Thursday- September 4. 1041. THE DAILY NEWS from the East TIME OUT FOR REFRESHMENTS h A.F. balloon section somewhere in England enjoy iii brought to them by a mobile canteen. Mail Schedule tllatiight Savins Time) For tlie East Mimou1 Wednesdays and Friday 6 p.m. ! Sundays. Tuesdays and Thursdays tor Vancouver j McriflUV Tufiuv Fn...' j Saturday from Vancouver Monaa GOODBYE! 12 a.m. . 3 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 9130 p.m. .... 5 p.m. KISS YOUR -TIRED FEELING p.m. a.m. Peplea Many Suffer Low Blood Count-And Don't Know It. Tin baffllnr thlm about low blood count k that i;u cmn wih alxnit aa much m you d.o vn look hnlthy and ttrotig, yet ret tai M ai if you had lead in your ktt, dt-jty( tired and prpkaa. Lw bUxid count meant you haven't gut mouth nd blood h their vital lua to carry life-firing- oxygen from your lunra throughout your body. And Juat ai it taket i sen to eiplode gaaoline in your ear and maka the power to turn the wheel. w Ion mmt have plenty of oxygen to tUt the energy in your body and (We you lulng power. Cet Or Willlami rink Pill today. They art world-noted for the help they five In incrtaalng the number and atrength of red orp'in;. Then with your blood count up, TU-U (m iikii bounding up tlie atalri aa it lii were fl-ating on air. Aak yaur druvgiat 1m Di Wuiama l'iok I'iUa to-lay. r Native Couple Married Here Miss Ullian Wesley of Port Kssing-tnn Ilecomes Hride of Rupert Woods of Alyansh St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral with Very Rev. James B. Gibson of-diclatlng. was the scene of the marriage last Saturday afternoon of Miss Lillian Kathleen Wesley of Port Essington and Rupert Woods of Alyansh. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wesley of Port Essington and the groom Is lthe son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter; Woods of Alyansh. J The bride, given in marriage by ..her father, was attended by Mrs. Guy Davis as matron-of-honor and had several bridesmaids. Ruby iDovls and Laura Wesley were the little flower girls. Guy Davis was groomsman. Following the ceremony, there was a reception at the Commodore Cafe. The Alyansh' Concert Band was present to assist In the celebration of the happy occasion. The couple will reside at Alyansh. i The Indian Department cruiser Naskeena made a trip to Claxton cannery on the Skeena River yesterday. Indian Agent James Glllett making the trip on official duties. PEAS These (selected iciis offer the bmiftcwife the three qualities she tlcbires inost- freshness, iluvor ami npxcurunee. The full ntiurishnieiit is sealed in cverv can. at A When You Want a Kellable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI m ivwic l Se rvice 21 Hour Service at Kesular Katei r A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO 11WY CASH AND CAKRY SALK ,s Ms Compicte-simmons bedstead, Simmons felt mattress, immons cable spring. All sizes. Regular price jC2h.5U 329 50 and Carry Sale I'lione ITS v 327 3rd Avenue LOCAL NEWS NOTES S.O.N, meeting tonight. William Jones, local taitcher, returned to the city a fwPBays ago aft. 4 spending . several weke in Vancouver. Award under Carnival admission ticket No. 2088 not having been claimed within two weeks after the draw, balder of 2nd chance chanee ticket No. 1800 Is now available, a. L. Rorie, Secretary. Mitt Jean Massey of New York arrived In the city on Tuesday night's train for a visit here with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Massey, Fourth Avenue West. She will leave next week for Vancouver. Officers' Mes Formally Opened rom Vancouver Sunday SS. Catala Monday-S5. Princess Alice - Wednesday S.S. Prince Rupert Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide ajn S.S. Prince George 11 a.m. S.S. Cardena P-m- For Stewart and Premier Sunday-S.S. Catala a pm. Friduy S.S. Prince 1 Pm- George :- Prom Stewart and Premier Tuesday S.S. Catala a.m. Saturday-S. S. Prince 2 noon George For Alice Arm, Naas Uiver and Port Simpson-Sunday S.S. Catala 8 p.m. From Alice Ami, Naas Uiver and Port Simpson Tuesday S.S. Catala a.m. or Ocean Falls-Monday S.S. Prince Rupert 4 Pm' Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide 2 p.m. Saturday S.S. Prince Georee 5 P-m From Ocean Falls i Wednesday S.S. Prince Rupert 11 -m- Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide am- S.S. Prince George 11 a.m. S.S Cardena Pm- For Queen Charlotte Islands- August 30 r S.S. Camosun vr,10 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands- August 29 rh nnmosun a nt- For Alaska - Monday-S.S. Princess Alice a m- Wednesday S.S Prince Rupert 3 P-m- From Alaska- Monday S.S. Prince Rupert 10 -m- Wednesday S.S. Princess Alice P-m- Saturday Princess Louise p.m. Lutheran Ten and Homecooklne i ' .,a, ...S .rl, u ncoMBftuay ,v,l )nnnmn, pvonho rrostrr Eioyab,e sis Event for Iloutewarmine imonth,y meetings fo,lowlng a sus. (pension during the summer vaca- The formal opening of the new tkn season. military officers' mess quarters on McBride Street at Sixth Avenue CARD OF THANKS took place with a dancing party last night when the officers entertained Mrs. W. L. Sandison wishes to their friends. It was a delightful 1 express her sincere appreciation affair. The officers are now !n of the many expressions of sym-residence in comtoitahle and com- pathy and floral tributes extended modlous pre mi vs. t0 her In her recent bereavement. 2 4. Steamship Sailings Port Simpson (Daylight Saving Times) For Vancouver Monday S.S. Prince Rupert -v 4 p.m. Tuesday S.S. Catala .... 1:30 p.m. Wednesday S.S. Princess Alice P-m- Friday S.S. Prince Adelaide - - 2 p.m. S.S Cardena 10:30 p.m. Saturday S5. Prince George 5 P;m- S.S. Princess Louise p.m. p.m, a.m 11 aJn. Couple Marry IV fin vmaH mmtmm bajff MADE IN 0 CANADA aw" Miss Jaunita Gosnell Becomes Bride Of Ueglnald Sampson At Quiet Ceremony On Wednesday afternoon at First United Church, in the pres- fpw relatives and friends, 'juanlta Pauline Gosnell and Reg inald Wilbur Sampson, Dotn 01 Port Simpson, were united in marriage, Rev. J. A. Donnell officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Maurlne White and Rob ert Smith was groomsman. MORE DELICIOUS,BECAUSE Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word, ITRAVEL IS Red Cross Tea, Sept. 11, Mrs. Sid Thompson. Presbyterian September 18. I Tea, the Manse, 2nd Searchlight Aux Dance, mouries, September 19. Sept. 27. Legion Rooms, Ar- Hospital Auxiliary Rummage Sale, September 20. United Church Tea, Mrs. M. Nlckerson, Atlln Ave., Sept. 25. Orange Sale, November 5. F. Oueen Mary Refugee Club Tea Catholic Bazaar, October 1 and 2, ADVOCATED . See the Country and Get Out of the 0. 2 to 0. Metropole, Saturday, Sept. ( (207) I itKa' urge niasuiuc urauu i Master in uiub ram The Crescent Shows, after a stand , of nearly a week here, left on last ; i,,r ,a,uc evening's train .for Prince George. p" ,u' "l,c " " - (getting people out of their own local Charles Graham, inspector of . ws and interests and shaking off mines, left on last evening's train !ine . ! Diru.M T.niro in tho tres about their everything cen- own particular community was emphasized by B. A Omlneca dUtrict on official duties, Stlmmel of Trail, provincial Grand Master of the Masonic Lodge and Mrs. L. W, Krgin and daughter, superintendent of the great zinc Dorothy, who have been spending the past few weeks in Ontario, 13 ', th c, n? ."I" : IT 1" 7 Smelting Co.. in speaking before nS tU Coming wUh them wUle Prince Rupert Gyro Club at Its Wilar luncheon yester-Prince weekly bf Mrs. John McRae, returning to Rupert after having spent W , JJ the 1 past year ' or so in Ontario. ! " "c, , i5 I through the province was proving ! t , t hn T.hnr nnv hniiri.iv ! hm- " had been most interest- 'thls Monday, the regular monthly to ,lndtn3,utt(wha,t pple Z" o th PrinD pnpptl dolnS and thinking in other plac- He had observed great stretch. Chamoer of Commer e win b M Junior! country, seemingly with next Monday evening. The nf rham.,8reat potentialities, of which little ,wi. th-Prinr-P PMnprt LyiAMUIJ U Vllb a. VV wp-niaa i - . It5 1VII. il Llllllllr! lf.l'I 1IJI-I1 M IIIII1AJ1 CUssinEO FOR SALH. FOR SALE 10 used coal ranges In good condition, 20 springfleld mattresses in all sizes at $16.50, 24 chesterfields in the latest styles. Household doors, water boilers, 8 : unpalnted chest and drawers at low prices. Phone Blac'k-324. B.C. Furniture Co. FOR SALE Electric stove, oil burn er heater, cnesierneia suue, chairs, tables, linoleum. Wallace Block, Fulton entrance. ALL Enamel oil range complete, cooler, odd dressers, kitchen table, heater and chairs. Red 332. (208) HOUSES FOR SALE 7 Rooms 4 bedrooms, fully modern, centrally located, splendid condition, garden, 2 fireplaces. $3500. Real value. 6 Rooms 3 bedrooms. 8th Ave. W. $2100 terms. $1900 cash. i4 Rooms 2 bedrooms, garden, 7th Ave. W. $1600 terms. Rooms Concrete basement, furnace, 2 lots. 7th Ave, E. $2300 terms. 3 Rooms Fully modern and basement, splendid condition, automatic furnace, electric range. 6th Ave. W. $1950 cash. Rooms New roof and founda tions. 2 lots. Furniture and good radio. Near Ridley Home. $800. G. P. TINKER CO. LTD. NOTICE OUR dally delivery will be late commencing Sunday, Sept. 7 be- tween 12 and 6 p.m. instead of 6 to 12 p.m. Dominion Dairy, ' Phone 10. WANTED to RENT Furnished house. Take over any Dally News. time. ADPly box in, (207) wanted Reliable party to oper ate restaurant near Dry uock, For further particulars write Box u uoai WANTED Girl for Phone Qreen 106. LOST housework (207) T.nsT Pair of green lov-blrds Finder please notify Mrs. Wlnfrham. Phone Red 903. (207 II 85 had been entended. trip which started ten days ago anticipated from Trail and which had Included visits to a number of provincial towns, each with its own particular interest. First there had been the old ghost mining town of Greenwood, green and fresh again after having for years been the scene of an Important copper smelting operation. Pentlcton had its orchards' and its fruits and was now found to be producing marachlno cherries and a new melon known as the zuc- con melon, ten inches in diameter and as long as six feet. Kelowna and Vemon were packing enormous quantities of apples. Salmon Arm was a dairy centre which felt somewhat resentful at the necessity of having to ship its product of cream and milk to be made Into butter and cheese at Armstrong. Williams Lake claimed to be the greatest stock shipping centre in the whole of Canada and there was certainly plenty of cattle in evidence thereabouts. Barkerville was steeped In mining history, dating back nearly to the days of '49. Prince George, It was And bandy ii the right word for Carnation Milk the most useful form of milk to use and quite economical. A Canadian product irradiated for extra "sunshine" vitamin D. an miormair- W. A. Curran. publisher of the Trail Times; L. T. Kenney, MLL.A. for Skeena from Terrace, and Magistrate W. D. Vance. Attention was drawn to the Gyro bustling and busy, claiming to be picnic which will be held next Sun- the Industrial centre of that part day with Dr. R. G. Large providing of the province. At Pinch! Lake the transportation with his fine new near Stuart Lake a visit had beenjpower yacht Soogwuis. paid to the world's third most im- j portant mercury mine. Smlthers, o,w,..ic, SOUNDS KEASONABLE was a town the importance and ac-' tlvlty of which had proven surpris ing. Everywhere great hospitality MELBOURNE, Sept. 4: CP) a f to. Priw Heard at a local recruiting station "Are willing to die -Sergeant: you Rupert, a visit to Terrace being ..for pnnntrv? Recruit: "No vnnr Impromptu talk that Mr. Stlmmel w;"fc h , 7. ror tnelrs-listeners. gave and proved interesting to his jme I President W. F. Stone was in the few Germans Tonight's train, due to arrive chair, otner guests, oesmes Mt. (mm thp vnet. nt 12 n-cinek dav- Stlmmel, were W. C. McKenzie, light saving time, was reported Consolidated paymaster at Trail; this morning to be on time. Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 5;5 DR. DALLAUD'S DOG SPECIALITIES All dogs appreciate a change in diet variety will keep them in better condition. We have Just received a stock of the famous Dr. Ballard's canned health food. Dog Food, l's Champion, l's Cat Food, l's 12c Each CREAM OF WHEAT Regular size pkg. Each ORMOND'S SODA BISCUITS 1-lb. pkg. 09n Each MWV WAX PAPER Hand-E-Wrap. 100-foot roll with iOr cutter. Each VANILLA or LEMON EXTRACT 2 -oz. 1 Qn bottle. Each FRENCH'S MUSTARD For sandwiches. Q 6-oz. bottle. Each FRESH GRAPEFRUIT Sunklst. Qr 6 for Meaties 15c Variety Squares . . 29c Dog Soap 15c ORANGE MARMALADE Empress, 4-lb. tin. 0y Each TOMATO JUICE Libby's. 26-oz. tin. -j n J"ii Each MIRACLE WHIP SANDWICH SPREAD 16-oz. OVX, QQp bottle. Each malkins t BEST J FOR THE WO MAN Thermos Super Vacuum Dottle (j At Thermos Refill At .Thermos Corks At......... MALKIN'S BEST CUT GREEN BEANS 16-oz. tin. 2 for- 23c RK1NG $1.10 5cand10c Vacuum Bottles 50C Metal Lunch Kit At , Pocket Purses From 85c 50c t0 $3.00 Registration and Pass Holders jQg At . Ormes Ltd. '7itt Pioneer Druqpiats The Recall Store Phones 81 & 83 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. It; is