. . .-. fn rkAA tne iamiiy is auu tion to the mother, there there are are two two Napoleon had routed Britain's al UD one after one and d had had set set 'r (Continued continued on on Pane Page Six) Six) brotliers - Oordon and William , Smith and three sisters, Mrs. Arnold (Jean i Davis, Prince George; Mrs. Jack iMayi Richards, Esquimau, and Mrs. David (Hazel- Zille, Prince Rupert. The widow is the former Miss Patricia Way and there is also a three-year-old daughter. Diane. "Eddie" was particularly active In such sports as baseball, bowllntf and track. He was well known t.nd pmular and many friends will le&rn with shock of what seems certain to have been a tragic fate. ASKED TO CARRY ON Conservatives Would Have Hon. R. B. Hanson Continue as Opposition Leader OTTAWA, May za: (CP) Hon. R. B. Hanson, acting Conservative House leader, has been asked to continue ln that capacity for the next session of Parliament, it was announced after a Conservative caucus. Weather Forecast General Synopsis It has been KDMONTON, May 29: (CP) The, teloudy with some light drizzle on north Vancouver Island but other wise the weather has been fair on the coast. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Light winds, clear skies and mild. I WpkK Coast of Vancouver Island t i.ui rfnHe rlrmriv wlt.h 1 IjlgllU Vttiiawic , aim P. local lleht drizzle on north Vancouver bland during the morn ing but otherwise fair and mild. 8c. Halibut Sales American Balder, 15,000, Royal, 10.5c and Canadian Skeena'M. III., 8,500, Storage, 10c and 7.5c. DID SHE IIAVEV COUSLNS?"' ... 1 nt,tunwxr Mow W lf!P Olof Hanson Inquires In House As To His Status Under Succession Act OTTAWA, May 29: (CP) Olof Hanson, Liberal member for Skeena, protested in argument oyer the meaning of the word "domicile" in the new Succession Duty Act in the House of Commons last mhMr. Hanson said he was born in Sweden and went to .the United States, becoming a. citizen but "I read something about British traditions, fairness and justice and decided to come to Canada. I was married in Canada and have one son and one daughterthe son in the Air Force and the daughter s husband in. the Canadian army. I offered the government all my property. I have tried to be a good Canadian and a good Britisher but am I domiciled m Canada?" , , . in. rion. J. L. Ilsley, minister of finance, said that, on the facts stated, Mr. Hanson undoubtedly was domiciled in Canada. 1 WASHINGTON, D.C., May 29: r ,-tv M RnhPrt Knthr- t,h RtntM Senate TODAY'S SfoCKS (Uiumay ti. U. Juhn&tvu Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .04. Bralorne, 9.65. CariDoo Quartz, 2.30. Dentonia, .01. Fan-view, .00V2. Gold Belt, .21. Hedley Mascot, .51. Mlnto, .Ol'A. Noble Five. .00 Vi. (ask). Pacific Nickel, .04. Pend Oreille, 1.30. Pioneer, 2.15 (ask). Premier, .90. Privateer, .49. Reeves McDonald, .10. Reno, .11. Relief Arlington, .01. Sheep Creek, .78. Oils A. P. Con., .00. Calmont, .14V4-C. & E., 1.05. Home, 1.60. . PaJcalta. .02. Royal Canadian, .07. Okalta, .50 (ask). Mercury, .03. Prairie Royalties, .05: Toronto Aldermac, .083i. Beattle, 1X5. . . Central Pat., 1.65. Cons. Smelters, 32.00. East Malartlc, 2.21. Fernland, .01 Vi. Francoeur, .36. Gods Lake, .22. Hardrock, .70. Int. Nickel. 2950. Kerr Addison, 3.95. Little Long Lac, 1.73. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.49, Madsen Red Lake, 53, McKenzle Red Lake, 1.05. Moneta, .40. Noranda, 50.00. Pickle Crow, 2.28. Preston East Dome, 2.84. San Antonio, 2.15. Sherrltt Gordon, .63. Uchl, .09. Bouscadlllac, .02. Mosher. .04V4. Oklend, .04. Smelters Gold, .01. Dominion Bridge, 21.00. nn ..,,. fVio-.nmriH rnns. I LaunchlnE of a new 57-foot setn Ins or Mary Frances White, 75. whojer for J. II. Todd & Sons U taking died leaving $500,000 to be divided place this afternoon at the McLean among "my cousins." claimed their 'yard at Seal Cove. The 'vessel Is tolt Courts decided in lavor oi six uny-seven ice whb v.,u . ... . . . a L 4Ar.tV of r f covpn "first" cousins appeals, and there are 40 Let's All get on the-Bond Wagonl fourteen feet and depth seven feet. A 75 h.p. Caterpillar engine Is already' Installed and the vessel Is almost ready for service. : NAZIS ARE , Taking Over PICKED UP Ut omps is 1 Canada Units v TmcfJcents: TO HONOR if JOHN A' JUNE.7 Life Of Fifst l'rime Minister And Staunch Apostle Of Empire Recalled By R. K. CARNEGIE Canaolan Press Stafi Writer. 1 OT1AWA, May 20: (OPJ first statesman of the Dominion' of Canada, first and ibngestrservlng prime minister to its history ana the nation's Grand Old Man of another generation, Sir John A. Mac-donald and his achievements will be honored June 7 when Prime Minister Mackenzie King and Conservative Leader R. B. Hanson will lead the country In tribute at Kingston, Ontario. Monuments to the Scottish-born chief Father of Confederation mark the memorial statuary of a dozen Canadian cities and towns but it was In Kingston where Sir John became a lawyer, entered public life and was first elected to the Legislature of Upper and Lower . ... .., j .. Canada. Prime Minister when he iinrA 'ruin iiiii iiiiirprc viiiii men Ai Tr v PH iinlAnother died at Ottawa June. 6, 1891. it was i .itrnn i iir:iv - --- VII Y til unwj 4. . , Lost-Details . ri.4,, of . in caiaraqui ivemetery on me oui-Dcstroyer . :hftt , v-lntm hP wa ll. M. S. York buried beske mohcr LONDON, May 29: (CP) More tanJ and 1 HucSon: lllip's aCaUnTad had appTo approved d and aS sent .to to the the ;.wmte White J than one hundred officers and men Th nrovincial uolice P.MJ,. 8 he,r and. n 1Up.s. campalzn "r3". 1 House P.L today tav administration administration of of the the German German battleship battleship Bismark Buft . .. 1 u . cuiminaiea WCni OUt IO COXluuti. a scuitu awu ., "e c"" which little in tfre way of results The proceedings in Kingston City Park June 7, the day after the 50 anniversary of Sir John's in hU defeat through d be natlQnal tribute If permitting the gov- were p cked up after of the destruction legation - M as Mr. Klng ln th his great armada. ... . JJUUi. AtV. i.OU VW wv - - "Eddie" Smith was born In Win- n nQl for-lhe na. mpog vweiuyrmne yeaia-Uon had riscn up agalnst the at VtAvn n C n rnT 111 I n 1 1 I V I X 1 1 1 I i V ... ernment w iane - on u.. Tuesday uvjr - water al mat point is ooui h brloeiy0f the English and idle In American nww.. and, wide, the point of tragedy be- mtcmal inMvi9 to weaken Eng. ing some three quarters of a mile land for lnyaslon However. he had off the nearest shore. . . M, A'ir that noUtlc- ana a uraquu rewntly will tack by German aircraft sank the - Mashona the Aa- British destroyer Canadlans of all mcaLl vlews announced today. - mlralty be Mked to Joln. ; said today that Informed sources fa of worrieg of only three men from. 1LM.S. f Hood the war Canadlans.wUl fektlme had been accounted ror; remember a greaf klriut TMn. One officer and forty-five men & man prone ft jaun M Qf are missing from the Mashona. his hea a wlse wJnk of lljs Britain's third cruiser loss in the tQ & humomns retortthe man battle for Crete-destruction of II. whQ frQm befofe Confederation M.S. York-was announced today. July mm h& dled ,n lg31 The warship had been under re- domlnated Canada's political pair at Suda Bay and the Admiralty destlnles M conservative leader said she must now be regarded as a and fQr jg years prime minister., total loss after repeated bombings. anxious eiEht days when Sir " " 1 D1 (John lay unconscious in his home Save for your Country-or Slave , f that t for the Hun! Police Revive Charred Writ cnionticu in thp Metropolitan Lab oratory at Hendon have discovered a method for making readable badly charred documents. The papers are treated with a 25 percent alcoholic solution of chloral hydrate and dried at 60 degrees centigrade. This process is re- . j .Aiurqi iimpfi and for the Force Auxiliary, all qualified radio and teleprinter operators, Due tney will not fly. Fighting in the air, on Jana ana a K cpn .n aH demanded the services of so many skilled radio men, said At Minifpr McEwen. that tne wo men were necessary for ground Jobs and would serve until they could be replaced by quaunea men. There was a rush to Join by 1500 members or the Women's Air Training Corps who have been pre paring themselves for sucn an em ergency. Determination or Extermination -Buy Victory Bonds! over Canada when the tiews came that he was dead, will be fresh jn, ' the minds of those who still re- .member that happy warrior of many a hectic political battle. IDs body lay in state In the Senate ; Chamber and then was removed to Kingston that his wish to be Fire 'Damaged Documents May Be burled there might be fulfilled. Made Readable ("There was a wreath of white roses I 'on his breast as he lay in the cof- LONDON, May 29: (CP) Police .fin "From Her Majesty. Queen Vic toria, ln memory 01 a launiui ana devoted servant." Strong For Umpire Sir John had been a true and faithful servant of the Crown and a devoted defender of .the British Empire. He was at .times accused by his critics of changing his. views in directing Canadian policies but Iflnal application a similar solution he never wavered ln his dctermlna 'containing 100 peibent glycerine is .tion that this Dominion should re used. Documents are then pnoto- 1 graphed on a special plate. Aussie Women In Air Force Take Over Ground Radio And Sig nals Duties To Release Men For Flying: SYDNEY. N.S.W.. May 29: (CP) About 250. women have been en- maln within the Empire and become an important part of it. Macdonald's first formal address to Canadian electors was In 1844 when he ran ln Kingston for the legislature of Upper and Lower Canada. The rebellion of 1837 was .fresh in his mind. There ware open discussions of annexation to tne (Continued on Page Two SCOUTS' WAR JOBS LONDON, May 29: (CP) It te announced Boy Scouts are doln 178 different kinds of war service rolled in a Royal Australian Air jobs and a large number are Help- ling the navy ln fconvoy work. Never Say tory Bonds! Die Say Buy Vic- TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert Clear, calm; barometer. 29.93; temperature, 57; sea smooth. Triple Island Clear, northwest wind, five miles per hour; light- swell. Langara Island Clear, southerly wind, six miles per hour: baro-Ime'ter, 29.94; temperature, 48; light swell and chop. i .- .; i