ml 8 ami Man:lt 22, 141, T'S J A NT Z EN !. . . for Style in Sweaters forSDring Zipper Sweaters l r fronts and-twwd n :i. m two-tones ;. TH; . wool worsteds, , 1 id colors .. r .SjLO? S5,95 run- wool jbtnnjp. jn, ribbed stitch ..ito colors ..t..l....L:.. 86,95 HOLEPROOF HOSIERY In New Patterns for Spring reinforced socks, knitted IZfin and Id out proof AUTOQART." .self supporting spck with knlt-ln ,Las- sr ... 75cMsi.op II) AVE. atts & Nickerson Successors to .Bryant Co. Ltd. PHONE 315 URCH WDTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Urranlst Mrs. E. J. Smith ked Sovereign, King George, calls the Empire to a Day of limorrow Let us pray. The Rev. Alex Esler, D.D. of Vancouver :ur devotions and preach. "God's Promise to His People That When They Humble ties and Pray He Will Hear, Will Forgive and .Will. Ileal Telr Lapd" Choice The Lions' Den or Stop Praying to God." Ifie did not stop. Neither could the fierce brutes hurt him. Sir King by attending these services. Worship the only living t'uc God who is ever present' to help 1n trouble. Come to .Church FIRST UNITED CHURCH Organist Miss Swamu .OJafspn ACJVl Leader Senior Choir j"; S. Wilson-" V ' leader Junior -.Chojr II. T.-.IH-k -Miiiister-rRev. J..C Jackson . . MARCH 23, 1911 -At '.his service vou are' Invited .In loin In a serylce.of prayer p observed in response to the command of tne King, who a: ide this day as a day.of prayer for the Empire and tne Ainea ISubject The Christian ,at tWr.- dj me Junior Cholr"Wr)en ,l survey tne wpnarous -ross George .Roche 7 30 p.m. Subject The .Secpnd Coming ,of .Christ fern by the Senior ChPlr "Sing, Sing. O .Daughters of Zlon!" ivr .ri 1 We ain t mad at Nobody 5 you lose anything, advertise for it. f"f NION STEAMSHIP LTD, Steamers IrfayePrlnceiRupert .for- Vancpuyeri Is- CATALA EVERY TlES CARRENA 'AY. 130 n.nt. 10:30 P.m. f Vancouver Th.... n... v.nMnnr. Monday At"8, 1 Charlotte lsUndI'iejCeC'ortnlVMMr) W Rupert March 3, 17 arid 3l 'i0 p m. It Con fthr Information ReMrrti Wmtinu and Tickets From tJ SKINNER, Prince Rupert Arent. Third Ave. Phone 6 FAGE-TISiS -A A A A a. nunutng, ,jn ti4itng a concert onj tne age oi ,tne capitpi Tiieatre. Sunaai njght.' 1 , ; Those who experienced the thrill of hearing the band In Its recent and first concert here know full well what a real pleasure it was and hoped for more of such concerts. Lieut. O. W. SJoqulst, director of music, will again handle the baton and has prepared a variety program of descriptive numbers, solos, etcwith an eye to gratifying layers Pf music in these parts. The proceeds from the concert will be turned over to the Prince Ru'pert War Services Campaign committee. Expenses are being kept to a minimum with the .manag?mentof the Capitol Theatre co?operatlng to the extent of donating the theatre. SUCCEED IN TESTS Word has ,been reserved at the local: Red Cross headquarters of the success of local women in passing Home .Nursing train courses. They have received acknowledg- Thpse passinig In the class in Structed by Miss E. D. Priestley R, N., assisted by Mrs: L. B. Lamb-ly R. N. ond Mrs. A. C. K. Sloan R. N were Mrs. 3ertha Walker, Miss Margaret Sharp, Miss Evelyn Rlvett, Mrs. Dorothy G. Johnston, Mrs. .Laura E. Ellis, jMrs. Elsie A. Dart on, Mrs. Jennie M. Blackaby, Miss Margarjpt Shlel, Mrs. Violet M. Sather, Miss Iilllan Jones, Miss Phyllis Hamblin, Mrs. Dorothy M. Elfert and Miss Dorothy Carmlch-ael. Under the .instructor, Mrs. H. F, Wearmouth JA. iNj, assisted by Mrs. Alex 'MaRae. B.N. and Mrs. G. At Hunter, ,R. the following pass. ed: Miss Helen Lprraine Anderson Mrs. .Edith M. Cook, Mrs. Beatrice Dawes, Mrs. ene Parent, Mrs. Jes sle Bpulter, Mrs. Winnlfred Currie, Mrs. Elsie A. Green and Mrs. Effie Frances Youngs. PAINTING Decorative alsominlng Signs' LORNE (CORNELL Gordon ana;;!Anderson, Phone 46 LUCAL INtiWo INUJg v ""' 2 GENERAL .ORDER .Tonight' train, due :Irom the East A drum lurid service will be-.'- at n 0-ciock, was reported this held Sunday. 2 pan. on :thevfr'mornmg to be oh time. Prolviivctail Qpurt ,Huse In. ,the event of Inclement -; jt; weatljec-rthe' jusyUptjpir' y (thltotsrheatrc; 1 .,.'-j:suxnx;.' chairman,' 1 Clvtiilonvt; jCommltee:', 1 t t -' - j Teleofiipe A successful elephpne bridge1 party was fheld last inight .by .the, f Women of the Mppse. There -were1 Jiirty tables In .play .at the homes", of several .hostesses, .The prize-winners were: ladles'' Uirst, Mrs. -Henry Hansen (at the' 'home of Mrs. O, Stegarfe) ; men's jflrit. Olof Btegavig (at the homel ipf Mrs. O. Stegavlg): ladies' sec-1 ond, Mrs. J. McRae (at the home .of Mrs. J. Carr) : men's second, : Sam Hougan (at the home of Mrs. jSam Hougan). j ( The hostesses were Mrs. J. Carr, W-.iMss. Bam Haudenschild, Mrs. Sam- nuugan, wrs. u. aiegavig, Mrs. Henry Doiron, Mrs. iR. Murray, Mrs, R. Adcpck and) Mrs. A. StorrJe. Mrs. Sam Haudenschild was, STAGING CONCERT 1st Battalion &pc:ky Mountain Rangers (Courtesy LleiftCol. J. R. Wood V.D. Present eiirnental Band Concert" Under direction Lieut O. W. .SJoqulst, Director of Music Next Sunday Night at 9 Capitol Theatre (Doors Open 8:30) Proceeds for Canadian War1 Services Fiild, ; Admission by Program .... 50c I .Programs now on .sale at I Ornies Drug Store and Capitol ' Theatre , Jit Advised Secure Programs Before Sunday ' ' (ready A splendid start to the Canadian ' ;, . War Services appeal which starts r--.,. U011p KA next . week Is the fine gesture of UCcdn rdllS UU ' the Rocky Mountain .Rangers, Col- t . onei j. .e. wood v-d., office com-1 rremier vjo j ver Top In Savings . Ocean Falls and Premier have both gone over the top in the warl savings campaign. With a qvcta of 400, Ocean Falls has 484 pledges. Premier's quota was 50 and the pledges totalled 103. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for aiull month at 25c a word. 102nd Auxiliary March 22. Tea, Legion, Horticultural Dinner, March 24. Rebekah Tea and Sale, April 2. Little Theatre Plays. April 2, 3. Hill 00 Dance April 4. Lutheran Tea, April 5, Metropole.' Queen Mary, Tea, Mrs. Parkin's April 14. ' i Red Cross Dance, April ,18. Arm- ( ment and rating cards. There were 'orles, ;R.M.R. Orchestra..,. two classes and both completed the course on .February ,21. ( L. O. B. A. Spring iiale, April 23 Gyro Hoedown, April 25. Mayday Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 8. FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES Arriving Every Boat "BUY RIGHT Shop at To m L e e & S on "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" Phone 547 2nd Ave. West GO-ED Beautv Sapn (Elsie XlohrO Exchange Bldg. BLACK CC8- Cash' for Old Gold, Bulger's, tf. Little Theatre April 2 and 2 have beep chosen as the dates for the next Little Theatre plays. This time they wll a laiai running time or sughtly under two hours. t The one-act play Is a drama en-;dtled The .House! pf .the : Twisty' WmdPws,, ;and'ls under the dhrec-tton of (Caj wpod. :The .djrec tor ha 'Jjeeh given a cast that Is' enthuiastla .and presents, In the maln.w 8tors and .actresses pn the local stage." " ! The iscond play is a .melpdrama Signal-Light.' The.dtrectproBruee; C. F. P. Faulkner, assistant dis- LNef ertiy night .Jtiie OAjti trict engineer lor the fede41 De- efnre1.b ,dinJ a partment of Public Vorks; sailed ,J f Can adian Legkm ,HaU, this morning by the Cardena on1? S U evening his return to Vancouver alter lwU! be .reading pf several plays spending a few days here pn. of-r"u " -w 'w .jwhibui ficial duties. ties of a, drama festival .being hld in the .city to Jthe '.near iuture. The fart that iher. are a mrmber'nf dramatic organizations ,wkhin this district ,makes such a festival pps sible. in ..the ft'tpftftfeV6fRTior naitisH Kl,lJl IUA ,I J'UOllATE j' i In hr Miittrr oPthf "iAnilnlHlrallori Act" And In the Mutter of the EUt of Jehn .IVilMh,'drre8Jrd, wlio ditd at Bflla . IK-lla, a C. on the Sth. day "if Januarr, 1941 TAKE JiOTICE '.ttxat by order of His Honor, ,W.,S.i.fWver, laade.the aaui.jdat rvf TlahmnM. A "T mil ' pointed Administrator, with. Wfll nexed, of Uie estate of John Wilson. against .the,' said eeaU ' iire'Jierebv j. 'quired to furnish earne, properly veri-J iiea, tx me on ov oerore . le. jtn- day ,of Apra A-. D. 1941, aad all parties ln-Idebted to th Mtn in I the amount pf their ' '. indebtedness ;tq m fMiiul!V, DATED the 4th day of March, A. D 1941. KORMAN A- WATT .Official AdmlnlBtrotor, rlnoe' Rupert. ' EC, FRESH SHRIMP Daily After 1 p.m: BOAT W.SX. TROTIER'S P.PCK NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll Froprletor . -A UOMB, AWAt KOM HOME" Bates 75c B0 Roome .Hot St Cold Wnttx Prince Rupert, JB.C. rhne 281 ,r.Q..BX 1M Phqnes-,18 &19 r,O. Box 575 1 ABSOLUTELY .FREE ! Valuable GUt and Household : .Pireniiums are absolutely .free to you when jrpu fflve(our.Cash Couppn5',gl.yen , for .purchases , of 25 cents or more. It Is too good to pass up. Qome lh and - let us explain the plan-to jou. MU$SALLEM'S ECONOlVlY STORE "Where Dollars HaTSTMoji Cents"' Canadian Legion Entertain Rocky Dr. L W. Kergln sailed last night , . Mountain Ranger on the Prrxaa Adelaide for a trip . yrounus, as .part pi .t-JJto- - CANADIAN LEGION B.EJSI to Vancouver and -Victoria. , Uonal Day of .Praver. Afters . nnnwhnrf craiM 'Rtm(niF : " T ies. m Stanley W. Colton,,D,CJ,jlv.C. Wfcllace Block,- Phong M The Leglpn. ciubroom .was the 1 wards there will .be ,a .march . bers assemble at LeeJon.attbrooms, NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER f ?J a "7 cfrt .w past ,pl aU .war .series. All .Sunday W , Berets aruTwill'be observed ; at-all Services 'htSL localAbra?:h 01 to8 I' r.,c.pi:ls.are1iirld-tp,'- wedals to be wprn. C9) St. Andrew Cathedral' tomorrow, -"".napijcmein- take,part.inhe-rrnor.andV . ..ofl)'lbnsf me F00 .Mountain ,Ran- should be .tor their ' places at i ; - 1 T gersand other active service men Jack Oairett, assistant provin-ip ""WI'5 ,VUJ";c"- ' cial -assessor and collector, return-' behalf of the Lesion Harry ed to the city on ihtf Princess Adetip.n- chairman, extended a cor- I dial welcome, to, th-is!ln!.troonf tripito Ocran Tails orrotficlat dnt-lrie'olcl soldiers' were ladiW ex -Iterld' the hand xf comradeship to tne men now serving-and-'any-( thing the Legion could dp for them would be done. Speaking for the Rocky Moun- uunmngers, ;Cplpnei 'J.- & Wood said iie..-was 4iappy .to join with the veterans nwain Tf Major Dawson also spoke In ao- preclatlon as did Captain AUwood. Contrtbutlng to ith'e program were Mike Colussi -with piano ac- CProian solos aceomnanied. bv Lance Bombardier-Tpwnsend. .Reg. has announced that expenditures -Kings, In his best style, contributed l m Royal Australian Air Force rnonologues, Bob James was In thls year wU1 amount to $133,000,-(ine form with his' Inimitable 0" songs wmie , Harry Astoria and pene Fltzpatrick' ,.put on a very enjoyaoie sKjt and Stevens; has ohe thlng -iin com- later rLf . T'N',' .Wfccfc Community singing was car-! fa W'. I St out th with Bob some of whom havesbeen seen .-fivwrnsend at th, piano? Probably ic ma aixractiye neature was the f flections by "the Legion pipe band , 5 ' ftii adcrtiimcm h not publiilicJ w Jbbf9j r)tr lc Liquet Control Bond or by 4ml be Jong before the men now serv- "nder Th bandas ing would be veterans themselves 1x1 60011 fonn ni numbers we ammg the most PPr and they would carry on the good work of the Lectin, w- ,ti . . e ess of the evening was largely due to the work of the en- consiftt of two productions, pne,Drecl:ltld the. fl, . m f tertalruner ccmmlUee oiid asslst- one-act and one of two acts with I come jriven ants under Neil Cameron. HUGE SUM FOR R. A. A. F. MELBOURNE, March 22: (CP) Australian Air Minister McEwen Slow Burning CIGARETTEPARERS NONE flHEH MADE XbiMMhe Time of Year When QUALITY COAL Makes a Difference to Your Consult with us as to the best kind to use for your 5tove, Range or Furnace Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. PHONE 116 WaBtedv-Raw Furs PHONE in J HIGHEST ISIARKET PRICES PAID Ship o Jl. E. ORMHEIM, Prince Rupert, B.C. Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY ' "Phone 741. 167 East 3rd Ave. BRITAIN tliiyers me vjooqs fBm PELICAN (BOOKS New Shiprnent Just Arrived Over 500 titles Now in Stock JioB 2Qc Each ,The iBest iYalue and the Best Sellers in the '-",'l'"i',iookWorId r k. . general Fiction, JJjpgraphy, Travel, Politics, Edit-caiiorial Subjects,' 'Crime, Romance, Western, History, Poetry, Classics READ PENGUIN - PELICAN BOOKS v1 7-: