FADE FOUR NADJ AN M c NAU G HTON CRERAR -SSSl l1' PRICE WORTHIGTON' MONTAGUE The Canadian Corps and the army-ih-tralnlng at home is resolutely building and training to the British-Canadian co-ordinated "Army Plan"' which is designed to meet and defeat the German panzers on the battlefield. That, and nothing elsel Above are Defence Minister J. L. Ralston, flanked by Lieut.-Gen. A. G. L. McNaughton, the Corps (Jommander, and Major-Gen. H. D. G. Crerar, the Chief of Staff. ..Below are: Major-Generals Psarkes, Odium and Price of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Divisions, Brigadies W. W. Worthlngton of the Army Tank Brigade, and Major-Gen. Montague of Canadian H.Q. In London. - Miss Rose Kameda of Port Essington will sail this afternoon on the Prince George for Vancouver. The Misses Joanna Peterson and Georgina Dolron, who have been holidaying in the south, returned home on the Princess Adelaide yesterday. Mrs. B. R. Dodas and daughter, who have been spending the summer In Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George yesterday morning. Enduro desk pens, (fountain pen nib) School bags and school cases Singing Period Series Business Correspondence Canadian Highroads Bookkeeping . Canadian Standard Business Rapid Calculation Office Practice Pitman Shorthand, Centennial Edition Pitman Shorthand, Dictation Course Typewriting (Stuart) This afternoon's train, due to arrive from the East at 4:30 daylight saving time, is reported to be on time. MacLean's penholders , ' i,,t. ,,, MacLean's penpoints . : L MacLean's writing pads Drawing- portfolios Scrap books ...... Music Dictation books y.v" Ink: Waterman's, Scrip 'and Quink Reeves India Ink J.' .... Higgin's India Ink 1 ,.... Map Drawing books ; Graph books .,,.....'.. Library paste ., Brunswick reinforcements Scripto Pencils :......'..:.....j; Fountain Pens On September 1, Labor Day, Post Office wickets will be open from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. The lobby will be open from 6 aon. to 6 p.m. Mrs. S. D. Johnston and son, Kenneth, who have been visiting for some time in Victoria, returned home from the south on the Princess Adelaide yesterday. School Supplies 5c Exercise Books 7 for 20c 10c Exercise Books .-. 4 for 25c 15c Exercise Books 2 for 25c 20c Exercise Books ...... 2 for 35c Notebooks 5C Up Exercise Books, stiff cover, round cornered 45c Exercise Books, stiff cover, black oilcloth 35c and 50c Looseleaf binders, standard two hole 25c Looseleaf binders, magic slate, etc 60c and up Looseleaf refills : lOc, 3 for 25c and up Science looseleaf refills, complete 25c Set squares and protractors ..-...vr .......,. 10c and 15c Compasses -J-...,, , 15c and 35c leasers : 5c and 10c Crayons ,.,,;.v.,-;; Reeves Paints, 5 colors and ,brush Reeves paint refills Reeves paint brushes - , - -. Poster Paints, No. 7 Rulers -. Pencils . . L-J , COMMERCIAL 10c, 15c and 25c 40c 2 for 5c -. 10c and 15c Typewriting Techniques and Projects - Words Bookkeeping Blanks (Journal, Cash, Ledger) .. Bookkeeping Refills ... Pkg. $1.15 5c and 10c 2 for 5c, 5c and 15c 10c ji'fr'.jMr-rt 5c 15c 10c 15c 10c 15c 15c 50c 10c 15c 10c '10c, 2 for 15c 25c . 69c up 15c ...x$1.00 up Work and Play Series ..- 30c Canadian School Atlas 65c Highroads English Dictionary 40c ' ,25c and 30c 45c $1.65 . 50c .. 60c . 55c . 95c $1.10 . 85c $1.50 .. 40c .. 15c 20c Typing pads 10c Shorthand Notebooks jqc Dibb Printing Co. Besjier Block, 3rd Street, Prince Rupert Phone 234 I Mail Schedule (Daylight Savins Time) For the East-Monday ( Wednesdays and Fridays G p.m. From the East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 12 ajn. For Vancouver Monday 3 p.m. Tuesday 12:30 p.m. Friday 9:30 p.m. Saturday 5 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday p.m. Monday a.m. Wednesday u a.m. Friday .... t ajn. For Stewart and Premier Sunday 7 p.m. Friday 12 p.m. From Stewart and Premier- Tuesday a.m. Saturday ; 12 noon For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson- Sunday 7 p.m. From Alice Arm, Xaas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 a.m. For Ocean Falls , Monday 3 p.m. Friday 1 p.m. Saturday 4 p.m. From Ocean Falls Wednesday n a.m. Friday 11 a.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands August 30 9 pjn. From Queen Charlotte Islands I August 29 am. For Alaska Monday a.m. Wednesday 2 p.m. Friday a.m. From Alaska Aionaay ajn. Wednesday p.m. Saturday p.m. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Crescent Shows Aug. 28-Sept. 2. Red Cross Tea, Sept. 11, Mrs. Sid Thompson. Presbyterian September 18. Tea, the Manse, 2nd Searchlight Aux Dance. Ar mouries, September 19. Hospital Auxiliary Rummage Sale, September 20. United Church Tea, Mrs. M. F. Nlckerson, Atlin Ave., Sept. 25. ; Orange Sale, November 5. Queen Mary Refugee Club Tea, Sept. 27. Legion Rooms. J. Bouzek TAILOR LADIES and GENTS Best Materials, Workmanship 2nd Ave. two doors from Broadcasting Station THE DAILY NEWS Mrs. Harry Nelson and son returned Corp. L. A. N p.(.a. to the city on the Prince cuu police orftrm. f LOCAL NEWS NOTES George this morning after a two " weeks' visit at Premier. the Prlnc Cash for old gold, Bulger's Labor Dav Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, 10 to 2. Admission 50c. Mrs. Richard S. Woods Is sailing this afternoon on the Prince George lor a trip 'to Vancouver. A New spring bulbs Just arrived, Tomatoes locally grown, fresh dally, 25c lb. See them at Mrs. Smith's Flower Shop. (205) Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wing and family of Port Essington are sailing this afternoon on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs, Robert Murray of the Rupert the Prince George for Vancouver enroute to Ottawa on a visit. .VISITORS DAY The public are Invited to visit the new Y. M. C. A. hut (formerly Moose Hall) on Sunday between 2 and 5 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Stiles and son are sailing this afternoon on the Prince George for Vancouver where they plan on taking, up future residence. Mr. Stiles expects to be back shortly, however, to finally dispose of his Star Welding machine shop business. Highland Retreat was played by the pipe and drum band of the Sixteenth Canadian Scottish at the Federal Building grounds last evening. and proved Impressive to quite a crowd that gathered. Each Friday evening, when weather permits, retreat is to be played there. William. Postulo, who operates a restaurant in Winnipeg, back In Prince Rupert for the first time in fifteen years, is here for a brief visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.1 James Postulo. He arrived "on the Prince George yesterday from Vancouver and will leave on Monday evening's train for Winnipeg. FOUND FOUND at Carnival: 1 purse con taining ticket stub No. 4174 and 1 brass bracelet, G. L. Rorie, Wallace Block. (203) FOR SALE ALL Enamel oil range complete, cooler, odd dressers, kitchen table. Red 332. (204) FOR SALE Mc Clary range with burners installed. Good condition. Reasonable. Phone Blue 979. (204) FOR SALE 10 used coal ranges In good condition, 20 Springfield mattresses In all sizes at $16.50, 24 chesterfields in the latest styles, Household doors, water boilers, 8 unpainted chest and drawers at low prices. Phone Black 324. B.C Furniture Co. FOR ItENl FOR RENT Furnished house from Sept. 8 to 28. Phone 568, evenings 569. (204) MALE & FEMALE HELP GIRL wanted for general house work. Must be good cook. Apply at MacKenzle's Furniture Store YOUNG man, assistant for automo. tlve parts, stockroom. Apply Ru pert Motors. (104) WANTED WANTED Reliable party to oper ate restaurant near Dry Dock For further particulars write Box 1432. (208) WANTED Girl for Phone Green 106. PERSONAL housework (207) NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB U clerk, Postman. Customs Clerk. Bteno etc. Five Dominion-wide exams held since the war began. Free Booklet. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. No Agents. YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER garten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M C C Schools, Winnipeg, Man. New Underwood Typemasters and standard typewriters at McRae Bros. (203) Mr. and Mjs. S. G. Painter are sailing this afternoon on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cherry are sailing this afternoon on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Yager and child are sailing this afternoon on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. The men of the forces are Invited to a concert In the new Y. M. C. A. hut on Monday at 7:30 Bakery is sailing this afternoon on p.m. The Canadian Scottish will entertain. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. German sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for Stewart where Mr. German will relieve as manager of the Bank of Montreal. At a recent auction sale of provincial government owned lots on Prince Rupert townslte Mrs. T. Mc-Clymont was the purchaser of lot 92, block 39, section 8. The lot Is on Eleventh Avenue. Miss Lorraine Loop of Fairbanks, Alaska, who has been visiting here for the past couple of weeks with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Eckerman, sails this afternoon on the Prince George for Mrs. Robert Greig and two daugh ters arrived In the city on the Prince George yesterday morning from Vancouver to take up residence, oining Mr. Greig, the new city pas senger agent here for Canadian National Railways. Roy Crandall left at the first of the week for Edmonton- to join his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Crandall, who recently moved from here to the Alberta Capital. Roy has been employed at the Seal Cove air base construction work. D. C. McRaancTson, Duncan, are sailing this afternoon on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. They will be Joined at Ocean Falls by Mrs. McRae who has been visit ing there with her daughter, Mrs. A. Kvale. Canstable and Mrs. Andrew Grant and family, who are moving from Smlthers to' Duncan, Vancouver Island, are arriving In the city on this afternoon's train from the In terior and will proceed south aboard the steamer Prince George. William L. Baker, managing edi tor of the Coos Bay Times of Marsh-field, Oregon, and also owner of a newspaper at Sitka, Alaska, was here aboard the Princess Adelaide yesterday making the round trip north, accompanied by Mrs. Baker. Harold Nordan, who has been spending the summer employed at Skeena River cannery, will sail Tuesday afternoon next on the Ca- tala for Vancouver enroute to Port Coqultlam to join his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nordan, who have moved there from Prince Rupert. Dr. G. F. Amyot, provincial health officer; Dr. D. H. Williams, director of the division of venereal disease control, and H. C. Rhodes, another official of the provincial depart ment of health, are sailing this af ternoon by the Pirnce George on tneir return to Vancouver after spending a few days In the city. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving Aug. 19 and 30, September 9 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Trince Rupert Ajent, Third Ate. Phone 5C8 Mrs. Jack Wood (Annette Stone) sails this evening on the Prince George for Vancouver enroute to Motnreal on a business trip. Mrs. Norman Nelson and son and daughter arrived In the city on the Prince George yesterday from Vancouver to spend a few days here with Mr. Nelson. Mrs. J. H. Taylor arrived In the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday from Vancouver to pay a two weeks' visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Taylor. Hemsby King, who has been spending the summer on the Hou-gan ranch at Tatalrose, returned home Thursday night. One of the Hougan boys came In on the same train to attend high school. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wing were passengers aboard the Prince George yesterday going through to Stewart. Years ago Mr. Wing was with the Granby Co. In Anyox and Is now Identified with a mining concern. He Is no stranger to the north. , Rev. J. H. Myrwang, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday from Seattle where he was called recently on account of the serious illness of Mrs. Myrwang who is now recovering although It Is expected It will be some time before she Is restored to normal health. 8& 2C'f 7S. $4.10 whiti Hoist Bi?mtrn r . a. Kre mm I the Canadian National 'Kaa 52? Winning nH u.4C1 -vjaw nere are saCi evening by the Prince (W their return t v. ttj'vuuvcr B. T. Phillips. Indian Ate vueen i;nariotti Tr'..j. paying a brief visit to th. I official business. nB ....... iCamosun last evenin2 fro ,? 1 Mrs. F. W. Schmucv uH(.. uuuRiiLci ill i vnn IV . . wie rrince lipnrcro j - 0v Lernt me racuic uoast Tfc ... .wu ujr uie mornms train. MOTHER RECEIVES SIC READING. Eng AUSu:t JO: mts. u. rearcey 43 totally l for erght years and naif b'to 95 fell tn,n 1 tc uu a ct I HJU I centiy and regained the nl Dotn eyes. She hud net,,. her youngest child BOUNCING SHELTERS MANCHESTER August 30- fj A r O TIT trnvi rf sneit.pr strnctiiro ir,M-.t. ... -" ...w, tig knocked about by bcn-J) er' ...I . v. n . . . 1 1 i . British cities. ainlU. WHITE HORSE in.oui.ow SCOTCH WHISKY This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquot Control Board or by the Government of British Columbii For Labor Day Weekend Remember the day with snapshots. We carry all sizes of Kodak Film. Also wc have a complete line of Cameras Haby Brownie Special $1$ 1 Juliet Camera & Target Brownie Six-20 Six-16 Brownie Junior Six-16 Brownie $3 Six-20 Bull's Eye $3.80 Kodak Duex $$2' Jiffy Kodak Six-20 S10.75 Jiffy Kodak Six-16 SH.fi Kodak Viligant Junior Six-20 $12(M) Kodak Vigilant Junior Six-16 M-'1'3 Kodak Vigilant Six-16 ' $23.00 Brownie Reflex $7.3-' Ormes Ltd. JjiA Pioneer Druqjp is ts The Kexall Store phones 81 & 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m, When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI nt iNkir Ai Service 21 Hour Service at Iterular Kates