PAGE SIX Your approval of our value-giving policy in Men's and Boys' Clothing has made it possible for the Kupcrt Men's and Roys' Store to become one of the largest stores for men's and bojs' clothing in the city. Rupert Men's & Boys' Store NEW LOCATION: 217-219 SIXTH STREET (Original Bryant Store Location) We arc now located in our new location. Tn our new and larger quarters we can now offer you one of the largest selections of Men's and Boys' Clothes for dress, wo.k and play. OUR POLICY WILL NOT CHANGE. We will continue to give you OUTSTANDING VALUES IN QUALITY-WEARING MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHES. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION REPEAT PERFORMANCE! "The WHITE CLIFFS of DOVER" By popular request wc arc pleased to present, for the second time, "The White Cliffs of Dover," by Alice Ducr Miller; narrated by Lynn Fontannc; musical setting by Frank Black, over Radio Station CFPR . " ;p ' : . (1210 kc.) Friday, October 24 S at 6:ll p.m. A Victor Masterpiece Set TIIIG BROADCAST IS BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH STATION CFPR AND YOUR RCA VICTOR DISTRIBUTOR. riMmt..- -unrtrmnr 'ii-inTriinnwnriiiini ! mi Rupert Brand . SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. This new Curtiss P-40 pursuit plane Is receiving its first large-scale demonstration with the Second and Third. U.S. armies in manoeuvres in the south. Equipped with six 53-cahbre machine-guns, the ship is said to be unusually manoeuverable with exceptional performance at high altiiuaes. It has greater horsepowor and firepower than its predecessor type, which the British call the Tomahawk and are using successfully in the Middle East. All Co-operate DRIVE FOR BACON TO Farmer, Packer, Shipper and Government Experts Unite in Supply of Old Land's tYartime Need. By FRANK FLAHERTY Canadian Press Staff Writer I OTTAWA, Oct. 24 :Q Under the guidance of the Canadian Bacon Board, Canada's hog industry from crs and transportation agencies Whifflets From The Waterfront Delayed by extraordinarily heavy A T A irv!fogs on the lower coast. C.N.R. I II, II I . Z 1 I I ; steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. Nell exempt. over. When a shinment Is load- r .u- ,..,.?. ed aboard ship the board Issues and be more hogs must fed CHIROPRACTOR Stanley V. Colton. D.C.. Ph.C. by. more by a uiniueio wie paciter ior u per- farmers until they are the right cent of the amount due him. The welght and no more kIlk(J flccord. remaining 10 percent is paid on lng to approved methods and arrival in Great Britain. dressed lnt0 the typ of and Exhaustive and detailed lnstruc- sides which suit the British mar-tlons on methods of slaughtering, ket. dressing, curing, packing, stamp- . ing and labelling pork have been - - issued to Canadian packers with a view to enabling them to deliver their product In the form most acceptable to the British trade and consumers. Prior to the outbreak of the war much Of this detallpH infor- imatlon was assembled and packers which catered to the export trade followed the practices outlined in the instructions. Now, IS SINGING i IN CANADA Danish Soprano Reaches Fame Yia Reykjavik, Vancouver And Winnipeg . HfTA I A. J All J fSN. A , "n QU unwi :JU ims NEW YORK, October 24: 0 -S2!Sn Vancouver and ? Becausc Geni f v!fS?dVlateri!Jmark' Marla Markan, a prima Stewart whence she is due back the Metropolitan Opera House here tomorrow evening south- this Winter b0und- In 1940 the deep-bosomed, blue- . . eyed, lyric dramatic soprano who r r. d t, JJtelm" rcf" Ade" h s"ng much in Scandinavia 7 was on concert tour in Australia, rtv.H rived i in port at 7 o'clock - this .i , - a iccuwi v farm to storasre room u i '"U1I"'S 'rom Vancouver ana um- her pocket - - - vvjviUMI(,(.U AAA .standardized to British demands, w ' h, aiwrnoon on -Then Hitler occupied Denmark Tin V 1 . , 4v wuii fvjafic ouuui. production moving overseas to " meet the nressine need of th CALLING SCRAP IRON ACCUSES JAPANESE Lucts valued at about $133,000 000 LONVCWl. October 24: 0 Dr The actual physical-handlins of wellm&ton Koo, Chinese ambassa- the product is the job of the pack- dor' accused tne Japanese of en and changed all my plans, she said "I didn'.t want to go back to Denmark, so I went to Canrdi and Win- British people and forces for food LUNUON. October 24: o The The and and sang sang in in Vancouver Vancouver the Canadian industry is becom- lnlstry Supply set a time 11m- nlpeg. Everybody said I should lng Increasingly mobilized to meet calling in all iron railings, try for the Metropolitan. I thought that need. 6rtlCi auu P08"5 85 mecai o " was no use. But I came to New In about two years of oneralinns Ke war weaP- Only railings Vork, asked for an audition, got the board, set ud tn rioai win-. ih needetl wr public safety and .gates it-and a contract." British British Ministry Ministry of of Food Fnnrt on be h. 01 historic and artisUc value are Miss Markan is workine on three half of Canadian Dackers. has nr ranged for the shipment of about 756,000,000 pounds of pork prod- roles Lenora in Forza del Des tlno, Elsa in Lohengrin and Con-tessa in Figaro. Lives To Sn? The Iceland!; prima donna is unmarried and she lives to sins. couraging "gambling, drugs and "I don't care for anvthinsr else." but all financial arrangements as ProstJ,tuon in" China "to enslave she said. "I wouldn't want to live well as the control of shiDments and destry the Chinese race." any longer than I could continue and the Dlarming of marketings - - : to 8 well." in such a way " as to maintain a u M,ss Markan was born in Olafs- Jl ,fL, "J J . 1U hcwever. a Packers have the in- Vik. Iceland. Ui- vounaesl of ,im business of the board IT??" are tencurafed a"d children of a Danish government This vast business undertaking S0d S do I th r nH "lcial ThU?h h? l0nged 10 bc is carried on by four board mem- SStv oZS . a son?strtss- e Pd- Practi-bers, Hon. J. G. Taeeart. Sakat- uhy getting their ship- rally, to be a nurse. But when her chewan minister of agriculture as CCT ? P bro,her- a we"-nown tenor, went chairman; S. E. Todd, secretary- : Tu. ? oer in '? e went along. treasurer of the Council of Cana- rnVv VTZ " a leacner neard her singing at a dlan Meat Packers. Toronto; L. G. rlnf n UP, a5 klng nT y and told her that her voice d ry the Britlsh market McOuat, general agricultura ith, -SDelled "blS futre" big letters. agent, Canadian Jadfte Railway Sf btf.Tt 5 Sbeg3n StUdy at 0nCe- Montreal, and Adrien IvEorin, chie 2? af tnat sh,Pments f,Two ycrs later she gave her of the livestock branch, Quebec ZZ with it 1 , 8,T" fLrSt C0IcertJn Rvik. to 1935 ministry she Department of Agriculture- ABullure' with a "i6"151111 ,the BJltlsh in- her operatic debut at small staff of food required the carcasses of the Schiller Opera In Hamburg, C0:000 hos or 60 Percent oi a wh"e she san? for two The staff Includes L G Pear- years. -TtiSSSri; nnap "?e hogs slaughtered in the 1919- She soeaks six languages-Ice- E. Light, secretary, both officials l.11 marKe"ng ?eaff- DUh, Norwegian, Swed culture, a transportat on expert, a about 900,000,000 pounds of pork ZLtZTTnS& were dipped to Gat Britain and lnvi,p T T 0rt.tecnnfical in the first two years of the- war advice, two clerks v and three -ten- 756,000.000 pounds were shinned. ' , , The new bacon agreement which I wU1 ran from about the first of in The Kn, board n Canadian w buys bacon October calls for shipment of not for delivery at seaboard where he less than pounds in a ...... ...a..vj ui uuu vpar Thus nc fV,o mmthc n 1sh, English and German. fin?s in two more Italian French. If? u LL IT Mil HEYI SASCE WHERE'S YOUR MINARD SOLDIERS and and mem RUB OUT TIRED ACHES To the Electors of Skeena Riding: I wish to express my deep appreciation to all those who so generously supported me in the election on Tuesday for the Skeena Riding. While the provincial outcome at present is somewhat obscure, I shall feel that I am the representative of all the people of Skeena for the ensuing term and shall work with that end in view. E. T. KENNEV. at 1:51. 3:50, 6:01, 8:06 and 10:11 Krltixh Columbia Walla"f Klou I'hoiir t)0 PHONE CM ROBERT BINfHIFV Verger Thrice Saved Edifice London Church Honors Sexton Who Stopped Burning Of His Church LONDON. October 24: 9 A 60-year old verger, who three times saved his church from destruction in air raids on London, has been awarded the British Empire Medal. He is Stanley Thompson of St Dunstan-in-the-West Once he climbed 200 feet to the burning dome and kicked off an Ml IULTIPLANE V TECHNICOLOR fl EXTRA SHORT TREATS Technicolor Special: "MEET THE FLEET" Fitzpatrick Travelogue: "Glimpses of Washintton 5(1( Meet the Stars in "CHINESE GARDEN FESTIVAL WORLD' NEWS EVENTS L! THE DAILY NEWS FRIDAY. OCTOBER IMPROVED CURTIS TOMAHAWK GETS TRIALS BY U.S. AIR FORCE Expert OPTICAL SERVICE TODAY and CAPITOL - 3::?. CIIAS. DODIMEAD SATURDAY A AMOU PIATIIS IHIAJIf ? 15 Optometrist in Charge t-r Watch. Clock, Jewelry J Repairing, Hand Eneravinic Viit Our IJasenienl Store For Fine China, Dinncrware, Glasses, liaggagc and Novelties AMAZING, FULL-LENGTH FEATURE PRODUCTION MAX HEILBRONER JUVLLFK DIAMOND MF.Kl 1 1 ANT Thanks To You .... Ladies and Gentlemen of Prince Rupert (incendiary bomb h r with the bomb ana , "niy a paiape: savcj ra falling to the su-eet Then he ran ai. , a fA high to exuvL Y"h bomb threatening ' v- ,y exploded and he C 1 f the ground. Thnu-:i c -Vj' 1 shaken he ledge to help hau up a ( hose. ; Rector A. j mu - r , "He undoubtedly -on three orcaMor.- a; j;, t the most courapc r t PLENTY SHIFTKLYS Japanese typewr'ler- u; r-y, thousand letters Tilt advert is not published or displayed b (1e lijt Control Beard or by the Government of Br C::unt:i Bit Ywr SmMW! Arc you burning the proper kind of coal? Ask for the free services and advice of our qualified fuel experts. Wc are prepared to fill your coal needs now at lower prices from stock on hand. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of HUILDING MATERIAL Why not lay in a stock of coal now for the winter I'HONi: 116 I'llONE Ul A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 15 BEDS Complete with All-Felt Mattress, Cable Spring and Walnut Finish Steel Tubing Bed SOfi 50 Stead. Price comnlete u Phone 775 327 Third Ave. TAe fmtest Mature won-Was storhf from toe sunf g-r COAL! COAL! The coal business isn't a ter of guess work with us know good coal when we "u It ,and you will know good when you try It. WebuyJJ best the mines produce. graded before properly comes' to us and propjg scheened and weighed it comes to you. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. I