PAGE FOUR Lieencee for Nuniounts FuH-Tue Frames, the Newest in Eye-Wear Typical Customer Mother Of Three Family Gets Along; Nicely On $30 A Week I NEW YCrtK. F?b. 24: CP Here Is a thumbnail sketch of Mrs. Typical Custamer of 1941, selected by'' the' National Retail Dry Goods Association in a national letter contest. She is Mrs. Clementine Thill of Lacrosse, Wis., a slim 36-year old blolnd, who Is the mother of three two boys and a girl. She says that her husband, who is 40, earns $30 a week installing and servicing oil' burners. Mrs. Thill's hobbles are bridge. Ice skating, hiking, music and the movies. She does her own housework, makes some of her own clothes, and lives in a fourroom apartment. SHOT POLITICAL AGENT QUETTA, India, Feb. 24: (CD-Major H, A, Barnes, political agent og Zhob District. Baluchistan, was shot dead by a Jogazal, who was arrested for trial. VOGUE PURE WHITE FREE BUBNINC Phones 18 & 19 r.O. Box 575 ABSOLUTELY FREE! Valuable Gift and Household Premiums are absolutely free to you when you save our Cash Coupons given for purchases of 25 cents or more. It Is too good to pass up. 'Come in and let ua explain the plan to you. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" - it-t i trMaBaBaBMMpwiMMMwwg!! I I l- EYES EYES . Gods Lake, JO. Hardrock, ;7S. , Int. Nickel. 31A. ' Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelcry Repairing, Hand Engraving CIIAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .04. Bralome, 9.65 (ask). Cariboo Quartz, 2.65. Dentonia, .00 (ask) Fairview, .01. Gold Belt, .25. ' Hedley Mascot, .47. Noble Five. .00 (ask). Pacific Nickel. .04. . Pend Orielie. 1.35. Pioneer, 2.00. Premier, .82. -Privateer, .48. Repves McDonald. .10.' Reno, .10. Relief Arlington, .02 V4, -Salmon Gold, .01. Sheep Creek, .75. Oils A. P. Con., .03. . y Calmont, .18. O. & E.( 1.15. V Home, 1.72. . Pacalta. .04 V2 (ask). Royal Canadian, .09 '2. Okalta, .52. Mercury, .04. Prairie Royalties, .07 4.. Toronto Aldermac. .10. BeaMie, 1.05. Central Pat., 1.72. Cons. Smelters, 35.00. East Malartic, 256. Femland, .03. Francoeur, .38. Kerr Addison, 3.15. Uittln Ing Lap, l;69.. , McLeod Cockshutt, 1.78. Ma'dsen Red Lake, 5. McKenzie Red Lake. 1.10. Moneta, .48. Noranda, 51.. Pickle Crow, 2.71. Preston East Dome, 2.80. San Antonio, 2.15. Shrxritt Gordon, .G7. Uchi, .25. Bouscadlllac, J02. Monher. .04-,i. Oklend, .042. Smelters Gold, .01. Dominion Bridge, 20.' (ask). r Advertise in the Daily News. CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS t Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alr-Conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River -WINTER EXCURSION FARE, to VANCOUVER and RETURN 6Q A A Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1940 to Feb. 28th, 1941. ptJ3y V Final return limit March 31st, 1941 For Full Information and Reservation, etc. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE. 528 3rd Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert . Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines THE CONSOLIDATED TUNING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemi. cals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphosphates, Monocalcium Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Brand Metals Mercury, Cold, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth and Antimony. Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Works Trail. B.C. Lv J$ inlestin8 to know when reading the Daily News' nJiat the ueonle nt thp whnl Hicfvmf nVn .1:... t-ui ' . i j--- .,..v.v "".villi fin liic eilliltJi Whifflets From The Waterfront v - ' Union steamer Catala, Capt Ernest Sheppard, arrived in port at 11 o'clock last night from the south, sailing early this morning for Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning to sail at 1:30 p.m. for Vancouver and waypoints. C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, southbound from Skagway to Vancouver, is due in port at 3:30 this afternoon from ithe north and will sail a1 5 pjn. In continuation of her voyage. Rel.eving the r'eamer Princess Adelaide, which is being withdrawn from service for annual overhaul, C. P. R. stramsr Princess Louise will be here Friday of this week on the Vancouver-Ocean Falls-Prince Rupert route. Ttn Louise will make two or three ' Voyages. Weather Forecast General Synopses Light to mod- ' erate rains and some sleet have 1 fallen on the coast. Pressure Is low off Queen Charlotte Islands. ' Prince Rupert Light to moderate' southcass to southwest winds, part cloudy, and cool, becoming cloudy with' some light snow or isleet. i 1 1 r v r-. . CHICAGO WHEAT YOUNG MEN'S WAR MiLBOURNE,,Feb.'&i tlUS6 4r 'f Woman To Guide African Natives louumwrai, wuius, partly OIOUQy ana j ivtjjviii, i r uiict-icai . 'cool with showers TODAY'S WEATHER Old Heir MASERU, Basutoland, Feb. 24: I - - - "O .'i i . i ut w DRAMA OF CHICAGO. Feb. 24: 'Wheat official. NO MORE SECRETS BIG CITY James Caeney and Ann Sheridan Head Cast of First of Week Feature Picture at Capitol A powerful big city romantic drama, "City for Conquest," is the feature picture for the first of this week at the Capitol Theatre. It is a turbulent, exciting story with James Cagney and Ann Sheridan In the leading roles. Cagney's part is that of an East Side newsboy who discovers that one must be hard and tough to make a dent in the town Ann Sheridan has the role of a girl who finds that the price of success can be very high. Together they plan to beat their way through the cruel oDPression of the great city. Ann dances her way to fame while Cagney tries to earn enough money to marry her and send his brother through music school. They find that the city can be conquered but only if one can face great tragedy and sacrifice. There is an excellent supporting cast. Frank Craven is an unkempt but wise old philosopher who knows New York Inside out from the Battery to the Bronx. Frank McHugh has a humorous part as a typical New Yorker who is never at a loss for words of advice. Donald Crisp, Arthur Kennedy, Joyce Compton and other well . known .iisnu once screen figur- I woiusi oi Vancouver isiana 1 . Light to moderate southeast to Basulos Choose Late Chief's Widow es are Included In the cast I , . 1, . . t 1 - . . ; - ITahamA 17 'T'l. I Canada's Films (OP) A woman has been elected . 5 Prince Rupert Part cloudy, resent of RrKaiifnH for th ftr,f , T IPPCP Kntnin " ' ' " 'calm; barometer. 29.81: temnera-v . .. trp an- co, .v, r ,"me m e nxswry oi tnis somn sterly wind, ten miles per hour; mount chief of Basutoland whoimentary films have come Into barometer, 29.74; temperature, 34; was responsible for a gift by the! their 0wn as a result of the war. travel and war aotivies within th' Empire have become the vogue in saba Mantesabas election, which the United Kingdom and producers l'b;kz: British HW, rv.,. u' xr l"! say . y tne lne. vw bawy the iprices were mchanged on the Chi- man in the Past has been admit- TI-.u. . .u... . cago market today with May at led to the council, deliberation tncot many tncatrcs. evacuation of large sections of communities and transfer of many men to the fnrrps n , , some of the reasons for the in- OSLO. Feb. 24: (HP) Trmae r Jr. i uiun, ... Africa Norwegian minister of justice un- Most Errmire ftimMfrifeoKtri- 7, !.4,,vS,i s.ttmcerwd at.Ben en.- 'lurd(-. n-, PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA After the last war the Dominion INCOME TAX RETURNS ARE NOW DUE TO RE FILEIJ BY: (1.) Employers, respecting salaries and wages paid tp employees during th? calendar (2.) Every person in receipt of salary, wages, or investment Income. These Returns arc required to be filed not later than February 28th, 1941 Taxpayers should obtain forms from any Provincial Government office or chartered bank In the Province. "V 5w w$irst,be,,nade t0 P"T,ndal Ctr for the .District In uhlch ifil Z T m.a,dC f0f U,C5e Uclurns 10 be f,,fd " ml n advance of the final date as possible to enable the Department'!,, give better service to taxpayer" than can be provided during the rush of the last day. Corporation, (business, or professional income Is required to be returned within three months after the endof the taxpayer's fiscal year. Victoria, B.C. ..''.Mi C B. PETERSON, Commissioner of Income Tax. Atiinc? with the heart-beat of Now Yr.i, - . . i n f. Robt. Benchley in .. "Trouble With Husbands'' Cartoon "Wack'ie Wild Life (government made the production lunri riictHhutlrtrt nf f I1v.a nM In Triple Island - Tart cloudv. African Brltlsh Protectorate. The;Trave, . . othrr Suhic,ts .,,,, strument of policy for educational southeast wind, six miles per hour; Grand Native Council chose Mat-1 On Screen Of Old Country PuHses at home and abroad. The light chop. Isaba Mantesaba, widow or the latei . (demand for these pictures has ln- Langara Island - Part cloudy, Secisco Griffith, beyond expectations ramous LONDON. Feb. - " icuuuiu para-1 im-i tiunuuii. rco. 24: CP)-DocuJ!?!f uucu- .u uic jjiccttiii, tuuilltl, ocgan. If you want Bometniin;. adver- tlse for for It. It. Hundreds Hundreds, of of pe people get Bull HaTbor-Overcast. southeast rTS n l Z' .. .' orsimc .wind. ve mlles per hour; baro- chief Vffee"oW'Er7 J0? ' nt meter, meter, 29.81; 29.81; temperature. temperature, 40: 40; light lioht. snn son. snowing me, scenery, maustnes, ,, , we". ., i General renMnr fr11niwi vrt (tf) . . . iiiu uinum-iu aiurjf ui a nartl-Ilsted hoy reckless girl who dared to challenge the city' ami ADDED TONIGHT TUES. - WED. 2 Shows Nightly, 7;00 and 1:11 i "TTB 14 PAINTING Decorative Kalsomintti( Signs LORNE COKNKLL I'hoiic 16 INGERSOLL - Famous Time Pieces - Serviceable Attractive and Fully Guaranteec ' " ' &' The "EnsUn" At Sweep Second Type ".".Iickey Mouse" Lapel The "Lad" At The "Mainliner" Gold Pocliet Watches S2.25 $2.95 $4.95 Sweep Second Type gQ The "Mainliner" Chrome $6.50 $7.95 The "Maple Leaf" 5(j The "ALL." Radio- 9j "Pendant" Minla- JJJ Wrist Watches The 4.95 "Mickey .Mouse" Q 05 Chrome V' The "Helton Escort" $6.95 The "Kelton Dean" jgtQj) Everyone of every age needs a serviceable, dependable- Watch INGERSOLL supplies that need Now Sold in Prince Kupert at A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD TLACH TO BUY 25 SPRING FILLED JLVTTRESSES-All full size. C 1 G flfl Well known makes, Restmor and Simmons. From P,tlv 3 BEAUTY REST MATTRESSES-Containlng over QA SO 800 small spiral springs $iAvv Phone 775 337 3rd Avenue When You Want a Reliable, romfnrthin nonendable US, PHONE 13 24-Hour Service at Regular Rates