1 i; i v i t; i PAQE two .THE OATLT-NKWfi Men Who Prefer Hartt Shoes DAILY EDITION It is significant that leaders in business and prbfessional lifd Select Hartt Shoes for fit, style and wear. Your inspection is invited. L M J - GfcNTLEMEN Family Shoe Store THE DAILY NEWS. pRiNtte rupert - British Columbia Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert baity News, Limited, Third Avenue H.F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Member ot Audit Bureau oi Circulations EDITORIAL Wheat Is Waiting Monday, January G, 1941. We were told only a few days ago that the German bbrt of Bremen had a line of elevators alone its waterfront , vhich had been Used for storing rrrain. These elevators rniist hbW he hungry for gt;ain. So ,ard the store houses1. .ai the rrench ports and the porfts ot lieigium, rioiiann, Norway and Denmark !.;"' Canada has eight hundred and fifty million bushels .of wheat it wishes to export; Yet one continent has to go .' hungry while the other is overflowing with grain in order to sati.sfy.lhe ambition of a brute. Ireland Ireland is in a rather difficult nbsitibh. part is at war with Germany and Italy and the southern l' - i a i . . i t n . i i nf ii.iiii pan is trying, to remain neutral, ao neutral is cire tnatj Opinion is UiViue'd as" to the Wisddm Or otherwise m of. hlly have a inost wholesome respect for the Irish peoble und we find that thev haVC so intermarried aiid mixed Assimmilation rieht. They IhUst realise; though that the language bf this tfbitthient is English and. the pet-son Who does nbt kftrttv the langta bftthe ,cuntinent is badly handicapped. I lost- mahy ot the French Canadian leaders are strongly advising young men to -perfect themselves in the use of the Ertg;-Jish lahguag-e While at the same time retaining their oWn Mfgiiag - This: is iPdry wise. In Prince Rujlert we db not know a French-Canadian from any other Canadian; Al are good citizens and that is what counts. MASSETT WEDDING Milan as a war precaution. cusiitC FOR RENT- FOR UKN'l rooseveLt Is aIL out for V, MM-rAM (Continued from Page One) : States foreign policy as decent res- jptect bf the" rights and dignity of A charming event took place in other nations. Masseti on New tear's. Eve when "Justice ' and morality must and Ofof Anderson bt Prince Rupert Will win Ih the end," declared Mr and Miss Betty Hoacks oi MasssrftRboajvelt: were united In marriage. St, Paul's Mr. Roosevelt called upon the I Church was erbwd?d for Uifc oc- .United States for: icasion by ill Waitf tiUkvAs of1 First, n impressive eprexloi the bride and groom. The happy of the publfc will to an all ih-cbu'pte erileted to, the strains of elusive naUonal life. Ihe Wedding March and the cere- second, an empressive expression mony was iwfornietl by Rev. J Jt. of ihe public Will In support or Murray. aU relsdlule people everywhere who 1 The youthM bride chefe a floor wire resisting aggressors and thus lehfcht fedwn tot white chiffon with keeping" the war away from this smocked bodice. She wore a chapel hemisphere, veil and carried a bouquet of Third, an impressive ejqiressToti carnaUoiis. of the public will that "we are Attendants were Miss Esther ccmmltted to the principles of Ormbrofc ahd Otof Anderson, the morality and security arid iliat we bride was given hi inarrfctgc by will never acquiesce td a peace her father. dictated by a?.?rfsors and pon- j A large gathering later tat down sored by appeusers." td supper in the Eurlseourt Hotel. Mr. Roosevelt refcrrsd to the Among those preitht were the fact that there had been no dlN brkle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Terence or opinion between the two Hoocks, and the groom's rafents, parties at the recent etectibn in Mr. and Mrs. A. Andsrsbn, and regard to forelgri policy. It was the Rev. and Mrs. J. Murray, abundantly evident that the Am-Toasls were drunk to the bride jficah people recognized the inland groom and. songs and speeches mlnent clanger, .were enjoyed by all. First Importance i li :a rrbrt matter nt,,u,tn(i ijm, ,lfU. duetlon. Induiry und labor had id r "T :,' already responded to this but "I The bride was boln in the Inlet ? ... a-,u rtn Whig -made," , sa'id sa.d Ihe ihe President, President. p w the.grocrm Is also fell known r f l,m,1Ufa military leaf leadtrs .".J tof the nation satisfied. The objective' anion? the ilsncrnien. , , . fu . ,. i,i,t should , hould ; . be be quick quick . and and i beiter beiter .. tesults. results. At the sumptuous lunch - a giant The . . behind . k : wftldln? cake was lroductd and the Rrbdm dssfcaed the bride in. cutthi It. country was sent d die In turning out finished aU planes. Mr. Roosevelt dtsckfeed, but was ahead cf srfiedule hi building war- It was essential that all ' i m, ;XnT 411,01113 work to get further ahead. I which followed. . . . v. The yourt Rfeople carry the good . ' trX: I wishes ail to their hew home. ... 1 8rlly lniea!ed. . , . ajjprsiuiaximis 10 carry on me ae- Jfence progiam at home and to .Mll.AN DROPS DANCING .manufacture and supply aii tnUnl- Hions required by nations who MILAN, Italy, Jan. 6: (CPi Pub- were today at war with agiressors. lie dancing has been forbidden in "We must act as an arsenal for them as well as for ourselves." j "And we cannot and must iiot tell them that they must surrender because cf their present 'inability to pay," declared the iriesiqent, tor tne weapons we know they must have. This coun try should do every thins in Its lAiwer ip mane n possioie lor tnoss nations td obtain the maceriali they need in the United States, These nations, he said, were glvi Large furnished offldejing United States time to make Including heat and light News, WANTED Mah whp wants board and rbbhi. Box 57, bally kews. 1 t308)' WAirrEb-ExjSerleil locdl girl Wanted" biri socially and intellectually that the average person knoWsl fthfthc siack 322. no (liiterence between I'mglish or Irish. A lew Irish evertiWAirrkD-sihaii aequtie the Oxford accent. - black blirse cdnUththg gldsses at MOose-ltail, tiew Year's Eve; Finder leave- at Dally Nes; ...... , (61 FtiUNb-tildsses. D"rier tan have same by c'ailiiig at bill; News and paying for tills ad, 1 It Dally: ready Its own defences. tf.. Mr. Roosevelt asked for freedom ThG Hbrtheni rtdbM for rent iii 7th AW. W. I .Jt LTLS Lt. l t O VV lU - - u,lkect at home and how much sent she wjll not allow the British the use of any of her ports1 "room hiceiy furnished. "box ei.-' Mniment of the pledges to' in connection witn me sunmarine menace, inow tne neu- Dauy News. 5) "amms against tral section of the .Country has been attacked Whereas thd' a tnTn,rnZ' aSls' Mr tfted . FOR RENT 3-room rnnm furnished that this l.tCti tLi t ut , l l flat., country would not be .jAillhjtUsHt War has escaped damage. Apply 1228 Park Avenue, niilntlmadted by threats of dicStoS Ke Irish Dositioh. One local Irishman exnressed the wish " fctfttF"irr" .'who might talk ot breach of ln- , - - - t i.wvvt law. Dutji tiu uy me hat Hitler would huv p.vmv blanketv-blank Irishman 'pnn fair v a-r ,,ici, ior,,lnited Stales was not on act of 1 , . - - . ' . --------- a v uawu-v- uuui i ij uoi. iiivuv,i ii ' mi nt ifitt) the seji; Othei-Si of coUt-Se. feel differently about it. hot water heating; cement base-'"' A"d had th dlctaVbooks must pe Valera, not being an irishman, maV feel different f rohl! ciose in. Phone oreen 937:-"-rr: rr he averaere man from" the Emerald Isle. He also knoWs Jii"nnnn Itliaf he has ttuite a jOb Oh his hands With SO many Irish-iFOR SALE Full size McClaryjwaf by Norway, Holland or Bel-) Jiien, who hate England. that Hatfe for Entriahd-. which so manv IrisTimen have jiiherifed f om their forefdthdi's and faithfully cultivated: kfiems as if it would rievet die. It seems to be the expected iatiitti.de !b'ts trishltieii ih Ireland to take and it has trails-dilated a cohsiderable amount of that hate to America. "iMah'y of . the hatiliff trishWCh live ih England, and thfeir" ;raUlerfi lived tnei-e because they could make a better livv "iiig than was possible, in their own country. They still jcherii)li that hatred wherever they go and no matter what thev do. Hannilv the broadening effect of livintr in Can- Hixfo snems tn huVe ublitel-ated that ill-feeling to a lar'ge range, Al condition, electric 1 glum against Germany? toa.ster and iron, complete bed; kitchen utensils, kitchen table, and chairs, like new. Electrki sewing machine-, Irllite, Unoleum, odds and ends. Housa is for sale' also, , Apply. 3S3eUi East, . j41. tV ANTED latent; St) far as Etiulishmen are concerned thev gent'r-j roi" baardittis hdUse. box . &o, Daily News. I ftiiHofinc: COLD IN EUKOl'K LONDON Intense wld weather continues throafchbut Europe. A low as 47 degrees below xero is recorded. One ot the worst snw-storms on retort! in Rumania U liampeHiif Nazi military movements in the halkans. Ih barts or unoccupied France there Is twelve feet of snow and lemier-alttre as htw Is it betow. At least twelve persons ire teat in France. ii( tiKi l) In ui:d VANCDUVnit JbsePh Keiys. SIDNEY Aii AUslrdlia today celebrates the treat victory of the Aussie at bardia; There aie special editions of newspapers and newsboys caniibt keep up with the dehiatkd. The Sydney Sun refers to the dash, courage, spirit and eagerness for battle of the Australians. Prime MliiKler Churchill has sent a message of congratulation to Premier Menz-ies tor the "magnificent maimer of the Abstralian offensive." He trusted and believed that Iiardia was but trie prelude to greater successes to come. failure Any wav GOSPORT, Eng., Jan. C: 'CP If Hitler still attempts the Invasion 3f Britain it will be a failure and if the invasion is abandoned, it will be no less a failure, said L. B. Am-ery. Secretary for India, .speaking here. that failed, to exercise the power! of the government. 1Here must be belief In the iaiis for wldch the Ifghl was being made ahd he was confident tlie pojtfe of the United SUtes hall that belief. Thiie nidst be fatth iiHd stfejigtn and devotion 'Id tlie" tadses bt democracy. Once" the maintenance Ot de-mdcracy was asiUtcd' By the winning of the" War against the aggressors, there must lollow such rights as tqudUy Uf optorturilty ifor youth and bthei-s, Jbbs for those who con work, security for those who needed It, ending of special privilege, Civil liberty for all, enjoyment of the fruits of scientific progress and a constantly rising standard of living. Meantime, nd one must be at-1 lowed to get rich at the expehsc' of the defence program. Patriotism : be pdt ahead df nocket. Future Ideals Essentials of the future democratic state Mr. Roosevelt enuricl- '.ated as freedom ot speech and lx- fipresslon in eVtry part of the world. Future Depends On It 1 . freedom'' df every person to wor-Tlie liapphuss and future of ship God as he wished In every America might well depend uporf part of the woild. freedom from the lmmediateness and the" ef fee-' want and security f every person tiVeness bi"the aid now gl'vri. -Jlrt every part of the world. . The nation's hands must hoi This was no mlllenlum; declared be tied," asserted Mr. rtobsevel lihe President. It was the very aiitl- "when the natfonVj life Is in dan- thesis of ithe "liew brder tif the B'" 1 tyrants" who wollld Impose their, All must be prepared to makRjwill by the crash of A bomb. iacriflCes and the country ha'd a . With strenath. uhltv bf Miimr WANTED-Pasitloti for experienced :ight ,toJexpec.t1 oUiw and high cbncep.Uoh there Should! .inrrn,hPi- nor Rrt. rir.li N(.ifrom .of l"dastry and- labor! b jio etid but victory. 1 j '-;" ( t.l.. I.. 1. ii ' mL. i.-. i,l ,1? . . . 1 (3iun ' siiniuiaung, -inn uoncensus 01 opinion is that' (tfl for housework. (C) jlland ia iobd condition tor cash, fhohe Blue' i4&. (5) LOSt f - ' i - 1 i. - mm mm.m. m m There i? a great job of assimmilation for Canada IbiLtef-bttfeh cmiiat Mbose. Find-tld, the difficulty is that the average French ChnaAtoh ' News. ,(,01 6trjectg tb Ussimmiiatitm and wahts tb retain his own lan1 Losr-pdir cold-rlmmed glisses gtiage, laws and customs. To" a certain extent this is all chrislnias Day. One doljar H- iiik ueience ewort. j mef res.aint will be speedily lv- The best way b! dealing With en a free hand to exercise his ', slackers and troublemakers was, policy of national tiefehce ahd aid ' first, to try dhd shame theai, alid, if to the democracies. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. special reduced winter Excurtsibhr FARES ineliiding all meals and berth accSmmbdattd'h tb VAHcbUVER AND Keturn rfdht tWNbk rupert tttA hn FTbmPdH simpsbH ,$39.75 VUUU t Reduced ttates Filre 'arid one half also apply td Vancouver front Intermediate points.) (FiVe yedrs ttr age and under twelve) Hail rare Tickets on Sale from November 1st, i9i() to ebirddry 2. 19U bood to retuhi up to March 31, loil Stedhiers Leave brince Rupert Ar. Vartcbuver 8.S. .cATAtiA Every tdesdiy 1:30 p.m. f hubday a.m. S.S. CAltbENA Every Fridiy 10:30 p.m. Moilday a.m. Tu ihd Reservations from Prince Rupert Aferit (FRANK J. SKINNER) third Ave. Phbhe Ith It Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets al Office 1 Genera! Synopsis- Tlie pr-un? appears tdw southwest of Vancouver Island and is relatively high east of i the Canadian Rockies. The leather 'continues mild throughout British Columbia. . , West Coast df VAh'couvtr Island-Fresh to strong southeast tihids, unsettled and mild with ruin. Prince Rupert and Queth Char mild with rain. iieavv job for sin:i:i MANCHESTER. Jan. Cj After administering first (CP)- aid to Morid'ay, ) in Weather Forecast ' Community Hall Association At Kitwanga Meets wanga ComriiunltV HulUC btl electro ouicers lor me ytw t d lows: itohorary President ain) T t.i-H.v!ti r,hth r, Matthias 11. Bright ...... ,mfie ,uwm kA hd President. Henry Lelt Committee Chairman Moore. ! dmimHteenwiv- Fny ijeseph Wiillams. Churl- LONDON. Jan. C: (CP Ten Pau! Benson and EdwardT tlibusarid tons 9.000 miles of of wool 16 make serge will bs tc- 80. Is dead or burns sustained last j?ured in the Minify of Suplily-R night when his bed caught fire as he smoked his pipe. i:ii:VF.N lion i.s crash SAN DIEGO As. a result of ihe crash of a United States naval biahe against a mountain peak 35 Hiiles southeast of here dur-Inj a fojey rainstorm, eleven men were killed. Fraenents of the plane and bodies were scattered over a Wide area. latest niasis order for more than 5,000.600 siiits of batUe dre. FIRST AID lint FAftlliit! Hall Managers, Harold D.& Assistant Engineers : and Andtcw berrick. HOT WATER BOTTLES $L00 $1.25 . $1.50 $2.00" s Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Drtiqpi 3 ts Ihe hexil! SIM fhones & Open Dally from 8 a.m. till io p.m. Mimdays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to p.m. JOHN GtfRVlCH, Contractor Wishes to Annourice the Founding bf the Seal Cove Trucking ahd Transportation Co. Ami fr Ybilr Service Offers ;r?t. Sind Solomon Bryant SecrctnrS'. HAMld Diuili'l Alstant 8?!retary 4)uv, Wells. w Chief Engineers Phai Rj MflK IilrJ. wasn J:in j . in a 76-year old man fatally hurt In The Morton high schooilLiVil a nrotbr accident In a blackout, a team oorts a player witlt i,r- wbman discovered the Jiitlent was "Big" Little. lie stands .x I her father. four inches. In his stoekhij; fee- CAPACITY1 awn z LAKiiK COVMltKI) VANS ( j J'?im W 0Ur husiness but the biggt the job the better we like it For Ahy Type of Triitk Hauling by Hour bf Cniyct Phone THREE-TWO Please Office :e S WARM FRIEND INCE PUPEkT FEED GOt Sole DMlrtbtUbrMfcfeefid lilVer Hard Coal EDSON, NANAiVKj.WELLiNbTON, I1ULKI.EY VALtfeV and Coal nu'nlir.T.ji-.. . . . inn er'.s Dock , ..iliii-iiii - . .. . hVMYBODY' rlione 5'