r 111 DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates In City Fr year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week. 12c. Out of Town Subscribers by Mail, $3.00 a Year Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 ADVERTISING KATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion . Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion EDITORIAL Friday, May 30, 1941. .25 .02 Member of Audit bureau oi Circulations , MEMBER OF Tilt CANADIAN PRESS The Omadl&n Pjtm la exclusively entitled to oat for republication of aU news Attpatchea wedned to tt or to tha Associated Preaa In this paper and alao the local newa published therein. Alt lixtif at republication of special deroatohes therein are alao reserved Don't Be Worried - - - Some local people are worried because of the way in which the war has been going in the island of Crete. They seem to think that, if Suez is taken by the Germans, the war is won by them and lost to us. Nothing like that is true. The farther Hitler gets away from his base the more likely he is to come a cropper. If he goes through Syria it is dangerous, for the French are divided among themselves and a taste of German domination will not help him there. If Britain can get oil from this side of the Atlantic she can carry on indefinitely. One possibility is that two robber nations, Germany and Russia, will 'quarrel. There are all sorts of other possibilities. If, in view of his success in Crete and based on his experience there, he decides to Invade Britain, he will find he has a different problem to tackle. We have not the least idea that Germany is going to win this war if we all do our best to hold her back. Ships Taken Over The taking oyer of more than one hundred foreign ships that had taken refuge in United States is an important step and will help to solve the shipping situation. There are also a number of United States ships which are not at present in commission. These also will likely be operating soon, either carrying food supplies or troops. The whole set-up is gradually changing and the declaration by the President of the United States of a state of emergency is only one of the . steps leading to greater pressure beinrr brought upon the enemy by the Allies. Five Years of Paradise "Two American young men back from Russia after a five-year visit they made to find out whether the 'workers' state is the proletarian paradise that admirers of the Soviet crack it up to be, are back in America," says the San Francisco. Chronicle. "They passed a considerable part of their visit in jails, where they were tossed because one of them admitted his father owned 160 acres of land in America and hence must be a kulak. In interludes of liberty they earned 50 cents for a 12-hour day working on railroad construction. The rest of the time they were dodemrjr the OfiPTT: And n, kni, i. i 4l. . e of the American Embassy, Peter .and John Stevens ar more than content to;be again pari of the" "downti-odden tn masses of democracy.' , JWif T!dn,t ai" Ru?sieven if we wanted to, so must take the word of those who have enjoyed the delights t tChumsm at f irst hand- We are willing to let it go The Daily News 13 a member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association of the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, It is the only paper north Pf iYanouver ?nJ West of Edmonton holding membership in these organizations. -rf matter, while his sister, is a normal negro child in every respflrt. A Man who won't Lend is Friend! nings. TYPE ALE This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. FOR SA1A FOR SALE Bedding out plants, Greenhouse, Alfred Street, see Mr. Wilding. H26) nher for summer month.?. P.O. By DOUGLAS AMARON Canadian Press Staff Writer mastrr. who once faid "I look after myself. I don't depend on my ancestors to do it for me." is seriously ill In a Devon Phelps' airman son Ted DOUGLAS AMAHON (E. A., three times sculling chamoion of the H27) Ihe reasons he Ls sick now may be , "" oecause Wl steaks are few and fnr FOR PALR 92 Have Pnvc PlrrV 6 room house. $1,200. Immediate wen these J? and tea. sugar rMio -n fi on and "neese are rationed. The things .jvuuuu. in. A-J- muivtiiiui, ' v. til lllroc , haf . , . a. MA tn An .A U.J u a 2nd. Ave. (127) t uaiuesi, wj tejts i Br- ! BOARD ANT) ItOOM I Sculler In Youth him good shape. White A. Hanson, llned eights. Nlthl River. B. C. (132) , Rowing and boats are Bossy's WArjri.n T" , ; one and only love. He has no in-WANTED-Two housekeeping terest ln other sport and a few rooms. Apply BoX 104, DaUy News. year3 ag0 remark tnat he (127) jnever been to a cricket or football ----- .- - i match, tennis tournament or race" i- NFW ROY A I LIQUID CAPITAL iixj !! lJ 1 riL. . PERTH, Australia, May 30: (CP)- HHT17I , -Charged with having 1500 bottles lIU 1 LL "I whiskey Illegally, a local doctor 'saId he flight with J Zarelll Proorletor it horse race 'l"88 " taUw COaldn'1 "A A HOMF HOME AWV AWAY FROM FROM lt get ta-k Case dlsmJssed Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water i Prince Rupert, B.C. nmtm ro-''m CHIROPRACTOR - - - " Stanley W. ColUn, D.CPh.C Wallace Block, Phone MU savoy I I f T 1 I MAIL US YOUR FILMS HI I I r TODAY I I I imm lw slze ro11 developed and printed 25c Special "Decko- Carl Zarelli, Prop. Art- prints Reprints twelve Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 for 35c FRASER STREET steffens-colmer photo Prince Rupert P.O. Box 220 Vancouver B.C. Wearable From Distant B: Allison Settle OLASSW. May 30: CP- In sweater cardigan, classic women's spci tswear. Hawick, the Centre of the knitwear Industry in Britain,, oegan its first factory for making knitwear goads during the 18th century. Principally it made warm Knitted stockings for men. Now, however, the knitting inachinet aim the wool ftoin the Cheviot lambs and sheep of the border hills from the dull, grsy and brown look of the old knits Inta rich or tender shades dyed fo.-fashionable women. Wool ;Dmes to Scotland from all world, is a prisoner of war His parts of the world, wnlie the chev-other son Eric E. L.i. former Dri- lot sheep now Is reserved for tlsh sculling champion, is interned tweeds made so fine that they can In Germany. Rowing, the sport be tucked and even shirred. C3h-for which Bossy Phelos lives, has nheres that come to Hawick from been abandoned for the duration Tibet are styled by London (Ted won the world s championship through London's great style de-in Toronto in 1930 and 1932, he also signers, and Hawick's mill workers was defeated in Toronto In 19331. make them Into fashion garments-. The father, Bcsy h's Initiate Colors In knitwear are delated are J. T. is 65 and in his many by the color blends of tweeds, be-years as boat-builder, sculling cause knitwear Is more often worn coach and royal bargeman, has with tweeds than with anything known few days of illness. Three else. So much are cardigans and 'or four years ago a Eugenics So- pullovers Influenced by tweed col-iclety report attributed his health ors and patterns that there are I and his profession to heredity. The whole new ranges which copy every 'Phelps have been watermen for detail and every tona of a good more than 600 years and served che:k tweed. royalty for a century. : In the pale pastel colors, Shet- Living Example land knits are probably the best Bossy sccfled at the heredity But as well there are the chenille theory, although later he appeared pullovers and cardigans, tonkin a motion picture as ens of its haired angora sets and lambswool, best examples. "Heredity," he said, "I don't . . know anything about that. But I rr, o.tt, o u n fALE-Veet 2-lnch brff tfll that without beer I shaft with long sleeve and bush- 'shouldn.t be as fit as l am tod Infr.ln nprfWf pnnmtlnn- onmnlcto . i T 11, Beer anQ sugar. Best energy set of taps and dies, t. U.S.S.; o ,c 15 bullders m toe world ., ". . ""M Eossy rises regularly a at B. C. Furniture. FOR SALE 7-room house 332 Ave. East. Near both schools and covon sets In pale colorings. like line J ": 7 . 71J : . uunnar WHAT SWEDEN NEEDS GOTHENBURG, May 30: (CP) Sweden's contribution to European . i.onomic life dspends on freedom totrade with the whole world, said jusi. anrt onps .nluH' , in,, ,c. t,0 . Hagglof, of the Swedish new at half price. Phone Blk. 324. AM h. r... " oreignOfflce, reJeeUng German tf um uc.ure ne was in. e nao oniy S11pstfn nt ii-mh,, 'o n two meals a day-breakfast of fish, tral cJearin lace 7th loasi ana tea witn much sugar nor)n and lunch of steak or anything dry dock. $2,000 cash. Phone eke available, provided there was Green 922. (l2Si Plenty it. Before he Went to CHANGE ENOUGH tSTJID in... qn. irn t FOR SALE 6 roomed house. 133 a cole of pTnVof ale "nda ,he PW 7th Ave. E. Phone Red 921. eve-. Bossy 1 . h city "tUe changed except for lack u ' . , -, , ' . ' oi joon ana presence of Oermac STIFFER ARMY MEDICAL LONDON, May 30: (CP) Medical for admission ta ths United Kingdom army services have been A skilled boat-builder. Bossy has 17 Z ,Z , I slT,1 n his ,ni .v.. 7J or tne Minister TH M 01 of renslons Pensions In BOARD AND ROOM-Close In. seen racing eights win the n Gentlemen only. Phone Black University taJd ty.r?altmmymtt 965. (tf) InhMiPn Challenge n,,n Cup at .," " lne ay WANTED JtHj Henley many -itimes. He was a.ine sculler In his lyoutn ana his knowledge of the WANTED FmprUnnpH tinin . Thames and UNCLE SAM'S VELVET en- ofj rowin-r brought cC"U U"U .WOrin . VMtei " 1 oiamps 8010 ln lle the appointment as nilot to lv." d rnv- -a job 1nh nf of teaching f"" w War aW have Box 127. (126) 1the Oxford hppn (the cox how to? steer "the icourse WANTED Wire-haired terrier pup. from Putney to Mortlake. Red 942. (13Q) WANTED Capable girl to do housework and plain cooking for small famrly, immediately. Apply Box 65, Stewart, B.C. (128) WANTED Model K35 Johnson out board motor for reoairs. Crank His Royal duties aren burden some for the Royal Barge hasn't been used since 1919. Built in 1683, the two?ton barge lias been rowed over the Varsity course in 23 minutes, which Bossy called "pretty good going" considering University crews have taken 20 minutes to shaft and cylinders must be lnrac the 44 miles In their stream A Billet Doux for the Boche! VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden-Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Reasonable Prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 & 19 p.n. Box 515 THE SEAL ot QUALITY "tKrvl GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all tbt year round payroll In Prince Rupert BACK, TO PALESTINE 5 The -immigration cf-Jewish set-V tiers In Palestine has reathed the rate of 1,000 a month. WAY DOWN SOUTH Moallane?. Chile, on the StralU of Magellan Is the southernmost city in the world. CIIA.MF.I.KON'S LYF-S Hie lids of the chameleon's eyes are fused together, leaving an opening no larir thrn the pupil. o 4 PAQK TWO TH1 DAILY HRVii MEN'S SOLID LEATHER Work Boots In Crepe, Panco and Oak Tanned Soles. Priced from $2.95 T0 $7.50 Our Stock of SHOE FINDINGS Including Polishes, Laces, Arch Supports, Corn Pads, Shoe Trees, Etc., is the Largest in the City SOLE AGENTS FOR JACK AND JILL SHOES Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes HARD WORKING HENS f- NORTHAMPTON, May 30: (CP) ' Just as If high-geared egg-laying I was not enough, chickens of the English Midlands are called on fpr .feathers for pipe cleanersi all : GOOD LIFE CENTRE FOR IS SECRET WOOL STYLE cotton and wire being required for ,, . ,, rh.mriniH Material Comes munitions: Scotland Makes H -m,ii, ! n-i.,w Parts But tin.-1 9 A mill I Factors of Healthy Life ONE WHITE, ONE BLACK I NEW YORK, May 30: iCP They are twins of ncro parentage but Eddie Ray. in a local hospital, t nNnoN. Mnan- .rp.ThPwnr the silvery north where Scotland Is an "albino - deficient c- ;olr m ha3 dpalt harshv ,lth Rossv und Enniand meet lies Hawick, the Lucy May. phpi thP hlsr investale l-ulpr of jne town which invented, the Thames." The King's Barge- ONE WAS PURGED THE OTHER Fled Seven years ago it was said throughout German v cr o only trusted two men In full measure. They were Ern::t Re left, and Rudolf Hess. It was seven years ago, despite th!? a tatlon for trust, that Roehm was assassinated in Hitler d purge. Now the second Hitler trustee, Rudolf Hei rjnht fled Germany In a plane and parachuted to earth in s'-ai Insane, says Germany. Fully sane, says England's off.cii,. after Hess' Imprisonment, AUSTRALIA'S POPULATION CANBERRA, May 30: (CP) With present living standards, Australia could maintain a maximum population of 30,000.000, not 100,000,000 as German propaganda claims, said Acting Prime Minister Fadden. Present population is. about U. S. EPILEPTICS About COO.000 persons in the United States are victims of epileptic seizures. Canada At War 25 Years Ago May 30 1010- Surce-fui uuuii ao k Liic riiiiLii iiiaur i man forces be'-weea w I Homme and Cumleres Vera.;, trlans attacked Russian (. Va V ka . itva' emy trrrltnrv neat i;K or.; ylka, i TIME FOR CHANGE turn comcaiui! i- -l txr.iu..; wear h samn Id - lit to every picture. UNWELCOME SEEDING An acre of soil on yt-- to land contain a.i r- 'naie? v and one-halt ton . oi . -v sec for Serfs Buy Vii'tor 8c; X " g-rYP FINISH THE JOB " 11 "HJWftM M MiMH turn w-'m Blue-Lined ENVELOPES Special Sale Price. Per hundred Stock up at this Low Price 25c Overseas Envelopes Specially Printed for Overseas With Rqturn Address Good qiiality bond. Post cM Regimental Number rtn Rank and Name slze- 15C Full Name of Unit Per pkg. 2 for Tat ".There'll Always be an England" Writing Pads Linen Finish Flag Cover Note size Pad IOC LeUer slze Ptld 15C Envelopes to Match Pkg, 10c eMoeMvs.JM