$ ... War News AL UING UBNITO ISoME-rrc 'C, ,ER IN d V7 -olinl I .... , . , . IP TALK TO NAZIS!" 01d Line In Munich Beer Threatens Britain With ore Intensive U-boat Warfare :il, Feb. 24: (CP.) Chan ve his oration-while stand- n old wooden table under a a. rever British ships appear," 3 Hitler "Nazi submarines troy them." He claimed that tons of enemy shipping had ink within the last two days K 90,000 tons Qf warships, puld be much more than m April on. traced the political history Mny since the birth of Na- first, it had been people of Germany were ,we. His nredeeflssars as ! Germany had been divided doctrines. However, both m and socialism were now d Success had been nhLiln- hc new doctrine whlrh is 'gnt for the whole nations Jor the Interest nf certain niS Was Whpro tho nnun -w v.. ..Wk.V in uermanv HirforoH t-nm lehrer talked y had suffered under "the 1 Versailles and nt Mm v, wises of the signatories of oi 1914 were responsible iritaln pany, way, he ; chafeed was out only trj des v , """"i hi uii unneraiuea sun- eech, admit let. yV'h;J nc A,rican campaign but Seed arrival of . :Wy. nored detachments in land Libya. He boasti. t T& -.lever happens, will itwith Germany to the t .nised a new Italian wive against the Greeks ai. . 'd what he called a ijminority of Italian "weepers, fc iiblers and snakes." He JAat Italian morale cannot be broken and that the Axis rtain to defeat Great Britain and Greece. ANTI-NAZI HLOC CONDON Great Britain is reported to me attempting rSrmation of a Turkish, Greek, Yugo-Slav bloc to halt the MMSampaign in the Balkans. From Egypt and East Africa, IfMifcn Secretary Anthony Men and General Sir John Dill, Bri- fjrni) chief-of-staff, will proceed to Ankara, Athens and Bel- next week. SEVEN ITALIAN SHIPS SUNK LONDON The British Admiralty announces that submar- Mbave sunk t,cven naiian supply snips in the Mediterranean. MATTER OF HOURS (LONDON Authoritative sources said today that the mov- if f the Nazis into Bulgaria may be only a matter of hours. LITTLE ACTION IN AFRICA CAIRO Little action is reported today on the African Nazi pilots are reported active in North Africa. Only faction is reported on the Albanian front. BATTLE OF BRITAIN : LONDON Flights of the Boyal Air Force and the Gcr- Luftwaffe were almost at a standstill during Saturday- There was but little activity by the enemy over England, bombs were dropped in northeast Scotland and eastern I ml soon after dark. There was a resumption of air com-jumlay night with the Nazis over London and Hull and Jrilish striking at invasion bases. ARMISTICE EXPIRING HONG KONG The armistice between French Indo-China Diailand expires Tuesday and it is expected hostilities may burned, Japan, it is felt, may take advantage of the situa- o strike southward. GREAT GREEK OFFENSIVE ATHENS The Greeks are now mopping up after conclud- smashing seven-day offensive against the Italians in Al- Ihirtcen hundred prisoners were captured and important ions were taken. Yesterday Uoyal Air Force bombers at-d Italian munition dumps and supply stores in Albania and t Fascist planes were brought down. GAS TEST IN LONDON Hitler Depends Upon This For Invasion, He is Due for Failure, ' It is Agreed LONDON, Feb. 24. If Adolf Hit-1 ler depends upon a gas attack for a successiui invasion ne is aoomea to failure, Londoners felt today fol- WILL PASS THIS WEEK Arvid Sandhals and George Sim . . .!, am tho Ca ons returned to me uj - . i-,. i.-i. iu frnrn v ctoda where. they recently took-a course of ulll- ..i&.Xl; 1 tary -training, n 4 Vol. XXX., No. 467 .IV. JO Prime Minister CWckill - rrjitxaSi LANK Srr BRITISH ADVANCE lowing a gas attack protection re- 'niponaiH uruu..u loll Hitler, in an emotional rearsal which was pronounced to to the German people, said nave Deen very successful. The uit Germany would unleash pimllco section, already badly : jpc of submarine Into "cx- wrecked by air bombing, was select- Be Gained Over Italians In Somaliland, Eritrea And Ethiopia varfare" next month. "They. ed for the test. A harmless but, CAIRO. Feb. 24: (CP) British out in March and April very distasteful gas was released general headquarters announced crman-ltallan co-operation but the anti-gas measures function- today that the British advance In tn to them," Hitler shouted. ed smoothly and effectively. There the whole area east or Juoa Kiver Ulcs at sea can only begin were twenty "casualties." the ex- in Italian Somainana is developing ne reason was that we norimont nc mnzt rpnllstic. sue Bssfullv. Furuier crossings oi to schpol the new U-boat r the battle to come.'' was speaking on the an- of Nazism. He spoke in ious beer hall where the or- movement rnmmene.ed Th beer hall was redec- o make It look as much as like the original. Der Feu- i VICTORIA, B.C. COME THEN LET US TO THE TASK TO THE BATTLE & THE TOIL Each to Our Part, Each to Our Station, Fill the Armies, Rule the Air, Pour out the Munitions, Strangle the U-hoats, Sweep the Mines, Plough the Land, Build the Ships, Guard the Streets, Succour the Wounded, Uplift the Downcast & Honour the Brave. Let us go forward together in all parts of the Empire, in all parts of this Island. There is not a week, nor a day, norj an hour to be lost. i5m i'll Bulletins ALFONSO STILL LIVES ROME King Alfonso, the former monarch of Spain, clings to life today although all hope for recovery has been abandoned .and extreme unction of the Roman Catholic Church was given Saturday night. Following the last scries of heart and respiratory attacks Friday, physicians report Alfonso's condition un changed. He cannot lie down but Ithe river have been imads and the' has to be seated. Relatives stay j British announce the capture of constantly beside him, awaiting Marjherlta and the Important port1, thc jnd cf lolib, both north oi occupiea Chisimalo, along wdth many pris oners and war supplies. Royal Air Force headquarters announced that eight Italian planes had been destroyed and sev- i .it nut t. p,t,pr(e.i to be tral others seriously damaged in ' Ratified by United States an attack by British planes yester-. on the Eritarean port of Mak- ay S " nate in Few Days tale. Advancing In a pincers move- 'ment. British and Free French 'forces are gaining ground on the nu 24--- WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. Eritarean railway centre The United States Senate :or heren ich ,been on ob-debate on the "lease-lend Aid to ve fof sQme tlme mtsh Britain" bill today and by the end bemg asslsted by Senegalese of the week It is expected that a wm nmh EqUatorial Af-vote will be taken, Although ad-irlca ministration leaders anticipate that i . . the measure will be carried by atitjhe upper Nlle Just becn taken least a two-to-one margin, it is ex-. The ., Royal Royal Air Air Force Force continues continues pected that some amendments may be agreed'upon. One such amenu-ment may be that which has been proposed by Wendell Wlllkie that aid be confined to Great unwui, Greece and China Instead of giving the Prisident a free hand to extena aid to any nation he sees fit. Talk of a filibuster is sun uwlu In some opposition quarters. It was declared today that the aa- ministration plans to convoy mer- chant ships with cargoes to Great Britain. generally active In the African campaign. ' Three Billion More Is Asked WASHINGTON, D.C, Feb. 24: President Franklin D. Roose- ' velt asked Congress today for an additional three billion dal- lars for national defence pur- ,' poses for the balance of the current fiscal year. . BEAVERBROOK TALKS LONDON Lord Bcaverbrook, in a radio address to Canada yesterday, said that German bombers had lost their terror for England. All damage to industry had becn repaired and plants were far better protected today than previously. The greatest need was for food and weapons. He urged that the seaj be searched for ships. MANY PLEDGES MADE OTTAWA Minister of Finance llsley said that more than one million Canadians had so far pledged themselves to buy war savings certificates regularly. This 'is half of the objective. Many places had made enviable records for pledges. Among these was Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island, which had an allotment of 350 pledges but made 1100. JAPAN'S WARNING TOKYO Co-incidental with a warning to Great Britain and United States to call a hall to "offensive" military activity In the Far East, Nicht Nichl newspaper boasted today that Japan, If necessary, could destroy Singapore and Guam with a single blow. LONDON SILVER . LONDON. Feb. 24: Price of sil vcr on the London metal market Is unchanged today at 2338C. NOICTFIKRN AND CENTRAL BRITIS EI COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 24, 1941. 7A AIR RAIDS EXCHANGED Royal Air Force Strikes Boulogne and Calais Nazi Attack on London and Hull LONDON, Feb. 24: (CP) Royal Air Force bombers hit again during the night at familiar targets along the invasion coast, raiding Boulogne for the seventy-fourth time and Calais for the sixty-first. Large fires were seen after the British planes had blasted the Invasion ports. Hostile war planes appeared over East Anglia today after attacks last night which were centred on Lon- were also lightly struck, There were several dog fights ov er the English Channel yesterday a3 the British fighters held off the Nazi attacks. For an hour today long range British and German guns engaged in a long range duel across the Straits of Dover. Arrangements For Athlone's Visit OTTAWA, Feb. 24. Hon. E. W. Hamber. Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, Is a visitor in Ot tawa in connection with the making of arrangements for the visit this summer to British Columbia of the Governor General, the Earl of Ath lone, and Princess Alice. ROOSEVELT AT HYDE PARK WASHINGTON President Roosevelt took the week-end off at Hyde Park. With him Is Harry Hopkins who returned recently from a trip to England as the chief executive's personal envoy. cn my planes. The Admiralty today announced the sink'ng by enemy, action of the armed trawler II. 3L S. Ormanrt. Announcement is also made of a direct attack having been made in the Mediterranean by German dive bombers on the clearly marked hospital ship Dorsetshire. Twice attacks were made but the vessel escaped being hit. Seven Italian supply ships have been sunk and an eUbth left In a sinking condition following an attack by British submarines. SOFIA CAFE SEES SCENE Clash Between United States Minister to Bulgaria and Nazi Military Officer SOFIA, Feb. 24. There was ai don and the East Coast. London scene in a Sofia cafe yesterday be-, suffered very little damage, not very tween George H. Earle, United' manv bombs being drooped. Hull, states minister to Bulgaria, and a I however, was quite heavily hit and German military officer. there were at least two persons kill- At the request of Earle, the cafe ' , . . -J .UU IJ U1 ,.rrS .n M. Later the German officer seen with his face bound up. 4 Eleven Days Of Sunshine Tomorrows TTdes High 1:06 a.m. 205 It. 13:05 pjn. 21.4 ft. Low 7:10 p.m. 5.7 ft. 19:34 p.m. 2.8 ft. was Today's cloudy weather ends r eleven straight days of bright sunshine In Prince Rupert. During that entire period skies have been cloudless and the sun has not been obstructed for a single moment. ..There PRICE: 5 CENTS. Banting's Fate Is Mystery jMissing Plane Located iBut Information About jSurvivors Still Lacking ! At Least One Member of Party Believed Alive Search Machine is Now On Way to Scene to Investigate ; OTTAWA, February 24: (CP) Hon. Clarence D. i Howe, minister of munitions and supply, announced today J that a military plane in which Sir Frederick Banting was ' reported missing had been located. The minister said he had no direct word of survivors but a message had been , written on the snow near the grounded machine, indicat- , ing that some one had survived. ENEMY IS BEAT OFF Bombers Ineffectual Against British Convoy In Mediterranean Hospital Ship Escape WITH THE MEDITERRANEAN I FLEET, Feb. 24: (CP) British warships this week-end beat off 1 The plane was located on a point I of land on the direct route between i Canada and Botwood, Newfound land. It was at first feared that the plane might have fallen Into the sea or crashed on the Marltimes coast. A search plane capable of landing at the scene has been sent to investigate. At Montreal officials announced that a man had been seen on the Newfoundland coast and it was believed he was Capt. Joseph Crcigh- ' ton Mackey who was In charge of auempts by German bombers to tne military plane carrying Panting smash a group cf convoyed ships Whlch had been missing since Frl- and safely escorted them to a J day. , Central Mediterranean port. j others on board were Navigator German low-level raiders thrice William Bird of Kidderminster; attacked fleet units. England, and William Snailham. of Withering barrages of antt- Bedford, Nova Scotia, aircraft fire aided Navy, fighter v with the rank 61 malor. Banting planes: which accounted for five 4W,0 becamVVorld famous Tnrough being the discoverer of Insulin for the treatment of diabetes, has been chairman of the committee on aviation medicine. TURKEY TO FIGHT FOR INTEGRITY Sends Note of Warning to Bulgaria in Regard to Position Balkans Atmosphere Still Tense j ANKARA, Feb. 24: The foreign minister of Turkey has warned Bulgaria that Turkey will go to war if there Is any aggression against Turkish territorial integ-'rlty or independence. Turkey can-mot remain 'indifferent to .foreign activity In any Turkish "zone of. neutrality." The suggestion seechs to be that Bulgaria is regarded as such a "zone of Integrity." The Turkish foreign minister also announced that Turkey Is prepared to stand by her alliance with Great Britain. Wlille, there Is no official cqn- ea Willi LUiuiuciamc l""' uim-. orcuesua pwjcu Aipa,. ,H, f -t!ni1 rorwteof .. i i i 1 . ... i 1 llliliailUli JA VVUtWlUVU -w age. otner sections oi uigianq', The German onicer remonstrate . . - ,ntQ and Earle asked why he should not mcrea have made the request. A cham- q Qf td on reads around Sofia and anti-Nazis are being rounded up. I Measures of preparedness for war ore being rushed. I King Boris is reported to recognize that Bulgaria Is "aC the mercy of developments," :;NINE ARE DROWNED Truck, loaded with Ice Cutfers, . Crashes Into St. Lawrence River have been 84 hours of consec- j LONGUEIL, Quebec, Feb. 24: (CP) utlve sunshine except for the . Nine men were drowned today night breaks. This ls an aver- when a truck loaded witty leg cutters age of 6.7 hours per day. ' crashed through St. Lawrence River NEW YORK COPPER NEW YORK, Feb. 24: Copper Ice near here. POUND STERLING NEW YORK, Feb. 24: The pound sterling is firmer on price was ,18c higher on the New .the New York foreign exchange f . - .... .... - - L .... i ij-w i. York metal marm toaay wun way onarKet, Being quoteu irauy at at 11.80c per pound. ' $4.0314. j.: x'.'k