Riess We ates euch eee ae 7 ' : The Daily News Scoop Takes Charge of the Beautiful Baby Contest —Drawn for the Daily News by “Hops Qn’ WYOWN AND & WANT “Nou To HANDLE IT “ov. Bu THe BABY IT WILL BE NOUR DUTY NAME AND AGE PHOTOGRAMER SHoor irs MéP- ETC. townsite, and made TENNIS CLUB sc 2 tuna on dow tags. he has had TOURNAMENT © = 5" | That there is a need for a pound eetineeeeee | | keeper is shown by the fact that £ Position of Piayers so Far as Sets|a certain pony has been arrested Have Been Played Off, and three times by the police lately. Some Sets Stil! to Play. The nag was last caught rolling In ideal weather the Prince|on Mr. MeMuilin’s fine grass lawn Rupert Tennis Club is holding its| @! the government first tournament for the season,/came in from Eleventh and great enthusiasm prevails} Where its owner resides, possibly amongst the players. The fol-} what it lowing shows the positions of the|@ players as far as play has pro-{Council jpound Keeper. Mixed Doubles. a Chappel! and Miss Du Vernet | won) vs. Fisher and Miss Ellett. Purdie and Miss Drummond} won) vs. Fulton and Mrs. Fui-! Ag ton. residency It avenue, took to be bush fire out there. Phe will advertise for a new fleeing from gressed: THE WEATHER. irs ending a. m., May 14 Barometer, 29.987; maximum s4.90; Minimum twenty-four ho Miss Drummond and Miss Du} ' Purdie and Chapell temperature, won vs Vernet. temperature, 954. Men's Doubles. Chapell and Fisher Carss Sr. and Carss Jr. vs. Mortimer “and Evitt. Purdie and Stowell Tooker and Young. Claney and Marshall Kerr and Manson. Chapel land Fisher Carss and Carss. Claney and Marshall Purdie and Stowell. Clancy and Marshal! Chapell and Fisher. Ladies’ Doubles. To play. Miss Ellett and Miss Drum- mond vs. Mrs. Roberson and Miss Du Vernet. Men's Singles. eee Lae Williams Tooker. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT. Marshal! vs. Purdie. i Serene : Lost Rocker Mineral Claim, situate in na Mining Division Cassia tric Where located: On the west side the entrance to Goose Bay, Observatory t Vs. For row boats and launches jtelephone 320 green. Davis boat | house won won won vs. | CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE won’ vs. RUPERT. | Notice is hereby given that a sitting of won VS.| the Court of Kevision for the Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert will be held tin the City Hall, Prinee Rupert, B. C., on won vs.| Thursday, June the 6th, 1912, at 10 to’clock a. m., for the purpose of hearing | complaints against the assessments as } made for the year 1912. Wwon)) V8.) Any person desiring to make complaint against the said assessments must give jnotice in writing, ating the cause of; compiaint, to the a q at least ten fdays previous to the itting of the said Court Dated at 26th, 1912 Prince Rupert, B. C., April J. C. M'LENNAN, Assessor Pub. May 4th, 1912 won vs. t Carss Sr. (by Ke vs. Carss. jt Williams Carss Sr. Vs let TAKE NOTICE that I, W. 17 agent for F. S. Dakers, Free Vancouver Heads League tlicate No. 33959B, intend t apply to the Mining Re Vancouver, May 13—Baseball rder for a certificate of improvement ' Sunday ; Kergin, as Miners’ Cer 60 days from > «. purpose of obtaining a Crown game, Vancouver 5;} grant of the above claim l< na _ , And further take notice that action . Vancouver now under Section 37 must be commenced be- the Northwestern league. fore the issue of such certificate of im provements. Dated this ist of May, 1912 W..T. KERGIN RESIDENT POUND WATER NOTICE. KEEPER NEEDED , ; . TICE 1 a ; ake ae ome | ar OTICE is bereby given that James A «. Of Port Essington, B. C. will app!s 1 liwense to take and use Two Thor sand 2.000 inches of water out Porcher island Too Far Away btrwn: Creek. which flows in a noru t direction through Lot 121, and from Townsite to Make Ideal ebiery ito Hoesall, River, near Grassy Place of Abode for tdeal Dog ‘*!«"'! ihe water will be diverted at Catcher for Prince Rupert. Seattle 3 leads Erowns Lake. and will be used for for in dustrial purpuses on the land described a- Lit 121, Range 5, Coast District. This notice was posted on the ground Last night the Citv Co . m Uw 2ng day of May, 1912. The ap- , ; a ty Oancil | Miication will be Med in the oMce of the decided to engage a pound keeper) Water Kecorder, at Prine Rupert. B, ¢ : heat Thea . (bijections may be filed with the said who lives in the city Phe for- | water Recorder or with the Comptroller mer pound keeper was a rancher f Water Rights, Parliament Bulldings, Victoria, B. C. en Porcher Island, and though he did his work efficiently when he ; JAMES A. BROWN, Applicant ib, May 4th, 1012 High : Class : Entertainment To Be Given in Methodist Church, Thurs. Evg., May 26 The Popular Elocutionist, Assisted by Talent PROGRAM PART TI. ‘Enoch Arden’ Tennysas: «+03 + sa Rev. R. W. Lee “Crossing the Bar Tennyson) i+. eae eee Miss Holtby ee a Re ee a oe a ee Breer (EE Oi aN Ea ERAS, ner Sep Ee Cerra LT es ST PART I, ‘Creation of Sam MeGee” Recital Song Song song Sourdough).....Mr. Lee Fishers" (Kingsley}...0.......4 Mrs. Button Recital—"*New Year's Eve’ (Cheechako)............Mr. Lee Recital—**Operator” (Cheechako),........./.......Mr. Lee Song— The Echo”..... ..Mr. M. Davies Recital——“Hard Luck Henry’ ‘Cheechako,.......... Mr. Lee Neen Tn eee eee nnn eee ala’ Miss Dineen Recital——-’Blasphemous Bill Cheechako .Mr. Lee Bong MONE MOD gS 8 yg A ae se Clapperton Recital Lost Sourdough . ante ay | a ADMISSION 25 CENTS Recital Song YO GET THE BABY S es AND HELP THE J lt il ii i YoURE IN THE WRONG PEW - TAKE THAT OUT TO THE ZOO AND ENTER IT IN THe BEAUTIFUL ii ih ) \ \ Bary CONTE: MONKEY CONTEST! q/' a : eae = ~—— ss se re ee aera aT ae IE OTE ETA ew er i “The News” Classified Ads. One Cent A Word For Each Insertion== -THERE ARE NO “‘DEAD ONES” HERE— Owners who place thelr rented | roperty in my hands will have it { ooked after with the same fidelity | as if | owned it myself. Fire Insurance in Board Companies COAL | New Wellington Coal. ne ee rs as es a Hs | Best on the ss es rs se SE ss es es gs es Ht —— GEO. LEEK, 618 3rd Ave. Coast MEXICAN STRIFE ieee emer ermerrmarmermeeth | prmermersarermerermermermmsrmarmeer ele Phone 116 Rogers & Black PR Roe Wanted a Wanted Houses Rotoz Making His Last Stand Af- i {| IN THE MATTER OF the Land Registry ter Severe Losses eer er erent | pre tesrmararmersrmmsemmsrmmermnsrmmarmeede | Act and IN THE MATTER of an applica WANT girl attending school to help mind| WANTED—Large store with good showj| tion for the issue of duplicate Certificates é baby from 4 to & State what expected windows tn best business locality. Will f Title in the name of EDWIN G. RUSS he Special to Daily News Address X 15, News jease n good but not exorbitant terms.| ELL for the following lands—namely, the v : é any: 8. re Box 217, News Office tr thwest quarter (S.V 4 Section . C\ ‘ egos, Mex May 13 WANTED— Girls ed a ; LO dpemee ere armermeermarmmarmmene TN nty-three 25), Township Twely * a mane I La ‘ ; ; 12 Range Five 5 One thousand s with losses : : Ww l § s s ° no ast quarter ativen and contiteedeait: ool. ae Business Chances Fourteen (14 ° { I D), | Ar i y I rebels is Ul es fa twelve j Miscellaneous te tere ered SE Quarter CN I ef ; hour’s ba he les WANTED — Restaurant outfit, especially (/);, Ue DO awe ‘satan ie . ma hy a em me ee eee range, also bedding and cheap firniture | ~0°U! Fig h i : 1 Ve S g i for about ten rooms , oO 05 ‘ : ' ; rh ; SMALL F rnishe iH se u Rent — 834 z a about ten room P. O. box 105.) ; wnship Eleven (11 and the northwest | ‘J sda Ma en tg ‘ epeis eC. summit enue, on Borden Stree u . rter N.V 1 f Sec ) t I treated I i vh R ng ‘away Saturday 21 ee eee ered EY Fownship * ‘Twelve 42) all ‘in| Vis é - eated Sint Silt me } ' f ' t 2 ’ ti . NO more men needed at Goose Bay until | Kange Five i, arene District; the west] jy nvited Ww lake Nis st sbane Ii is further notice, The Granby Consoll Lost and Found ne 2) of Section Twenty-six (2¢ Sat ; ‘ Twelve 12), Range Five 5 4 uf APT eved he Ww ve annihilated Gated: Moo Be FCO eee District; the east half (E. %4) of JAS. CARMICHAEL URNITURE for sal Borde and Taylor te Se Twenty-three 23), northwest g, Wea. a atte the street, at Newton home it4-tf LOST Real Esiate contracts in the name | q é N.W. %) and east half %) | SOUTHERN FLOODS . R SALE—Two 9x10 logging engines Rachel Kre Five Dollars reward | of Section ur (24), east half w is large quantity of logging gea f return to News office 108-11 I Ly f m Twenty-eight (28 # Re ae wire rope, etc Apply R. Cunningham) pounp 4 Yale lock key Owner can} cast half E 2 of Section Thirty-three Acres of Sugar Cane Drowned & Son, Ltd. Port Essington, B. C have it by applying to The News office west balf (W, %) and northeast o G mM L 99-tf and paying cost of this adyt quarter (N.E. %&) of Section Thirty-four} ut—Great Money Loss MARRY—Why remain alone? The Ideal} ——_—— il —— | $3435, Townanip | Twelve ae Five a Introductio lub ads to happiness as istrict e nor est quarte Q +; ce e eee ettabies ie Surely NOTICE N.W. % f Section Twenty-three (23), Special to Daily News ivate; highest character. If- you wish Lot Owners—Attention! rownship Twelve (12), Range Five (5),} : lirst class, dependable service send 10 . ai haa ake | Coast District and the northeast quarter : “ cents for full rticulars State age cting under it ons from the city) (Nt 4 of Section Thirteen 13 New Orleans, La., May 13 on oF ful particulier he Age-| council, 1 call ¢ ym to the necessity!