paqb ers THE DAILY KBW Thursday Ma7 a . Expert Optica! Service OR CANADA J jj !' if HITLER I'LL EVEN HftHD M n, OdOMi Chas. Dotliniead . . . She makej a South Seai Ty. Optometrist in Charge phoon look WW a gentle breezsl Watch, Clock, Jeyclry Repairing Hand ICiii living VISIT OUR HASKMKNT STOKE For Fine China, Dinncrware, (Masses, ltag;agc and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER - DIAMOND MUliCIIANT BOYS SNUFF OUT BOMBS LONDON. May 29: CP Sixteen-year-old Mickey O'Connor conies from the little streets of the East End where there's no room for grass to grow between the tightly packed houses and where the sun scarcely ever penetrates. Youngsters of the East End, who have to make their own. way early in life, grow up self-reliant and fharp-witted. Mickey is no exception. He saved a church from destruction in one of the German "renrlsal" raids on London and helped put out eight other fires the ' same night. The rest of that night ' he bicycled and walked through ! bcmb-riddled streets delivering . messages between AH.P. stations. "I just had to save the church." he said, "because I sleep in the crypt there with my father. He flept for months In a 500-year-old" ceffin in the crypt, but it nas been taken away." Two fires were blaz-ine on the roof. Mickey with water and a stirrup pump climbed a narf row stairway. He tackled the fires' so efficiently they were easily brought under control. About 350 people were sheltering in the crypt. A Billet Doux for the Boche! FIGHT TO KEEP THE NAZIS AWAY All trade unions in Canada would he dissolved under Nazi domination. Collective bargaining, which workers hnvp secured after years of struggle, would he wiped out over-night. Canadian parents would be denrlvcd of the right to decide what their children should be taught. ChrM(antv would be censored and teacher instructed hv Nazi pi'fb"HHes as in what thv should and should not. tpach. All Canadian business would come under the thumb of German v. Workers would no longer be able to their own trade, nor would thsy be allowed to select a living place of their own fancy. There would h"-hntterJesR dnvs for all citizens if butter were needed for exnort to Germanv. Old age pensions would be a thing of the past,. Widows' and Mnthcrs allowances would be stopped. Developed sections cf thc.eount.rv 'vould be cleared of Canadians to make room for German immigrants. There would be no mor? minimum wave act, Canadians would step from the s'dnwilk to th" ''"iw-jv to allow German officers tonass. Canadian Mti7ns would be forced to give the Nazi salute or court Imprisonment. Canadian newroaperr would no longer exorcs? the oolnioi) of Canadians and would submit all news' items and editorials to the No', censor. Radio nro'jrarns would be produced to suit the purpose tit the a "Tensor. Public meetings, when allowed, would be watched ry the Ocstapo. Taxatl-n to provide indemnities to Germany would ur- heavier than Canada's present taxation. lodge-; and all fraternal orders and organizations would He dissolved. Theatres would be pammed with Nazi Propaganda material and movlni 'c'urrs would be subiect to rigid Nazi censorship. Bock? which would fail to meet the pleasure of the Nazi authorities would be burned or banned. Private telephones if permitted, would be subject to "tapping" r-v N"i agents. Travel from one section of the country to another, if only for a visit, would be subject to permission from the Nazis. I'm Mighty Proud of the Homes I've Decorated withALABASTINE Beautiful Interiors Choice of 14 colouri. Easy to Mix and Apply. Mlxei with luke-warm water. Odourless and Dries Quickly Rooms can be occupied the same day. Will not Rub Oil. Inexpensive A 5-Ib. package will, cover approximately 250 ' sq. feet, one coat yet costs ordy.75c. Get a FREE colour-chart today, at any Hardware or Paint Store. BABEL OF WAR TALK By4 LOUIS V. HUNTER. Canadian Press Staff Water blsgest Job.? oftoui Vt HUt1-lbR the British Broadcasting Corporation now i listening; ,to this flow of wouls ot mrou?n ' ne T' 'i . i'ro.n in" wi is picked a daily digest of 50.000 T T I J ! . . 1 ...!.- t.. riirififii u v n I. w i Mffin nil .!.: ill 171 iisssssssssr.. .irii.jwrd . t .. mm & amamamc-Amkx m kwnttCT. - - i i ii i i i ,t . . -, rsi i . i i i, I,- I,-, or i i s ,-- . n r f and studios. In one Siudlo Spanish nationals may be broadcasting a play to their country. On one floor news letters will be in pro.gre.( of pioparstion for Burma,; the Malay States. Thai or Ceylon. A couple ef miles away is another Impressive house where' programs for Canada LONDON, May 29: (CP The and the United States originate battle of the airways, unspectacular but nonetheless vital to the out- Cosmopolitan ' come" of the war, goes on ceaselessly 1 n wartime Europe, Prom the Axis countries alone emanate daily m o r e than 1.000,000 words of propaganda, One of the Britons moving about the shaded paths of . the town' are a common sight. So art the Indians In then -j -v - - j .. ver Dov2r SEDUCTIVE DIETRICH Plays Part Of Cafe Singer Of South Seas In "Seven Sinners" At, Capitol Theatre Marlene Dietrich lu-ads the cas 01 of "Seven Sinnc.s." a 5,U' Soulh 1 Sea flowing robes. There are Egyptians, sf T Arabs, Grre . . Italians. One wil romancc at,he Ca.Plto1 Thratrc to meet Canad:aps and Americans. A turbancd Moroxan officer of the F"te: Frcn-h Army -adcasts news bulletin,; in ah African dialect. There have been smaller "in-vjislons" n other parts of Britain. One or thc:-i tok plrhe at a sea-tide r-sort in ,thi West Country ' hen Ihr. BBC took over two ho'ol-. Th" rooms of one were ronveitcri into offV?s and the John Wayne plays opposite Miss Dictihh at the had of an lm-posng cast that include Albert Dekkcr, Broderick Crawford, Mis-cha Auer, Billy Gilbert;, Anna L"e and Oscar Homolka. As a lovely cafe singer who goe laughingly from one tropical island to an -'her, leaving tropical loman tic trouble in her wake. Miss Diet )zn :h x 'nto a h-i 1 fnr thn r es ays hc typj of role tha s's and and rther rther BBC BBC mnlnvn.. employees has mads hcr famous. artls's Like LIKe 1he 1he nrwspapermen nrwsnanprmin rvnrinr, covering Wayne i.s " seen as a young naval r r . words of items considered .siuiaii- fhfi nritain's hamV trrmt of.ficcr attached to an American cant cam, ana ana wnicn wnicn may may provide proviae rnt-.-.., -; . . .. isinnrt island haw base, 9h and in, the r terlal for Britain's specialists n the ..front lln. " J , . T ana yss oi enemy propaganda. , , . . arpns s aeiuu course of his Infatuation for th beautiful anr' mysterious entertainer brings the DHWies . . .. . Durlni one broadcast SW)ry t0 "? dramac climax. ITra7fr,rH r.p n V. 1 .1 BBC Monitoring Service Is on the h,irv by ; Q ' man who worships Miss Dietrich job nlRht and dav. More than 100 ... "lan". j'no ra cier was . . ' men and women of a score of na- hm.. ,w'u ,, v ,v ,r ,. ... ... nroupnr f.wnbv ant -aircraft m-ian. fire. mt. tionalltles. sit with headphones glued to their ears recording the Widely Dispersed broadcasts of 40 countries in SO T,r,. ' . and nnn Auer. Auor as o a magician ...i who nre fers pocket-picking, move through the picture with her as a weird triumvirate. Also filling an im portant role is Albert """' i.' Dekker as as nit; u-iw jean na, riis- oeen . , . .. , ai languages. Including Berber and bersed w,d , a dissolute young shlp's-dortor who Albanian. The-"report" is recorded nct in..erruJt; entlr y f,."0" Is reformed by his love for the foraccuracv activities. Likely as, not, a, girls' w"r- lor accuracy. o , . Anna Lee, youne British star To Suit the Field makes ber may shelter a unit. It mav be in dcbut in American films rxopaganaa .pCiasu u tne ln the roIe Lond h t all of the ,sIa"d gover- d Igest to reveal ths inconsistencies appear- ance deserted Jp" nor'., winsome daughter, and the f TT andsuPf factS hidden in some wooded IS ""try BVernr iS Played by Samuel S. used in Axis propaganda. Tiiey are area Hmds able to show-and the B.B.C. dem- Qn th b 5tage of some BillV Gilbert is seen in a typical ZI atre in which SlcS g - the Ineffect ,aafe . . . . . . nave played their' parts micro- ' R umers ,n in; cast n- the Nazis , say to the , Am- clude Relnald phI phones Dny. Antonio may have been set up and y't?yJl .yf.Sl r,!!-,16 a Bfoup of Canadian or Newfound- Moreno- wllnson, Vlnce assjssiS rbrSST ?Sfn,ApM5,n tandJamescraig 8t to North Amerlca- The monitoring staff Includes a former member of the Austrian s , T , e"fe 01 empty diplomatic corps, a Russlanoo" T Ll .7 i loglst, experts In politics and econ- tJ?L, tl?ltorim- omlcs, a Finnish sea captain and j!f! ,Sy fatchl"g sme a Russian Prince. It 1, upon the IS-f g , i, . .u .. A a significant change has u been -LI' !!e. T1" mat l.nC made In an Old BBC custom. For. PUh.nt U, the provision, of ctto, many Bovemmeni, oepartmenis ae- merlv thp " 2n o' Tnfc. Act of th Provinc pend for much of their knowledge Zlv c 5 "T m1!. Oolun"i 1 K iw Of What IS' eolne on 'all over thp "" -"""j""'. uw nc ;r "' " -m cwy or Anri world clves h' name before It Is read. 1' ''W' m ttw o Wrld' Wartime n.i -A I. I:. . !lh..Et't o' lAe John Wllllftn The BBC. has practically taken .k ' w l . . "wmejll - confirmed by over n rural fnun W" In m oneof f tv,- the lu itxuBiiiie inimeaiaieiy ' luca out of the sup ?V!L a,5U.'al ; the authentc yolce . B rem Court of Brttl,l, Ootumbla. n. iivusL Dcanuiu naris or Hnnianri . . ,iM4, ... npj.,. inrfAKtj 4U. and thlsi wartime, communltv Z Dra.Ca""-J"st ,n . iS "e ttoZnrZS filled wl all kinds of neonle rio. ."ya"a n '? unaer almosC - r!.JSf? tng a .kinds of Jobs. There Is a ZL P8"m u?GZ hut for the Middle Miaaie Eastprn eastern ser- pr. , . ulc au w,t"u'' a u'' 'r"1'" wlul m" on or brton ... hat n 34 ianU8(2es carrvtn Juno isth 1041 failing which distribu vice, another u where Indians pre. 'aH r"! 'f ?Z tlon h' h"vbn "n" rcrd Ilstenn, nh d , n , pare broadcasts for that vast sub- I 2 tl ,an at hom.e Brl' ito cUlm" w"toh m my im.?dl continent. The monitors occunv a , Z ,.u" '". ire.. sreai con" i J.?llt?'l..'lt B.C. hi, 7th couple and- the editorial staff of . ' ' auy news bul- ,Ml' the , monltarlns service' has nnp that resembles the city room of a newspaper, IPTIr iirlfV. 1-1-1 1 2.10,010 are broadcast, daily. Every day there are 85 hourj of broad- Irm-neirby- mansion are offices casting time... TIIK SI'I'ltKMK cot;iiT ill.- iiilMiui com'mhia in i-iuMim: III ll.p Matter ,f I ho .;Ktn, f .;,, 'urn .Mininiry, Dei phki'iI, lar n' , VV of ,r,n, K"nTt, llrltl.l v ' wiai wuroau'e OI CLIFFORD nn.Kim his Solicitor. Brown ft Harvey, Bwner Block. Prince Rupert, B, . ol . IH1I.ER TO FAIL ALSO Continued lo;n Page One) a fcontinental system of no trade with Britain. With a war of nerves, the like of which had noj been known since, not even in the nres- jent war so far. Napoleon ha J been the first to plan an invasion ol Britain bv flat-bottomert hnnra run. &Ke DIETRICH WAYNE ALBERT DEKKER BRODERICK CRAWfORD MISCHA AUER IM,,S (At 7:00 and 9 Win. Boyd in "DOOMED CARAVAN" (At 8:29 Omv TONIGHT and FIJI DAY L.v:t Complete Show X:l! possesed no cultui f bursts of creation a 1 :: his energy was foiiovrea spells of indecision H: outbursts were undoub'.c feigned. He too ia ieo stand British charai tn : lack of understandl.! . hLs ultimate defra At the conclusion o; capt. uurnford wp.s uixik talnlng large numbers of troops CaPhDu,rnrtT and heavy guns. However. Pitt's Prefia.en vv- F.Sf ir- .... rnAnniit p t c? i . i . ,. . coalition with Rus.sla. Sweden Pnd Austria had resulted in the drawing away of Napoleon's troop concentrations from the Invasion coast and Nelson's victory at Trafalgar finally broke up the "invasion" scare. tne cnair. t . J couver was a luncheon u: winner of the lunchcr i a the president. It was announced 'ist Brown had been annotated arrangements for a Gyro c Wllhclm II.. as another aspirant 10 e se? al for world power, had probably been n"1 nlfiIht ,n !' in' not much more than the tool of the 1th the,Vlptory 2:1 dnv German general staff. Obvlouily, ""' In his four years' war, he had not SAVKTA1L As is been the actual moving spirit os NEW YORK M:r " had been Phillip II., Louis XIV. and the United 8tatrv i r Napoleon In their campaigns. He tail" s a second had been a poor Judge of character "bcbtall" Is a di,shu::! icn C-and had picked the wrong people, charge. Will Fall Too Adolf Hitler, the speaker said. AMIJULANCF, TltAINS KKAIiV was no fanatic like Phllllo II. He LONIXNjMiiy 21 CP f would sacrifice any principle, use ro'nts all over Uiam- arr.buia: ' any ruse or artifice, resort to any and fasualty ev.c ti . miholy alliance. He was bombastic stand repdy for -o ,, E like the Kaiser but lacked his kind- for end. Ih trains w urn liness. He was cruel, vindictive, for seven miles STAND BY TODAYS PASSWORD GOOD BEER Thtrt'i i food rtiion for lht ildily-3ow!n3 demand (of "BriUnnU." Hvc ypu bltd It yt? Order doitn today. BREWED AND BOTTLED AT WESTMINSTER BREWERY LTD. hi Hisnlaved bv the Liquor . i n'. i . .i V n-;i:.L- f"nli imhia. W v-onrroi ooara or Dy the (jovernment or Dnusn When You Want a Reliable. Comfortable. Dependable PHONE 1 3 21 Hour Service at Regular Rate &jAbliAi w H , ieV I fi0Aiiifa33 Trains leave Prince Rupert for tlic East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, p.m. Air-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver on Thursday and Saturdays 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River For Full Information and Reservation, etc Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 52o 3rd Avenue Phone 200 Prince Rupert. Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines