C .tru' d by a oombtnu iiI.uk-. Canada'.-.- Vu-to i ,t n i. .i !!:-.l. .i t: Canada and to iNntr mIuhIit Churchill in Knsland Top piciu :hnv l-v ;u . i I Pju'uho presenting the nji.-.J to its guard of honor representing the ac.ive services, who arc taking it across Canada. lrU t. riyht they, are 8ub-Lieut. J. D. Mcnae. 11. N.V.H., of Prince Rupert; Lieut. C. W. Stanbury, and Flying Olllcer A. M. Yullc, R.C.A.F. In the b Mikground, is Ht. ttev. H. E. Sexton, lord bishop of BriUsh Columbia. ' , Inset I: ip threc-inan ftuard of honor In the II idaoijt bomber, with Squadron Leader D. E. Gallo-wa. pilot of the plane. Ilfitff-m- Taking the solemn pledge to suppw ' "victory and an enduring peace" at the ceremony in trout of Vancouver's City Hall are seen tU. Re . tit Ftancls HeaUicote, bishop of New West-muisn-r; Dr. A. M. Sanford, who read the pledge al :ud to the gathering, and Mayor J. V. Cornett. Beside his worship Is the golden civic mace. LOW COST MUST SAVE WAR AIMS OF SALE RES0URCESi STATEMENT Government. To Rcalirc At Uast Daylight, Electricity and Oil All to' Germany Must Play Part In Peace $53 20 On Every $lf,0.000 Bond p,0 Conserved in Uiiilcd Stales But Misdeeds Musi be Prevented Sold, After Paying I All Costs WASHINGTON, May 30. CP'-; LONDON, May 30: (CP) Foreign Harold L. Ickes, Secretary of the Secretary Anthony Eden, in the Al Uie luncheon of the Prince interior, yesterday advocated day- first comprehensive statement on Rupen Rotary Club yesterday J. light saving in the United States Great Britain's war aims, declared 1 L'Uic ailed attention to stories on a nation-wide scale and suggest- yesterday that "our political and thai were bplnn- firmlatPri tn dls. nri thnt the country may have to military terms of peace will be de- urat!P the sale of Victory Bonds, resort to restricted use of electricity signed to prevent repetition of Ger was said that the canvassers and institute "gasiess ounuajo w Vere being paid large sums for meet power and oil shortages, then work and that the organizers ; getting more than they ould As a matter of fact this u na issue was being made at very ! uw ist. lower than any previous JOan The total cost to the govem-cni would not be' more than 'ourth-nrths or one percent. In other words out of e?):h $100 subscribed the government would actually receive $99.20. The whole cost was being carefully scrutinize! and no extravagances of any find allowed, , Colonel J. W. Nlcholls explained l"at on the ten years bonds the wnvassers, who were giving up "Wr whole time to the work, '"d be paid one quarter of one Percent. The proceeds of the can-'ass would be pooled and divided among the men actually working. "iey woulrt ninVi'ili1 cot nhnnt brvVMMT n" ,. " as much as they would have '' they had carried on their pri- weeKs. Businesses during the two The Franchise of Freedom mil TRAIN N STATES Eight Thousand Royal Air Force Fliers to Get Instruction WASHINGTON, DC, May 30 (CP) Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of War. yesterday disclosed a plan to train eight thousand Royal Air Force fliers in the United States to start June 7. me m of 550 students, all from tne uri-tlsh Isles, Is to begin instruction on that date, followed by new groups at five-week Intervals. Britain cannot fall so long as she null ' many's misdeeds.' Bden said: "Under a system of f re e f momlc co-operation Germany must play a part but here I draw a firm distinction. Five times in the last century she has violated peace. She must never be In a position to play that rple again." Determination or Extermination -Buy Victory Bondsl Labor Service To Be Required Conscientious Objectors, Mention itcs and Doukhobors Must Assist In War Effort OTTAWA, May 30: (CP) Con scientious objectors, Mennonltes and Doukhobors In the 21-year-old SKto 'etai will be required to perform 1U; vn,,r dollars Avlli: labor service In lieu of military r:,Ju nn hasten training, Hon. James G. Gardiner, cVp, "E" 'v"t Tn Victorv minister of war services, announced "i-VrSri in the House of Commons yesterday; i i VICTORIA, B.C. Loilr: i Officer Carries Torch She NORTHERN AMI) CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S 'NEWSPAPER Vol. XXX.. No. 126. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1941. PRICK: 5 CENTS. Flees urf inlet Man ics Of Injuries Walter Phillips, Who Fell from Ladder Last Week Succumbs Today Walter Phllljps. who sustained extensive and serious fractures and other in J uric? In a fall from a ladder At Burf Inlet mine a week ago, died this mornins In the Prince Ilupert General Hospital. An inquest was opened this afternoon and. alter the j remains had been vipn-rrt. adjournment was madejun-tll Monday by which time witnesses from Surf Inlet will be here. Bulletins SPEEDWAY FIRE INDIANAPOLIS Fire today destroyed half of the garages at Indianapolis Speedway and delayed the start of the annual Memorial Day automobile racing classic. DENIED BY BERLIN BERLIN German quarters denied yesterday that Max Schmel-lng, former world's heavy-weight boxing champion, had been killed In Crete while attempting to escape from the British. UNITED STATES READIES WASHINGTON In various partg of the United States sold-, ierts had their leaves and furloughs cancelled as the country went on a status of national emergency. Special guards have been placed on industries. Practice alerts are being held and anti-aircraft defences are being strengthened. RELATIONS WITH JAPAN AVASIIINGTON Secretary of Slate Cordell Hull, In a press conference, said that American relations with Japan are unchanged. Japan may be given an avenue of escape from its affiliation with the Axis which, it Is, suggested, may be weakening. Halibut Sales Summary : American 16,000 pounds, 10.7c and 8c. ' Canadian 23,000 pounds, 10.6c and 7.5c and 11c and 7.5c. I American ! Alglr, 16,000, Royal; 10.7c and 8c. j Canadian I Sea Ranger, 12,000, Storage, 10.6c. j and 7.5c. Tsuklnode, 3,000, Booth, 11c and 7.5c. , Camlnata, 6,000, Storage, 11c and 7.9c. f K. T 2,000, Otlln, 11c and 7.5c. j - ; I Not Bye-and-Bye But BUY and: BUY! J From Bagda OCKHOvCKK0QOKOOOOOOOOOaOUtOJO OOO War News f ! RATTLE OF CRETE CAIRO With German reinforcements continuing to land on the wnend of Crete and Italians on the east end, the British retreaio new positions In the centre of the Island is announced.' ..Maior General B. C. Freyber; of New Zealand,, com-f.nrt',r-.h.clii' the British forces in Crete, is reported klled in an airplane cra-sh. K MINOR AIR FICHTINC, I ONPOX- There was onlv niinor aerial activity between German)' and Britain last night. ! RRITISH ADVANCE f'AlKO KrilMi forces hare advanced alone the flood snollpn -Kiijihratrs River to within five miles of the capital of lra . Kacilad. There ha . heen fighting in Jlr. the home of Ab -in ham', jmirclimcs known as the cradle of civilization. TRANSPORT ROME, May 30; (CP) The 17,-897-ton Italian liner Conter Rosso, ladeii with troops, was sunk by a tornedo south of Sicilv but the TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .04. Btalorne, 9.65. Cariboo Quartz, 2.30. Dentonlo, .01. Falrvlew, .00 Vz. Gold Belt, .21. Hedley Mascot, .51. Mlnto, .01 V. Noble Five, .00 '2. Pacific Nickel, .04. ' Pend Oreille, 1.35. Pioneer, 2.07. Premier, .901 Privateer, .48. Reeves MacDonald .10 Reno, .11. Relief Arlington, .01. Sheep Creek, .80. Oils A. P. Con., .06. Calmont .12 Vz. C. & E.. 1.05. Home, 1.60. Pacalta, .02. Royal Canadian, .07. Okalta, .50A. Mercury, .03. Prairie Royalties, .06A. Toronto Aldermac, .08. Beattle, 1.01. Central Pat., 1.65. Con. Smelters, 32.00. East Malartlc, 2.21. Fernland, .01 VS. Francoeur, .36. Gods Lake, .22. Hardrock, .66. Int. Nickel, 29.50. Kerr Addison, 4.00. Little Long Lac, 1.73. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.44. Madsen Red Lake, .53. McKenzle Red Lake. 1.03 Moneta, .40. Noranda, 49.50. Pickle Crow, 2.30. Preston East Dome, 2.82.' San Antonio, 2.20. Sherrltt Gordon, .61. i Uchl, .08. . Bouscadlllac, .03A. Mosher, .04 VS. ' . Oklend, .04. Smelters Gold, .01. ' " Dominion Bridge. 21.00B. .' V r SURVEY OF SITUATION IN CHINA Captain Alarsdcn Of Royal Engineers Tells Of Situation In China Which Ended Disastrously j i I A very Interesting survey of the situation whl:h led to the loss qf prestige of the British In China and the consequent start of the movement for the taking of Man-chukuo by the Japanese and the extension of German prestige culminating In the present life and d'lth sttugp.le, was given yesterday afternr' V t the lun:heon of the Prime Rupert Rotary Club by Capt. G. W. Marsden of the Royal Canadian Engineers. The captain spent 14 years in China and paid a cnmiltmenfc to the Chinese people, exnlain'n."? how mwh it ripnnt tn thpm tn Insp fare. Thpn NEW YORK On his way to Washington to report to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on latest developments in the war situation, United States Ambassador to Great Britain John G. Winant arrived here today aboard the transAtlantic flying boat Yankee Clipper. by private Interests. There no public sale of stock. The theatre, Mr. Hardcastle states, will, aside from being a constantly operated welfare of Prince Rupert. The theatre will have a seating capacity sufficient to accommodate public gatherings and the average number of delegates attendlng.any provincial convention. The need for another theatre In RASHID ALI IN FLIGHT Anti-British Premier of Iran Has Left for Iran, It Is Authoritatively Learned LONDON, May 30: i CI') The anti-British Premier of Iraq, IUshid All Al Gailani, has fled into neighboring Iran as British forces advance upon the capital city of Bagdad, it was authoritatively learned tonight. Keutcrs said that Gailani had taken with him the six-year-old King Feisal but this report could not be confirmed. Authoritative sources reported today that British forces had advanced to a point within five miles of Bagdad. No Trace Of Eddie Smith QWIP Qf TWIT 1,9 cn,1wed how Brlta'n. through kJllll O KJ ll 1 earryint out a weak policy, gradu- Provincial Police Boat Returns to ally loft face and th Jatmnese, by Port After Making Vain , their "?sres?ivene-s. gradually se-i Search Large Italian Liner bent to Bottom " cud fnfi ascendancy. , In Mediterranean, Rome An nounces Claims British Destroyer Sunk The weaker explained the way The provincial police boat P.M.L. In "hh the Shanghai area was 8 returned to port today after hav-rilvHrt un flmntt the various ing spent all day yesterday and part unjrs )ntrcst,pd in trade in-of this morning scouring the wa-Wpp rrb- .Ta"?nPK nut In'a con- ters and shores south of Lewis Is-s'den'b'o fnrre nf men in the re- land where Edward J. Smith of this plnn and nut srradual oressure to city Is believed to have been chwwn-brar on b Rrltifh. The city of ed from the fishing boat BHda on mosUf.the- o!drs aboard' were '"2'Jg"W3S2& Wednesday, o..trace was .f ound, saredri'tiie Italian' High Coin- wM"ha.fc to China. Eventu- The water there Is much tttfeep mand said today, ' a,lv vnngnai was nracucauy ae- to undertake dragging operations The? Command claimed that the British destroyer Hercward had been blown up by bombs dropped by ah Italian plane with 229 members of the crew rescued. Save for your Country or Slave for the Hunt f-ph hv th British and then fn. Mnrctfcn left and it cost him Jtfl.nno o net out. The t-p!ker closed by showing bn"' n wnk poH-y ended disas-j trously. I WINANT ARRIVES BASEBALL SCORES National League New York 9, Boston 2. St. Louis 10, Cincinnati 0. American League Cleveland 9. Detroit 0. Boston 6, Philadelphia 4. Chicago 4, St. Louis 0. New York 2, Washington 1. In eighth on account of rain.) Weather .Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Light winds part cloudy and mild. Occasional clouds over Queen Charlotte Islands Announcement Made of Plans i For New $50,000 Theatre To ! Be Erected On Second Avenue Prince Rupert is to have a new $50,000 Civic Theatre, Bertram Talbot-Hardcastle announced today. Plans have I been formulated whereby private interests will erect an ultra-modern theatre of unique design, Mr. Hardcastle I says. The site will be on Second Avenue. I According to architectural plans shown by Mr. Hard- ' castle this new theatre will be a replica of Hollywood's most recent efforts in Its catering : to the amusement world. All mod- Prince Rupert, is based wholly upon iern devices are to be Installed in 1 necessity, says Mr. Hardcastle. With the new house. The sound and a normal population of seven thous-projectlon equipment together with and people and a drawing popula-acoustical facilities will be the same tlon of nlne thousand, and an 1m-as that used in the metropolitan mediate, augmented population of cities of the United States and Can- more than a thousand, another. ada ,theatre merely offers another night I , !of entertainment for those who Mr. Talbot-Hardcastle well known " Men the ..pJcture.. ln one I newspaper man of Eastern Canada, theatre !and former Canadian manager for n H" slmmonds, Vancouver ar-.the late Thomas Ince and the As- chltecti pr0mlnent In theatre con-jsodlated Producers of Hollywood, structlon throughout western Can-California, has been Instrumental ada ls deslgnlng and planning the ln securing the new theatre for new house wnlch to be com-Prlnce It ls being financed I Rupert. . leted durlng September . or October, 1 1 L I iMaxMin TIUaiia mill will hA be r the actual date being contingent upon delivery of certain equipment and materials. modern motion-picture tneaire, Dej a war to the death! A war utilized as a civic auditorium for savagery and democracy conventional and civic gatherings "f you want democracy to win, you of all purposes pertaining to the must do your shaie, invest in Vic- tory uonas. Hitler knows one language, only the language of FORCE. And force will end his mad ambition to enslave the world. . Your dollars LOANED. 'hi 1!