PAGE FOUB Churchill Says "Give us tools and we'll finish the job." War Savings Stamps buy the tools. Do your bit. Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewclcry Repairing, Hand Engraving CHAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 2G1 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties RED CROSS SHIPMENT Large List or Articles Dispatched; By Local Branch j , Following Is a list al workroom goods shaped frcm here Friday by the Prince Rupert Red Cross branch: Knitted Articles 20. sweaters. 10 scarves. 2 helmcit3. 39 pairs 2-way mitts. 21 pairs rifle mitts. - 3 pairs ordinary imltts. . 6 pairs size 12 socks.' .': 18 pairs size 112 socks. 36 pairs size 11 socks. 6 pairs size 10Vi socks. 7 pairs assorted sizes socks. Hospital Supplies 6 men's dressing gowns . 1 man's bed jacket. 5 pairs men's pyjamas. ' 23 pillow cases. 1 'dozen khaki hanaerchlefs. 1 amputation cover. 23 dozen sanitary pads. Refugee,. Articles 11 dozen diapers, 10 baby jackets. 5 crib quilts. 30 baby nightgowns. 10 baby shirts. 16 women's nightgowns. 8 women's pyjamas. 3 .women's print dresses. ' 3 'women's -cloth stiljs. 7 women's cloth dresses. 9 women's cloth skirts. 4 women's blocmers. 4 giris' print dresses. 7 pairs girls' pyjamas. 7 pairs girls' combinations. 3 girls' sweaters. 16 girls' blocmers. 9 girls' panties. 18 girls slips. 3 boys' thlrts. 33 boys' pyjamas. 11 boys' hatchways. . 5 boys'slnglets. 5 boys' sweaters. 9 boys' combinations. 3 child's shirts. 11 child's sleepers. 10 baby jackets. Donated 3 afghans. '2 single bed quilts. . 2 crib quilts. 2 pair pillow cases. 6 bibs. ; . ' 7 pair child's house slippers. 2 knitted bed jackets.. 1 pair bed socks. 1 girls' sweater. 1 child's helmet. 1 parcel baby knitted garments. 3 girls' pantie dresses. 6 girls' jersey dresses. 3 women's cloth coats. John Dybhavn and Dr. Neal M. Carter sailed last nisrht Princess Adelaide Jbr Vancouver to , Yiiru aessiuns OI me faCJHC. SUB- executive of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. thA hts capacity a$ a member of the ! Doam and the latter 'as director of the Prince' .Ruoert Fisheries Ex ,perlme'rjta4. 'Station. 'Grown Up Styled 1 j For Girls Age 2-14 Who Are We To Argue With New York ? ' The United States has set the styles and in our constant effort to give you the latest, most up-to-date fashions, we have gone direct to the style centres to give you these Fashion Hits for girls from 2 to 14. AT LAST A LARGE CHOICE OF SELECTED GIRLS' COAT STYLES FOR THE MOTHERS OF PRINCE RUPERT. Dozens to choose from. Snug bodice types . butonlng up to the neck. Double breasted tailored models. Figure flattering swagger styles. Those attractive wrap around sporty polos, too. Name the style. We have It. Choose the color. You'll find It here. MOSTLY menp PRICED i?0,VO dOtf O J Mail Orders Promptly Filled-Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next in li.lihm.,.v .... ' A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY SI? vpupi?"m' 3!i n, PaUernS- Prlnted Llnoleum. Rexoleum oteSm SSi - 13 Stock-Also Congoleum and Lin- Brighten Your Kitchen Table Oil Cloth-Per yard ; Phone 775 60c 3rd Avenue Skeena Grossing Visitors Are In Terrace Town PRT-J T rrr tvtyw wvnna " ' TERRACE, March 22. Cnief Ar thur McDames and Chief Alfred f MCDames of skeena Crassing were guests in Terrace this week of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris. They had planned on taking their sister-in- law, Mrs. Agnes McDames, back to ! Skeena Crossing with them but she i was too ill to be removed. During! their- stay here they were also' guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Tur- j ner with whom Chief Walter Wright, Ben Seymour and Mr. r.nd Mrs. Solomon Bevan were also staying. U. M. K. DANCE ENJOYED Some three hundred Dersons members of the forces and their lady friends, enjoyed a dance in the! Armory, last night by the Rocky Mountain Rangers, the fine reglmenital orchestra providing the music. The jolly affair was in pro-press from 9 ajn. until midnight. ti I 1 WHITE Jj LABEL . I I WORLD'S FINEST I I 1 ""H t Km8 DISTIL I Fn I I IN VANCOUVER ! UNITED DISTILLERS LIMITED VANCOUVER, B. & Thli iyerti$ment is not published or iiplYt'd by the Liquor Control Board cr by the Government of f British Columbia. OVtKNMKM IKJlOlt ill Section 2 1 AVT" Aot and th Rpcmiliitinn . j thereunder. DATED 1.MK 5fltiVi 1941. EMPRESS SOCIAL CLUB LIMITED j, a. Moody. President. FISHERMEN! lnstal MARINE MOTORS Kermath or Lycoming Agent J, T. BKENTZEN, Boat "Wanderlust"' Cow Bay Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY niON'E 6S7 U&I Cafe On Waterfront NOW OPEN For Business PRESENT AND FUTURE QUEENS OF ENGLAND Approved by Her Majesty, this Is the latest picture of The Queen and Princess Elizabethpresent and future queens of England to reach this continent. The Queen and the princess are helping to keep up the morale of the British people by constantly mingling with them with words of cheer and sympathy and sharing, the hardships of rationed food and nightly Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Fleet to Move Seawards Towards End of Next Week Men of Prince Robert Home on Leave Towards the end of next week the Prince Rupert halibut fleet will start moving seawards for the opening of the 1941 fishing season on April 1, a week from next ( Tuesday. The regular halibut fleet will for the earlv part of the season be augmented by vessels of the ever-increasing part time, fleet which will later turn to pursuits nrin- .nsmng ana packing under the john Boden, arrived in port at2 ' recently reorganized halibut mar- 0iock thl . ,Z moinS from the u ketlne hoarri with w vt o. ?KK.r? south new chairrn mCw, anca at 7 o'clock on her reT as the new secretary, the curtailment machinery and .other details are getting smoothly Into opera- . tlon. ' I Dr. Richard .van Cleve, well known member of the sclenUflc research staff of" the InternaMonal Fisheries Commission and son-in-law of J. H. Pillsbury, formerly of Prince Rurjert has tnkpn a position as chief of the California' bureau of marine fisheries. Ho hasi already assumed his new duties. The steamer Anyox, for many years a well known vessel of the . Coastwise Steamship 1' & "thi. Barge w. Co.'s a I t ' Ik'.: 'xotke of 'Application Ujr a club Licence ore carrying fleet on this coast, I NOTICE IS HEBEBV RtllW tht' Vine i v... u n.-i'n MM "EMPBf soiaEcluI Sav Co- everted limited tntonds to apply to the Uquor, lnt0 an up-to-date and well erjuip- Comrol Board tor sl Club I.lronr. in-m.' speed of premises situated on the-top lloor of the Empress Block the , . , at cor-1 a n.iti.i. i , A Brltlsn rrer of Second Avenue and Sixth Street Columbia fisheries reg- Upon tlanda dewrnhpH na I.t. 11 in ulatinn rpnnirlntr hnllhnt ctlrmi - - VI will, - WI,w,Vv.0 Of Block 23 of Switlnn 1 Mar. ant i 4 i. .1.1., the Ctty of Prince nupVrl rMnce- Rup- fences "as wt Land Begttrtratiom District, in the h been suspended for another year. Province of BriUsh Columbia, to entitle The regulation was provided for In oTiheTrC rj," 1939 but was suspended in the early of liquor for personal consumption on part of 1940 and the few licences is-the premises in accordance with the sued were cancelled, provisions of the Government Lkiimr Lieut. William Elkins with nartv Cif ratlnSs w aboard day of February were H.M.CJS. Prince Robert when that vessel capture, the German motorshlp weser arrived home on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon to spend leave. The party, besides Lieut. Elkins, who is accompanied by his wife. Includes Charles Anderson, Harry Robb, William Mur-dock, Robert Hale and Robert Mc-Nab. They are being heartily welcomed by their many friends for all are very well known and popular local boys who have seen a ennd deal of the world and have had some Interesting experiences on ac tive naval servipe since last they were here. . I Fred CamDbell. well known here a a luwner u&sisiani purser on me Alaska boats and more recently purser of the Princess Mary on the Powell River run,' was here last evening as purser aboard the Prin cess Adelaide on which he Is relieving Purser Kenneth Morrison who will be here tomorrow morning aboard the Princess Louise going north on the Alaska run, 1 Union steamer jCardena, Capt turn to Vancouver and'tvjiolnts, PRINCE' RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron, and Brass Castinp Electric and Acetylene Welding. Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled MANUFACTURERS' Life Insurance Co. P. H. Linzey Local Representative Prince Rupert PIIONE GUEEN 4 1ft THE SEAL w QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Parked by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Runert Timm i in in n ii -I FINE BILL ONSCREEN "Rivers End" and "My Love Came Back" at Capitol 'Theatre Tonight "River's End," a thrilling Northwest Mounted Police story starring Dennis Morgan, and "My Love j Came Back," a gay comedy fcatur-' lng qilvia deHavllland, comprise an ! Interesting double bill program ; which is being presented tonight at the Capitol Theatre here, i In "River's End," a well known James Oliver Curwood story, Dennis Morgan plays the dual role of a Mounted Police sergeant and a man who Is wanted for murder. Elizabeth Earl, beautiful young English actress, makes her dsbut as a girl who Is torn between love for her brother and her sweetheart. George Tobias makes a hit In a I I 1 II I 1 TONIGHT nvi" 2 Shows, 7:00 ana lima. ktl Kivnrc k.J two juhq With DENNIS MORGAN (At 8:27 and 11:01) PLUS -JEFFREY LYNN OLIVIA DE HAVIILLM, "MY LOVE CAME BACK" (At 7:00 and 9:40) Coming Mon. - TuevT filtnON'AlD NELSON EDDY In "BITTERSWEET" in Technicolor ! character role as a French-Can- . . ladlan henchman of the officer.! cart A o Steffi Duna is the girl who persists tJZT rf 111 trvinir to mnrrv hlm rvv, ficer- CaPt.. Coddln ;: members of the cast include Victor Jory and James Stephenson. In "My Love Came Back" Olivia deHavllland is a poor but temperamental young violin student who learns about Jove from Jeffrey Lynn, a handsome but srious young business executive. Tha picture .is replete with gay comedy situations, delightful romance and clever use of swing and classical music. Eddie Albert, Jane ".'yman, Charles Wlnningcr and Spring Sy-lngton are other popular members of the cast. :ir? cf -"" .... . unitcr. una serp art. Mjw left on lan evening tram fe, recruiting uip to Burr, Lak. clfocr Interior points. Wlttf MiMu .... U4 UM TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNITURE for NEW You Do BETTER At ELIO'S MOOSE BUILDING -,' The Wise Per gets a lot of satisfaction out of every purchase they make. It you have an idea as to what good coal should be. try a ton of the kind we sell and you can prove to your own satisfaction that the money you spent was wisely Invested. Keep our name and phone number in mind. Zfput&ve son Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Train, leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST monuay, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alr-Conditioned Sleeping and Dining Car Steamer leaves TRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, 1130 p m calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River fSJS" iatlon a1 Reservation, etc. ran Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avena. Phone 260 Prince it.,t AgCnt3ft'Tran5-Canaga Air Lines When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable 2 PHONE 13 21 Hour Service at Regular Rates bl