?K$Z TOUR TEE DAILY NEWS Monday, January 6, 1911, .J.I.. II IJJ BfBB CANADIAN GUNNERS IN ACTIQN IN ENGLAND 3 DAYS TONIGHT TUES. WED. EYES EYES CAPITOL Licencee for Nuruounls DAYS OF WILD ADVENTUREI . . . I M Full -rue Frames, the Newest NIGHTS OF GLORIOUS ROMANCE! Ml tn Eye-Wear Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelcry Repairing, Hand Engraving CIIAS D0DIMEA1) m. Vi t,4 Optometrist in Charee W V J 1 Phone 2G4 for Appointment Max Heiibroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware : and Novelties SERIES IS EVENED UP ! I , Fraser Street Defeats McCIymont Park In Second Game Of Junior League Basketball The Junior Basketball League Jlrst half play-off series was even- up up Saturday evening when Fraser Street defeated McCIymont Park 48 to 17. A week previous Lnmber, Shingles, Cement, Gravel, Bricks, Lime We keep in stock all of the above, in quantities to meet for e.very requirement. Also a good stock of tailboards for fixing up an extra room and of course we still lead in Coal. Large stocks of imported and domestic to suit, every purpose. For prompt careful service Philpott Evitt PHONE G51 B. C. Furniture Co. Phone BLACK 324 Third Avenue Next Door to B.C. Clothiers New and Used Furniture At the Lowest prices in the City. It will pay you to come in and look over our large stock of new and used furniture I Beatty Washing Machine In Al condition. Just Ct ft A like new $dAUU 1 Large Size China Cabinet Q91 ft ft A real snap JtXUU 8 Reconditioned Typewriters Of various makes at very low prices 1 'National' Cash Register Just like $45 00 4 ..D!". $7.50 10 $10.00 4 Kitchen Ranges With oil burners. Complete from $40.00 to $50.00 New Furniture 30 Mattresses 3-3, 4-0. 7 Special J OU 16 Spring-Filled Felt Mattresses Regular $22.50. Q4P ffft Now tpJLO.DU 6 Studio Couches Can be made into double bed. 9Q Aft In the newest patterns ptlUU 12 Chesterfields Of the finest quality and makes at given prices. TRAPPERS Don't sell your furs on the waterfront. Eiinj: them up town to mc. I'll make the buyers pay 30 more. I have a big contract to fill. GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable McClymant Park had wan the first game. Tonight the third1 ffnd deciding game, will be played. Fraser Street was ahead all the way In Saturday night s gamei which was a rather one-sided &t- fair. Half time score was 22 to 7. Nick Pavllkls was the star for 'Fraser Street with sixteen points to his credit. McClymant Park felt the absence of two star players Steve. Mentenko and Harry Astori. Oliver Santerbane and Alex Bill were referees, Ourco&j 5 ;'v;:;'; you - jUMM .:;."'- And &&iMMm true ! JMM g & Co. Ltd. G52 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Froprletor -A DOME AWAY FROM HOME" R es 75c up 60 Rooms Hot & Cold Watii Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 r.O. Box 191 Canadian troops now in England are train! e intensively so as to be ready for what ever mi'.y come in the way of fighting. This photograph is o ie of the first to be taken of Canadian artillerymen in action in England. It was taken at the C anadian base in the south of England where some Prince Rupert men are located. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver J Tuesday Catala .1:30 p.m 1 Thursday S.S. Prince I Rupert. 11:30 p.m. FrldaySs. Prir. I Adelaide 10 p.m I Ss. Cardena .... .10:30 p.m January 2, 16 and 30 SS." Princess Norah 5 pm. From 'Vancouver Sundaywss Catala p.m. Wed SS Pr. Rupert 10 a.m. as win.-Aaeiaiae 4 pjn. Ss; Cardena p.m. January 1? and 16 am. For Stewart and Premier Sunday; ss. Catala 8 p.ru Wednpsday SJS. Prince Rupert '. 3 p.m. From Stewart and Premier , Tuesday-i-ss. Catala .11:30 ajn.1 Thursday-SJS. Pr. Rupert 8 pjn. I For Alice .Arm, Naai River and Port Simpson Sunday--ss. Catala 8 p.m. From Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson-Tuesday ss. Catala ... 11:30 a.m. For Ocean Falls: Thursday S.S'. Prince Fup'ert 11:30 p.m. Frlday-SS Prin. Adelaide 10 pjn From Ocean Falls Wednesday SS Prince Rupert i0 am. Friday ; 8s. Pr. Adelaide 4 p.m. ss. Cardena p.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands-January' 6 and 20 S3,' Casslar .jq p.nt From, Queen Charlotte islands e t January o "iuitf bt. oassiar a.m. For Alaska-Wednesday S.S. Prince Rupert-. 3 p.m. January 12 and 26 SS. Princess Norah' ' a.m. from Alaska-Thursday S.S. Prince Rupert ..: 8 p.m. January 2, 16 and 30 SS. Princes Norah p.m. 1 A "spot" cpsui you only half b dollar. Try It in the Dally News classified, column. (tf ) iioa;iiniciB:ria:ii'iB:iiiia:ini!!B!iDHX!H'DRn:iBin "Build B.C. Payrolls" This I New 11 Year Lor j ' 1 Of Ml jvAP-iRATTD. Fresh and young it lies before us. Millions hate to aee the joyous festive hours fly by but quickly reality is upon U3i bright with rich prospects. Our world is launched on an eventful year. t PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed tn:si:iia;0B:iin:iimii!!ia!ii::i:ia;a;ii9:a CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.CFb.C. W&Uace Block, rhone 64G f Mike Colussi Accordionist and Teacher AAA. Certificate TIIONE RED 814 Whifflets From The Waterfront ! Herring in seining quantities are reported to have appeared at Laredo Sound during the week-end and seiners are converging on that area.. Laredo Inlet is a little far removed from Prince Rupert but, if fish do not soon appear in closer waters, herring will, dlubtless, be brought from there to the Tuck's Inlet and" Port Edward reduction plants. Union steamer Cassiar, Capt. James Watt, arrived in port at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands and will sail at 10. o'clock tonight on her return south over the same route. The Cassiar brought in a capacity list of fifty passengers which crowded sJl available accomcdatton. The list included Capt. Pollock and a large party of Irish Fusiliers from Aliford Bay. Having been delayed by making an extra call at Ocean Falls with school teachers and other passengers returning to the pap?r town after spending Christmas and New Year vacation In the south, Union steamer Catala, Capt. Ernest Shep-pard, arrived In port at 1:30 this morning from the south, sailing a few hours? later for Stewart and Cther northern points whence she will return here tomorrow af ter-, noon southbound. Northland Transportation Co.'s steamer North Coast, Capt. A'. J. Borklund, arrived in port at 4:30 yesterday afternoon from Alaska, having on board fish from Ketchikan for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways. After discharging, the vessel sailed last night in continuation of her voyage to Seatle. Mrs. Joseph Bell and daughter, Marion, are leaving by this evening's train on their return to their home atUsk after having spent the past Keek in the city. Mr. Bell left last week for the West Coast of Vancouver Island where he will be engaged in mining. TREE 62 FEET AROUND LAKE QUAINAULT, Wash.. Jan. 6: (CP 1 Residents of .the Olympic peninsula claim the biggest western cedar tree In the world, C2 )et, eight inches in circumference' and with a trunk 100 feet tall. Hockey Score? National League SATURDAY Dotrolt 3, Toronto 1. Rangers 3, Canadians 3. SUNDAY Canadlens 0, Detroit 3. Rangers S-, Americans 2. SUNDAY Pacific Coast Portland 1, Spokane 3. "(iomnriitut Liquor Aft" iSectlon 28) Notice of -A I l"'iit Ion For a Itwt LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN -that on the 10th day of February 1941 next the underglQTKtd intends t apply to the Llcptiw Control Beard tor a licence la reject of premises being part at the building known as .the Yc!r Hotel on Third Avenue In the CJty of Prince I Rupert between; SlxUi and Seventh 8tre..!t upon ithe lands deacrlibed as lots Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20) of Block TT.-eiitiy-itlirre (23) In Section One til. Map 823, Prince Rupert tand Rqgtfltraitlon District in the Province of Brlt..'fi Columbia for the tale of beer by the glass cr by tine wMle for consumption on (the premises Or else-wlicre. DATED this 4.th day of January 1941. ROBERT CORTTiAND, MUTCH Applicant. SONG PAIR ON SCREEN Jeanettc MacDonald and Nelson Eddy Are Here in "New Moon" Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy, with their wonderful voices, arp together for the sixth time in "New Moon," which is the feature picture on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here for the first half of this week. Set against the colorful background of New Orleans In 1780, the plot sketches the story of a lady of noblf French birth and a man who, masquerading as a bondsman, manages to elude the guillotine was dropping his official title as a dtfke. His dream of a republican lorm of government Is realized when,- cast upon the shores of an island remote from shipping lanes, he sets up a community with the members of: the shipwrecked crew and the pass- i engers of a boat, the New Moon., which he and his men had seized on I the high seas. The action moves' from New Orleans to the island and , Is replete with many romantic as, well as comedy situations. ( The musical score has been arranged to fit the voices of Miss MacDonald and Eddy which are advantageously and generously used and a number of well known songs are sung. , KILLED IN OLD COUNTRY Mr. and Mrs. Gui Krausehave been advis?d of the accidental1 death in Scotland of their diugh-J ter, Miss Ella Krause, who left for . Edinburgh a year or so ago. De-I tails are bsins awaited. Miss Krause lived here for many years ana news of her untimely death will be learned with regret. Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 Notice ! Confectionery Store Closes at 6:00 p.m. Weekdays Including Thursdays. Closed All Day Sunday MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY STORE Mrs, James Clark Palmistry SILVERSIDES BLOCK Second St. Phone Green 416 THE SEAL QUALITY raw GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prlncs Rupert ADDED Cartoon r "Romeo in Rhythm" Fitzpatrick Travelogue: 'Land of Alaska Nellie' Feature at 7:24 and9:34 CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Trains leave PRINCE RUrERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alr-Conditloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, li:30 pjn. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell RUer WINTER EXCURSION FARE, Tickets on .sale $36.00 Final For Full Information and Reservation, etc Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenu Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines We bought three brand new heaters Just so you wouldn't freeze We bought three cars to put them in They answer 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' The cars are painted in two-tone blue Their beauty is equalled in case If you want safety with comfort Call us at 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' RUPERT'S LARGEST "RUPERT BRAND'" SOLE FILLETS Cellophane Wrapped No Waste 25c per lb. Obtainable at STERLING FOOD MARKETS LTD. RUPERT BUTCHERS BULKLEY MARKET Also served at the Boston and Commodore Cafe Smoked and Cured Fish available at the above Stores Packed By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Itupcrt Co. FRESH SHRIMP Daily After 4:30 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TROT1EIVS DOCK 2 Shows Nightly. 7:00 and 9:10 to VANCOUVER and RETURN Nov. 1st, 1940 to Feb. 28th. 191. return limit March 31st, 1941 4- TAXI SERVICE J Ltd. British Columbia J. H. BULGER Optometrist Iloyal Dank Bldf. It's interesting to know when reading the Dally News that the people of th$ whole, district are doing thfl rami.