PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Alternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone 88 SUBSCRIPTION RAXES Subscription Rates in City Per year. $5.00: Hair Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week. 12c. Out oi Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year AUVtUliMM KATtti Local Readers, pr line, per insertion .25 Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion .02 MEMBER OF Tilt CANADIAN PKESo Tht fandl4ri treat It ctcl'ustyelj eawxlJ to tW ror rtfublicaUon of all new ppatctiMi -rained tt or to tii AMoqlated Prfso In this paprr ana al.-w tilt local iiowe jubllsbeo iheivui. Al! ilghta ct republication ot SDecUt deHoatohes therein nr also reserved Member of Audit bureau ol Circulations DAILY EDITTOtf Monday, March 31, 1941. EDITORIAL The Italian Encounter - - The first notification pf the sea fight in the Mediterranean given over some of. the American radio stations was that the Italian fleet had won another victory over the British; -A few minutes later came a British announcement telling of a British hit and run engagement m which a number of Italian vessels were badly damaged, it being impossible to get near enough to the enemy to sink the vessels. If any British ships were hit, they were facing the enemy whereas the Italians were hit when steaming at full speed to get out of the way. Evidently it was a great iaval victory, one of which to be proud. It was one of the few occasions when the British had been able to get within striking distance of the Fascist navy. Up to the time of writing this no details of the fight had come through, but we always depend upon the British navy to win if they have half a chance. Evidently this was one of the occasions when the British took advantage of an opportunity and we are not sure yet just how great the victory was. Not Lent Nor Leased "Mr. Mackenzie King placed Canada's war effort in uFei perspective, says me Vancouver JNews-Herald xuc MiiKiug comparisons witn tfie United States Tju?1.?u 1 J 1 1 i nriium speaK ior inemseives. vjcx taiiiiy li, speaKS volumes ior a nation S patriotism 101 ucaui rrtain may - live that thfi pnmnlaint.s nnrl nn'riVicm nf nnr rrnmmryioMt oincai Actually, Actually, in in arnrearance. appearance, vour vour not because we are doing too much but because 'we are not s1-t?v-w am na t 11 doing enough.' Differing Tastes When the editor was in Toronto recently he savs a businessman he met stated that he hoped to get out to British Columbia again to get some of that wonderful salmon fishing. "The fish there are so much finer than the Atlantic salmon. He said he had eaten salmon from the U&I Cafe On Waterffonf NQW OPEN ,For. business Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY I'llONE C57 YES! We Repair Water Pipes, Hoofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, " Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned 11.50 Chimneys Swept 12,50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 TSI DAILY KZWI .p.M. MEETS THE MASCOT OF HIS OLD IUTTALION During a recent tour of inspection, Winston; C lurchill visited the battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers, of which he was commander durinfc Wo id War 1. "VV.C " is shown here making friends with "Sandy," the battalion mascot, who was present on parade. GLAMOR IN OCEAN LIFE Wartime Meet Dancer Though Bonuses Are Some Recompense By DOUG HOW Canadian, Press Staff Writer HALIFAX, March 31: (CP) 'Paens of nralse have fallen nf and late on the hardy and deserving brows of the merchant marine "Rut nnrriVnlnrlv imnrpccivp uras his rominrloy- V,r,t (Newspapers and magazines alike 22, of Chatham, Jf.B., a veteran they can and do jump from one -r one pis-war voyage who has ship to another at the end "of shipped on four vessels of three 1 lound trip. The foreigner nationalities since. can't shift because Immigration May, like oihers of his kind, is regulations won't let them, but C0m''nuallv shornin? nroiinrt fnr mnnv jittomnta nr mnH XT ATT J r i HP better ships and better pay. He has His ship generally gives Joe a 1 1 J J, Jld 1 ' found that foreign ships pay more blanket, a sheet, a straw mattress money than British and that's and a pillow for his bed. If he Crewmen Of Merchant Shins put hhn aboard the Greek uants mors- he Sets 14 htaMeU. If f-6"' luiiuuj mien aic jjui, uui ic wuir.3 lur sume companies, nis from an East Coast port some Pay steps automatlcajly when his months ago. ship is torpedoed and he is given Four hundred miles off New- a, month's extra pay when he Is loundland, the Emmy started tp landed ashore. Different firms 'founder In a heavy storm and her haVe Afferent arrangements. skipper put back Into the port "ward Pitcher, a 22-year old whence she sailed, leavlns his Montrealer, for Instance, was glv- deck cargo of ptt-props to the At- f n $112 to replace 4ils clothes and lanuc. izo in war nsic money because Pay With Bonus Varies was ahcard a torpedoed Nor- A A merchant mercant seaman seaman's s pay pay would would we8lan liner. iii.!- i.ri i i J j V' j i l "i ' 7 have sprung io the taa of this! imt is not ieni or leaseo. 1 nis is a direct contribution to 'r.i,;i ,..v 1 . 7. not entice a bank UOMB' Ktei J4c tip iu Koomt not Cold win Prljce Rupert, BXJ! ' FISHEKMEN!--Insta MARINE MOTORS Kermath of Lycoming Afent J. Ti BRENTZEN, Boat "Wanderlutf,r tiow Bay FRESH SHRIMP Dally After 4 p.m. BOAT VV.S.L. XROTJEU'S DOCK rucner ana another Montreaier, thP ai1SA nt frppHnm 7 i twiw m tmimtro m,.. Jw Burnt aw tvnlio nf h Viim - wv.Mw.... . . iiiuman interest. uJ5c, maj, a. uujk - ' "In no sense is the Prime Minister's comment a criti- Thousands oi words have told about $33 a month- Aboard of men una5SUmlnsiy are cism of what our American friends have done or are do-.the world of these so-caiied guard- JSSlhH!?; TAf TLTlL tTZ?a ing It merely serves to emphasize Canada's contribution i- V" r an Empire'gr 2ZXM5 Vef and to answer those in the United States who have sought d?r L " r e?f?e: Tta bSL li m- -Per got tired of -pushing . to misinterpret our position for their own political ends, minks it an a lTS J1S """jPtoyew Eave him" an extra pound V" to sea shortly after "Perhaps the Prime Minister's review will help to) He iu Ttc Tread toiiin u ar broks fut,Buraat have undertaken. For in spite of mounting taxes there IS built that way. But the word war bonus each month but jui v-nslth has any desire to go back Still far from Complete understanding of what we are do-' her " ne he never takes Into erage ordinary seaman on an ave- f" land' Fr such men as ing now or to what we are committed. ( consideration in respect to him- erage British freighter would make these BrHain draws her breath for "In the face of Mr. King's impressive figures, how-' L nhii. , , i111-1!, more than $7 a month ln the fig1lt ever those Who can doubt of Canada's unitv y anrl d PUrPSe nnrnn! ? P C 15 PktUr?d A as crossing an ocean where, death is Zl tfSZvlS. ??J?;:- Staaorous. devU-may-care 7 mar- a constant menace." The pay goes BROKE SUPERSTITION 7 i , , CB; ' . '"ier wno ventures lorth into seas up after the cxewma-i has 18 MELBOURNE, March 31 trr months exnPrlprtA whA-n Vio te An Allflrnl1fln Hrfnr a I w V jj WOO- MwobWA, hi. J 14 (Li! fiv- ained as tin nhip -hi p.hnrMn dhh v.a iu erage merchant seaman is no more i Oreek and Swedish ships, th "death bone." saved her life by an of a magazine cover glamor boysallors say, are the best pay Lord aeration and broke an age-long than the hired hand down on your Haw Haw is said to have upped supsrstltlwi of the tribe, uncle's farm, the begrimed service (Greek wa.ges when h threatened - oktwou awoiaam, on tne next! instant death to any British sub-street or any other workadav ner- lect cantiirprt nhnowi o v,i sonallty. Ithe flas of the littv nv Actually, he is a hero,, but io.tion. joe bailor himself this seafaring One Greek ship, lue as, he will tell vou. onlv a inhroalri a nannHn- wu u.. and its monetary benefits are his fuch stipends, they admit will first consideration. Essentially, he's keen comlne- mil T) : 1 1 ,i . . . . i2n inaivldiiii.i anH on .04, xiti rut '.u..i jvcotiiiMucne anu a aozen otner rivers liowinn- mtn thp At. l l7 ."mi u,i.mcKs. lantic but none of jhe fish compared SfiiKt Z ?r SSeSWa? Prince Rupert. Whenever the opportunity occurred he m a factory or an office, 7 , dingy TafiEnSSSd n DOUgflt a piec Of Prince Rupert Salmon. . . Of Many Lands food, facing ail types of weather vve nave an oeen so impressed with the stories eman- An n:s own- ungiittering way, joe,W1"- always confronted with atmg from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick about how wuiiuBuuiifleAuanuc saimon are that most of us have cujiie to miiiK it is true and we are apt to have an infer-lodity complex .regard to our own salmon. What Js true of salmon is also true of herring. Recently a local resident remarked: "I am going to test out this question of the quality of herring. In a local store there were kippers cured locally and kippers imported from Nova Scotia. Some of each were purchased. The eastern fish were plump -and "firm and it was said sold wivi i iu. iiuu(, ne mign. I-"" come from anv one1 nf rfn7n rf. Some EnvrlmrM lands. In this port city, you can' , Empire seamen have it over tuna, at any time Britons, Nbr- their foreign' compatriots because jwegians, Africans, Arabs, Human- lans, chmese or you name them. He might have started going down to the sea years ago or :been lured tq its bosom when the world went to. war. He plight be as young as 16 or as old as 65. You'd never take him tnr ja if . .. . . j ifucKer i tnough, "IUUSI1' ashore, asnore, hf Is is "bet ueuer uian tne locals, iney were taken home and cooked' bet-i in the same frvinP" nan nnrl th HtHo IapqI h ,i rdressed than he Is aboard hfei liner and excent for rizp thpv wprp tip vnofitr c,,,.v,: 1 hm. .vivA. ?. v .v V JlSh. and keeDS on wea.rlnr ihm unni I -O IM1,M . . While t- we have nothing -against the. eastern fish we1 d forblds" have a feeling that the prejudice is something the samel,P5S livef a 1Ue h's a as that against the western apples. Far away fields are SSS Sus mfn "V3 V5 green and, when we were yotiSger, our iJp&teTiK R rtgeS Keen and our sensp nf nnnwcirfti ihat accounts for som.e of tlje preferences We:find Ent-i .Your ight"be Ernest May, hsh peoplelDok back to the wonderful i applet and nlt llrtl " me-yiu ounirv'. rossiblv the! same reasoning applies. There is also a difference in COOKS. i NEW ROYAL HOTEL ) 'AarclU Froprletoi "A HilMfc AWAIT Reserve That Dale Now MOOSE IIALI-8 P.M. Thursday, April 3rd WRESTLING Jack McLaucWan Of Vancouver Former Middleweight Champion of Canada Vs. Tarzan Reynolds Of Toronto I HOXINO I'KEMMS 1 I Ladies Welcome I CO-ED Beautv Salon (Elsie Klohn) Ezclianee Bide. BLACK CC8 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water -Steam Baths Dlnlnt Room in Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress Give War Worker Restful Holiday Homes In "Safer" Towns And Villages Opened To Folk With Bombed 'Nerves .:. i i ', ' LONDON. March 31: (CP)i-The "Community hospitality r'heme" inaugurated byy Lord Horder on! Mrs. H. Woollcombe, is (he apswr to the suggestion the British are too stand-offish to be friendly in unaller towns and vfllage$. The Idea started and has spread like a prairie fire throughout the safer areas of England. People who are dff the beaten track and cannot taki active part lri war work, through this scheme offer to take Iro civilian defence workers for a day or a week-end. This gives them a rest frm their ardu-ts tasks in the" bchifxtj areas. Th- Im). pays the fare of her suest. In the first we?k that It was announced more hs 3D0 homes were bpeiwd to lake n week -end visitors. , BIO MAN IN 1911.18 j FEtEiRUJRS. Er.. March 3J-xCPiugh- Tfccmfr Srirjive, 7? technical adviser to Ihe Mlnlrtry of Shipping in J9l'4 at)1 Dlrscto of Shipping at tbi India Office jfollowlngr the. First' Qrea War. U dead. ' If you want somrtninn. adver- Use for it. Hundreds of people get wnai mey want that way. Uf OF Fi GAL 50 orrQUARTS 251 orr PWTS f IIJ fl I iMr mum r b i m "U IthHUHMM H lu ,,JJ,.l.. . . if?-, t n . . - ' Canada At War 25 Years Ago March 31, 191fl r ed possesion ! Av at Verdufi, bui cv -rar Malanccur: ;. Biltfeh held w-Un-lied line on the W tending from the Somme. 1N-GL0 T OOK around your home A- and take note of the fur nitureand woodwork that needs coat of Enamel. The floon and linoleum that Varnuh will brighten. The walls that should have a cost of 6emi-gloss Satia Ftnifch. All three of the fam-oui Satin-Glo interior finishes ire on sale tliu week at s hi; reduction. Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. 255 Third Avenue rhone 101 EASTER NOVELTIES Now On Display Priced From 5c to $3 00 E. l Make Your Selections Early OrmesLtd. TJitn Pioneer Drut&ists The Retail Store Phones W M Open Pally from I .m. till 10 pm. Sunday! and Mohujn from 18 to 2 P- Dd