Up ,v May 30, 1941. y yetIre sc ofsAper saesner- HIGH SPEED BUT NO HIGH PRESSURE! The only"hi5h pressure" the Minute Men use is the pressure they put into polishing glass. Their service is adjusted to fit each customer's schedule. If you're in a hurry.they rush you through in nothing flat! If you have more time they check your car carefully from stem to stern. In cither case, you get high speed but no high pressure. Try them. Canada's War A ,rman taught Air Vice-Marshal Lloyd SamXi - ;i, .., r Canada's Air Staff, to fly. 1 he A F stai : u h mrti Tod trni'i Chiefs ir Vice-Marshal Lloyd Sam BrendiuT D.S.O., Chief of Canada's Air Staff !ir in 1894. Later he Belgian coast as a umci utawa. where W father Within a year he commanded a uir manufacturing Jew- squadrcn of his own and had won 'h a factory on Somerset the Distinguished service il Un DftfO I With the formation oi li in's u i r.. it,. Air vnrfo in 191R. he was trans IU UUU11IV mc x w.. ... l;ov;i, Nuvai Air Ho-vi tr. r.rpat ferred to that organization ana !r: '': Breadner Joined the Wright served with It till the end of the p-"hooi When the Armistice was siBn-bt'" m Dayton, Ohio, paid war. ten per flying hour out of his ed he took his discharge -u tne T" i -t.". and unkeeo as well. Crystal Palace, London, and .m- Ka- :ii,mc ui ...,,i mnHintpiv rpttirned to Ottawa. " This comprised a total Breadner, welcomed in.o n'. fours flying experience, father's business, spent h.m .... w. - .. . . ,. tho rotmtrv's ser'ici'. - nin uerman lnsirucwr mmiui'i .ui 'i'Jaiin.-fl ,im as a pu0t. Tvvo and a Then his former Commanding ur- , hours were spent In fleer, coionei J - ciaiiivy " ' ., ;,n"'iv ne last half hour In run- ly appointed first Controller of Civil Ponnacona Instating Boards WAULBQARDS " on hand large stocks of coal, to suit every rcqulmnciit. u coal Is carefully screened and prepared Also a compicw oi lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are from tho Quccn char0Uc Tslands, they arc not kiln dried and have a11 ' the natural oils so necessary to long life and durability. SAND CEMENT GRAVEL Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. I'll, v.... mmvr PHONT C52 59 TWI DAH.T KWi FAGE TURf if-,- CHILEAN NAVY CHIEF INSPECTS U.S. "BLITZ MEN" Man in the Moon Well, Olof has found a domicile. , t Tii'H and not a bad one at that. Canada has been the land of httw and eloiv for many thous ands of people from different parts ox Europe, including tngiana anu; Scotland and Ireland. Most of then 1 i are sufficiently honest to so say. B LOOK i SIGN AviaMon m Canada, persuaded him t; raceme his assistant. Not sincr then ha; Breadner boen disassociated from aeronautics. When the Royal Canadian Air fMmded in 1924. Bread ner. then Acting Controller of Civil Aviation, was recommissloned and made Officer Commanding, K.UA.r . Station, Camp Borden. The next year he was sent to the Royal Air Force tif f college at Andover. England, and on his return, with the rank cf Wing Commander, became Acting Director of the Royal Can- For another tnree he was CO. Tren- flnn nnrnmin'r the D.S.O., i.O.VJ., VIWci Chief Ul of Vjiliuiun o -""- toll ion RC iwjw . --o ---- - ' . t 1.1 i. ( n uiiy Knvn j...AiAn.Ant nf what i innav as ijvcu to rue tne (lav wnen tnat uui um . eany cevcu c ----- V ahead Of schedule, hundreds of fighter pilots, Canada numoer one of ;ho Commonwealth Air training Plan, stream n. hr Athnh'p tn linln in the Battle of Britain, ami to t-hiI Defence College. " ttinp mto industilal Oer- "'" ' soon after war broke out, he was nlng through the tests for a licence. ,n En(?land. this tlms as Air was t?-rn In CaHeton June, 1916 saw Breadner over the Advispr t. the Honorable- T. A. rrprar. during a conference to co- ordinat? th Empire war effort. Pvartiipr. who returned to Ottawa AIR VICE-MARSHALL L. 8 BREADNER, D. S. C. Chief of the Air Staff, Royal Canadian Air Force Prince Ituncit Is now the city of hope for hundreds of people. Wc hope they realize It. Over in England now, there is a radio comedian who sets his listen ers laughlng.with recipes like .he following: "Take- a large slrlo'.n steak, smother it liberally with onions, spread with a thick coating of grated cheese, and fry ;n deep but ter." Don't send the English people butter. It may not keep. Better buy another bond. That's what they would like. ' "Isn't there some way tc drive nails without hitting your fingers?" asked a fair patient auer ins q--- tor had bandaged her hand. j "Yes," replied the doctor, "mia, the hammer with both hands." j "Your teeth are like the stars" said he. And clasped her hands so white. And this was true, for like the stars. Her teeth came out at night. one child In any family. Vice-Admiral Jmio Allard P., commauaei in- chief and director-generai it the Chilean navy, left and his aide. Lieut.-Commander Hernan H. C ublllos. Inspect U.S. Marine Corps parachute Loops at the naval air station in Lakehurst, NJ. The parachutists put on a show for 11 Latin-American naval chiefs who are making a tour of U.S. naval establishments as the guests of Admiral Harold R. Stark, U.S.N., chief of naval operations. i Gardening Browne was phoning his wife This waim fine weather has b:en from the office. great for the gardeners. The most Hullo. d?ar." h said. "I'm vrv important feature In connection sorry, tout I wtm't be horns till wnh it is that it has enabled .tne very late tonight. I'm fire- 0od gardeners to kill tha weeas. watching." : "0 you are. are vou." snancd ihos; who have not planted his wife. "And who Is the flame?" glads .should ao so at oujc 11 they aic planted late mere .5 uan- Cinema box off fee girl (to boy ger that they may no. biOJin bc- "Why afen't you at school?" i0ic the frost comes. "Oh,, if s all right, miss. I've got the measles." CHILD BONUSING CANBERRA. Mav'30: (CP Afte July 1 the Australian gpvfmi'ri'-- steamship Sailings i,l Vaiiruuvej Tuesday -Catala 1:3U P i Thurerf'iu SS Prinr.n flower -,'.. u-iii nm I'rotn Viinrumoi Sunday ss Catala Wcd.S.S. Pr Georae Frl. SJ5. Prln. Adelaide : ss Carenn May 15 and 28 TRIPODS FOR BKENS don't be fooled when they say a prom Alice Ann, Nans Kivci anil 1 mm This advertisement 1 not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ot British Columbia. IX Till: SlTKEMK Ol KT OK 111(11111 HIM .Mill IN I'KOIIATK 111 the Mutter f t lie "Administration Ml" nlant does not need staking. In a rott simnsun MT.iuwun.ic. iviJiy ou. nnrmai summer in mute xvuuui Now turning out tripods for Bren ajiict everything needs shaking. 4.1i. t - 1.1 i H4 nil- M1. . .1 1 , guns Australia Is making not Bren guns for war purposes bu; everything that goes with them. So far we arc gs.iing along nxely but I have founjl aheady that sweet ic-ket needs staking. Forgtmenot may be pulled up next week and replaced by some later blooming plant. By cxcr:isin,3 a little care usually enough young inriotmiiiiii( nlants mnv be found crop of flowers. "Eveiy year at this ssason a good neighbor of mine always b.lngs me seme big boxes of bedding plants," says Br.uce Hutchison. "For weeks he has labored over them, mixed up his t.unning composts of leaf mould and sand, sowed the tiny seeds, wateied them, watched them tenderly day by day. Now he gives them away fieely to me and to others, Just because he is made that way, just because he likes to see more flowers growing in the wcrld. A monument should be erected to such a man who wants to see mors flowers growing In such a world as this. He Is a soldier of the last war and. as a result of his services, he can never it.l -. ... . . M UUt ne 0tl aSaln- 6 tile Mutter f the Kstute f llbrrt Kmunuel Jiilinson I iitcas.il ing st't'us in tne spring aim iciiu- TUfB NnTIrTE that t?V OrdO.r Cf Hlj Inn tli.m nn Ihnn n-lirtnir Vio - . - iilK bllClit AllLI bitl. fcl.U Honor. W. E.Flrhw modc on the 15th mmpKnHv p1 day ct May A. D. nm. i ppiri " " - Executor of the Eft:e of ti'ib-rt Eman- may have more flowers. No one nl .Tihnvm. rlAorarcd. and fill narUet ...m ,rn. ni hm . 1,., v.1 - ... li1 r n:i iicai ui 11 in ui ivihivv , 1 1 o havlnz claims naalnst tn; nil v ate . . . 16 T . numo nno will over tpll nlm are HereiOy reqiiiroa no jurni -n wt.c. .- ..... ...... prciptny vermoa, tr e on or unium -nT ne is oi mor real vaiue 'io Wve '27th day of June. A D. 1941. nd M Uk th,s than most of tne required to pay the anvnu-it of their people who are drawing the world s iraocnrare to me ihuhwii large rewaras ana, inaeeu. ne m1" n11 BC- tol8. counts himself, I fan:y. a rather uiAjr iiA.ouw , useless leuow. ; Prince Ilupert. B. O. j 1 Pansies or violas may be sown IV tiik si ntKMK coi iiT iF nitiTisil now In the earden or in boxes. If ( oi.i miha i i kuiiatk the soil is right tney snouia maKe in the Mutter i.fuir "A1iminWr..ti..n strong pants that will have a good Ami chance of wintering and they may . In the Mutter or die Kstate f Kiiwurii bloom In the fall or late summer.' llensley, DecmM-il , Honor, W. E. Flsiirr. nvade on the 23rd Have you seen the lupins at the day of May, A. D. 1941 i was .appointed ta k Q. the court housc? There are Adminiaira.r ci uir T.-rB w caiw-u T T maqsaI U'lth Will l.rt)laYVt . nnmlin, a cVioHoo O VI H In PV cn Christmas Day of 39, Just a week nd ail mrXiea having claim aeaint . .... u , British id We re hereby required to snow up very n.ceiy uimimc u.c the launching of the after auer tne iaum.iimB vi uic own prcrerly verified, tome th ahove the sunken garden. A Patn aDOVe ine unKen " Commonwealth Air Training Plan, before the 27th day of June. a. B, was placed In charge of operations, d. 1941, mvd ail prtfS hidet'ed to the number of rc k plants keep the May 29th, he became Chief of Air ffPlace there bright. Many people Staff. Gruff and aggressive. Air dated et rones Riwert. b. c. this niake frequent visits to this beauty Vice Marshal Breadner is today 27th day of "Jmmj fey provlnclal pushing the Air Training Scheme official. Admin-tr.t-r ' Arlmenf Ilk a powerful engine. i Atim b. government. Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 a.ia For Ocean Falls Thursday S.S. Prince George 11 :30 p.m. Frl. S.S. Prfn. Adelaide .... 10 p.im Prom Ocean Falls-Wednesday S.S. Prince George 10 a m. Friday ; S.S. Princess Adelaide .... 4 n.m. Cardena 10:30 p.m.i tu, &v .s.v j.--, vaiutita lu. around the garden for next year's For Queen Charloue Island May 6, 17 and 27- Harper's Bazaar says: A WHITE INVASION CANBERRA, May 30: (CP) Defying mountains, rivers and forests and inci casing mightily as they sweep Australia, hordes of Cabbage White Butte, f4y i z caused wide havoc among cabbage, caull- and bru:coll in several B V states states. ' Fncls.y- Ss. Prh.. Adelaide 10 p.m. ; . " Ca.dena 10:30 p.m. GOOD 02 1) BALI.OONEItS May 9 and 20 S.S. Princess. LONDON, May 30: (CP) Men of Louise 5 pm. nc channel Mob'le Balloon Corps have been cited in 'he. honors' list p.m f0r "courage, zeal and devotion to 10 a.m. duty .. . 4 p.m. ' ...p.m. I . I TOPS IN . WAKPLANES cnm,n. wants tn know how to Tie,. nm LONDON, Ma7 33: (CP) With UUlUkWMIt LlUUldt get rid cf dandeloins. Ihe only way .,. siwan and Premier ' , & sPc?a of more than 400 mlles an I know is to d .2 than out. 1 nave sundav--s Caiala 8 p i., 'hour, the Hawkcr-made "Typhoon" not enough energy to do it. sa I Wednesday -SS. Prince MAdrdribcd by th? aviation maga-.. feed them with fertilizer auu then George - , 3:p.m.izlnt as Ulc greatest figlitcr of the Ihn mnwrr calchcs them and .-CUV I'roni Slfurnri and I'rrmipr-. ,wnr. . .will -Dav five shininss (90 cents)., thrm tiff . ao ifrsy KCt cmnx :" Tuesday sk. Catala 1 1 :30 a.iiL f -t -J- endowment for each Aust- ' S.S. Pr. 8 weekly to bioom. Thursday- Georgu pjnJ sniAKT I.KG-H'OKK rallan ehlld under 16 In execs- , , . . r Aluc Arm. Naas River and j Bunrcsc scamcn 0ften row boaU When reading Jt baok c .f in- Prt any s.mpson- ! with their legs, wrapping" them structiens in legaid to gardening, ss. Catala p.m.. rnnrt ,hnrt 1,., SJS. Camosun .. 10 p.m, j'T"i" OinTti l'4;irliu(r Islands May .16 and 2C p.m. ss Camosun p.m Fur Alaska Wednesday S.S. Prince George , 3 p.m. " May 15 and 28 S S. Princcs3 Louise , a.m. From Alaska Thursday S. S. Prince George 8 p.m. May 9 and 0 S.S. Princess 9 Frilly lloues, petticoats, gloves, rufllcs, collars most everything is white! WHITE IS RIGHT this season. Hut white things must he washed frequently and repeated washings turn them yellowish, unless Blue is added. A swish or two of Blue in the final rinsing water on wash day assures the sparkling snowy whiteness that fashion demands and it costs only a cent or two a month! RECXTTTS BIDE PREVENTS CLOTHES FROM TURNING YELLOW J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bid;. KB1 Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SILVEKSIDES BLOCK Second St, Phone Green 416 1 1 ii i 1 i 1 Hi