26, 32 .v ' DOMI A VICTORY B0nD5 TH2 DXIC? CANADA It will be far better to invest money in the forthcoming issue of Victory Bonds than to keep it in cash.. Buyers of Victory Bonds during the last war will tell you that. The security for both principal and interest is Canada's unconditional promise to pay. CANADA IS IN THIS WAR TO WIN. Without Victory our Freedom cannot survive. Money, possessions, even lite itself would be imperilled. Right Honourable A. V. Alexander, ' First Lord of the Admiralty, said recently: "Make no mistake about it; if we were deteatea, we snouia ' perish. Let no one think, that any compromise or peace terms could be possible with Hitler in such a case. You see, therefore, how imperative it is for Canada to marshal all resources in men, materials and money to 'insure victory. We have the men, we must have the materials, and our people have the money. Money must be placed at the service of Canada th . r .-.al l t .1JT I vn ' same degree ot spirit mat actuates our suiuieis, &uuuis ua- airmen. T7 NATIONAL COMMITTEE, VICTORY LOAN 1941, OTTAWA, CANADA CASH nun ma i &9 r . 1