WODEn 24, 1941, TOST. -W VWAK I Ketsons are popular .when they can be ;0Od looking as thb...ai Idvanced In iryle, mod !fQ In every line...u flat- Jcring to your get-up.. 111. Stetson Today ! M 1ST V il.INER )$i ,'Y K '(tTON at $1.00 235 axi O Klldal Range $7.50 $7.50 $6.50 $C90 $5.00 alls & Nickerson Oil' V'f. Crv Phone 315 mt Co. Ltd. NEW ROYAL HOTEL Proprirtor A (1"M1 AWAY FROM HOME" Uatrv 7rf up : & rold Watei Rupert.. B.C. ci i r.o. Box 10K GltOI) SLKVICL Call lAvoy HOT E L ' ari Zarclli, lrop. 11 M. Itv fill ''It'XSKR STREET I'rince Rupert lrcsh Local Raw and l'astcurizcd Milk UIAT1N DAIRY IMIONE G57 H. BULGER tometrist Opposite Post Office ,a' W: W. Bi'iiT'EJi-HiWIBIMH' 'TTKVTION LADIES! ' !V('d New shipment of ;)" ITU COATS :uu everyone, from mcmbcr your ,rcdlt ,, 0LDBLOOM JTE OLD RELIABLE" THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE BRITISH WARSHIP UNDERGOING REPAIRS REFUGEE'S I LOCAL NEWS NOTES HARDSHIP ?al Cove Unit Junior Itcd George Ross sailed last night on Lost Family In France But Got1 Cross Cafeteria and Sale of Home the Prince George for a business To Spain And Then Home Art, Sat. Oct. 25, Legion Hall. trip to Vancouver, At Last A The Youth Committee of Prince Rupert will hold a Supper Meet- ing sunaay nignt, 8 p.m., at ..uinmodore Cafe. Mrs. John McRae left on Wed nesday evening's train for Terrace Prince Rupert F. . G. . ...-.-w Morse and Company Ser Edmonton; M. Lancaster, Wlnni peg; Mrs. E. Bagshaw, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Melhurn and W. J. Dunn, Vancouver; Mary Pace, Sumner, Wash.; D. Owyer, Victoria; R. J. FurnesS, Winnipeg. Royal T. W. Howe, Vancouver; William Sysak, Winnipeg; H. T. McLeod, Vancouver; J. McGulre, Prince Rupert. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. A. G. Rix and two chiMren a BRITISH PORT, October 24: : .sailed this afternoon on the Priri- Oistlll In the wheel chair in he cess Adelaide for West Vancouver which he cranked his way acres where they will Ukc up future war-torn Europe, crippled Charle residence. . .Nicholls 44-year old veteran of 'the First Great War, reached Bh- W. II. Manuel, C.N.R. travelling tain the other day. where she will pay a visit with auditor, sailed bv the Prince A. husky sailor helped Ni noils, Mrs. E. T. Kenney. I George last night for Vancouver a black patch covering one Sihi after one of his periodical visits less eye, steer his chair down th Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Applewhalte to this city and district on of fl- steep gangplank of a ship in are sailing this evening by theclal duties. which he arrived from Spain. Prince Rupert on their return toj ,trlp to Britain from BeU.iu.n Stewart after spending a few daysi Fred Stephens Jr., who was in where he had settled in 1918 to:;k in the city. C. F. P. Faulkner, assistant district engineer for the federal de a critical condition recently at the 14 months. Prince Rupert General Hospital Nicholls told of leaving Belgium following an Injury, is now mak- last spring with crowds who took. Ing splendid Tecovery although it 1 to !lilJ roads when the Nazis partment of public works, after will be some time before having spent the past week or so able to be about again. RAILROAD he is came. He lost his wile and two children in the contusion. He hab in city and district on official not heard of them since. i duties, will sail by the Cardena At the meeting or the Rotary Nicholls cranked day after dayj tonight on his return to Vancou- Club yesterday an Invitation came .toward the French frontier. He I ver. from Captain W. H. Crocker, who reached France but the Nazis we: e Is in charge of recruiting in this still coming. He started for Spain ! At the Prince Rupert Rotary district, to send a representative twisting the chair along until he! Club luncheon yesterday Presl- to a recruiting conference at Vic- could hardly move his arms. Hej ripnt P H Llnzev announced a "na, we wees oi wov. a. it was was auie vj bc a. ymve uji a tawrc RESEARCH Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Moore, Prince Illinois University Head Is Honor Rupert; J. G. R. Newman, Aliford ed by Engineeiing Assn. Bay; James Bell, Smlthers; Major; General W. A. Grlesback, Major tt tmorc Tlr Arthur NpU7pll Tnl- Spanish frontier. He stayed in a little French town near the border until January. Then he travelled to Marseilles where he learned there were wounded air force men In hospital. He visited them. They gave him letters and snapshots for their folk in Britain. Nicholls con This is first picture taken of H.M.S. Liverpool at Mare Island navy yard where the vessel is undergoing repairs. She was struck by an aerial torpedo in the neighborhood of Crete. gathering of the club assembly left for the president to make train with hundreds of other re-.pAI DPlf SllDDOFt Oi Wat Ml for Tuesday night at the home of suitable arrangements If possible. I fug'ees and was taken to the VAJLu 1 EtVlV uuppwu vi the president. The assembly includes officers and directors of the club and the chairmen of all committees. HOTEL ARRIVALS K CCmma Savings Drive rrince Rupert's Hero Of First Great War To Attend Armistice Day Banquet hot. Professor Emeritus, Unlvor- news ' m wlfe and chUdren," he along with Major John McOrepr sity of Illinois, was honored here by the American Railway Engi neering "i-''6 Association .cvv4-ww.i when F. - L. C, CONCESSION v... w.j-j. FOR . u.i, .......... MARINERS .... manager Canadian National Rail- may drive unlicensed cars and ways, Toronto, presented a bronze motorcycles when on leave, the tablet to the university for crcc- ministry of war transport an-tlon in the laboratory oearing his nounced. name. In presenting the tablet to Dean . CROWDED ENGLAND Melvin L. Enger of the college of The last time anyone b"'hercd V. C. of the Six.eenth Canadian Scottish. wish Z "exprW heirdrep deed a true friend who tells us that the book entitled "I was a 1oerXPrhe.;r !!.;JS;r appre- our worst fzMs and thus point. HALIFAX PORT DUES Nazi Flyer" and supposedly writ-sympathy and Sautiful floral tri- cut the way to betterment. In Halifax Harbor claims to have ten b. Ge man pr -r f -ar u..r.- ,v,m . conseouenie Ore engineering pro- (he lowest port charges on ihc itemed m Canada was tne worK. U'j i o ai riiucu iy v ittiu ti wvi " . ... recent bereavement. 24. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. P. T. A. Telephone Bndge. uct. Canadian Scottish Pipes and Drums Dance, Hallowe'en night, 9 to 1. Armouries. Bob Townsend's Orchestra. Refreshments. Admission 50c. . Hill 60 Tea, November 1. , i Scotch Dance Nov. 1, Odd-Fel lows' Hall. Admission 35c. Orange Sale. November 5 Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 6. Eastern Star lall, Nov. 7. Oddfellows' Dance, November 7. r-nthnHmi rcvenini Branch Tea ;fpVa? ipk, Legion Hall, Nov. 3. W. A. Canadian Legion Bazaar, Nov. 19. Cambral Chapter Telephone Bridge, Nov. 14. Cathedral Fall Sale. Nov. 20. Catholic Tea. Mrs. Hankinson, Nov. 27. fession and the railways, not only Atlantic coast. of this continent, but wherever progressive railway Institutions exist, will gratefully acknowledge a profound debt of gratitude to him whom we delight in honor today." Gunner Guides Planes Safely How Laurence Smith Used Beacon To Briiif Ship In Through Fog SOMEWHERE IV ENGLAND. S S. Princess Louise p.m Adelaide a.m S.S. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. S.S. Cardena p.m. We Also Carry BELMONT CO. Ladies' and Gents' Suits or Topcoats to Measure. M.'T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Gr. 9C0 JONES' FAMILY MARKET Phone 957 October 24: Q Gunner Laurence SIRLOIN TH" ROAST- Smith, member of a searchlight Lb. crew, used his light as a beacon RUMP ROAST to guide the crews of two British Lb bombers back to their base. The planes, returning from Germany, were lost in a fog, but Smith set them on their course Lutheran Bazaar, Oct. 25, mci- fay fla5h,ng llgnt ln dlr.. lopole Hall. ecUon of the base. He did this several times until the crews Gyro Hoedown, Oct. 31, Exhlbi- reauzed wha,t he meant and both lion Hall. -aircraft landed safely. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday S.S. Catala .... 1:30 p.m. Thursday S.S. Prince George 11:15 p.m. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide - 2 p.m. SS Cardena 10:30 p.m. Saturday S.S. Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. Oct. 7, 20 and 29 T-BONE ROAST Lb ROAST OFF THE ROUND Lb VEAL FILLET OF VEAL Lb.' SHOULDER OF VEAL Lb RUMP OF VEAL Lb Phone 957 Saturday Specials Bulklcy Valley BABY BEEF ! STEER BEEF RUMP ROAST Lb ROAST OFF THE I ROUND Lb T-BONE ROAST Lb I SIRLOIN TIP Lb. 'l'roni Vancouver ."- - " Sunday S.S. Catala p.m. LA3I1J Wednesday S.S. Prince I LEGS OF LAMB George 10:00 a.m. Lb ruuiiy o.pi-.. rriuccsa .loitrtiit nrn'mci .wtnS Lb.'' Lb BOILING CHICKEN Lb. tin 28c 30c 30c 20'c g0c OU c 25'C 2Sc of fistion by a German free-lance writer in New York. "No German prisoner bearing the name attributed to the authoi s Knrvi in tnc war oiii :e or wj the Canadian authorities," he said. "Numerous inaccuracies in the book make it clear hat its contents nrp whollv imaeinarv except 28c a 32c POULTRY FRESH KILLED tOASTING CHICKEN OAs 30c where they are based on facts al- I ready known to the public." C.N.R. Trains For the East M vrtay."?, Wednesdays and Fr'doys 6 p.m. From the East Tuo'days, Thursdays and Saturdays 12 midnight; I'W DO U'E KNOW? Fl h nro color-blind and can feel no pain, being cold-blooded. B. 0. Furniture Co. THIRD AVE. 10 STUDIO SETS 3 pieces, in latest modeis nd $Oft00 $AQ50 colors tPt to fj 3 CHESTERFIELD SUITES priced $I7QOO $-j A? from & O to JLh&O 2 USED CHESTERFIELD SUITES priced ' $ from $4250to$49C0 50 MATTRESSES 50 priced $Q00 $5 from w to &i 21 HOOKED RUGS at $ 25 2 ENGLISH CHINA DINNER '2021' at AiVand PHONE BLACK 321 Asked at Rotary At the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Ruperit Rotary Club cealed them In the cushion of his col. C. W. Peck V. C, has wired yesterday, with P. H. Linzcy pres- chalr and set out for Britain. from Sidney to G. W. Cripps of Wing, weiaon Mcuee urgea uic Hp rranltPd his wav tn Spain t-u. rvn.Hhn T.otrin Armistire members Of the C1U0 U participle and managed passage on a ship Day banquet committee advising freely in the drive for tn saie oi v i .ui. d-im-v. -f . . . jw. i war raivinss ueruncaies. tie coii- unnANA UriUAMA, Til 111., net UCl. 24- it. Tn ill rec- rtx uuullu 1U1 llua onmm nis accepxiture .T wiui picaouic m . .. . , ., t u j t .. . r,i HrtorpH th s was onp of the mOSk rrsparrh 1,uw "e w"iu uj uc uaiuw iui me UlVlUHlOn W come w x-iuicc nntttinrfiiitr rtonitinn nf eant Major H. E. MacDonald, n Uo" f f" "S?" ct munitions work. . Kuner. on November 11 to be a .important of the war efforts ust wuin. iui mc iwuuauo . , ..!. tinur nisnlavln(T thfi V lor VlClOrv i uuue i always iiuuc wj nati rnpr. nr nonor at uiui, auaii j - . . - says. sign did not mean much unless people showed that they deserved; to win. The government had to I raise four billion dollars fcr its ' In rarrvlnir 4hp and snare o f rt in carrying rn un uic wi,i Bond,-president of the association LONDON, October 241, Oi Mas- ftnnlr (Vnt WrittGIl j about two and a half billion and vice-president and general ters and' crews of sea-going shi-, 1Jl,"iV II ifinancing BrWsh war pu-ch for hi"- l r J rtr,n in Canada. This was a big under-. 111 diiauiaii vamp; Britisli Commons Told It Work Of New York Free Lance taking. It was asking ea:h person! to pledge part of his income fori Was the cause. - - THREE OUT OF FOUR LONDON, uctooer vK.e n-p. 0,.t of four blmd oconipt Mrs J Postulo and family Mr engineering, who accepted the to figure it out there were 742 per- piymg 10 a question m "'5' read Braille, and Mrs." H. A. Nelson and family tablet on behalf of the univcrs-ty sons o the square mile in Eng- of ' W MMlstorges-1 a c rv.m.,tl Mr. Bond said, in Dart. -He Is in- land. son said inquiries had established, The finest gem from Seagram's treasure chest of aged whiskies now comes to you in a new setting the original old-fashioned whisky bottle. 16 oz. $2.1 5 . 25o:.53.35 Tills advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room In Connection .Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress ROYAL CHECK ON BLACKOUT LONDON, October 24: 0) The-King has ordered a complete check ,of the blackout at Buckingham Palace. "fit all ioM-h man" I J(YcuRiimo to CV rLHStOHOOI I -stX 1 MONET laCK I rv V j LARGEST SUUNG ECONOMY BLADE IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE- MOW Of IM CANAOA J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m., Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving October 21, November 4 and 18 Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Trincc Rupert Agent Third Ave. - Phone 568 THE SEAL oi QUALITY "m pr A GOLD SEAL Fancy Rel Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all-the-year-round payroll ln Prince Rupert. hi ft