m 1 3 '$11 2 TM DAJX.T 1W CANADA 1 Yprcs, April 22-24, In this famous drawinu fnmi IVncii, Sir Bernard Partridge commemorated for all time the hcroi. stand of Canada's 1'irst Division against poison gas and over-whelming aids. A our soldiers held the line then, so Canada must hold it now. TO US PAGE THKZI TORCH THROWN A generation ago, from Flanders Fields onr soldier dead threw us their tor.c.h to hold it high, as they had held it from Second Yprcs to Minis, from Sbmme to Passcliendaeic. For four years the$' kept their rendezvous with dentil. They knew no peers hut the living who served with them, and their spirit so animated the Canadian Corps that it became the spearhead of victory. Thai am& spirit animates oar troops today. We hold the torch. We cannot do less than pour out our dollars as they pour out their all FOIl GM-46X 1 m I-zmmmmmm BY GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED, ON BEHALF OF THE VICTORY UIPTnB"Y loan i94r 'U ADVERTISEMENT IS PUBLISHED 1 r .A V) f i