THE DAILY NEWS. — —_—— ————————— — =z ee ee — ES = —— aie =~ [Public Auction GAME OF CRAPS eee S WIFTEST TWIN SCREW STEAMERS | fake notice that the Grand Trunk Pa / \ n n O uU n oe e mM e n t : ” “ ” cific Kallway Company will sell by public ‘i RINCE RUPERT AND PRINCE GEORG E auction on Monday, the 17th day of ‘June, Man Feigning insanity Exposed P ror Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle pe 1912, at the Grand Trunk Pacific by Alienist in Game—Stakes allway 4 J : 3 P MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS ® a.m. Prince Rupere in the province of ‘Biitisn| Were Steel Die Pieces. “PRINCE JOHN” { 1 nan certain goods consigned to —-— o Po Simpson, Naas, Stewart, Granby Bay and Quee \lfred C. Garde at Prince’ Rupert, B.C., ‘ week to: FOR i sharlotte Islands cl site Sees hereunder ve Rochester, N. Y., May 13-— 9 nd take notice that such sale is made] [ho gz , ‘raps f , 4 k omen and all way point bet Lrairee and by virtue of Section 346 of the rhe game ‘ “edyhadlisdee Ae d re- . for Skeena y ‘ ries, f a) olnts between | Katiway Act, bel Chapte 7 » Re-| ce as t “t 8 The s « y pegulal lings for © Prince Rupert and Vancouver vised ‘Statutes of Oanads,- {H00. in order ene 5 Pete 7s sub rince Rupert and Vanarsdol (100 miles), Mondays, Wednes to collect tolls, charges for storing, adver- ject of the experiment was Wil- \ A saturdays m. Frequent connections with river steamers | Using and selling such godds, i T é a Scotts > ne it 1 Saturday A Piazelton. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C,, this 13th} liam “‘Twinm er : cottsville ao GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY 6YSTEM GSY OF ADEN ADO a tenet who is in jail awaiting trial (The Double Track Route) | solicitor for the Grand ‘Trunk Ratlway|O" the charge of having mur- and «all points East, connecting with all roads from the | Company. dered Deputy Sheriff Bermin petv « prepare itinerary for your trip EAST this summer SCHEDLLE OF GOODS OVE : I m g- hicagy us rer F DS ABOVE RE : eS for all Atlantio Steamship Lines. _ For all information apply to | FERRED TO ham. Yr. rt ur . e es to - _———_——————— A. E. MoMASTER, Jeneral Agent, Centre Street | Crate Vertical Engine. Twinman has been posing as Box Fittings for Engine Sheaves Crates (2 Sheaves (each). wt an insane person An alienist nounce the opening of his Crate Fitings for Sheaves suggested that if the prisoner Anvil could play craps it was a pretty Hoisting Engine » Crate Cooking Stove good sign of a fair average men- e ® Boxes do, Utensils. tal S » j Box Paint | tality. Steel die pieces were Crate Cross Cut Saw huse e exper e stes Crate Swing Saw | ised. in ” ghd ee enn es l la a |} pennies, Duplex Pump | ober tee, | The negro brightened up the Grindstone | moment the game began, and he N ° A Jackscrews |played a winning game through- at oO. 621 Third venue Sacks Pipe Fitings pout the gga te a ar hed his 5 Pleces Pipe Poppe > shar é “ve ai ee Hope pponent sharply in¢ never Scrapers eee aL The very latest and thoroughly Sheaves . ae ci rete aoe ee Oe up-to-date Billiard and Pool tables round vid ticket me Seattle, Van- eRAND DRAWING ‘sso Sst Rogers Steamship Agency ae fae S$ including a round and eash with each. gee TE Gia ety int cust Your choice of first class SECOND- | s of the first | drawing last | | ONE CENT TO TWO DOLLARS : 4st, Stanley CG. H, Handa- | Tickets will be good any time J. O. Reddie, Blab ES this summer. [he Jackscrews Crates Gates Manager Tom Jones Entt.usias- Pieces Rail. ‘ — Crates Patent Electro Amalg. Sep- tic Over His Condition araiors —— Finest imported and domestic 3 Boxes Anodes for Above. Koll Wire Cloth, San Francisco, May 14—Look- in 1 oO rack woot A tad Tube Plugs ling as brown as a berry and as e e Lee jire Cable } 5 SF Wr s ae Bes Cc ll f f th Dollies, vo y f , f > ac be eatu enna; Oalvasiided Nails. | serting that he has not felt as igars wi a re o e Roll Wire Clot». j}well in years, Ad. Wolgast, ac- Pkg. Screens. : Pig. bere kip eae metgeiewenglreee ae establishment Box Returt, Condensers and Molas | Case Packing and Lamps } Crate Generator | an toe Vv. F. G. GAMBLE SAMUEL BARS NOTARY PUBLIC Samuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock Brokers ° APPROVED AGREEMENTS 1 FOR SALE PURCHASED Package Wire Case Rheostat Case Electrical Instruments Iron Snatch Box Bdl. Track Iron Iron Plate | Sacks Bolts Bdls, Bolts Bdls. Washers } Bids. U Bolts Mr. Seale is formerly of San Francisco where he was connected with one of the largest . . . Billiard Roomsinthecountry .. .- RD ee ee Prince Rupert - and - Stewart a = © SS i" Tmresrwretom— sete ei Bdl, Links mm rone t t \ if | + Box Fittings Drums Calicum Carbide | . > > l es et ere i } ( i l Boller TT? LYNCH BROS. General Merchandise - - Largest Stock Box Boiler Fittings Cast Iron Grate Bars Smoke Stack Carload Wooden Water Pipe Be . Hardware Box Engine Parts Quantity Lumber Bdl. Windows | Doors ove ao ° wn oh eh ee me OD hh i { l l { { LAND LEASES. | 0) ee ae { { l L +) Skeena Land District——-District of Coast, Range 56. Take notice that I, Augustus W. Agnew, of Prince Rupert, B. c,, civil engineer acting as agent for Porpeise Harbour Land | Company, Limited, of Victoria, B. C, in- tend to apply for permission to lease the iiowing described lands: Commencing at @ post planted on the Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. pam mes $s es Hs ee seedy sets rs Pt rs Stephens Block Third Ave. Sperry nyse ere are } Beer ere SO ecco reese cea, pms meses rea reme emceeing reneenaarnne tasty telethon Ont TPR s PSS 9 ae most Lorthériy ‘pomt. on eorpase Harbour | — CSC“ ™ lof Lot 446, Range &, Coast district, thence! ., . ‘ Manawor:co0 | north to a point equa-distant between Lot} companied Dy Managel om 1446 and Watson Island, thence easterly) Jynes and Hobo Dougherty, ar- if northerly following a line equa-dis pe) (fc) Ge ce ed 2 fc! t=} | tant between the high water mark of Lot}rived here today from Los An- Canadian General Electric Company, Limited and the high water mark of Watson geles and this afternoon aattled q Motors, Mining and Contracting Machinery Island to a point on low water mark be- Electrical Apparatus of every description || | J) ween Lot 446 and Watson Island on Lake) qown at training quarters. The | Wainright, thence at a ee : Warer } : trad aia | mark, thence westerly and southerly fo champion OOKS muc yetter | Phone 245 Graham Kearney, Mgr. BOX 974 | | || lowing high water mark to point of com-| ipo. he did upon the occasion of| } mencement, | 9 , PORPOISE HARBOUR LAND COMPANY,|his last visil, his outing on the | 9 | LIMITED. : ’ . : ae Per Augustus W. Agnew, Agent. hills of Southern California evi-| O 1S our US omer’ SS oo Dated April 5th, 1912. dently having done him a worid} Pub, April 8, 1912 ‘ \ of good. po tae Phone’ 879 ff} sxeens tana Disirer—pisirict of Coast) Jones is enthusiastic over his| H4YE you ever met your real customer? TRY US FOR | -pake notice that I, Augustus W. Agnew,|¢harge’s condition. | ctsing as agent tor Parpoise Harbour. Land “Better than ever,” was his| Have your salesmen a speaking ac- of ictoria c., iM - tend to apply for permission io jease the| terse comment. - Yes, better than | -Graniteware, Tinware, Crockery, Glass sae cetera rer, ie has ried himself ou quaintance with him? Have you told him ‘Commencing at a p st planted on the most n ortherly point on porpoise Harbour,| (horoughly and 1s the great little} | ware, Chinaware rott tS" ow aust mark, tenes eatery [POY he always was, and about the merits of your product? Have | \iquarters for Camping and Batching Outfits sy flower ow wee a | some.” Leach Crops] ou explained w e shou ve your t( . to ~ ne i) 6, Range 5, Coast dis ot, Wolgast w meet Leach Cross ] d h h h ld ATER DAN OORT = casi 1 hgh. wavet mk he in a fGseoned bout. in Madison| y p © y 9 gi y )) Full Dinner Sets $10 Up ! Se wale can cern erly and)" Snag pet 7m Mi 3 aes d h f H d a ea i Pana sees ea, sauare, Garten on May, 28. ac goods the preference? Have you done any- thing to stimulate his desire for your goods? In short, have you made any attempt whatever to sell your goods to him? | ILLER Joe bythe ro \) ‘Per “Augustus W. Agnew, Agent. » promoters i CARRIGAN & M | Dated April Sth, 10942. by the promoters, | Pub, April 8, 1012. sno nesbeiniicanii Prices Always Right We Deliver District of Coast,| Prince Rupert Dairy delivers Skeena Land District | | Range 5. swee lk cream and_ butter- | Take noticé that I, Augustus W. Agnew, weet mi! ean ue id att : Slot prince Rupert, B. C., civil engineer,| milk. Phone 287. mi4 acting as agent for Porpoise Harbour Land} | Company, Limited, of Victoria, B. C., in- | te nd wo apply for permission to lease thie | ee en folowink deseribed lands: Commencing at a. post planted on the LAND PURCHASE NOTICES LAND’ PURCHASE NOTICE seer Sa } “Most assuredly,” you say. ‘Every When the user wants your goods & 5 aa high water mark of Lot 446, Rane 5, kena | District—District of Coast} Seen Land Digest pestrics Of Coust) coast district, at the mouth of Wolf Creek | fe ; : " AKI Renee, : | wake notice that fh, William Fraser, of | estuary on Lake ~Walnright, vealed wing dealer in Canada is known to our tray- and won't take any other—then you 1Ch B that M, J. McNeil, Of} co ouue, Washingiun, occupalon fares, | to low water mark, thence northerly and 1 d we certainly wouldn't S : independe f all but hi .C., occupation contrac=| ried ib apply fur peruission tu purchase easterly following, the jew Wale ark elers, and we certainly wouldnt pay are independent of a ui m, your apply for permission to wie 8 jlo a jint due north o 1 Northeast ea i following described tands: — | We tulluwiug descrived Sin PF uted. aluut nec cotot. 443, Range 5, Coast district a salesman who couldn’t tell our cus- real customer. 1 itt post planted at the &:1 jyai'"iuues west gtd ihe! miss aud) Wt /° ana somtheriy follow tg Wie | | omer" i : ‘ C0 to Bice vu) “ud Hull, Banks dJsiand, | Sterly at s ; ; | Be : Si Ee aT pence walt sue oS Ae Brig ihe ‘ioe West 40 bdster tore oe comment eiyen) | To make the user want your goods, lu | anne 3 pet ains,| | tue nurth 40.) chidibs, thence | iS vad : y s r i $ i ase: ement, containing 80] | meray euiaitis lu spout uf columencementl, } | ee ieee lus W. Agnew, Agent One minute, please. The dealer you must do two things: " cuuld tundred ahd siAly Gere, Aus situs ’ : P ; ; TE eae [ore OFS ita pnasen, | hme ABH S, YOUR. | isn’t your customer, He's simply a (1) Produce an article of value. \ 20th 2 : 8s org : Pub Brit 26th $04 ia i a: caren nO Agent. | me ~ _ Lowe a. ‘eaprenane se (2) Tell him what you make, and y March 23, edly independent part of it a : Ski ub, March 23, 1912. & decidedly Indepe e why he should kena i Dist stric . | ‘i eee trict— Dis trict Of Coast) suits Land wistrict—District of Coast N O W O P E N that. He is distributor for other con- ; TAKE | NOTICE ‘ Ne Kunge 5, | : errs isi : pert, gare SN na | fuke notice that 4, George Graham, 01 cerns in whose goods he is just as That’s advertising. to apply for ormis: rince Kupert, B. &., ‘occupation brakenan, | th intereste is i are ac- apply OF Perm eBIOD tO eed Ww apply. Lor jperuisaion lo purchase PRINCE RUPERT ee much interested as he is in yours. When the makers of piano * at @ post planted he §,| tie followin deseribed 1anas | girs fet x . i. x premptton Fo? thence ‘south | commenciig at 2, bot planted abou SEC..ND AVENUE AND SIXTH ST. And he isn’t particularly interested tions, for example, going to discover as hence east 20 ‘chains nce yur Wiles West and three aud 3) po ( : zu 4 s * i iains ptt oe SER. pence south froin Lud ui, Banks Island, thence FIRST CLASS SERVICE POPULAR PRICES In your produc t, any more than in that they do not know their real cus- h l ) sNoem¢ yA a . 3, thence West 40 Chiailis, one ° . * i 2 ‘otninencement, containing 86 | nurih 4) chains, Chet’ Wieice east 40 | Williams & Vidak_ - ae your competitors’, tomers; and, what is worse, that their al , Q NE vlmmencement; Conta } MICHARL, J. MeNEIL, | elaiis to point of commencenenss Torelo, — real customers do not know them? al BIL, ; ) John Kirkaldy, Agent, | us une ' ' af y soa. iy 7h, 40490 GEORGE GKAHAM, a The dealer realizes that he can So the public have to buy pianos in serve six who order their goods by blind ignorance of the quality of the ‘ #s Fred Dawson, Agent. = mat tu Distric . . Dated March 5, 1912. Wr. , : r : ickly a ; te istrict—Distrlet of Coast) yup, March 23, 1918 4 a well-known trade name as quickly most important nfechanical part of = bia Na TINC® Atntagt! pager Francia | Gkeens Land. Distr, Digiriot. “SES as he can serve one to whom he has the piano 5 Tee 1 canna vert, broker, intends iange V. ; : j . fe \ ie Mibod Tae to purchase. the PAKE NOTICE that |, pore i wright, MONTREAL. to demonstrate that a product Is good, —| oncing ee ene: f Prince Rupert, married woman, ot y is i i t the fe i ea tha” st th nose Planted 5 shains to apply for pe pmiaalon to purchase the THE STANDARD is the National (2 = bli What is it wre be eee to fal ’ 1 . ws eas corner oO 4Ot} followin lescribec ands » oy ia 2 ic ' : (ncitst 20 chains, thence Sa eee eee the north east coruer| Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion Your real customer is the “ ao paoren ees er 0 os Sore oi ( ¢ ‘ est 2 rains y ) 5127, ‘ » east 2U Chaise , : a ie , rears Vi . es ne rly boundary of L ot 3708, ot te ay. hee srry ’ or less to the hor of Canada. It is national in all its | the Public who ere your eos ang, * ee ee is ° re II ; Lot 2702, “40 eos MateEly Houndary) ih boundary of Lak sist thence west ty | aime a eats your pickles, uses your safety and not the piano manufacturer who » pina ains more or less to| chains more or less to the eas . CaP i ‘ ion i \ eas minen neement, containing 80 of Lot bt 373 tM nce north 20 aoa rand It uses the most expensive engrav- el razor. You've got to sell your goods incorporates the action into the com- ies ‘ or less to the point of commence e = . * *) i Da ee AEG) ron ota No MacRAk, containing iv meres more ar etiG HT, | ings, procuring the photographs from el to the Public. plete instrument? | de St ° U0 ° : } lay Sth, 1949 Alfred E. Wright, Agent fall over the world. = ! : ja : , rl 28 2 } J ) h 1 Didtriepenamalaeeas Dated Abell and, avs | Its articles are carefully selected and \(el e aera Stric Coas one yi . | — j 7) KE Nonragteee meee O48t) ckeena Land District—District of Coast: lies editorial policy 1s thoroughly ) Advice regarding your advertising problems is available throu ugh } ’ TICE “that i, Henry Louis]. Take notice that Lottie it tavis a oF | = any recognized Canadian advertising agency, or through , | Vancouver, -B.C,, occupation} Vancouver, occupation married — We independent, } es P. L nds to apply for permiesion| intends to apply for permission to Pure | bacripti The Standard = Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden 1 ig” qelowtng described lands; | chase the folowing th scribe ad 40. chains | A! CRORES | OE re, Sen fe Bldg., Toronto. Enquiry involves no obligation on your nk oe of & post planted the Commencing &t a pos i ¢ | . (K Of Skeena River, above Kayex | nor Ah and. 40 chains east from the norta- | Costs $2.00 per year to any address in ey part—so write, if interested. ie ph tr miles distant, thence south| east corner of Lot 1116, Harvey's oor |Canada or Great Britain, ¥ rel : iy 20 oh sing thee 40 chains, thence| Coast District, Range V, sbence ence a0} ite bank " lence following the riv-]| east, thence 60 chains no ’ 4 : Sy i 7 Aiinan an casteriy. direction. to. phint thains west, thence 60, obalne Bound t9| TRY IT FOR 1912! JOHNNY GOULON [2 Men oe containing 60 acres} post of commmenceme nt, ane 20 : ; 7) 430 acres, more or les V vefeated Young Solsberg in fe HENRY LOUIS MASSEY . LOTTIE M’TAVISH. | Montreal Standard Publishing Co., Who De on ef L , R I Dated ist Ingrace Massey, Agent F. W. Bobler, Agent | Limited, Publishers a ten round battle in Brook fe , at Hoth April, 1919 : > , imited, Fu ; ry , : | } Fs a laliclliraliedlicallirc ar , STUNT OMT OITA Tal ronal ) (ral! POUT e b yated April 16, 1012. } , eet ouie Nob ne n Mme el tn Rou ON (rou co bn 2) May 8th, fo1g. pared Apr 20, 1912 | | lyn Saturday night oD] (eM TONY Fredy eo fea co Ce fe Pe ey Ee Cea Lee ce MY gcod fed | ed: peed cect yrced goede ged ped felt fy CN fee fed fred] } ] a nanie at a i pe A Oa a I a REET E 5 : “y+ Soren 7