MKN"S S01.U) I.KATHKK Work Boots In Cr Pav and Oak Taruttd Solos. 1VM fraa 52.95 TO $7.50 Our Sivvk of SHOE FINDINGS InchiUHS IVlis Laws Arc Supports Oath SIkx ls Kit,, the Lar$Kt in ta Cfcy SOUK AGKNTS FOK JACK AMI JILL SHQKS Family shoe store ltD. TV Howe oX (uvd Shoes EDITORIAL Municipal Change Act uwmwr Mather as cnnwit-wH r j? t R C Rrtswx j. w sattefticttrr Wki m kaxy a im&k y un ajnw ami vW kw . . w& k. .a. v X & i MK e rY eof cvv.M jnvj jxvHy i4-i Ator M' ... ' 1 r$)C3ftfr xte Meft :Vat - tW J ? ! tfty w W xi a tr miuk. W :V cjtr wmI iv fyjcih :ae 5Mvy f fen fem i rk Siaiht a hWi jt y x mia CHOSEN TO TAKE COUNT xn:4 au tike viita o an rtr Am feHI aa a !wel an hxv xvt w jre la JJCW HATPI TflV X N" VNQK OtroT wM .-, T K a J,. vrtaMacs Shaw mkw . IzrT e AMM r walK t vVv e XMr iMt r $mmt ka . Saw ""t: tr-'Wttt w -. as v i iiAMin jwk f ur ywa$ Man in the Moon qaH Vixt nothing tar maJe trtamBxf. Oenw Are A)htte4 jy aw dttflrdtT aWt fetofcys is tt takes sa autcfc of the Wh the eweMjoa f AUfeu aext In t awr It H. LhvJ uxuwe vkm says tt mtk ,a a Kmatt ms. aVti !ta Cwtf a4 TXxVwwaah ;Nf Ja -wfcr ttealre ee rw ' W TEAM ON SCREEN Awnes )Ht A. Bp. 3' HHk He" (as Victor?' Loan 190 CEREMONY OF TORCH lia ai Omk Ka3r w -nssus - wroa- JLi1-1 - ------- a " - 1 STOOHHEt ?wsrr I- JUMi la-Li T"I' wagi t at. witr 1Mb. I f1 I 1 y3tatai Xaaffgu II i HELD HERE n G 1 ta sm Aa Se a S ltf l H. BUL GER ia J Msiai.l IL IS : . ftRwa aftE s&aic ta Ah rsaca: The a; &- Jatarsz: rr icat ao NEW ROYAL HOTEL -a Bwe axat raax Baar K Sic -K i nd n Iincji. lisaO. Bw J Palmistry 5 Cod sad the Kins to see the thin; through to the death. The thing, vtefcfa the British Empire fought a$kt was not a thine of God tot of the derU. People who iinl-Kt only to live in peace were now subjected to raassaere and crnei persecution The British Qaoire had asstsied the task of resistine tram T a. ' Stash Awr O 3M. fiiimHj TBr ? cacy nv aaa sett JT a rr mi TAXI Service Us Ifeei fiWlL Nit on beh&lf of aH tesoceat eiuae -. people- She had set herself to a "aunnj pei- lnfmhr Cithenac Of Spirit oil diTtee task. After twenty aoethj . Dsitot &--- Otrarter UeU Yesterday of war va nor apparetH that Tlrt0 repmecu AhrreooA the sr&$s)e to not only to resfca w aaced bkcc by . eni to othei feo -were the inao- Pveed okumc fMll TMfecit T rrB m nrr.Mtkw the Kte. ThOi- is vi"1 -I!5 to Eai Itself fnsa ' at Cott m w . , . . nekem. Cant. "Ur-. j. . . . . vans. AlMm r - - - , i ts . cqsisw ueaac 0 , teB 'fetch pMfcci fMT to sop- con of lilfciiMiiii in its ao ftrwteea for sen r b? Toethieas. Brt- c ww t ttwse BNk rMo war tw aad its nchl T TLT m. Vfc(Brjf Less taeac tone we asked to pre rberoslTi Wt " V ie Etulrr. tad w 0K Ptt e- y CKxvK m CTIlJr ZJT ftaMtiaf of the xtM effwv , - ""t Wf nrhttef cewraded the ,,,,77,1 7 , M w rM awnvtew tete DOCKERS" C AXTCT' )rt tmi !eve. - - ' XTTT T - -r vt Mt vWeh it the oatr BBKBfOTUS El- , - aace. Wdh ae tmm t i IVauae Of AQruKt iwTrhr t mi -nc MUST TCT AVi.rS T3CHY. May M ritr Tt cat May a CT Sa hi ' v'" e : mi 1 fg moatr-j PHONE 13 "mi n j Clean-Up Paint-Up I Jiake Repairs, j Bmld . Ttai al Stat asaaesak Jar a r bine nr Jnr mi-Jnz i mi n CaX ia ca z ! Albert & McCaffery, Ltd." I rasa ' - rsmn ir SAVE yourself some MONEY ft rT Trfatfi., . ' Hi? x Gam Used aauH w VrittriiMjMC "9& wi