Many Joining Up FEEL CALL OF SERVICE IN FORCES Li H Ekman, Smlthers. H F Newberry, Smlthers. : P Aida, Smlthers. A Forsythe, Stewart. F I Olson, Stewart. r Cameron, Stewart. T H Cassldy, Stewart. W c Jones. Stewart. J L Westle, Stewart. T Smuthwalte, Stewart. O McCaffery. Shere. J F Watson, Stewart. 8 B Brown, Prince Rupert. , i- c Johnson, Prince Rupert. W S White, Prince Rupert. J Armstrong, Prince Rupert. W Long, McBrlde. J Hagan, Prince Rupert. F Jackson, Hazelton. M Colussl, Prince Rupert. O Bagshaw, Prince Rupert. E J Chapman, Port Clements, 0 H Nelson, Prince Rupert. K Morgan, Kitwanga. E A Laue. Prince George. H Anderson, Vancouver. A Qeorge, Telkwa. R H Phillips, Prince Rupert. "! J E Branham, Prince Rupert. 1 Konlck, Prince Rupert. c N L Westover, Ocean Falls. w Hamlll, Ocean Falls. c toiand, Ocean Falls. j ' French, Alaska. c C Altken, Prince Rupert. O Brown, Prince Rupert. Adams, Prince Rupert. " S Kelley, Prince Rupert. J IfariHsn ri . A R """"i rtince nupert. uuu"et. Atl n. S Lee. Prince Rupert. veneer, Prince Rupert. COLLIDE AT L WS GATE nadtNC0UVER- ct- 24:-The Canadian Pacific steamer Princess aiuinna and the West Vancou- lerrv hn-t iih..i . - ""uyourn were in NO GAINS BY NAZIS Are Being Held Or Driven Back 1llrre fViof n..nAnn 1 t' Whilp On PSpnrt. rillt.v In (Vi 4. . stopped or driven back along the front from Leningrad to n (he rest o: Canada, vol- mea are In contradiction of Ger- n .nmlnir fn Hav hv riav mon rannrlp 1m tn..1l , 1 i 41.. iroro ai) wanes 01 me w oner outer aeiences of Moscow have lhe:i services to (the countTy of been entered and that the main th::i oirtb and adoption in res- Germany army is only 31 miles co '.he call for recruits which away. Canada has been Issuing for the In addition to Marshal Teml- lp-:. vears. shenko, who has been relieved of Mr. :::;; rc u.ts who have joined vne Moscow command, other So- . . trtAt Armii 1.aaJ. . i - 1 n n 1 T I flip : J.- uio.rici. lutLiiuy nave wi uvauj jiujiiu uciiiii- Ibec!. n t!C. a Chiness lad, who Brad have been replaced, It has oc-f wsrking In the bowhng oecome known. Berlin took the tliti as,-? James uaaaen, son 01 mu&c; as auuussiun uj aeieat. Lir.; James Haddjn of the 102nd, Moscow makes the somewhat Hrs" Bat ry here, who Is going significant comment that there Is ir.:o an army trades school; Joe "no boasting or o irritation" about Aca a Canadian born Japanese, tne new commander in chief at iiauvf o) Smlthers, who quit his Moscow, General Gregory Zhukov. ) O can Falls to enlLst; Rob-en (jes Sprnzcr teller of the Bank of ai here; Joseph Konlck, iPc-Ji c m who wan-ls to H.jht iw;-) Canada's forces asalnst the . . !c:.:?r of h's native land; Rob- A If H M A 1 1 I icr : F r.: h an American from XA.1V Li 1 JrklU I.tolca and R&bert Baldy, another whe h"s Joined up with IAUup to Rryaj Canadian Air Foi-ce Parish Hall Of St. Peter's Church Thr:? rt jusf a crass-section of Filled With Mourners In Tribute imiry ethers who have felt the To Late George Kelsey 1k$ to give themselves, which Is nyort can-do, ln-thlj . .. Iftoisyt tt of nitional peril. Yesterday afternoon the funerai Tb i es call Is for 200 men of the late George Kelsey took iJrsn British Columbia for service place from St. Peter's Hall which i ri.-.,i.... r-. - 111 i w ..... u :sing Is a list of volunteers friends of the deceased and his ib enlisted In the Prince family, who had gathered to pay Rupr" area recently: their final tribute of esteem and iesDect to one who was so hlahlv Bowlen, Queen Charlotte rcgarued by all. ihe casKei, was banked with flowers, Canon W. F. Rushbrook, assis.ed by Rev. Capt. J. E. Wh.ttles, officiated at the service. Mrs. C. J. Noriington presided at the organ for the prelude and recessional and played for the hymns which were "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say," and "Breathe on me." Honorary pallbearers were Gilbert Campbell, F. N. Feero, Ja:k Fuller and William Skinner. Pall-bcaiers were C. J. Norrington. J. E. Boddle, R. C. Macauley, S. Balrd, G. Hill and G. P. Tinker. Iaterment will be made next week In Falrview Cemetery. JODAY'S STOCKS "(Oourtewy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Grandview, .1534. Bralorne, 10.75. Cariboo Quartz, 2.20. Hcdley Mascot, .45. Pend Oreille, 1.68. Pioneer, 2.12. 'Premier, .70. Privateer, .48. Reno, .10V'2. Sheep Creek, .88. Oils Calmont, .I6V2. C. St E., 1.23. Home, 2.22 (bid). Royal Canadian, .04. Toronto Beattle, 1.06. Central Pat., 1.57. Cons. Smelters, 388-Hardrock, .72. Kerr Addison. 4.60. Little Long Lac, 1.64. McLood Cockshutt, 2.14. Madsen Red Lake 63 (bldK McKenzle Red Lake, 1.03. Moneta, .32. Pickle Crow, 2.75. Preston East Dome, 3.23. San Antonio, 2.25 (bid). Sherrltt Gordon, .95. on in a dense fog yesterday TRACTABLE FEMALE ve ,1 . ,r " "IU",. tenner, - i . -0ln of which werp run- inimoi trainers airree that the n cn ne V T"'- was damaf?ed and female of all species are easier-, was hurt. . t0 than the male. Bulletins LOOKS LIKE WAR WASHINGTON Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox said to- day "collision" in the Far East is virtually inevitable. "The situation in the Far East is extremely strained," Knox told a group of manufacturers. "We are satisfied in our minds that the Japanese have no intention of giving up plans for expansion. If they pursue that course, collision there is inevitable." gave additional time for the capture or surrender of the actual assassins. NORWEGIANS EXECUTED OSLO Two Norwegians ere executed today by a firing squad after conviction by a German court-martial on charges of PASSES SENATE WASHINGTON The new six million dollar lease-lend bill Pallbearers were Glllls Royer, George James, Andrew Pavllkls, Thomas Xnakls, Nhjeeb Mussal- lcm and George Ladlcos. There were many beautiful flor q1 tributes. ATHLETICS FOR BEAUTY Athletic persons, as a rule, pos scss (the longest and most beautW ful eyelashes. "-.TORI F Weather Forecast Tomorrow sT ides pnnce Rupert and Queen Char-,.Ur he islands Light to moderate High :. 4:46 am. 192 ft. esuthcrly winds, cloudy and mild 10:34 p.m. 20.1 ft. with moderate rains. Low 10:39 a.m. 7.8 ft. 23:20 p.m. 4.1 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXX, NO. 249. A -.--- - -- dLO,. - PRINCE RUPERT,'B:Gf, JRIDAYj OCTOBER 24, 1941. PRICE: FIVE CENTS vol Rattle ni V V Russia Is Still Critical : c V, 4 : ELECTION IS MISSING Red : ommuL"L... : CONCEDED .iscaiiujer AH Along Russian Front, Accord- . ing To Russian Claims LONDON, Oct. 24: The British destroyer Broadwater LONDON, October 24: Moscow nas bcen torpedoed and sunk Prince Rupert in Legislature. gome nwr. mnS "n" 17 - .1 7" North Atlantic. th- Arfmlraltv wutl on'y one sma" PoII-Oona Those E"r"C: ThU District ' "tm,y ,n anTtt e C 3 annainced today. River-remaining to be heard frorn. RESPECTS . the total. In the provincial elec . . tion of Tuesday In Prince Rupert 03. ELECTION servative committee rooms were open until midnight receiving the news by telephone and telegraph from local and provincial points, but there was no great excitement as neither of the parties concerned felt that they were getting all that they expected. As the C.C.F. supporters had no candidate in this riding they were not taking their usual Interest ln the election. From the returns now ln and, with probably some more absentee passed the senate yesterday 59 votes yet to hear from, the vote to 13 and now goes to senate- house conference for adoption of certain minor revisions before being signed by the president next week. stands: Kenney, Liberal, 862; O'Neill, Conservative, 530; giving Kenney a majority of 332 so far. This Is almost exactly the same that it was ln 1937 when he had a majority of 328 over the C.C.F. SAILINGS CANCELLED candidate and with no Conserva-M AN I LA Bookings of several tlve in the field at that time. Japanese residents of the Phil- Following were the results of ippincs for Japan have been the polling in Skeena with Claxton 1 1 cancelled by the owners of the and Kltimaat polls, comprising 18, American liner President Tay- votes, still to be heard from: lor on which they were to have sailed. JAMES P0STUL0 LAID AT REST ON FLIGHT Evident Now That Premier Fat- Prominent Yukon Mining Man Not tuilo Will Again Represent Reported Since Leaving Hyder Wednesday Instituting Search. PASSED BUTEDALE The Werneke plane is believed Germans Still Advancing in Southern Area to have passed Butedaie at 12:10 Snow and p.m noon Tuesday, it was a . vmn Hampering invaacrs on INOrtll riding anas at ita lor Pauuuo dark red monoplane, and 1558 for Weaver, making It appear safe now to concede the Provincial authorities have en- election of Premier T. D. Patlullo. mtea tne assistance of naval and accompanied Mr. Wernecke. Mr. Werrfeke, who has Important operations at Keno Hill, for the past fifteen years has been I flying himself in connection with . Kenney O'Neill Minister Of Mints Has Majority Cedarvale 9 Copper City 16 Dorreen 7 Evelyn - " 13 Glentanna 21 Hazelton - 65 Kispiox - . 16 Kitsumeallum Lake ..... 8 Kitwanga 16 Many friends assembled yester- Kwnitia 7 day afternoon at the chapel of LUUe cyon 10 tne u. u. unaereaisers ior xne iim- M0rtcetown 3 eral of the late James Postulo, New Hazeiton 26 pioneer 01 tne city, wno aiea a pacmc i. 14 few days ago ln Vancouver. Very Port Essm'gton ..... 25 itev. james a. uioson, oean 01 01. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, officiated and Miss Lois Judge pre sided at the organ to accompany the singing of the hymns "Lead Kindly Light," and "Abide With Me." Following the service, interment was made ln Falrview Cemetery. 5 7 7 151 7 Red Rose Mine 5 8 Remo 16 2 Smlthers 212 182 South Hazelton 18 13 Terrace 219 119 1 Usk - 39 12 ! Woodcock 6 2 Absentee to date ....Mah. 91 39 j .Total :.tir ..862 PEDESTRIAN LUCK In two out of five fatal traffic accidents, the victims are LAUNCHED British and Fre e French Forces Move Into French Somaliland. VICHY, Oct. 24: 'CP The Vichy governor general ln French Somaliland reported in a dispatch from Djibuli today that British and Free French troops had started an attack on the colony. The announcement said that the attack began Thursday and had pushed some thirty miles into French territory. Taking over French Somaliland would give the allies control of the entire East African coast from Port Said to Italian Somaliland. FINAL VOTE Of 87 Over His Independent Labor Opponent 51 ficer for Atlin ln the recent prov 11 An:lal election, "received a wire 3 from Stewart today announcing Counter-Attacks Are Still Effective n Holding Up Nazis and Centre. KUIBYSHEV, Russia, Oct. 24: (CP) German for- Further outstanding results can- aIr force authorities in institut- ces were declared today to have broken through toward not possibly change the- result. Jfj for Livlrigstone Wer- Rostov on the Don Rjver. as the fiht for " the industrial The outstanding absentee vote neke- Prominent Yukon mining T)nnpt hin vpuPfl .. p,.:c n el V 0 oasin reached d C11S1S. On the so far reported shows 61 for Pat- man h has been unreported MOSCOW front,, tuilo and 52 foT weaver. lnce he 1 e 1 1 Hyder, Alaska, at however, the Ked Army said that counter-attacks had The vote for Cumshewa inlet noon Wednesday for Alert Bay in smashed the Nazi spearhead which penetrated defence and Sewell Inlet combined was: tne course of a flight from the ' lines toward the capital. Pattullo, 10; Weaver, 7. Yukon to h:s hsme at Berkeley, f r y-i UTnn ; Soviet Russia met the challenge The premier's majority Is now ailIcrnia' A ban "ancisco pilat I I h VIM of intensified German onslaught FOR UNION his widespread mining Interests'"""" 1 "" "pecieu ip lAI VK 17 17 AT A and 11 has customary each HI iJlxLlLilirl fal1 for Wm t0 south from the Yukon to his home in California. STILL SLAY HOSTAGES It wa on such a fllght that he VICHY Fifty French hostages Kenney's Majority Just About the ieft Hyder, planning to make his died before a firing squad today Same as in 1937. n2Xt s op at Aler Bay. However, In. the "fifty lives for one" re- he has not since been reported. prisal for the assassination of Weather has been lowering and SMITHERS MIT-.R Oct. 24. - Elect -.,, ion a dozen German officers at Boi- ..h vLlbllity to day A ln Smlthers deaux-the second such measure d with Intensive; activity on the n, r-taiiinn i thr rtav. At Part the committees of the two the same time fifty additional candidates wh o were very busy hostages at Bordeaux, still alive, tting out the vPte Ught rain and at HanteV out ofone.hjin dred selected for execution re- was. fallin.? nearly a da.y and th! prisal for the killing of a Grr man commander' there won pacK roaas were quite sioppy ana slippery which handicapped the brief reprieves as the Germans , . lt T lu .Mane aiaicmem un romical Situation Next Week LEGISLATURE CALLED VICTORIA, Oct. 24: Pi Premier T. D. Pattullo announced today, after a meeting of the cabinet, that the legislature would meet next December 2. The announcement was made with a reorganized western front command pledged to fight to a finish and dipped deep Into her reserves of manpower for more fighting men. Marshal Timoshenko, moved from the central to the southern front to replace Marshal Buden-ny, faced the supreme test ln stiffening resistance at the western approaches to the Donet3 basin where the newspaper Pravda declared "the situation remains alarming in all sectors." Tass News Agency stated that two new Soviet armies were being auer ne issuea a siawmem say- thrown lntn hattl nnri RnvUt ing attempts were being made sp0kesman said that, no matter to rush him into a coalition and what happenedf Russla would Je -and that he Intended to make main a powerful factor ln the war a scheduled trip to Ottawa this for years to come week-end. storms came to the aid of Rus- VICTORIA, October 24: Pre- sla todav' slowing down the Ger-mier T. D. Pattullo has so far mans on tne central and northern made no comment cn the proposal frtmts- Snow and raln has turn" of R. L. Maltland K. C, Conser- ed tne central front into a uuag-vative leader, for the formation mlre and virtually stopped the of a union government by Con- assault upon Moscow. servatives, Liberals and Co-opera- tlve .Commonwealth Federation IlUrVf TCT1!) V following the Indecisive outcome 1 IV I of Tuesday's provincial election. It Is expected, however, that the f TkT VT QrV Premier will have something to 111 Yf JClO 1 say about the provincial political situation before next week when Steady Trade In Most Lines With he leaves for Ottawa to attend: Good Farm Revenues, Says an income tax conference. Following a meeting of the executive of the C. C. F. called yes- terday by the leader. Harold More and more, Industry in West-Winch, a statement was Issued to em Canada is being geared to a the effect that the proposed union war economy, writes R. J. Prlttie, government would not be in the in Agricultural and Industrial best interests ln view of the fun- Progress. "Western Canadian cities damental differences of the par- are all busy supplying requlre-tles. ments of the many branches of war activity. Manufacturers and FOR ATLIN NAPLES IS 1 . , iuf Htrnr in High Command announced that ture. Observer MONTREAL, October 24: TO Iwholesale and retail distributors I report a steady trade ln most lines," Mr. Prlttie says. "Tnvprnmtnt - directed wheat OIT1 Kfk IM acreage reduction, with other fac-Oi 1 jrWJxkll 1 tors, have affected the volume of grain to be handled this fall. But Royal Air Force -Stages Another total farm revenue remains at a Kaid On Important Italian v t AnnW-hMh. returning of- good level. Fanning, of course, Is City the basic industry, and trade gen- lerally reflects to a great degree ROME, October 24: The Italian 'prevailing conditions ln agrlcul- 1 he civilian poll as 448 for Hon. British Royal Air Force raided "Home bu ldlng continues to be 3 W. J. Asselstine. minister of mines, Naples again last night for the an outstanding feature to almost 2 and 361 for John Scott, his Inde- thtad time recently. Damage was every centre ln the West This to . nnmw pendent ihor Labor onDoneiit opponent. This This Is is claimed to be slight In contrast to considered a most favorable and 21 ,- h,Hhv trend. Bulldinz trades are r a majority 01 eigmy-seven lor as- - ' :, I selstlne seaport Tuerday night which quite busily engaged. j SOUTH HAS 1 HEAVY FOG VANCOUVER, Oct. 24: O) -Two 530ituES got into serious difficulties Majority, for "Kcnhey). Lib.; ! 332, as a result.. of a thick fog on the lower mainland yesterday. The big tbwboat Snohomish, towing the Standard Oil Co. barge No. 5, piled up on Saturna Island, 35 miles from Victoria. Twenty men of the tug's crew were taken jsafe aboard the barge. OF 1653 The tug Tetrus sank ln the ' In Cromwelllan times, battle Fraser River and only her funnel, pikes sometimes were 18 feet Ions, is showing at high tide. ,causca nuge aamage.' me upumm ciu ui uuj EARLY NORSE WHALERS There are historic records of Norwegian whaling as early as 417 A. D. quarters that when the war is finally brought to a successful conclusion. Western Canada may find large numbers of people wishing to establish here." Mr. Pattullo's Thanks Editor, Daily News: I would like through you to thank the people of Prince Rupert for their expression of renewal of confidence in me. I appreciate it very deeply. T. D. PATTULLO.