t t PAfJEJTWg BROKEN LINES CLEARANCE We arc offering exceptional values in short lines to clear. All High Grade DAILY EDITION SHOES and priced to clean them up in no time. One look at our window will convince you Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - llRITISn COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue ... - H.F. PULLEN Managing-Editor . SUBSCR1P1ION RATES Bubscriptlon Rats In City Per year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month. 50cOne Week. 12c. Out of Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit bureau ot Circulations MEMBER OP TUB CANADIAN PHF.SS .25 .02 - ' v.j vumucti uj use iur renuDlLcatlorl OI all nwil " AH rtthtt ot muhUcMlon trf aoecUl dtmaxchet thereto ure also reserved Monday, February 24, 1911. fflTOMALS Training Natives - - '. Natives dn the west coast of Vancouver Island ar beiiig trained in First aid and civilian protection work i .ntui, vuiiuiLiuiiK. ii is .said mat tne na-tWe women are especially keen on this and are proving themselves to be excellent pupils. ii .:This 'train'inp is very valuable at any time, war or no war, and should be given to all residents irrespective of Library Needs , .The pfnce Rupert Public Library is badly in need of lands for the purchase of new books. This is especially Itrue in the children's department. The librarian reports tnat the condition m nnvthino- In if nratKtnhu fn u J here are other departments that are also ment. reonle of the citv sppm fr hn mm-n nv,.iJ : more -insistent -that, while the major work of'the city nt pow is war work, yet the library shall not be whohVne- tfiectefl. ister of Labor's Views - - - Hon. G. S. Pearson, minister of labor, discussing the Ottawa conference, in a recent interview given in the south, said: "Impression has gone abroad that three provinces caused the breakdown of the Conference but I cannot agree that that is a just conclusion. The three provinces were prepared to go into committee to consider Federal-' , Provincial problems, particularly in the light of need for co-operation in the prosecution of the war, but these three provihces insisted that they could not go into committee if the discussion was hampered through being confined entirely to the recommendations made by the commission as the only solutipn for our problems. .''J3ome of the provinces, particularly Ontario, took the P? 'a- ? t a (liscussi(m of our problems on the basis u ofahe Sirois Commission's solution would open so many contentious questions that nothing but conflict and (lis-' unity could possibly result at the present time. "The federal government was urged to agree to go in-' to committee for adiscussion of the immediate needs, leav-' ing the discussion of permanent solution until after the war was over. It was quite clear to all those who were fol-1 lowing the proceedings of the conference that the federal government would not. allow this. It was, .apparently, the birois Commission's.solution or nothing. No attempt was made, so far as I could see, to show that the solution made in. the commission'srecommendations was essential to the successful prosecution of the war. I have heard no argu- ment advanced yet that would indicate that this was so " SPORT CHAT Megan Taylor, English girl, who Is heiress to Sonia Heinle's tcei Iskatlng crown legally, -artistically and from the standpoint of good' looks, has every right to feel that she has been short-changed. Megan is English but very nearly Canadian. Her father. Phil Taylor, .spent his boyhood In Saskatoon, 'sa.sk., and learned to skate there. He served in the First Great War) with the 53rd (Winnipeg' Infantry and was wounded in both legs at Vimy Ridge. Nevertheless Phil re.-' gained the regional and barrel jumping championships when he returned to Saskatoon for a while after the war. I In times like these the world's' women's figure skating title does! not pay off In either gold or glory held. Phil Taylor, himsejf, holder! of several world records, had his daughter on skates at the age of four. At 11 she placed seventh In 1932 Olympic figure skating competition held at Lake Placid, N. Y., and at 13 she was runner-1 THE DAILY NEWS Mond;. Pi, l i ! WM 25.2 ) CJ& HtrA, 13m. M" 0caiTOT Tlut Jvrtfi(ncM Ii ruA pMiAittJtpUyi4 Q tlx llqtiai Cnfael fWl o by &. Government f Brilnk Celt! trie way It laid the blond Nor- tt d , j at me war nas causeu mucn Breaicrj ..T htt1l,v sVm 1 0Nlevc mOTC n SKiU CIUrS?,,C,1!ff ca1ncc"edby e r- Jumpl&plris and spirals Instead of i I P I'lii mi;iihmv r.iiv iiii .j . i . . 7 . ' . r ' T ; r. : ngure'SKaung proper or tracing just arrived In the United States desighs, on; ice like a human cotn-from Australia, she has been w-here pAVt:f free skatlim Ls gpec-perfortnlns for 18 months. At the tacular hnd. when a girl gets yood very end of her ton r die turned atlt.Ihe can join an ice show. But professional and is booked tor- nave a hard me wn.. American and Canadian appear- nfn -championshh) becauw; In ances through Marrii. After that ie, ma n uount lWQ. jJie join an ice show. may ,,,lrr, free trntt tValln ,v as one-third. In England a good However. Miss Taylor points out trainer wont teach free skating that she Is still the world "ama- untlllils pupil has a good ground-teur" champion by virtue of hav- inLr in .ritnirM- whon in tminimr Ing won the title in Stockholm in Megan practices eight hours a day 1938 and having defended It in and ah goes through ballet and! 1939. She says she will continue as gymn routines. "Skating alone Is not ' such until the war ends and an- enough exercise." she explains. I other world-wide competition Is, . , FRASERST. ; IS WINNER up to Sonia Henle for the world,. ncfeafd BenV( News SUnd M iiih(iifii..iiijj, vjiii; 4IIIU willj.l ( Iji 9J langiea time ana again ana siai-i Ing enthusiasts sneculate what. might have happened if Megan i . , -L ,v, "ic w.roL r1 w.1 -Eraser Street A. won its fourth con- mature. To Cop Junior Sworn! Half ... v sscuuve game in tne Junior Bas ketball League Saturday nktht. ,. . , , jdefcatirig Bin's News Stand 54 to Her world-wide travels have1 m.,: '... u. mii jjuis rraser oirsei. me . ,i.i . . m . , brought Miss Taylor to America winner second h , u four times and for three years she ; fftr me play.offs MeClsmmt 1 1 Park for Ihc Junior championsliip. ' The same sTarted off with Ui? CUslrYtO FOR SALE CAR For Sale at Bargain. Phone Green 890 between between 5 and 7 evenings. FOR SALE Girls bicycle, condition. Phone Blue 93G. FOR SALE 43 ft. Halibut Boat with 12 skates gear, buoy lines etc.. $2,200, half cash. Dybhavn Jtr tin nenri T f A (40) FOR SALE 24 foot long, 0 foot beam speedboat huH. Can be seen at Salt Lakes. Box 18s. (60) ROOM West. FOR ItENl FOR RENT 343 7th Ave. Timers drawing first blood. Play was fast and even and th? first half ended with a 20 to 18 score for Ben's. The second half was something of a 'walkover with Fraser Street scoring 34 points to Ben's 13. Dominic Montesano was referee. Scoring was as follows: Fraser Street Arney 12. Pavllkis 0. Ourvfch 0 Alexander Vncto. tf-lvifli 14 inntr 14 good' Ben's Anderson 5, Lee 10, Eby 45) 8, Kmitson, Holtby 2, Davis 3. CO-ED Beauty Salon (Klsie Klohn) Exchange Bldg. OPENS THIS WEEK kuum ior rem. box vu, uany News. - . . (49) Mrs. James Clark wanted palmistry WANTED Walter, -Centrar Hote . J SILVERSIDES BLOCK (40) rJZ ' Second St. Phone Green 416 WANTED 2 0r 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Box 72, Dally ' - - - - ' " . - News. (50i WANTED Waitress. Non-Emokingj Hieh Quality latest Patterns preferred. Apply Blue Wing' I Lunch. - (tf All British Woollens '" WORK WANTED JUST ARRIVED RELIABLE lady desires 'work or ' will exchange for board, and Come In and choose the cloth room. Box 71, Dally News; j for your spring suit. WANTED- j . i T '1 tllC lailOr ROOMS WANTED-2 or 3 rooms!! "'"Hlg ' furnished, to occupy by March 5. ihth Street Phone C39 Young couple. Permanent f"-' duration. Box 73, Dally News. ' - T5D; ; ' "St Mike Golussi LOST Kodak, fplding camera at Arcordlonist and Teacher ; ,Prudh6mme Lake, Finder piease A.A.A. Certificate leave at Dally News offlce.-Re-; winOT PHONE RED npn 91J 814 wanl$1 (4C) LEAFS ON TOP STILL DETROIT. Feb. 24: CP- After winning at the Manfc? Leaf Gar-rf Saturday n&ht by a score of 6 to 2, the Toronto Maple Leafs j Manle Lrafs h?ld on to the lead Hockey Scorej NATIONAL LEAGUE Sattir.lay Chtovo 3. Canadlem 7. Detroit 2, Toronto 0. Sunday Toronto 0. De4rott 3. Chicago 1. "Ratiicrs . Americans 1. Boston 3. PACIFIC COAST Sunday Seattle 2, Spokane 7. , CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, DXXPh.C. Wallace Block. I'bone 646 .a-EANING Oil Burners $1.50 Free wicks with every burner Chimneys Swrnt $2.50 HANDY MAN IIOMK Phone BLACK 735 FRESH SHRIMP Daily After 4 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TROTir.K'S DOCK MANUFACTURERS' Life Insurance Co. P. H. Linzey Local Representative Prince Rupert PHONE GREEN 446 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining; Room in Connection Mrs. c. E. Black, Proprietress 1 rS THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning- company with an all the year round navroll In Prince Rupert Hockey Standings j ' Pacific Coast league Snokan 21 4 10 111 93 40 Vancouver 19 5 10 128 110 43 Seattle 17 7 19 1J7 147 41 Portland 18 0 24 114 135 30 NAMKS UVK ON cam" over to Detroit iunaay niBni V1CHY, Feb. 24: CP The and lost three to notnmg. w French eovernment announces names of French warships sunk! ership of tne .Nuonai wjixm. ,n operations in the earlier part n" me wura ipwt Kumi umciai reports snow wiTOiuia in ih:'3d of the Raners. i Tlie league it3idiiM(B tn die: Toronto , Boston iDetTait Cincinnati, Rangcrs Chicasfo people 10 Canadiens tracedles irageaies than man the me unset upsei in in skating SKaiingi A . th . Fmimrt htit thev a . i.v.r.ntlfl nn1. .nmnlnlnt' " " ninilKUIltl 71,v""""', "r l Z r.dont do it so seriously," Megan it voices u, uiau cnuu no.. ,n partlcuh.r sfem go on to win the 1940 Olympic t(J ,ike we call free skatmg.' cnampionsnip me games, oi tio' 2 21 1C 15 IS 13 8 4 11 10 3 G 0 9 11 105 79 7 134 R5 13 W5 79 18 111 110 20 99 115 22 105 112 22 CO 140 Tobruk. A. It. I. IN INDIA j Child's G To Relieve Miserv R. VlCKS Vapo Good Skatb Enjoyed Here standing with a one-point mp.rginiof tne waf wln Rlvcn ncw s)0rt of I1ashl E t over the Boston Bruins wno ae-jtorpfdo boats. In l,y Many AdfntiTJ Mrtur Vnrk Americana 1 i 15 U lI .I J Hi. I . . .three to one in Boitan lat nlgnc., Tiir New York Rangers defeated; the Chicago Blaek Hawks in in AUSTRALIAN CASUALTIES four to MELBOURNE, Feb. 24: CP ) Good skatin well as at 01 i . Creek as a re-u,1 m y tcluslve poswon of fourth place he North African BrKlsh, victories . The Wise Pe gets a lot of satisfaction out of every purchase they make. If you have an idea as to what good coal should be, try p ton of the kind we sell and you can prove to your own satisfaction that the money you spent was wisely Invested. Keep our name and phone number In jnlnd. Comfort wojz - WAerzjviti ton be blades turned oaf the-katinp w any this wint. : Amonir t.hi !:., uiiiwitu, i u . i .v F v a ...... 30 precautions schemes have been 32 completed In 32 towns In the Pun- recently Rangers. an. a Jab with wardens and assistants 'being trained. Try a Dai! C:r.' rson1 Philpott Evitt & Co. Lti PHONE C31 C32 Hot Water Bott SPECIAL Guaranteed Bottles $1.00 Ormes ltd, "Jit Pioneer Drmzfft'sts Tne KczaU 8Ur Phones II t Optn Dally from S .n. till 10 p.m. ftundaji and tlolldays from 12 to 2 p.m. tnd 7 to I .m. "R U P E R T BRAND BRILL FILLETS Cellophane Wrapped No Waste 25c per lb. Ohtalnalilc at. OTPni Txrn RUPERT BUTCHERS 1WILKLEY MA Also served at the Boston, and ConiniodorcCaft Smoked and Cured Fish available at the 1vf storesPacked by Canadian Fish & Cold Stor Prince Rupert , fih Ltd. Ilritlsh Cl