iod Th' icr .Jay. May, 29, l04l. rnsuxiE? HEWS' FIRST VISIT ESS SERVICE IS OF CANADIAN iout tfl )ur by X It-PC way the ragfl fiocj Coin! ccunry ll Hi lb" jjaod!". f;m Oer-he fact thit they were ha. Hi wtver, nothing hap : n jvos os oa:rn oa:rn ai all export, as this so perhaps it YES.' We Repair Water Pipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. OH Burners Cleaned H-50 Chimneys Swept $2.50 nANDY MAN IIOME SERVICE Thone BLACK 735 Make Our Store Your' Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 517 Tom Lee & Son HOUSE OF FINE FOODS they must be hitting about the even hundred part of the time. 1 - , : . . practlce and to "see that each one girae, the British government TO ENGLAND r-ssi-55 z' 1U W1illlM?1,2Se: ounces butter. 16 ounces bread, etc. tlonh, Country's Defence Neurly fjwe charged with ball and lating the militia, "All I mate per Offif' fir lint Arrived Writes Impressions Of Country As He, Sees It LONDOtf STREET THAFFIC per day but the bread has vitamin His n In I'm nr.f it is said to be exceptionally good lor one. we nave no irult Juices, no no fruit, iruu, and ana very very lilt little e canned canned' arrival uie.ouner says. . . flbout W, caught on of those cuckoo ,nches wJde and t dont knQW 0 t ains to ; camp and al- En:: th meanl of the TOrd ..Insula. look like the clear thcu-b they t,on Howcver u wams up.nlceiy family, much like a jfcC.? for a durln(? he day Ume and we (cwl) in the automobile J nf-nke th-rest of them . get used to it fca, ) UtUe compartments holding cn 8?lc-e hn;. he kids could not tram CU: ir we ran vnruug . u whatsoever of! air ratds cn tne way nere - Ku;; J had d;xaslon to f drcp although iLTh the w lad frhKS2 had drop- a trip 1 into London ye 'W o ,.4 f, w In one nf the towns e . u . " . 1 i 1 w hambed areas but nownere near as S3, r.hrou7h about an hour oeiore one haye imag,ned f( tllCre. rr-u nlnlit Virt In !inflnn anH nn 'One I n m y these bfock ar a. of a few jftp m anrr wc d dn t have a diner past Hyde Park. Regent X-V'Z Z. StreSJrafalgar Square. Piccadilly ; ...slor tn. rcaa, nowever. were j th more 7 dt-en and served buns and J no to ? Why anyone in Entlan tn a bad, dam 5 PerJ fcsuw annK or serve couee hap, the corner of a three storey W know because In the first f broken) ,..! i' r .i't remotely related to btho t nnH npxt rt to and while tea Is served - - scaldln-hot rhey always serve cof- ""fcmi,p nn, most of he wln. ;e lukewarm. They think these were broken . dUr are funny fellow l , ent along as usual. Thpv hv reil eoffee. all the " . ' it appearea vo me mat nie nun . . . . . . a ,, branL''. but 11 c.e.rta.,nJv would have to keep up for about; mi n Tote me same, milk oe tn t h5 has W - y put up .for export. Their J h f an' Sec'.- 1 t'.iiwr up f ; up. I re; fn tc;i f p' not,,a,tcK llke ours impression One cf fleer was telling I must have been made . mm . ni wna nn the the worst worst blitz blitz vet yet when when 140 i4Ui all 11 ... evens of . . , nhn.t cfrmDS uruuuuu in un uwuv. ... , . .. the ' size of a small prairie town. Itt Quito a kick out of the , f nn,1t!M nn(. .vrs here. Tlicy are about . , Wf h1lt th- 1 ina nhout flvp feet hleh ... - 1 " " ... total casualties auer a iuui iuui ., , and nvi a fUUr wheels with hand . . M. nno t, old mu Brake They go like a bat out of ' - h d , manner orj Le V'ki;Ile!r tr.a'"S bUtJ ha?v!l ether wandered In. Admittedly not -v.. U1C iuiiiu... uuw 11-, nipaS!,nt sluht to see ti U1VU Jtlil f o5tv w bombed uJH around Perhan, they have larger . ;f tlme;men. money and idditi" .td. ONE l i pieces of machinery . . u,j u nrt rnn k t j j 1 11 rvM "'' w.o UUI, x uiuiii see uiem. iiicjf h, M could teach our engineers how to nan and stop a train and their Driving In London a i jple and helr trains run at "Although driving n Chicago was tough to start with It Is mild bcu, 65 to 70 miles per hour, Wey have compared to this Motor cycles one train, ' they tell me, th. .....I. I... hahv Austins and many even smaller cars, huge lorries, bicycles, . - nnd Dedestrlans all on what I Central Hotel Central ITotcl Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room In Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rilONE 657 would say was the wrong side of the road and all going to beat hell. It's tough on the nerves and any people who can drive through traffic like that wouldn't be bothered by a mere air raid. They tell me that licenses are Issued on the basis of horsepower not wheel base That is why 99 percent of the cars are In the baby class from 8-12 horsepower and with a wheel base of 60-80 inches mostly on motor-'cycle wheels. My Nash with 110 v.r,rco nvn-er would Icost me $400 a year for license and besides that petrol is rather on the expensive side even in peace time. "ThP TndLins must have learned ''from the English In the matter or They never go nvpr or throueh anything that they orminrl In tlll.1 man's I . . 1 1ama Irnnmn tn country ana in nu man is there any roadway In the. I British Isles with a straightaway of over 150 yards. Beautiful trees line the roads which probably AWhtPPn feet in width with I cross roads, farm entrances, here, there and everywhere. These blr cycles would drive you nuts. Still It's a great country ana worui coming to. w ?irp tn TPt five days landing rm broke and won't be 1 .taking mine for some time, wnen I do I expect to go to ueiana or northern Scotland. A nice quiet I rest In some country inn looks good to me after working for the .past ten months. wan t hnven't told you much 'outside the foVt that I think I am t ... . 1 1 tirst n f A 'tjolng to like jaigiana. c 'starting to work next week. A rcouple of air raid alarms so far but no noise." 390 Years Ago Bv GLADYS ARNOLD Staff Writer wimiriw rin inn mo rr or artri " - . . - . .-. . . militia regulations were sent out was commanded to sell arms to , by Governor d'Allleboust to "Pierre them' and "take in payment good Boucher, captain 0 the Inhabitants genuine wheat at the rate of 50 1AM0mT3 r!iTfc7 of Three Rivers." He was told to sous the busnei ana in sau von I I I Mr I II Si i K Y see to it that drill took place as the regular price." VsVsil& J.JU x oIten possible Including target in 1758, after the change of re- pass- .t,nt " Tn onsurp that the inhabl- cnne ninnters. Inhabitants ana OUUU. , ". ' tants did notseH or otherwise dls- their servants between the ages of pose of their arms, Capt. Boucher ie and 60 residing in this province Canadian Bimuian Press rio mi .t..v. runner lrysiruciea vo vwit ruuu Nova scoua siiau ucai OTTAWA. ----- - May 29: (CP 1 Canada nome regularly and check up on the duly attend all musters and mlli- 1. - 1.. onturnlnc triine " - .niFoo thir rpsrv.tlve llxi y caullo v.... - 1 Orders from Louis companies . . . three months time . cvmii hp allowed - to every son after .... ,. ... ' twrt r- j.u .nl. .v.- n,, -.1 11 civc Ul wic In in 1669 lew a a letter wun . from irum King in s T Louis f .,,, - o to 16 . years and d -to to ' every r ser er. Mlv 's V. y. this to coruertot defence ,. , . power Canada But Visitor Says He are now. we will soon have u lots of fore3Phas been on tfae statute books of France instructed compulsory 'd themselves Think., He'll Like It transport and be away to the races. n eameiiSo being un- service. inVo 1I1VU VUnii- j -we are quartered in a oeautiiul dpr lhp Frpnch reime and U fully popuiauon De oiviaea tui.v- nanips panics and and captains, captains, lieutenants lieutenants part - of England - and it is Just the described ui.ucu in ... documents recenUy -- ac- - Afm xhemselves A relative 01 a lacai iaay, wno . rr ; s.altprn- anDolnted to wltl with He He ordered ordered that that the the whole whole J ammnnltlon." ammunition," the the ac act (fn AAT(1 th. -nk - eaptain n a - -f Qa " - eond them. Thoe easily: as- The att provided that "every en C- " ; 'YL1 quatters. where they ley tell tell me me sol- sol- rni I, of rcrresnondence ocrresnondence. recu- reeu- sembled sembled were were to 10 meet meet once once a a month mourn nueo Mrted soldier soimer be ue rrovlded wun ' 11r - v ; FAOZJTTO 12oz.$1.20. 25ol$2.30- 40ol$3.40 HHHHHMHHHni "JUST THAT MUCH BETTER' Thl. advertisement, is noi publisi-.eci or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia been quartered since winn. ,nH in arwArninc Canada's m their own amncis ior ami m musKei gun or uzu nui, .... tulet tne ateis free 01 caarge. ihe Crimean war. There are some first tnintarv historv beginning in handling arms. Wrote th? king: three feet Inn? in the barrel iwo penaUies fcr not attending military u.. 1 .,..,. 1 1 i 7 . J . r.' T loowo It in vcmr liiftsment to as- imrp flint 12 charges of POWder iirfaH flnor nnrl tin. bcuutuui luwci kuc3 auu ui 1551 and carrying uirougn to ue j--- - wutuw uwuui.u " semble onlv those who can do It and ball on penalty of 40 .shillings v,ir nrisnnment. t . tne . .. .:. : ... . : uc8'""fit U1 'c - nfv, imnriKrm- r . . aaiioaus wim a lot 01 ana re""" "u"": " tvvu "c " "-"" " . . every aay When in 1777 it was ordained that , T f,td mSt cs names I couldn't tell S,2 63 years m ordW that .mo re Urn .is not los wW, Irbor. fx- want of jp .uDV.d most enjoyable enjoyable heads which thould be devoted to the r SUCh arms." ,, v , eat and t nk and 1 age wa or cnlthratton of their citlzens were cbll?ed to d!tUon- " W0Vttl? f rei nlht. at least we think so. and 7 .nl . 1 nn Jrt lands." their own firearms and antmuni- cf a Canadian to mat ... . . f . u . . . In order der thaf that tho, tho? whn whn h;-d h:.d n0 no Uon uon as as well wen as as serve roewu without re In 1777 Quebec came under slml lar military regulations. OPTiniTTIC. ANYWAY To1i, Vim onn-Minprl n'ar BEST HAIF IOQ Cannda s;aU?s up half oS North Amel:an cntincnt. tli? FAVORS NO PAY LONDON. Mav 39: CP Secretary for War MarneaTon is not In favor of pavlnK Home Guard com- for manding officers, even though they V.m ' .Z , ,v,., hni. Hm to their ivum room ul about the dz8 of our old par- ,icn Archivist Gustave Lam-tot. money might buy arms Aubcrt de muneration while res dentsr bo n 1942 ' ' AUe. . On June 6, 1C51. Canada's first la Chesnaye, mercnant 01 yueoec aim ui.w., " for AP.TIUP mi SERVICE RATES OF PAY IN THE RANKS $1.30 per Day with Board, Lodging, Clothing, Medical and Dental care provided. EXTRA: (1) Rates varying from 25f to 75f per day for skilled tradesmen while employed. (2) Dependent Allowances in Cash: $35 to wife, $12 each per month for 2 children only 3 dependents per soldier. DEPARTMENT JOIN CANADA'S ACTIVE ARMY NOW t Yes, guns, tanks, armoured .cars, mechanized equipment ; every description await YOU to send them thundering down the road to victory. This is the opportunity you have been wanting the chance to talk to the Hun in the only language he understands. So join up NOW for ACTION Overseas in old England, or wherever the enemy rears his head. The Canadian Active Army requires men for Artillery, Engineers, Signals, Armoured Cars,Tanks, Infantry, Transport and Supply, Medical and Ordnance and other branches of the Service. The Army is prepared to teach many trades, and to train you to efficiently handle Canada's weapons of war. Apply to Nearest DISTRICT RECRUITINO OFFICE or Any Local Armory Go to your nearest District Recruiting Office. Find out about these Units; bow they work, what they do. See just where you'll fit in. See where any particular skill you possess can best be utilized. Then join up for ACTION. OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA "A : r