jooooaoeHjooaoooDoanooopooooooooiwooooaooooaooaoon ft,? J-r BERLIN The German s otHiooaaaaatitiCtitiatitiaaatiaa It RAIDED Muiintivu i lia l overnight attacks Saturday by the Royal Air Force on Cologne and iuv. vuuju uiiutc uuiiuiiius ana mat per-ns were killed or wounded in the raids. In addition to the atiack on these German industrial areas, the Itoyal Air Force also delivered a smashing attack on Boulogne and elsewhere along the Invasion coast of France. London had its thirtcentli night without an alarm. The Koyal Air Force struck at industrial targets in western Germany during Friday night. Again raids by the Luftwaffe on Britain throughout the week-end were of a light nature with little damage and few casualties. GOOD NEWS FROM AFRICA CAIRO The campaign is going well for British fmces llirouhout Africa. In Ethiopia, the important town of Gondar has now been captured. A nine thousand men Italian force has surrendered. Around Salum near the Libyan frontier in Egypt the British forces continue tl eir aggressive tactics. A sandstorm has held up operations at Tabruk. The Koyal Air Force has staged another heavy and damaging raid on Bengasi. PREPARE FOR. INVASION LONDON Prime Minister Winston Churchill moved to-day to prepare the population of Breat Britain to resist an invasion attempt by the Nazis. Starting next week leaflets will be distributed throughout the cojntry giving a set of fouiteen primary Instructions in the event of invasion. The Prime Mini-ter urged Britons to be ready to stand firm and carry cn. Once an Invasion started it might be some weeks before the invaders were destroyed killed or captured to the last man. There mlsht be fierce conflict. Mr. Churchill warned the people to olc.v official orders. INVASION OF SYRIA ANKAIIA It is reported here that the British may lauiuh a full scale invasion of Syria. The border between Syria and Palestine has been closed. .Many more French soldiers in Syria are going over to the Free French forces who are co-operating with the British. In Iraq dissension against the pro-Nazi premier and his regime Is gtowing. BRITISII WINNING IN IRAQ ANKAKA The pro-Axis government of Iraq, according to reports received here, is breaking up. The Nazi Premier, Kashid AH, accruing to one report, is preparing for flight. Meanwhile British forces are advancing on the capital city of Bagdad and it is suggested may be able to take the city without much difficult., -n fact a speedy British victory is anticipated. During the week-end flood waters on the Tigris and F.uphratcs Kiver were holding up the advance of the British forces. NAZI CONVOYS SUCCESSFULLY HIT l'NDON--Thc Air Ministry announced today that British bombers had successfully attacked two German convoys off (he Netherlands and Danish coasts. Direct hits were scored on it least two vessels which are believed to have been sunk. Others were uamagtd. Fear British planes were lost in the attack. MANY NAZI PLANES DOWNED I.3M0N Harinff 'Uifc : pal week seventy-two German plant- htvc been brought down over Europe and the Middle fjut while many others were damaged. British plane losses for the aij c period were 39. SPEEDUP Bombay Rioting ; Has Broken Out DEFENCES ,. , . . British Troops Arc Called Out To Much Has Been Accomplished in )fal u..h tenewfd Commuliai I'nitcd Slates But Much More Trouble In Indian City Remains to be Done WASHINGTON D.C. May 25.-William F Knudsen director of the office of production management in connection with the United States national defence program, states that ther has been a four hundred per cent Increase hi airplane production during the past year. However he Is by no means satisfied and appeals to labor and capital alike to see that production of defence goods is speeded up to IN WITH GERMANY General Weygand Approves Pclaln Plan for French Collaboration . With Ueich i VICHY, May 20. General Max-lme Weygand, commander-in-chief of French colonial forces In Africa, has approved the Pctaln plan for collaboration with Germany, it is announced here. War Service Subscriptions The following donations have bef n received for the Canadian War Services Fund since the last list was sent in: B1"degate Concert Party $150.04 Tldl and Lawn Hill 23.25 Port Clements 38.70 Mr and Mrs. a. j. Incram .... 10.00 DENMARK AWHEEL One-third of Denmark's popular tlon owns bicycles. , BOMBAY, May 26: British troops were called, out today to deal with renewed outbreaks of communal rioting. Several persons were killed. HONOR FOR LOCAL MAN Lieut. Jack McRae Accompanying Victory Loan Torch Across Canada Signal honor has come to a well known local pioneer family through the selection of Lieut. Jack McRae to represent the naval service of Canada as an officer on the bomber which is transporting the Victory Loan having lert torch across Canada Victoria for Halifax on Saturday. Stops arc being made at various cities where the torch will be accompanied by scrolls of a cgl-ancc. From Halifax the torch will be claimed by a transAllan-tlc bomber to England where It will he presented to Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Lieut. McRae Is t"e son or Mr. and Mrs. I). C. McRae of this city. He was born In Prince Rupert and enlisted In the navy soon after the war. FIRE-WATCIIEIt AHMV ...,miccTrn M.iv 26: ICI'J cis b - Twenty thousand flre-watel tween the ages 01 10 air raids in registered for duties In this manufacturing city. AN OFFICER'S BORROWING LONDON, May 20: CP)-An officer alleged to have borrowed salience officer from a non-commissioned and failed to repay it here for court-martial. mm Vol. XXX., No. 122. ITS Started From Victoria On Saturday Now Crossing Prairies After Ceremonies In Vancouver And Lcthbridge VICTORIA. May 26: With Premier T. D. Pattuilo, Mayor Andrew MJGavin and church and public service representatives taking part in the proceedings, the Victory Loan 1941 toiLh, which will be ultimately delivered to Prime Minister Winston Churchill as a signal of Canada's firm al legiance to the Empire and determination to see the war through to victory at any cost, was started on its way across Canada by bomber plane cn VlVctorla Day. From here the torch went to Vancouver where another Torch Day ceremony was held, wun Bishop Sir Francis Heathcote giving the principal adfires and Mayor J. W. Cornett, Austin W. Taylor, British Columbia chairman of the Victory Loan driVe, and others signing signed the scroll whlth accompanies the torch. Bishop Heathcote likened Prime) Minister Churchll. to a modern.' ' Gideon. From Vancouver the torch plane proceeded to Lethbrldge. It Is scheduled to maKe scops at various other cities across .Canada enroute to Halifax where the torch and accompanying dcyuments will be transferred to a bombing plane and flown across the Atlantic to England. GOVT WINS ELECTION Supporter of Premier Menzlcs of Australia Winner Over Labor Candidate CANBERRA May 26. fhe gov fmment crnmeni 01 of Prime mine lvmustci Minister It. jv. G w. L Ifeiiii Victory Major Sea Loss PURSUIT BY NAVY GOES ON Kevengc And Vindication For Sink- ing Of II. M. S. Hood. Britain's ' Greatest Battleship, Sought LONDON, May 26: Britain's mightiest warship, the 42,100-ton battle cruiser Hood, was hit In the magazine and blew up during a British-German naval -engagemeni u.,,..!! iceiand and Greenland Saturday. Great Britain announced the loss shortly after the Nazi hh command suddenly and sensationally announced that Germany's big new battleship, the Bismark, had fought the British near Iceland an.d sunk a battle cru.ser. ' apparently the Hood." The norma complement of the Hood Is 1341 officers and men, nearly all of whom are believed to have perished 'n I he explosion which sent the f Ion Mr?; fortress to her doom. Tli- British said that thr Bis-mark, too. was damaged in the baUle pnd that "the pursuit of th cirriy continues. Anctfcrr crack new Ocrman bnttJo'li'-. the n-"!. is also said to havfi been with thn Blsf-uk. later reports saylnsr the Tlrpltz had ben tn.k toy a British aerial torpedo'. TORCH ON WAY Bulletins REPORT ON HESS St DODGE COVE MAN DIES The provincial police boat reached port this afternoon from Dodge Cove, Digby Island, bringing in the body of Gerald Alfred Johansen, well known elderly resident of that settlement, who died yesterday. Death was due to natural causes. A family survives. LEFTY GROVES 296TII BOSTON'! he venerable Lefty Grove pitched his 296thi. Major League victory yesterday when the Boston Red Sox won 10 to 3 over New York Yankees. BIG SNATCH BY NAZIS NEW YORK The New York World-Telegram said today it had learned that German interests had recently acquired, at a tremendous loss to American stockholders, a large European oil company and a $23,000,000 manufacturing company in Germany at less thaif half their value. DAIL IS CALLED DUBLINf-j The Dail Eireann was summoned suddenly to meet today for 'a statement from Prime Minister Eamonn de Val-cra ifcardlnT appFcalion of conscription to the six counties of Northern Ireland. in-- FOREST FIRES RAGING TORONTO Forest fires in northern parts of Ontario and Quebec were , reported fairly well under control . In most instances. Saturday although fresh outbreaks have o-purred since then In the Laurentlan Hills of bee, doing heavy damage. There are also serious fires in the Port Arthur, area of Ontario. Rain has relieved the situation in certain prairie areas. KING HAS NARROW ESCAPE TIRANA Albania King Victor Emmanuel of Italy narrowly escaped the bullets of an assassin while riding through the streets of this Albanian capital city today. The shooting is stated to havi been bv a madman. The NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MAY 26, 1941. A new and charming snapshot of Her Majesty, TRICKERY OF NAZIS Are Trying to Becloud Issues Anticipation of Roosevelt's Speech Tomorrow Night in of .iniormea mm wv uw uu complete report on the case Rudolf Hess, Nazi leader who .Foreign Office was commenting on landed two weeks ago in Scot- an interview in whjch Grand Ad-land by parachute. Hess is prov- mlral Raeder of the, German navy ing somewhat finicky about his warned United States agairfst con-food. He -wants better food than Ivoys and patrolling. President he is getting and is offering to 'Roosevelt today ,tore up! the orig-nav for it in Reichmarks. ,inal draft of his Speech ' because of ARGENTINA CLOSES PORTS BUENOS AIRES Argentine, following the example of United States and Braiil, has closed its ports to submarines of belligerent nations. PREMIER MENZIES HOME SYDNEY Prime Minister Robert G. Menzles of Australia, is back in Sydney after having visited every Empire country except South Africa. NAZIS OVER ICELAND says that German planes have been flying over that country. They dropped no bombs but were fired upon by anti-aircraft guns. Weather Forecast MORE SHIPS TO BRITAIN Nebraska Senator Proposes MUSTER OF NAZIS SEEN of 8c. . 1 .v. German-American Bund- Could Assemble Storm Troopers Halibut Sales Summary American 75,000 pounds, and 8c and 11.7c and 8c. IstlltUUiCUl " J 1' " ' letest developments aDroaa ana js d 7 5c to 11-9c and 7.5 preparing a new one. American TomorroWs f ides High Low . -1 10.Sc Foremost, 39,500, Storage, 11.7c and 8c. I Tatoosh, 25,000, Pacific, 11.7c and 8c. Canadian cvIot 1 1 nnn nnvnl 11 Hr. and 1:39 a.m. 14:26 p.m. 8:21 a.m. 20:15 pjn. 20."9 ft. 13.8 ft. 3.0 ft. 7.4 ft. PRICK: 5 CENTS. Undecided THE QUEEN ! GOD BLESS HER ! Outcome In Balancc- BATTLE OF CRETE NOW . INDECISIVE Test ot Strength Between Opposing Forces Going On Nazis Still Landing By Air 21 PLANES DOWNED CAIRO, May 26: (CP) At least twenty-four planes were destroyed and others badly damaged in new raids by British fighters and bombers against German forces on Crete, the Royal Air Force announced tonight. Informed London sources disclose that tish' marines are in Crete but de-i cline to say whether this means substantial reinforcements were , being landed to fishl German , invaders. It is estimated that ' there have been 10,000 German I (casualties so far in Crete. v CAIRO, May 26. In Crete a titanic battle between the British Royal Navy, and German dive bombers is still in progress in addition to fierce landing fighting and has yet , to reach a decisive phase. It is likened to the Battle of Jutland. Gerrrian transport planes continue to land parachute .troops at intervals of every five minutes. On the t ground fierce fighting of a guerril-la type continues. The British Navy Is still preventing the landing .of seaborne forces although repeated attempts have been made. . Long-range-British bombers have challenged the German air mastery over Crete, combining with fighters from distant bases to destroy at least fourteen German planes in one day In the spreading battle at the west end of the island. Except for a portion 6f the west end or Crete, the British are in control bf the situation In Crete. The Middle East Command admitted today that British defences west of Kranla In Crete had been nenetrated but that British forces One Hundred Thousand Members ... rm,nfpr.nt.tnpkpH with fiorre fighting ensuing. More German airborne reinforcements have been landed under cover of Intensive aer ial bombardment. Airborne tanks Secretary Ste- WASHINGTON D.C. May haye ak(j landed the Wand bullets it is believed were really (CP)-Presldentlal Qn fnt Phen 531(1 he had m ThC Dif ,Committ? rrl: but e not yet reported in action. Kind's L tv Wea that Berlin "Is trying to do can activities reports that here are ThR mam is stm centred Kings pany. uini,t tv, members of the German- . mJ .,v,, I fireside chat of President FranKin American Bund in Un ted States fQur hQurs decislve hase un D. Roosevelt tomorrow" night. He and that the organization couio. ti ticiDated. , t d Naz. Nazi troo troOD iandines landings b by air appeared to have diminished for a while yesterday but have been re- . newed on full scale. ' King George II. and the Greek government have arrived In Cairo from Crete. The King is preparing 115c to leave for England. LOCAL TEAM DOES WELL ted Themselves Creditably Stewart, Winning Cup ftiis . a first aid team representing Bhe j Rather Than Convoy nan Mlnnlc V- ' 60oo, Booth, 11c and Prince Rupert branch or the . Ambulance Association ac- I ' John's 7 5c ' WASHINGTON, D.C, May 26. Midwny, 11,000, Storage, 10.3c and quitted itself very creditably in Senator George W. Norrls of Ne- 75c 'contests held at Stewart over the ibraska proposes that a substantial, 'peerie8s 2,000, Pacific, 10 8c and week-end. It took the Asselstina nmu. mr. TtnitpH stntps war- e. ' dm. first nrize in the novice numwti llUlUUkt 4 v V - 1 ..!.. - 4" ' VaiitVIUTCtiv-- i mail return- ins to Vancouver from Iceland ships be placed at the disposal of 'nnvro n 2d nnn. Atlln. 11.0c and event in competition against Pre- Great Britain and Canada rather 75c mier and Stewart teams, Premier than embarking on a United States j 'North Foreland, 7,000, Atlln, lie being second. The Prince Rupert program of convoying goods for de- and 7 5c team came second in the senior livery to Great Britain across ine Reward. 12.500, Booth, ana open wman wia wuu Atantlc Ocean. LONDON SILVER 26: The price of LONDON, wnumv, May i.mjr . Prince uupert ana yueen unai- and 75c j0c islands Lignt norinwesi suver is uuunuisvu v v Menzics won an lmporiani Dy-eieu- winds mostly part cloudy and mild ounce on me hhkwu incwi man. tlon contest over Labor. The po- cxccpt for occasional cloudiness today. ( lltical fortune of the Menzles gov- wltn nght drizzle on the northern ornment hineed on the result of r,,n.n Charlotte Islands. POUND STERLING ho clpction. In SDlte of the SUC- . Ran III.. 10,500, Booth, 11.5c and Prince Rupert First Aiders Acquit- Y gc taKing me weiJaruncuk ui uu ' May L., 1,000, Storage, 11c and Cup. There were four teams in this competition. 7 5 c. 1 VAnttmK ' tt 11 Rnn Tinval. 11.5c 11 1 - ' llCpfUilC I " . eetors Cape, t: A. vvngni,, i NEW YORK WHEAT NEW YORK, May 26: Whet prices were Vic lower here today, ,rri o. Tho nri. finns nh cess H is nevertheless expected L , .SnvfwhLw of the P Ion r court 1 LOW LEVEL ,tlsh pound formation of a nationalist gov- on New York metal market to- I will be proceeded with un-' The Dead Sea is the lowest spot at ?4.w on xne w -3; - " Iday. ' der Premier Menzies. " v- , -...f, 0- I T.ivicnnnoL. Mav 26: (CP) Ac- with July quoted at 07 Vic ! nulttcd by a court-martial of charg- 'Monncfttagassaulteoacowclen- NEW YORK COPPER -a tft- i 'ill hill I'M ! 8 f