t & June 21, 1WI. WE ARE AGENTS FOR The Famous RACK'S SHOES 1 1 Dally News Wunt-Ad, chiropractor; taltj W. Colton, D.C.Ph.C. Iillare Block, Phone (10 Anion V I " W V - UBk , or Finest Domestic and Imported Leathers , In Canada Over 100 Years Show for Dress, for All-Weather Wear and Sturdy Drogues $11.00 TO $15.00 Rulatio" Naval, Army and Air Force Officers' Footwear SRE HACK'S SAMPLES TODAY Deliveries In One Week Watts & Nickerson Successors to Bryant Co. Ltd. Open Until 10 pjn, Saturdays nit i n e i but. Mlis is puccessiul otary Speaker Tea Is Held Ullthts Subject of Discourse Thursday at Rotary Club Luncheon pat Ellis was the speak- the Prince Rupert Rotary ?ular weekly luncheon Inlay giving a talk on the sub- t Searchlights" alone more l-ss tfchnical lines, explaining r.s and other topics. John .73 was In the chair. Presbyterian Affair is Held at the Home of Mrs. Mitchell A very successful tea was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. R. Mitchell on Atlin Avenue by the Ladles' Aid of First Presbyterian Church. Mrs. J. R. Mitchell received. Those serving were Mrs. T. Dixon, Mrs. Edgar Saunders.'Mrs. K. Green, Mrs. H. Illbbard and Miss Molly Owens. Those pouring were Mrs. McD. Hun ter. Mrs. W. L. Sandison. Mrs. 'George Abbott and Mrs. James L. iLee. Mrs. E. J. Smith, Mrs. R. Strachan And Mrs. M. Valentin I were. In charge of the tearoom. Mrs. J. A. Teng and Mrs. William Bussey I were in charge of the homecooklng. Cashier was Mrs. II. N. BroclJesby. The room was lasiei moated' with pretty flowers. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Have You Seen the New FLKXSTEEL LIVING ROOM FURNITURE decor- I. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. U. lc camnnct unit No coils to DOP UP, no weDDing lO sag, no - No space for dirt or vermin to to break. It is sanitary. -stand the onen bottom makes cleaning easy. Sold exclusive ly th: city by us. PHONE 775 ionnacona Insulating Boards SAND WALLBOARDS have on hand large stocks of coal to suit every requirement our coal is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete building Our shingles are from lumber for every type of Charlotte Islands, tney ure --. Iwueen of the natural oils so necessary to long life and durability. CEMENT GRAVEL And Wear a LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd I 'DONE 651 PHONE 652 Buy Victory Bonds VICTORY BOND TORCH This Space Donated by Canadian Fish &Cold Storage Ltd. Dean Gibson as chaplain. There was a .long procession to Falrvlew Cemetery where Masonic committal rites were carried out. Honorary pallbearers were John Currle, Jack Chrlstensen, H. K, Chrlstensen, Robert Gordon, Thomas Priest and C. G. R. Anderson. Active pallbearers were S. E. Parker. T. J. Boulter, W. R. Mc-j Afee, F. S. Walton, John Dybhavn and Harry Calderwood. I Floral tributes were numerous j and beautiful. Are Married At Cathedral Miss Mry Amelia Colbourne Be comes Bride of George Robert Wilmott rrt f ft rVlnMr thd wnr. couver, and George Kouert'wumott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilmott of Vancouver. Very Rev. James B. Gibson, the dean, performed the ceremony before an assemblage of friends of the contracting couple. The bride was given ln marriage by her mother. The matron of hon nr was Mrs. Elsie Mulhern am ana James O. Stewart was groomsman,! The occasion was duly celebrated! following the rites ln 'the Cathedral. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmott are taking up residence ln the Summit Apart-1 ments. The bride arrived in the.clty yesterday from Vancouver, accom-i panied by her mother. She has been a stenographer ln the service of the Royal Bank of Canada at Van-j couver. The groom Is employed at. the local dry dock. Mrs. George Copeland will sail Monday afternoon on the Prince I Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. xiff page Tirara "fan Dsrc? LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Gold, Bulger's, tf. Baseball practice 7 o'clock Sun-,day night. Rupert All Stars. served. A lovely cake was cut by the bride-elect. Those present were Mesdames Gay, Hemmons. Lelghton, Hofft, Casey, Cook, M. Lamb, A. Peterson, .Davidson, Davis, Hanley, B. Ander-conducted P M. Rayner, the by p . Anderson (Tattersall. J .Cur-worshipful assisted byi master, , j w H R1 Q Skog, P. Dolron, L. Dolron, Garllck and the Misses .Gertrude Garllck, Josephine Gay, Nellie Anderson, Margaret. King, Margie Deane, Ger-aldlne Hanley and Krlstene Announcements All advertisement! In this coir umn wlll'be charged for a full 'mohth'at 25c aword. 1 Boy Scout Tea, Mrs. June 21. J. Clark. Anglican Tea, Mrs.Evltt's June 26. Strawberry Tea, Lutheran Circle, June 28. Catholic Tea, Mrs. Brass, June 28. t- nVo C. N. R, A. Excursion to Terrace, i - o i n Rt. a n rt rpw's An -1 vwi - .... t..i fufE iiagc pi... oilcan Cathedral of Miss Mary Juiy im' Amelia Colbourne, daughter of Mr. Dominion Dar "Celebration and and Mrs. waller txwDourne oi van- Dance at Port Essington, July 5 Rebekah Canteen Fund Tea Mrs J. E. Boddle, July 10th. Navy Tea, October 18. Midsummer Dance, Oddfel lows' Hall July 18, benefit Oddfellows' War Contlneent Fund. Mlkp colussl's Orchestra. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C.. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 HOSPITAL NOTES Women's Auxiliary Canadian i Dr. R. E. Colenaoi, lor the past Legion Decoration Day service Sun-j H. G. Maher arrived from Van- few years In charge of the patho-day 2:45. couver on the Princess Adelaide logical laboratory of the Prince yesterday afternoon. .Rupert Oeneral Hospital, is to We pay cash for mechanics tools, - .ileave Prince Rupert for Vancouver musical Instruments, furniture, etc. Tonight's train, due at 11 o'clock shortly to take over other duties, etc. Ello's, Moose Building, Third from the East was reported this In -view of the difficulty of getting Avenue. (tf ) . .m0rnin2 to be twenty minutes late, .a successor, Dr. Ooleman has agreed to stay on here for another j Miss Phyllis Hill-Tout, who lias M M nilhrt ftnd twa children -month. been attending the University of rrlved ln the clty yesterday after-J British Columbia, .arrived home noon on tne princess Adelaide from ' The usual inspection report of yesterday afternoon on tne Prln- VnT1Mlllv.r -Fire Chief H.. T. Lock covering cess Adelaide V .the hospital and nurses' home pre- Mrs. Malcolm Lamb returned to mlses was presented to the board D. A. Rose, Inspector of weights ltv -PKtr(iav afternoon on the of directors of Prince Rupert Oen- and measures, arrived in the city p,.incess Adelaide from a trip to eral Hospital at the regular month-on the Princess Adelaide yesterday yancouveri ' (ly meeting last night. The alarm afternoon from Victoria, being here . systems were reported in good or- on official duties. ,i pv nr Aifornntfor Esler. who has der with housekeeping conditions been supplying in the pulpit of First dean and tidy and boiler room In George W. Crlpps, provincial as- PrPehvtprian church here for the satisfactory condition. A report sessor, will sail on Tuesday after- Jew months, is sailing by the toom the provincial boiler Inspec-noon next for Vancouver on his way prjnce George this afternoon on his tr covering the heating plants to the Bella Coola Valley on offlc- jetum to Vancouver. ' a'so expressed satisfaction, ial duties. He will be away for a I couple of weeks. j CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Autoclave and water sterilizers I All dogs in the city must have lr tne operating room of the Lawrence Turgeon arrived ln the 1941 n..... -rvw,. These can be Pr,nce Rupert General Hospital city yesterday afternoon on the nad at the City Hall or from the are nt functioning satisfactorily. Princess Adelaide from Vancouver poun(j Keeper. Penalties will be 11 was reported to the board at where he has been attending the imp0sed' on arid after July 1, 1941.,last night's meeting by the lady ITnlvprcWu nf RrtflsVi fViliimhln Ha t... SlinprlntpnHon: Mice llnmr.i Is here for the summer holidays, j ritv Pound Keener 'Jamieson R. N. The matter will be I w i ... . .. jiooKea into witn a view to rectl- Chlef Wallace B. Monran of Kit-1 DECORATION DAY: Members of ficatlon. wanga is a visitor in ths city. He .the Canadian Legion will meet at I arrived on Thursday night's train the Legion clubroom Sunday, June j The hospital board last night from the interior, bringing ln a 22nd at 2:45 p.m. to participate ln voted $200 for the purchase of fur-group of natives who will hp em- the Decoration Day service to be ther bedding equipment for the ployed at Carlisle Cannery during .held by the Queen Mary Chapter,1 nurses' home and hospital. The the salmon fishing season. I.OD.E. LEST WE FORGET. Ber- need of new x-ray equipment was MANY AT I ets and meaais to be worn. also referred too and it was re FUNERALf Ge! , Large Gathering At Rites This Afternoon For Late John S. Nelson I bariick Honored (145) ported that delivery of new tray wagons for the wards would soon be made. Frank Dibb, chairman, brought I up at last night's meeting of the hospital board the necessity of clerical assistance ln the office of Mrs. A. Peterson and Mrs. Leo managing secretary. AfteT nolron were loint hostesses at t de- some discussion, the matter waj There was a large assemblage , llghtful shower at the home of the referred to the finance committee, this afternoon for the funeral of, latter. In honor of Miss Gertie Gar-J After Am Qt th gub. ine aie uonn . neison, pioneer u wiiose maxru.Be . w pmce Ject the boar, Qf directors Qf uuuuuib cuiiw-aciui m vuc wi .m "Prince Rnwrt Opnpmi Hr,tf,i i,.f prominent Mason, numerous friends' The evening was spent ln playing .ht riolofo . h , 0 . ' being desirous of oinlng in paying bridge and Chinese checkers. Win- to mak7aan '"TTn tor mZ their final tributes of esteem and ners for bridge were Mrs. J. Clc- S,?6 Tm! respect as well as to express their, cone, first prize, and Mrs. B. An- ,ifo, - f... sympathy for the bereaved. Iderson second. Prizes for Chinese b ht u,mril -1 I r F VI 1 S- J At the chapel of the B. C. Un- checkers CiiecKWS were were wun won by dv Mrs v. .uar- Tmi.n t xt dertakers there was first a family lick and Mrs. Davis. service conducted by Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean of St. An drew's Cathedral, with Peter Lien presiding at the organ to accompany the hymns which were "Unto the Hills" and "Abide With Me." Masons had met meantime at the Temple, marching to the chapel where the family service was fol lowed iowea bv oy Masonic funeral iuuc.u, rites lntendent. who said there was Tin The bride-elect was recipient of .satisfactory way of keeping people many beautiful and useful gifts. out of the hospital by night and After cards and checkers were, this had caused her some concern played, delicious refreshments were (There had been some difficulty . .... ..... ham.kJ A 1miI n, ...1. W. ' witn late at night visitors and even a drug addict. Timely Recipes STRAWBERRY CUSTARD PIE 3 cups strawberries 2 tablespoons flour 2 eggs 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons butter. Pastry. Line a deep pie pan with plain pastry. Crimp the edges attractively. Cut berries in halves. Sprinkle with cup sugar. Let stand Vi hour. Beat egg yolks until light. Drain syrup from berries. Mix with flour. Stir well. Add melted butter. Arrange drained berries in the pie shell. Pour cus tard over. Bake 20 minutes at 450 degrees F. Reduce to 350 de grees. Bake 15 minutes. Make a merangue with 2 egg whites stiff ly beaten and V2 cup sugar. Pile In peaks on pie. Bake 25 minutes at 275 degrees F, or until nicely browned. Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 517 Tom Lee & Son "nOUSE OF FINE FOODS" VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden-Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Reasonable Prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 mrmm W540 IT'S WISE TO BE THRIFTY! hotel arrivals Hospital Reduces Royal F. Wilson, C. Williams, Bella Bel la; Mr. and Mrs. Vic Orant, Bal moral; Archie McNeil, John Robertson, H. Rierney, Vancouver; T. Kenney and family, city. Central J. Mitchell, "Henry McDonald, Sunnyslde Cannery; J. Donahue, city. Prince Rupert B. B. Mancar, B. Canconl, J. H. Hamilton, J. H. Edmondsin, Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Leek, R, D. Baker, W. A. Sloan, T. Anderson, A. Wilson, Van couver; Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Mc-Wllllam, Montreal; A. R. Williams, Edmonton; D. A. Rose, T. J. Rim Its Indebtedness Cashing In On Insurance Policies In Order To Pay Bank Loan The report of the finance com-mlctee, Arnold Flaten, chairman, presented at the regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital last night, showed disbursements for the month amounting to $519.47 .There were 1631 hospital davs at a hosDltal day .cost of $3.57. Capital expenditure for the mons. T.Steele, Victoria; R.R. sim. mons. city; T. Wallace, Sunnyslde in affluuni J 4M;V Cannery; A. Currle, Claxton; J Fraser, Oceanic; C. E. Salter, Carlisle Cannery. On recommendation of the fln- "ance committee, the board decided ito reduce a $6000, indebtedness 'to ;the bank by $3000 through cashing Save for your Country or Slave In on the surrender value of the Hun I !su ranee policies. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST UNITED CHURCH Organist Miss Swanna Olafson A.T.CJW. Leader Senior Choir 3. S. Wilson Leader Junior Choir II. T. Lock Minister Rev. J. C. Jackson SUNDAY, JUNE 22nd 11:00 aJn. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper 7:30 p.m. Subject "The Problem of the Sabbath" When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable E PHONE 13 24 flour Service at Regular Kates Buckerfield's POULTRY & DAIRY FEEDS Arc Now Obtainable at Reasonable Prices From SUNRISE COMPANY LTD. Prince Rupert B.C., rhone 26 and 27 RAILWAY I LINES K Maim Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S.S. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT June 11th, 14th, 21st, 28th, July 5th, 12th, 16th, 10th To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway June 6th, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, July 7th, 11, 14th Direct Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Atent. Prince Rupert, B.C. ;; 1! If 1 1