Expert OPTICAL SERVICE mSytI lf Optometrist in Charge I ! JJ J Watch. Clock, Jewelry , S Kepairinc, Hand Engravinf Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT "V" Is Victor In Fashions Has llromc Popular Dress Gadgets, Ornaments And rMint Accessories THE PATHS OF GLORY I LONDON, Aug. 30; 0i Two months after he was awarded the Military Cross for gallantry and leadership in action, Ma. Noel Trend lit rhrictnnhpr rvrtmrK rf th. RHHtVi Army died of wounds. NOW IT'S PIG'S TOENAILS NEW YORK, August 30: O The V is uotonouj m iashion, anyway. LONDON, Aug. 30: CT During Aside from stunts such as hair-' discussian of a Pharmacy amend-dos and palmed motifs on arms ment George Griffiths, Labor MP. and legs, the V theme s playing a for Ilcmsworth. told the House a functional part in fashion design, .niackburn woman had told him fc.ripes and plaids, well-liked poss' crushed toenails in water was this season, spell a bold V bias--ut drr-ss and coats. Many! new hats, both American and Br'-1 tish, blatantly depict the theme as a morale booster, while others take advantage of the pleasing motif in, a sure cure for diabetes. TELEGRAPH CONSCIOUS nANBKT? A iu-TVO- -Austral iws it- tr'csraph system 186 for subtle, wearable line or trim., con miles o." wire more than any Gloves purses and even shoes fol- ether country in the world. Austral)-low suit. jlans each average 2.4 telegrams a In 'he novelty line-, rwmtlw venr. The United States is next with gadgets such as vanities, eye i.isnd the United Kingdom third glasses, scarfs, and clips, pins and with 1.3. Jewels, bear testimony to . the ; - popular p r.ertance of the V;not. to be making V formations, theme. Innumprr'M- hn'n nsr Stylists report the V theme h ading the symbol in outline or .been accepted to a point where, in super-imposed upon a d'sc are re-! h - bel 14 will continue in ui-ported selling well. exnerted ways for a reasonably People seem, unconsciou-'y or "vnn. 1 PEOPLES STORE Kick to School SALE 'We Ain't Foolin!" Look At These Bargains 4bc ELASTIC TOP 3-4 SOCKS 4 pairs for SI 25c ANKLE SOCKS ... 19c $1-$1.50 SCHOOL DRESSES. Size 2-14 85c .$2 CORDUROY OVERALLS. Size 26 $1.50 75c DENIM OVERALLS 2 for $1 $1.50-$2 WOOL SWEATERS 85c $2 WOOL CARDIGAN SWEATERS SI 81.25 GIRLS PYJAMAS. Size 2-11 5Uc PANTIES and BLOOMERS . . Tie fre&test Victory tf&ture won- from tie sun f , 85c . . . 4 for $1 Mkil Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 .V.V.W.W Used School Books DoukIiI and Sold at Elio's Furniiure Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. COAL! COAL! The coal business Isn't a matter of guass work with us. We know good coal when we buy it .and you will know' good coal when- you try it. We buy the best the mines produce. It's "properly graded before It comes to us" and properly scheened and weighed before it comes to you. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE lial I'HONI KM I V "At the crucial moment of this manoeuvre . . iie says 'pass the sugar!' LABOR DAY IS EARLY When the holiday was made loiy in oanada in 1894, through lucrlclaHnn pnnrtpri Ihv thp irnvprn- J! ment cf Prime Minister Sir John forts- House of Commons' enacted a similar measuie. Much cf the credit for the passage of Labor Day legislation in, Canada is given to Alexander W. Wright, a newspaperman who wrote for the Guelph Herald and No September 1 Holiday Again Till the Stratford Herald and later 1947 Started By Knights Of became the editor of a Journal Labor published by the Knights of La- bor. He went to Ottawa and "lob bied" for the measure while it A trick played by the Gregorian was being discussed in the House, Calendar Brings LaDor Day on the apparently influencing many of j :"-" date possible this year the members in favor of, it. 1 September 1. Not since 1930 has 5 the month, nor win it come again J , that early until 1947. il At one time Labor Day was al- GRATEFUL SPRINGBOK CAPE TOWN, August 30: Q "Our thanks to them and we will not disappoint them" wrote an Afrikaans-speaking soldier in North Africa to women of the Union for supplying soldier com- Thompson, the date was so fixed. But in later years demands for RUSSIA'S EXAMPLE I the long week-end resulted in LONDON, August 30: Oj Britons faking the holiday the first Mon- can still give up much of their i day in September. accustomed' diets and live, says a Celebrated throughout Canada writer to the papers, pointing out and the United States for 48 that millions in fighting Russia years, tne beptemoer Labor Day live on black bread and cabbage lis. peculiar to this continent. Its soup. ' European counterpart is May Day i '. a celebration often accompanied ' workers' a1 FIGHTER TAKE-OFF ,by demonstrations of Revolutionary character. Although1 LONDON, August 30: -Fighter ' I the North American holiday is piane iaKe"011 in e A- r. is marked by labor parades and done in seconds bu a new Air j! speeches exalting the worker and Mlnktry book describes 50 things I . . i , . ThA nllnh Viae tn An hoHrppn tV fime powers ana responsiDimy oi ' , v " --"rf-v - thne he slips int0 the cockpit and . f! workers, . the majority . v of Cana- ----- . v." kJ . . . v w Vti , ,. , j,aians regara it is an opportunity """" w $1.25 BLOUSES '. . 95c fr rest the last holiday of the M,,m CURED AFTER 20 YEARS Early Guilds oxunax, .o.w., Aug. ju; wi nner years in a miniary mental Medieval records tell of proces- hosDital here, a soldier has been ; jsions oigmizta oy trade guilds to discharged as cured by advanced Remonstrate the workingman's methods of treatment, including oc- . j pride in his craltmanshlp and to cupatlonal therapy, i obtain wider recognition of the importance of the guilds. The inauguration activities of the Knights of Labor, a powerful organization which existed In the '60s. It dropped out of existence jin 1894 when other labor organizations took the lead. Demonstrations were held by jiaborites In New York, Montreal 'and Toronto during the years ; 1832-81. and the demand for a I Labor Day ibecame a political issue, jtn 1834 the United States Congress passed a bill providing for 'such a .holiday and the Canadian 1 VUkr Our Store Vour Shopping Headquarters ttitlisf action tiuaranleed I'llONK 541 Tom-Lec & Son '"IHfUSK OK KIM; MMilt.0 A BASEBALL ACROPOLIS, :30 p.m. COMMODORES vs SEARCHLIGHTS ' MONDAY, 7 p.m. DRY DOCK vs. COMMODORES NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A IIOMC AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 15c up 5D Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Rox 196 Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Landings Continue Heavy as Close of Season Approaches Annuai Meeting of Canadian Fisheries Association Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert, as the, closing of the 1941 season on September 14 impends, con-: tmue to bulk heavy. During the past week the landings totalled 866,000 pounds including 673,500 pounds from American vessels and 193,500 pounds from Canadian. This brought the total landings for the season up to 13,437,500 pounds consisting of 8,48 J.900 pounds American and 4,950,600 pounds Canadian fish. Prices kept up well and, with catches in the most of cases quite substantial, there were some very gratifying financial returns for boats, owners ahd crews. For American fish the high price of the week was 12.8c and 11.5c which the Tordenskjold was paid for 42,000 pounds. Canadian prices averaged higher than the American with top bid of the week COMEDY IS FINE .'ladclc ne Can oil And Fred Mac-Murray Co.Starred in, "Virginia" At Capiiol lor Holiday A gay modern comedy drama in 123c and 12c going to the White .ecmucoiur, bangs Madeline Car-Hope for 25,500 pounds. The low ;oi and ired MacMuiray ibeilier price of the week for American fish -a team for the thud time when was 12c and 10.5c which several Virginia" comes lor tne' nrst halt boats received while the low for ot next week to the Capitol Canadian was 12c and 10.7c receiv- Theatre. d bv Joan W. I. at 29,000 pounds. Added to this duo is a nandsome The annual meeting of the Can- blond newcomer to the screen, adinn Fisheries Association, of Stirling Hayden, who shows prom-. which Col. J. W. Nicholls, general ise of becoming a star in his manager of the Canadian Fish ti own right. Cold Storage Co. is president, -was "Virginia" .is a story of a "arched during the past week at Cham- ond lnvas.on" of the Old Dbmin-cook, New Brunswich. Col. Nicholls 'on by a sudden Influx of large vs unable to make the trip east for numbers of wealthy Northerners the convention. who buy up the beautiful estates ithat have been the ancestral Last evening brought in two Un- homes of prominent Southern ion steamers from the south. The families. Camosun, Capt. James Watt, arriv- Th plot revolves around the ed at 7 o'clock from Vancouver via I return of a native Virginia girl, the Queen Charlotte Islands and. who had moved away when still a' leaves at 10 o'clock tonight on hfrj-'?ry small chiM, to find herself return south over the same route. 'and-oT and her ren'on The Cardena, Capt. John Bodcn, against the slow easy-.goln? Vlr- irrived at 11 p.m. and sailed at nla manner of living. However midnight on her return south. hrou-h the love nnd devotion of her neighbor and the loyaltv of Walter Ironside was found guilty fmilv servants she become in police court yesterday by Stioen-, acutely conscious of her heritage iary Magistrate W. D. Vance on a nd resnons'blli'y to ram on th charge of fishing during the week- '"""Vnl -family rrnditions. tv salmon closed season off Banks Th wealth and wordly sonhls-Island with the boat Workman II , Mention , of a nlav-bov Northern last Sunday and a fine of $50 was newcomer to the loaHtv compll-fmposed. j-ates the voun? rins chnTs of heart. In he coln'ful nnfold'ni of C. N. R. steamer Prlnoe George, !fhu romantic tale Us thrilling Capt. H. E. -Nrdd-n. returnd to hnd a-"''n? ente'tainmpnt. rort at 10 o'clock this rrrn'n-from SWart apfl will sail at 5' o'clock this afternoon for Ocean PRINPF RITPFPT Falls and Vancouver. Crescent I Shows Prince Rupert ! Aug. 28 Sept. 2 1 YES.' We Repair Water Pipes, Roofs. Woodwork, Stove Connected. Etc. OH Burner Cleaned $1.50 Chimneys Swept $2.50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACirij.l CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton D.C., Ph.C. Wallace Block. Phone 649 I PRINCE'S GIFT HYDFRBAD. India. Aug. 30: O HFH. the Ni7m of Hyderabad! P'ate ha- offered a contribution of j 20 lakhs ($675,000) for the building I bf a corvette. , DRY DOCK, AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders ami F.neinrm Iron and Rras Castlno Electrlr and Atftylenr Weldlnt Specialist on Sawmill and Mlriinr Marhirrj All lypek nl fia Entitifw KrpalrM nrl OvrrhauUn J. H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite Post Office Prepare for Fall and Winter Featuring; Freedman and Gabbe, Samuel Hart Ltd, Ladles and Gents Suits and Top Coats to Measure 10 off Continuing till End of August' Alteration Specialty, make Appointment to your house Phone 307 DELUXE TAILOR Opposite Commodore Cafe FREE! FREE! New issue Premium Books' now In. call in ahb- 'let us explain tluir plan to' you. Dishes; gil-: verware, flatware and many useful items FREE with our cash coupons. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 CAP1KH A FAMOUS PUTEKS tTiij! BEGINS MONDAY FOR 3 DAYS continuous Daily (ra l , f!nmnlpf CVi IN TECHNICOLOR) The MagnlfU eni love Story 0f a Beautiful Reb 4 CSS Hi ' At 1:20, 3 .28, 5 25 ' 44, t i. ADDED TREATS Walt Disney s Tluto in "A 'Gentleman's Gentleman' SportliRht "On the Spot' LAST TIMES TODAY Ann Sothern in "Alaisie Was a Udj' At 1:41, 3:41 s 4) 9:4) Complete s: : : 1:00, 3:00, 5 CD " r' SAvoy HOTEL Carl Zarclh. Trup. Phone 37 p.O.BW KRASER STKKET Prince Kupe" THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by Ihe only wjj cannlcz compsny with the year round Pnu Prince kopc Classified ads. get result 00. !