IMIols lor Uannff and Skill nV DOUGLAS AMARON Canadian Press Staff Writer WITH THE R.C.A.F. SOMEWHERE IN ENG squadron. Those fellows! x'j and certainly know! a a i i-l Admlrrr of Uarirr t rutfdiVt speak highly )f Squadron Leader Dous- r inp ip7ipk tru.ixn rnm- j 111111.171 ru ii if an t wh i.r n nvpr n k i t W M I M.U K 11 I II 1 Mlil. U 1 Jsll' tr'iks any fijhter pilot n nr nn 1 1 l.riii. in wnrn tr 1 anr1 h p'tot came 3 1' in ni m arninn mini jerm; n was nu ana men More Large Donations Two further substantial do- ' nations to the Canadian War Services fund are announced today by the local committee. One of $350 is fromrthe Cana- dlan Legion. Another of $150 from the -Northern British it isuiuiuuia rower ix., Dringing the total acknowledged to date to $1200. . I MATSU0KA TO BERLIN Japanese Foreign Minister Leaves Moscow For Reich Capital MOSCOW, March 25.:- Foreign many- i w ' f rtrrt no rtmn mrvrn iitiraK liii i w 113 Lain, im a r e drawn and the un- non-aggression pact having been 1 Ti it nr first in uru dLSCUSSL'u. it was uie mst mub He rald. Stalin had met a foreign official J ai.d MtKenna were dlap- of stich high rank. Matsuoka is due htn h- were transfer- in Berlin' on Wednesday, mere 10 .".er t 'ot work, even If meet Chancellor Adolf Hitler. V PftrlVfW I rr tA 1 t-e i V rniiirn Is a thrilling experl- arross a Nazi. were nleajd with on! vcver Ehortly before the 'he all-Canadians were by the King and Queen. I ei woi.h It." Way Renort A. mv in inno tatlve Charles Stewart chairman International Ininf hltrhwav ' U Ob J LLdn il lt- ' e was about tn leave wngton and that the re- II . V. . . .... . fway for presentation to the oent before June next. Mr. L rPPOntl.. -.1 i I --vuvljr visuea viciona. ck MarW , ;. na Kan, un Yesterday " IHIlllles tiff Sllrlitlv VAn.. '"HIV. MlMb ns fVin "Hi rm.. t . i . . tmrt," UaaW ,cr ione m yesier- Trnr.l 41,- 'u-00 shares. Indus wt UD .47 tulti,' - " At.Z. X T.I- t o 62 ann "au5 were up .ia - -""ue off .03 ut 19.C2 .BLOCKING OF NAZIS SMnr-t.hiws I wouldn't have tor til 'he world." McKcnna Russia And Turkey Agree On Maybe th transfer means! rripniUhln for Mutual Defence United States Well Pleased WASHINGTON, D.C., March 23: (CP) Actinjr Secretary of State Sumner "Welles expressed the United Slates government's sat isfaction today that Russia had given a new declaration of friendship to Turkey. The statement of the Acting Secretary followed announcements last night that, in order to block further Nazi encroach- ) ments, particularly in the dir-I ection of the Dardanelles, Russia had agreed to give Turkey all support short of war In the ' event of it becoming necessary for her to defend herself against Germany. Brisbane Welcomes Yank War Vessels Uncle gam's Naval Squadron Given Great Reception In Ausira.n.. Port BRISBANE, Australia, &trch i- -This was a gala day ior which celebrated the visit oi United SUtes warships he Great Lakes WASHINGTON, D.C., March 25: (CP) United States ' announced yesterday an agreement with Can ada permitting both nations to build and arm naval vessels In Oreat Lakes shipbuilding yards. Immediately ' V upon I completion the MIAMI, Florida. March 25. -General Camancho, President or Mexico, after spending a week here, :eft today for Baltimore where lie will enter John Hopkins check-up and rw.t. Clinic for a EVACUATION OF BERLIN Wholesale Flight Of Civilian Topu lation From Reich Capital lian population Is in progress. Some are going ito Austria and Czechoslovakia, some to. occupied ' ' T- ,Frarit$nd others lo rural Ger- . 1. . . . ... . I . 1 r ihl .twff 4ha tt 4. Via lAnffaf L-hed he lob." . Premlcr-ForeWn Minister V.'irM. considered safe. The Nazi govern or.. ,-i,ir ihr. Mnin.nv. What (Ursinito'red at the mmt also realizes the risk of mor- 1 j'vb x v njt j uuiuii itiu - 1 , . , . . . ! . .n1i involved. - O ' III TUl MIUMll - " " TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourtecy S. D. Jotoston Oo.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .03 Vi. Bralorne, 10.00. Cariboo Quartz, 2.54. Dentonla, .00 V. Falrvlew. .01. Gold Belt. 25. Hedley Mascot, .54. Minto, .012. Noble Five, .00 & (ask). Pacific Nickel, .04. Pend Oreille, 1.45i Picneer, 2.10. Premier, .88, Privateer, ,49. Reeves McDonald, .10. Rerv, .10. Relief Arlington, .02. Salmon Gold, .01. Sheep Creek, .85 (ask). Oils A. P, Con.07Vz. Calmont. ;19 C. & E.. 1.20. Home, 1.85. Pacalta, .0215. Royal Canadian, .09. Okalta, Mercury, MV (ask). Prairie Royalties, .05. Toronto Aldermac. .11. Beattie, 1.06. Central Pot., 1.70. Cons. Smelters, 34.V&. East Malartic, 2.60. Fernland. .03Vs. Francoeur, .38. Gods Lake, .27. Hardrock, .77. Int. Nickel, 33.. Kerr Addison, 3.65. Little Long Lac, 1.80. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.85. Madsen Red Lake, 57. ' McKenzle Red Lake, 1.07. Moneta, .51. 1 Noranda, B3.. Phkle Crow, 2.65. Preston East Dome, 3.15. San Antonio, 2.31. Fherritt Gordon, .70. Uchl, .19. BouscadUlac,t .01. courser of a soum .7-1 ...w m, The city was gaily decora eu that all the ch. Dominion Bridge, ; part m ttiti teceptioiit - 1 IS.Vi'. LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. r.ui"w" an tlipr ' Forecast Tomorrow's Tides Tfir.rt nnti Queen; Char- ,.ih LIzht to 'moderate"- IJlHi-' High 0:38 am 20.1 tt. nr soutn winas. pan 12:45 p.m. 203 tt UUSf Low 'J 6:50 a.m. 52 ft. 19:05 pm. 4.4 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMblA'8 NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1941. PRICE: 5 CENTS. DfONG AIR FIGHTERS IN BATTLE OF GT. BRITAIN cs Construct WILL BUILD NAVY SHIPS And United States To And Arm Vessels On . flTl IT A 1 a . a . - March zo: i veieran miots ot the Knvn Air r vt mi,i k m All-Canadian squadron hold the respect and admir- oreat Lakes. of all fliers posted to their station. Air battles over erque last spring and over Britain and France last D J L Af this great squaaron but er possible men from the nn have been posted as re fills in an attempt to re- Canadian identity. Oliver Percy Price of 2nd Flying Officer Don - , 4"t t a ti'O nfn rani who flew with the all- an3 for several montns oe- n vi r r uiip rvi in v ii irj squadron, called it "a Mexico Is In U.S. Hospital More Money For t War Is Sought ; r OTTAWA, March 25: (CP) Hon. J. L. Ilsley, minister' of finance, gave notice today of a resolution leading to the Introduction of a measure to be called the Siqjplementary 1940 War Appropriations Act to provide for $135,000,000 to defray war costs of 1940-41 r.u Vo Wl AAA vnfoH In A the regular war aDDrooria- tions. This means the cost of the war to Canada for the fiscal year ending March 31 will be $885,000,000. War News i - ADVANCE IN AFRICA CAIRO A strong British mechanized column and the Royal Air Force are threatening to cut the Addis .Ababa-Djibutl railway line. An important mountain pass has been captured. MAKING ITALY FIGHT BELGRADE Eighteen to twen- I ) ty Nazi divisions have entered BERLIN. March 25: Following Italy, according to reports receiv-the fire blitz of the British Royal) ed here, in order to prevent any Air Force on Sunday night as a separate peace movement and to result of which the 'Reich capital t keep order in the country. ... . ...til i rl i ' wm aim ui names vesieruay, a wholesale evacuation ot the civl J VLAMOR FOR BOMBING LONDON An immense clamor is developing for the bombing of Berlin.on: greater .cale. Js'umer-; ous letters are appearing in' the press demanding it. MORE MEN NEEDED VICTORIA Some 1200 men are needed for enlistment in various military units of the Pacific-command, Lieut. Col. II. E. Goodman, chief recruiting officer, states. I Five hundred are wanted by the end of March. LOSE 10,000 AIRMEN LONDON It is. estimated that, since the intensive air attack on Great Britain commenced last fall, Germany has lost 16,000 trained airmen. SEA LOSS IS LOWER ( LONDON, March 25:: (CP) The' Aomiraiiy sumuimccmuuk Jweeiuy today showed a drop In Great Britain's sea- losses ior the second 'successive week with twenty-three 'Allied and British merchantmen totalling 71,733 tons sunk during! the week ending March 16. Seven-. teen British ships and six Allied lost. Th losses lor the week were niic tuov. 1 iv hawvu t.w. hipping. MOVEMENT OF WAR VESSELS Secretary of Navy Knox Opposed to Publicizing Repairs to , British Warships WASHINGTON, D.C., March 25. Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox believes that arrival of British war- "T 1 shins in United fif.ites norts should not be publicized. Such lnforma Inn wav Ka ' wrraf VfllllA 4 fVo I " vv-" v" J enemy, Knox believes. i IS READY YimnSLui. Fnrmalk TO FIGHT n. London Hears That Germany Has 800,000 Troops Poised In Balkans LONDON. March 25: (CP)-Oer-many has approximately 800,000 Bulletins JUGOSLAV ASSETS FROZEN WASHINGTON, D.O President Franklin D. Roosevelt today froze Yugoslav funds in the United States totalling $1,000,000. MESSAGE TO GREECE LONDON Prime Minister Winston Churchill sent a message to Greece today on the occasion of that country's 125th indepen-' dence anniversary. He reiterated GOVERNOR GENERAL COMING OTTAWA The Governor General and Princess Alice left last night for the West. They are due tomorrow morning In Winnipeg and will visit Alberta and British Columbia. RIFLE RANGE GRANTS VICTORIA Hon. G. M. Weir, provincial secretary, yesterday announced special - fifty - per cent . preceding that had been 90,800 1 grants in connection with the es tons and' for the week before thait 141,300-tons. During the same period, It wa; announced, British raiders san!: almost three tons of Axis shipping for every four tons of Allied losses. It is also announced that, since the war began, Germany has lost 1,499,000 tons of shipping and Italy 790,000, either by sinking or scuttling, much of this being coast tablishment of rifle ranges costing up to $300 In British Columbia schools. CERTIFICATES AND STAJirS WASHINGTON The United States will launch a campaign for the sale of $1,009,000,000 of war savings certificates and stamps. There will be no high pressure salesmanship measures. TO SEVER RELATIONS LONDON Severance by Great Britain of diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia is expected momentarily. This would enable Britain to seize 400.000 tons of Yugoslav shipping In the Mediterranean Sea which has been using the free port of Salonika. BETHLEHEM STEEL STRIKE BETHLEHEM, Tav The huge Bethlehem steel plant here, working on large defence orders, Is tied up by strike talWd by the Congress on Industrial Organization. Communist agitators are suspected. Twenty thousand men are affected. fc , , . M. oigns up w itn axis; Given Better Terms troops fully equipped for lmmedl- ate battle in the Balkans to enforce the German drive to the Frontiers and Territory Guaranteed, Exempted From southwest and to guard the Rus- Giving Mjijtary Aid and Promised Aegean Outlet b J sian frontier, a reliable source de- clared today It would not be surmisin to VIENNA, March 25: (CP) Yugoslavia 4 joined the T some military observers here that, Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis today but on terms more favor- iiuw iuswwym u icu wu4i aDie nan tnose given otner naman nations, ine ahsui:i-the Axis, osrmany would give the atetl pregs neard from Well-informed sources that Ger- order to attack Greece, probably ,t4,,l,M v.o-o vC1o,.,-o'e i'tv through Bulgaria. There .are already reported to have been somi clashej on the Bulgarian frontier. AIR WAR IS QUIET Little Plane Activity Great Britain And Germany Yesterday I SMALL BUT CONTINUOUS LONDON, March 25: (CP) Air . attack activity on England's southeast coast was described today ( as continuous but on a small scale. Cloudiness over the Straits of Dover favored hit-and-run tactics: LONDON. March 25.: Yesterday was a day qC .quiet in the air war between Great Britain and Germany. England had few attacks during the day and the whole country had a .quiet night. Early In the day there' was- a British raid on, Cherbourg while the -Nazis,, i eame'wer- the-souttieastToast: will violate neither her frontiers nor her territory, will JUGOSLAVIA HAS SIGNED WITH AXIS Balkans People Of Balkan Nation Seethe With Indignation INDIGNATION MOUNTS BELGRADE, March 25. The Prime Minister and foreign minister of Yugoslavia left Belgrade at 10:10 Belgrade time last night for Vienna where they signed up today with the Rome-Berlin Axis. At Vienna they were awaited by Foreirn Minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop who signed on behalf Campbell, British minister to &Yfij?9Slaviar with. a.JlnaLjjrotrst on behalf of Great Britain. The YutoSlav ministers were fare-wellfd at the station on departure by diplomatic representatives of the Axis powers. As a measure of precaution the public was excluded. Serbia and Montenegro are burning with indignation at the decision of the government to sign up with the Axis and civil war and eren disintegration of the nation appear British resolve to support Greece tpmmunlque announced that in an unequal struggle against the cabinet slit had been settled greater odds which, however, he wa? confident, would be crowned with victory. Two new ministers had assumed office and a third minister who was reported to have resigned apparently had reconsidered and was remaining with the government. Meanwhile, it was reliably reported In Cairo that the British minister In Belgrade had appealed iho the Yugoslav government not to betray Yugoslavia In the face of rising public opinion. exempt her from giving military aid t6 the Axis or permltUng active troops from going through and has promised her an outlet to the Aegean Sea after the war. In return, Yugoslavia Is reported to have undertaken to permit trans-jport of war, hospital equipment and : wounded over her territory, dovetail her economic system Into that Between Germany Proceeding With Plans In f the Axis 'and end antl-Axls man- ilestations. The Premier and Foreign Minister of Yugoslavia signed on behalf of their country. Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop was the signatory for Germany, Foreign Minister Ciano for Italy and Hir-oshl Oshlma, Japanese minister, for Japan. Separate protocols were also signed. It was provided that existing treaties of the various nations with Russia will not be affected. Yugoslavia makes the fifth Jun- of Germany. Two hours before I"" M the ministers left for Vienna they Hungary, Rumania, Slovakia were presented by Sir Ronald The signing took place at the famous Belvedere Palace. , , NEED OF SEA AID London Dally Sketch Makes Appeal 1 - For Assistance In Deliveries ; To England ' LONDON. March 25: The Dally Pkptch was the first British news- BFLGRADE, Mrch 25: (CP)- American paper to urge Although torn by Internal discord. convoys for shipments Jrom Unl-Yugo-Slavla capitulated to the states to Great Brltam. Axis yesterday and a scecial train We need every America shiPi got up steam to carry delegates to ji capsatn, every Vienna to sign the three-power American engineer that can be military alliance. snared bv ,the United States." said e Sketch. "We cannot afford to walt for public opinion to be moulded," said th? Sketch "While Germany mops up our resources." (British press dispatches said Commander. lema"L.,Yl.M!m,1La?I In-Chief And Governor Ot .from Yugoslavia as it was hurry-' ing heavy armed forces Into Bul- garla down the Struma River fron tier toward the Greek frontier. Takes Stripping But Not Sundays GRAZIANI ! RECALLED Libya ROME, March 25: (CP) Marshal Rodolfo Grazlanl today resigned 'command of Italy's North African troops and the positions of army chief of staff and governor of Libya. General Itolo Gariboldl was promoted to the post of governor with command of troops in Libya 'and General Maria Roatta was made chief of staff. Chicago Girl Studies Under Gypsy was ann0Unced as a reslgna- Rose Lee, Sings In Church Choir ilm by cmion! but It Is believed to have been actually a recall ow- CHICAGO, March 25: (CP) Six lng the Iauure of the Fascist nights a week Nancy Lee Dodg. campalgn in Africa. Reports con-18 year old socialite, appears at a tlnUe to be received of further theatre-cafe for lessons In strip-(0cnnan forces being sent to North teasing from Gypsy Rose Lee whom 1 rfca. she serves as understudy. On Sun- . day it's different. Her only pro- fesslonal engagement that day Is Weather FoTec5t r at a fashionable church whcre she . sings in the choir. Nancy wants General Synopsis The weather a musical career but says the has been cloudy with moderate to stage would do. heavy rain on, the coast except in DAUGHTER OF CANADIAN I the southern portion where It has 1 been fair and mild. I West Coast of Vancouver Island LONDON, March 25: (CP) Ell- Light to moderate variable winds, zabeth Stevenson, aged 90, daugh- part cloudy and continuing mild, ter of the late Michael Stevenson, Prince Rupert Light to moder-Quebec, died at her home in Ken- ate south winds, variable cloiidi-slngton. nss and contlnuli: jnJId.JIft'; fc