PAGE FOUR Churchill Says "Give us tools and we'll finish the job." War Savings Stamps buy the tools. Do your bit. Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelery Repairing, Hand Engraving VETERAN PREACHER congregations, whose We're Not Being HIGH-HAT... "We're hot being high bat-when we say we've secured for this season for you women the most outstanding styles and values offered in Prince Rupert. THE PICK OF WOMEN'S & CHILDREN'S SPRING FASHIONS 5 In order to get the latest and ? newest styles, our buyer went J direct to the manufacturing jj centre of Canada in Montreal. 5 No expense was spared in or- i der to secure for the Pecples V Store the merchandise you ? want and desire. The Wise gets a lot of satisfaction out of every purchase they make. If ydu have an idea as to what good coal should be, try a ton of the kind we sell and you can prove to your own satisfaction that the money you 'spent was wisely Invested, Keep our name and phone number in mind. Philpott Evitt PHONE 651 CHAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 264 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties ness reduced by $3,000. Then returning to the United States, he was for two-and-a-half years en gaged in evangelistic work In the .... , , !Church ph.K In Calgary, then a . small Her. Dr. Alexander Esler Has Had frame building with 126 members. Marked Career Of Success In In nine years the membership ln-Pu,Pil creased to nearly a thousand. A new site was purchased and on it Occupying the pulpit of First T? 0n.e.,0f th' moA k? .Presbyterian Church here for the rchdlttc west of the Great next few Sundays is Rev. Dr. it Esler last charge be-'Alexander Esler. veteran oastor of retlrsment was Robertson- several important Canadian Met- rnurcn m Vanc3UVer roponian ministry has inspired many young ix tiik mtkeme (di ut or bkitisii men and women to give themselves ' c oli miua i.v i-koiiatk in Christian service. For the pastj ln ",h.? ""ministration few years he has been retired ! na. from the ministry but has come I", h Ala"fr or rotate or ohn ?uS to supply 10C2LI DUlDiit tmrll n man crow rw ' i, . . J can be completed to fill the vac- TAKB notice that by order ot hu ancy. ' Honor. W. E. Flrtw. made the 2th day .in Coot rh,..u it. i . me forthwith . .V. I I. I . I I yearly seven years during whfch imi. wjue itwu new members were received and the mortgage indebted- CKlctal AlmlniiiritiT Prince Rupert. BC MAY CLOSE . KIRKDOWN Doesn't Believe In War Or Church's AaUtude On It And Withdraws Help u LONDON, March 8: CP Be cause the Duke of Bedford ob jects to the Church of England's support of the war the ttttle par-; i on on the ins Duke'S lances estate estate, of income. The church, built by the eiehth Duke of Bedford in 1863 at Wo-burn, Bedfordshire, has always been maintained by succeeding Dukes who paid th vicar's stipend and provided him with a home. The total living amounted to about 51,780 yearly. 4ha "Mtrl- wn,,- OttaWa Presents Si Comfort ZOIC t Dresses 100's Of Them f One group consists of copies of the most popular New York de-$ l gns famo Lambskin and Shanspun Prints. Ci Aff 5 Sires 12-20 and 38 through 46 wAtVO J PLEASE BUY WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES 1 RUPERT PEOPLES STORE i Mail Orders Promntlv FillpH . ... & Co. Ltd. 652 I Her Photograph 5 I Canada At War I 25 Years Ago i 1 Person 1 ixmmi ii March 8, 1916; French grouna around Verdun, recapturing part of the Bois ds norh,, and drove Germans back in Cham pagne, "ussian cruiser bombarded Trebizond, Turkkh .port on the Black Sea. Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms not Water Steam Baths Dining Room in Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress TRY GUNN'S Variety Repairs For First Class Service on Blqycles, Rubberware, Tires, Tubes, Etc., Vulcanized 6(h St. opp. OK Barber Shop TEI DA ITT K2W8 Waterfront Whiffs Six Hundred Men Working at Dry Dock, Larges Number Since Last War Stormy Weather Interferes With Herring Fishing VARIETY OF DISCUSSION J" BY CHAMBER (Continued from Page One) of the Free also re- eard the eeneral attitude of h her would be -sought wuses action naa r creed him tn cnmmtelnn rnnrt r.-i, i,-a accept a vicarage at Ashwell near back to a special committee headed . by Ted Smith which had nothln? to rr pc"w a. . , ; rewiwty. a. d. 1941. i was P- illcre " 00 personal animosity report last night. minster Presbyterian Church, West S J 01 wu-oo. 0f Cours I cannot I nn Complaint, was voiced at parking srMfr' '",..'-: rs?-s: rjssr-s rrrirs j: Another matter coming forward it 1ne4 viUWi. it. . ..Capital Gives Ifer ntr vi.Ua,. ers beine marlp from thu 1 matters such as national policy and .broader questions but thera were occasions, particularly on matters I nt vital Innal I mnitnnnn ...1 there should be no risk of losing! , unanimity. O. L. Rorie, chairman of the Jun- MANUFACTURERS' Life Insurance Co. P. H. Linzey Local Representative Prince Rupert PII0NE GREEN 446 Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box S75 ABSOLUTELY FREP! Valuable Gift and Household Premiums are absolutely free to you when you save our Cash Coupons given for purchases of 25 cents or more.- It is too good to pass up. Come in and let us explain the plan. to you. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More cents' ill Stormy weather Thursday inter- in oil content. C.N.R. Trains For the East- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.m. From the East-Tuesdays, Thursday's and Saturday n p.m. Mnmuy ' propeny ven- urav,mg me UVlne " the Duke In. i , , , , ,. there, the membership or the h 1L.T L lnS to have a special committee doubled day Mrs was tpnri t .h,, a k, bls cu ninp hm tx. ,OT - s?av 4wsei -s v. - m K"u ior. inen ne was nmouiw or ttieir indebtedness to The 52-year old Duke rarpiv ,V ? ",KM,CJ l"c Bay. 10 "t t0 tWs & Other ' i1" VisitS hi m Wfthnrn Woburn estate. 7tT tt He 7, lives ... - . 4 day or March, a. D p parking and ana traffic tralc condit'ons condIt.onS in m ; - ftalnly at h's WigtowT!shlre home lof chamber committee." NORMAN !?, IBmAwm A. WATT . in Scotland. . . . . jrooke brleflv on twihi .riviii. m 0 g--wm w , HrV4 A dance featuring music of the tne British Columbia Tobacco Fund. . ' Ka or-.nes- the object ofiwhlch is to ensure de- "t3 amon.g suggestions. livery of cigarettes ind tobacco to Jr ,MOrtlm reported on the the forces oversea under a plan by wnicn shipments are made whole ! sale by the tobacco companies, ord war savings certificate sales drive "OOVt.KXJIKST LIQIOIl ACT" (becuon W) & P'cOireSU Well AslCitv's Ktv stock in the Old Countrv. Thu m- Nw,l. Vp',,,",i0" l?r "u.h CP. J ' ' ,. . - - --i ..waac m ncKtux , cjiven .that i ti .aiviauai shipments are eliminated Ul 3it day ot uiRshMau yji iawa, Aiarch 8: (CP) Cana- "u wj;:iC w ceriainiy oi deliveries ffm-n Z.Jzr Tw ,Df'1AIJ co da's capital has reached the con-, bf ln made- The had been com- SSS ! , elusion that. distinguished ' Piaints- aue to shipping casualties "J premues ituted on the top guest desarvps srmDhw ;and for' other reason."?, of thi inHi. ?oor PL11 Enxprew atck at e cor .u. u . . " - virtual t J..T ,,,rr Deoono Avenue 1 Birth Stmt ox ins city. i-.wo nuk aiwajs oeing upon lancu dPBcrtbpd a LoU 11 r!d 12 Kn?s and potentates, mayors lsafelv delivered. Owen Hooper f'BiiTk 23 soottorf J4MP 923, m and geri?rals have carried from rms committee of the Junior ndrltfeX cnamber to promote the idea hprp.i Province of nritivh them as an indication of Ottawa'i 'Sme steps having already been tak-i!ifh.kmCTnb'r. of dub to kp em hut tv -!. i-j...... . en. """- rawnuwie quan vine umusiriai 1 anl publicity commute,, todav in-1 Junior and Senior dlcated its fear that some of these oi nquor ior personal, consumption on jtlve premises in aoccrdance with the , '""' "'"IS I Ofwnment Liquor kevs wfTA o dmm, tJL J c Jctc"ly passea amendment trl." . l" Rearuiation promulgated .- j - uiuppea ra arawers to the Junior Chambpr In thefS. .,h , designed t0 ,ve the Junior Cham. rt rerammnSM 6 camm!'ttee's mofe Independence of action! empress social rata Jumited STJf, apPr0Ved' the from e Senior body earner TJ 3- - key-arTrt T 1 lZLZZ' ?PtaJ W' McAfee, president ofl " capital, sky POL RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers iTon and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery Ail Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled Mrs. James Clark Palmistry S1LVERSIDES BLOCK Second St. Phone Green 416 nigh Quality Latest Patterns All British Woollens JUST ARRIVED Come In and choose the cloth for your spring cult. Ling the Tailor Sixth Street Thone 659' DRAMA OF ADVENTURE 'Mystery Ski aide,, a drama of adventure on the high seas Inspired by current war events, and "The Golden Fleecing," an hilarious comedy romance, comprise a double bill feature offering at the 'Capitol Theatre tonight. "Mystery Sea Raider" deals with an American merchantmen seized may De' mte 10 war snipDUlitung WOrK, me rnnce uupc'ru uiy oy a belligerent power disguised locked and bolted. The vicar has dock todav.has six hundred men on the navi'oll. the lare- by new paint and false funnels left and the Duke has withdrawn est number since the shinbllildine davs hist after the close and used as a mother ship for sea- njs iinanoai support, main source if f, a , . m, , Xt :J.,ut ...min, elders. Human drama arises from. valuable employment for the community and contributing XSSSuSwC to the country s war effort As is already known, two are imprisoned aboard the vessel mine sweepers are neanng compic- to prevent .them from revealing tion at the yard and two more fire(their whereabouts. Henry Wilcox-already under way. Principal work on carol,, tondis, Onslow Stevens, of a general nature now going on(KaUllmi Howard, Sven Hugo Berg! .at the yard includes the annual ov-jand Henry vlctor comprise the' erhaul of the steamer Prince cast. The ine present present Duke, uute, who who as as the the ..... , , . George, which has been a larger rhe Golden FlewinyH i th' Marcuess of .Tuvistock succeeded "ZlL 'YjZ b 1 and which ,3 now VS. TSTH momftS w " TwcA nearing comPletlon- Next weck k involved with C. . a gang of rack-lv vatlon Armv yma y had three reasons for with-ivauon A?. xl.CJV., vv.ojv, p , r , th i drawing his financial support. Rights of Columbus and Imperial to -"J" Presbytery tfh3e Norta. L My WdBWd comnX8 March 4 Xm- tween VanCUVer and PrinCe Ru ter leader is iky Dr. xairon 10 aoout one- tatorTSSttw pert, . the the steamer steamer Prince Prince Rupert Rupert be- be-bumped Esler's 'enL next move was to Grace d .L'. S00?1 , m, bumped o off. To save h Job he I quarter," quarter," he he said. said. "I "I , mion DJecuve w was souu.uuu ttJOOOMriUi wun h .. c expect expect to to leave leave S0nnbfJectlT" wfl 0, ing trithdraa-n withdrawn at at that that time time in to un- tin. i r-vf of England PyiwInM to join one m fronVBr 1 f ?luirab'a; Thc dcrgo her annual overhaul here. 2 to . r.K,-v. Churches. t I i active actlTe suDDort PPOrt of of the the Junior Junjor Cham- Cham i"1"" Deco" becomes track down the racketpf mixed un u-ltVi th I gang. Finally, he become a nuhlll- Church of England towards the C. G. Ham brought up th, matter fPrcd w1th herrlng 8einlng at Un- ta' Joh iZd Noinn vif war to be utterly unchristian and of the civic centre carnival. This ion Bay and the result will be liht- n,o l"0." I",70 merce of British Columbia fonvm. tion to be held in Chllliwacl: May 23-24. PAINTING Decorative Kalsomlnlnt Sirns L0RNE CORNELL Gordon and, Anderson's rhone 46 NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3 Zarelll Froprletor -A homii awa rmm Rle tie ay 50 Roonw f$bt & Col WlLWr Prince Rupert. B.C. rhft'" r.o. rtoi in 2 Complete ShotJ CAROL!" "Mystery San D l 'At8iundI1,4l Plus LEW AYRES, LLoD ml "The Golden COMING Mo.V neecri w r.a 1:3; Joel MfPr., i." FOUEir.N CORRrsrnu Hockey Standi "T nnnl nlV.inn . . i . . . ion Via tVimtnVif If cKaii 4 Wa . iu VJtViliSr LiCOieV. RAnMM nom iiiuimu UUHC UJ LUJ ran J'"' mvufeiii, ii. 0i;uuiu lrip port KflVflrrl Iril Tlll", Tnlof a church wuiui which iuii as its a, a body ouuy supports supports neld aBain si this ni jci year aiuug along eiuiuai similar reduction reaucuon Tj!ant plants this hi u-.v., week-end ' i . . Chicago "wu National LtalM W 23 55 19 19 i . 10 mass murder and organized sin. I "nes with the co-operation of ser-(Th;s has been the best week the ,n which the Junior Chamber is as-1Vanad,en!l 15 realize there Is a small minority vice clubs. h9o hi thi. , f. itino. lAmericans 8 wnlcn takes the Christian View.l The ouestlon nt sunnnrtlnf nr ! snrnl ! mkmiuI t i fnnlrm nm-j- - .i ' rr ffj "" -wvu. mc ii;ii uiuue ui me wnven- hut 4V, . . , . . . utiiuLSiiuiw nn. ouierwise a resoiuiion of trc pen. ana l qo pot -think that the local ticton Junior Chamber of Com ciergy do either. merce censuring the provincial gov- The vicar of St Mary. Arch- eminent in connection with th deacon H. MartJndale. said th confrpnop i are. it however, rai.ler thin and low 1 ' tion -. of the Junior ... . Chamber .. of Com D I f 10 J5 J J 8 19 i.A 6 2J "C 8 24 M'jl 10 25 FRESH SHRll Daily After 4 pA BOAT W.S.L. TROTIHi DOCK FISHERMEN Inst4 UR1NE MOTOES Kermath or Lycon Agent J, T. BREYnnl Boat "Wanderlukt Cil . CO-ED Beauty Salon (Elsie Klobn) Exchange Dldg. IH.ACK 661 NEW Card Tables Are Always In Demand Good quality folding tables at $2.25 $2.75 $3.50 The Latest All Metal Table In the two-tone effect. The best table Q5 on the market. At .... . yOiOO Playing Cards 45c, fi5c, $1A Tally CardsDozen -. ; 20c and 2i " " Court Whist Cards Dozen .7.7 7 Bridge Pads 5c and 1' Ideal Bridge Scorer .... .77 ' t ' ft Crib Boards .7;7.7.7 25e 40c. 65c, $1? Poker Chips-Box of 100;..; g Checkers " 15c, U Dominoes ' , , . 2oc ,W Dice 2 for .'. isc " Set of 6 35c When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 13 21 Hour Service at Regular Kates