SM PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Honda SOMEWHERE ON THE BRITISH COAST Expert Optical Service . Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties M ax Heilbroner .lEWBI.BH DIAMOND MERCHANT rEOPLES 1 TOF E Home Furnishing Sale J FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY ONLY Save Many Dollars On BEDDING - TOWf LS FLANNELETTE SHEETS Thick, warm a;sd cczy. Soft rose and blue trim. OA Double bed size vJL INDIAN BLANKETS Gay Navajo patterns. Well woven. The all purpose Aft blanket. $2.50 regular PX REVERSIBLE THROWS Lovely reversible shades. Soft and nappy. OA np Large size. Limited stock j?tJO BLEACHED SHEETS Special value. 77x87, large size. 04 Qff Each tPJ.S PILLOW SLIPS Standard 42" size. Bleached. Special, pair Oc WASH CLOTHS- ff C TURKISH TOWELS (FaceCloths) SlSftv1 29? IIAND TOWELS TEA TbWELS ' "'" Special. ftffp Attractive -fl An Per pair Af) pattern At1' Mail Orders Trompily Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE 5 "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" ? J THIRD AVE. Next to Hcilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 If you lose anything, advertise for it Ml I A group of artillery soldiers are pictured loading the huge coastal defence gun with a shell weighting a third of a ton somewhere on the British coast. The gun Is a 12-lnch Howitzer and 13 set en a railway mounting, ready to be moved to a ny point at a minute's notice. FINE SHOW AT TERRACE Excellent Affair, With Various Feat-uresj Staged By High School Pupils 1 TERRACE, March 31: The rupUs of the Terrare HSgh School put on" a very good entertainment on Frday night. The program contained musical Items, two plays and cctvtests In boxing and wrestling. The Oddfellows' Hall was the place and Li proved too small. Many people who came a little' late meit with the mild disappointment of having to stand through the evening. Others failed to get Into the hall at all. Roger Walsh, president of the High School association, made a neat speech in starting the program and, from then on, there was ,not a dull moment. The school choir began with "O Canada," and "There'll Always be an England." The little plays caused a lot of laughs -and the ability, of the ,rm&ig participants to tarry their POTts was a consplcuoiifeature. Perhaps the loudest applause came In response to ths contests in boxing and wrestling. Young Brian Sessions, as announcer, did his Job like a professional. .Tank Kirkaldy. as referee, was perfectly lf-pajsessed and handled the contestants In the various bouts Just (though he had had lots of experience. A. raffle by the High School Red jCross Association was a surprising IFH-ess. ineliMn? $70 for the Red Cros, and result In.? al.r in twelve lucky winners who carried home prizes which were bo.h useful and substantia). Financially, the affair did very well; besides the sum which goes to the Red Cross the takings amounted to $83. The Program The program was sr? follows: Opening, Roger Wakh. "O Canada." Schgol Choir, "There'll Always Be an England." Play, "The Monkey's Paw," Emlle Btesonnette, Jessie Llewellyn, Jack Klrkaldy, Roger Walsh, Henry Des-Jardins. School Choir, "Ramona " Guitar and song selection, Allan Robinscn. Boxing George Thayer vs. Roger Walsh. Dick Dubeau vs. Henry D?sjardins, Bobby Cooper vs. Emlle Bhsonette.- fi-hool Choir. "Desert Song." School Choir, "Braham's Lullaby." Wrestling Teddv Hammer vs. Leo Brook3. Raymond Taft vs. Donald LloweUyn, Peter North vs. Harry Haugland. Play. "Kldnapp'm Itafty" Marie HaH. Mirion Head, Dirk Dubeau, Catherine S-atnn. Peter North, Lorm Smith. Brian Sessions. School Choir. "CartyVOW :.. .. Ra f f le -AVirt rif rsagi$ The raffle winnerTerelulit, Mrs. James' Lever: magazine table, Jessie Llewellvn; hall tree, Mrs. J. Loen. end table, Mrs. Ivan Frank: book cae, Mrs. Coreyj medWne chit, Mr. H. Wilson; sweraiter, Mrs Walter Warner; cushion, Mrs. Vernon Olass; mitts, D'ck Dubeau; mitts, Mrs. Gordon Kerr: itrays. Mrs. Hulbert; fretwork, Irene Benolt. A "spot" costs yju only half s dollar Trv It in the Dally News classified column. (tf) Whifflets From The Waterfront Further local halibut boats clearing for the grounds since Saturday in readiness for the opening of the fishing season as from April 1 have been as' follows: Point May, Capt. A. Anderson; Nlshl, Capt. I. NUhlmura; Maude J., Capt. J. Jchnp'on; Minnie V., Capt. A. Ben-, son; Peerless, Capt. H. C. Hanson; Reward I., N. Antonsen! Oslo, Capt. Axel Olsen; Rose Spit, Capt. H. Miller; Relief,. Capt. Merrill Sol-lows; Mother III, Capt. A. Anton-sen; Northern Breeze, Capt. J. Ell-ertsen; Mother II, Capt. O. Olsen; Midway, Capt. OMo Olsen; Lucky Star, Oapt. Walter Johnson; Mel ville, Capt. John Ivarson; R. K., Capt. K. Kitagawa; IC47, Capt. Y. Kanada. The Northern Breeze, a new boat built last fall In Vancouver, Is cn her maiden voyage. Unipn steamer Camosun, Capt. James Watt, arrived in port at 9 o'clock last night from Vancouver via the Queen' Charlotte Islands with passengers, mall and freight, the vessel will sail at 10 o'clock tonight on her return south over the same route, On her regular weekly voyage, union steamer Catala, Capt. Ernest Shepherd, arrived In port at 10 o'clock last night from thP south and sailed at midnight for Stewart and .other northern points whence she will return, here tomorrow southbound. . . .They Cut a Path Through the Heart of the Devil . . . and i vdncu 11 uic ijama re iraiu ERROLEYNN OlIVIA DeHAVIILAND A WAINIt 1105. riCTUH mm Bringing to life on the screen some of the most colorful figures In America's history, "Santa Fe Trail." ! co-starring Erroll Flyn and Olivia 'de Havllland, comes to the Capitol Theatre for the first half of this week. It deals with the turbulent idays of the era Just before the Civil War. Several exciting. chapters-of, hlsidmare1 HnU together Iri a drar faat'attcm t6 make a, thrilling; entertainment. ' ui , Primarily "Santa Fe Trail" is the story of the bloody Kansas territory and the eastern end of the Santa Fe trail during the days of John Brown and his abolitionist raiders, days In which the United States cavalry had Dlentv to do and I days that almost changed the nation's destiny. 1 Flynn plays the part of a famous cavalry commander, Jeb Stuart. Miss de Havllland Is seen as a feminine "Kit Carson." Raymond Mas- sey plays the fanatical John Brown Featuring Canada's Own RAYMOND 7 RONALD REAGAN William IUIUDIGAN 0 and ALAN BALE Music bv Mnw Stinr 2 Shows Nightly. 7:00 and 0:20 Feature at 7:25 and 9:49 EPIC OF HISTORY ADDED I A HI BS BBS smmaaamammm m jml 1 ANNETTE 5 EASTER Sale Starts Tuesday, April 1 CoatS-Women's Spring Coats Iff navy, black, military blue, blege, tweeds, crepes and boucles. All sizes, qq pa regular values to $35.00. PRE-EASTER SALE V-l tl.DU Women's and Misses' Goats- Polo coats, tweeds, reversable tweeds, reversable Donegal?, fitted coats and box coats. Sizes 12 to 20. QIOQC Reg. values to $19.50. PRE-EASTER SALE yXfltlD Hats- vf4 All new spring hats. Felts and straws. Reg. g ne values to $3.95. PRE-EASTER, SALE J)JLvO Dresses-crepes, prints and sheers. All new spring models and shades, Sizes 12 to 44, Regular values Qt te to $3.95. PRE-EASTER SALE tyTLiUa Dresses- Dresses- REAL BARGAINS! phis is your opportunity to get an Easter Outfit at a remarkable saving. Crepes, prints, , sheers, polka dots, stripes and Jerseys, Sizes 14 to 20. . Regular to $0.95. . ' CJO PRE-EASTER SALE iT.. VvU Children's and girls' dresses. Sizes 1 to 14. leguiar value $1.95, PRE-EASTER SALE Waists- $1.00 Sheers with 'Jabots, shYers with 'dainty lingerie trimming, In white and colors. Sizes 14 to 44. Reg. Qff values to $3.95. PRE-EASTER SALE yXVD Bed Jackets- In tea rose and blue, daintily braided. Small, medium and large. Regular value $1.95. 2f HO PRE-EASTER SALE '. : VvU Lingerie- satin striped nightgowns, in tea rose-and -blue only, small, medium and large. Regular values Ol Off to $2.95, PRE-EASTER SALE Jli5D medhn'.'if Wh,ltC' blUe' m d black- Small medium and large. Regular values to ni a A $2.95. PRE-EASTER SALE ?1UU Satin striped slips in tea rose and P nlnk Smiii mowi,, and large. Regular value $1.00. ' PRE-EASTER SALE, 2 for ol.UD Panties, bloomers -and vests, ln tea rose. only. SkJ-Regular Value 69c. PRE-EASTER SALE ... . &UC Purses- In faille, leatherette and Morrocco, dusky blue diKh-v r,!nir coral, military blue, military red, Soldg S, !S?ue palm green and rust, Navy and black. AUn Values to $2.95. PRE-EASTER SALE J1.UW PARA news Hosiery- A British Govt. Subject "MEN OF THE LIGHTSHIP No. CP CARTOON-"PREHISTORIC PORKY TnWTniiT ttipo Mirr Ronald Reagen -.. rx 1 tj George Custer Ot.i:ti!j; real life charade 1. Alan Hale, William lA Heflln, Gulnn W .:r. fc nolds and Henr.-. ONc HAZELTOi Sam C. Hope ar.d E 'tli leaving Hazelton for Hsa'l trapping and will br t :Ul ton before Easter Sund: u'Sam C. Hope Ditf ' M TJfiomas CamDbeii AtopSWl aPNoot and WU: im 21 tains in the Chur h Arr ed special servic; l:' 1 cj Army Hall at lis.?" M They will be t c S Good Friday. Alexander Car n OrAl Jcft this week for KL ceedine from there 153 to Bear Lake to v ! t M Carson Gun-a-Noo ' known throubhout the Sk(l trlct. will return to Has'! May. Sale Starts Tuesday, April " 1 vest shades, every pair perfect. Sizes' to lOVi iSC Regular value $1.15. PRfi-EASTER SALE Scarfs- " v Printed and plain, ldealrto wear With your new coat. Regular value $1.00, PRE-EASTER SALE I" . .. ... EasW 50C Houe eoab- Printed house coats, sizes 14 to 20, Reg. 1,95 values $2.95. PRE-EASTER SALE Pyjamas and Nightgowns- Nova-Silk nightgowns and pyjamas. Sjl.OO Regular value $2.95, PRE-EASTER SALE .