Weather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh to strong southeast to southwest winds, cloudy and mild with Intermittent rains, becoming showerv Nearer 1 Soviet Capital Moscow Rosiov Battle Germans Claimed Driven Back 62 Miirs in Ukraine. Of cow and Is hammering at the sec ond LANDED IN NORMANDY Ililthh Patrol Goes Ashore On French Coast and Returns Home Safely. LONDON, Nov. 25: The Ministry of Information announced today that a small Hritlsh patrol was landed on the Normandy coast Sunday night and returned complete with the only casualty a man who had been struck in the arm by a machine gun bullet. The statement derided the Herman claim that on the night of November 21 the. "British, attempted U land on the Fiench Channel coast with several boats, the German coastal protection repulsing them with heavy losses.'' The ministry said lhat the Hermans were betraylnif anxiety about British Intentions. Soviet tomorrow sT ides Em Sails High 7:55 ajn. 18.3 ft. 20:02 pjn. 165 ft. Low 0:57 a.m. 6.3 ft. 13:50 p.m. 9.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VOL. - XXA.. nu, Z7D. v V, .ft PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1941. PRICE: FIVE CENTS Lull Y 1 Desert Fighting Is orted WHAT'S BEHIND RUSSIA'S GRIM DEFENCE STAND IN RESISTANCE TO NAZIS? Leader Foresaw German Assault and Girded For It With Forced Training and Diligent Creation. Written for The Canadian Press By CARLETON J. KFTCHUM LONDON, Nov. 25: Russia's remarkable performance in her war with Germany has astounded the world. Two or three outstanding factors should he stressed in accounting for the formidability of her defence. The first is the fact that soon after the revolution and with the advent of the first formal Congress of the Soviets " the Parliament of 50 MILES AWAY NOW Socialist the Union of Republics now No known as the Supreme Soviet-Russia adopted a system of compulsory military training for the entire population of the Union While France was building her Maglnot Line designed, unsuccessfully, to render that country Immune from a new Invasion Rus- within five years, Under the provisions of the first j and later of the second Five Year Industrialization Plan Russia created a formidable chain of factories: factories which produced airplanes, tanks, all calibres of heavy and light artillery, machine-guns and even ships of war. These two Five-Year plans, executed by virtue of a high tempo of production to which millions of men and women contributed, gave Russia almost complete Industrial independence by the summer of 1933. Thus the U.S.S.R. became in ma. o-, thnrouehlV competen. w uc- fend her territory of 8,000,000 miies aeainst any would- The complete unity of Russia's total population of ibu.uuu.uu. siv izetv ls another factor to be stressed In explaining her. achievements In this war. Until the revolution Russia knew a population divided by 150 nationalities; 150 THAILAND MOBILIZES All Armed Forces Are Called Out to Resist Possible' Japanese Attack Soon. BANGKOK, Nov. 25: Thailand has ordered complete mobilization of all her armed forces which would indicate that the authorities expect it will be necessary soon to resist a Japanese attack. BIG F0PCE IN BRITAIN Less Than 100,000 Canadian Soldiers Are Now In Old Land LONDON, Nov. 25: With the Under this system every youth afr,lval of the nfth armored) di- reaching the age of 18 if gradu ated from high school and 19 it Natl Drive Appears To Be Drawing not wa. reauired to oresen- him- self for a period of mllitaiy training and report regularly in th years thereafter once or twice a year in case he might be ree.ulr-vd lor the regular standing army. This system created a vast reserve army, ranging In strength Irom to Have Been 20.OO0.J00 to 40,000,000 men. Russia in the First Great War held Germany at bay for 3Vi years with only 12.000.000 men. She entered that conflict entliely un- IONDOV, Nov. 25: German prepared and with an extremely A . ... .... m - .i I 1 1 mi lorces, umuiuins mr uera small army, yet despite tne ract duve towards this Soviet capital that Germany.. hadfcthen apow-c!y. has reached a point -within erfurrYavy" "at her disposal and 'hlrty-nne miles of it last night. Russia's capital of that dr.y St. according to German claims. Mos- Petersburg, later Pefrograd and row, rdmltUng further advances then Leningrad stood at the by the Nazis, placed the distance mouth of the Neva River on the away at 51 miles. sea within easy striking distance Nazi armies in the north were from Germany, Russia's 'steam-admitted today to have cut Into roiier" resisted every assault the flank of the Moscow defense iaunched upon it until it -was arc and : cached a point fifty miles given the 'cease fire" order by its from the capital at the rail town hlgh command led by the czar, of Klin. Russians in underground case- Then and Now ments were killed when the case- Russia's capital today is Mos-ments were dynamited by the en- cow, many miles Inland and so emy. Using an army of 500.000 ringed round by fortifications that men, Germany has broken thrpugh it has shown itself to be a capital "he first line of defences of Mos- city almost Impregnable vision in England, there are now more than 100,000 members of the Canadian armed forces In Great Briiain. Major General E. W. Sansom Is Relieved Australians Say They In command of the fifth division Could Have Held Out for included In which are fifty-six Another Year, nursing sisters from Nova Scotia. The new arrivals will soon be LONDON, Nov. 25: The Aus-gettirag five days' landing leave to tralian brigadier, who was in com- glared, if his men had been allowed to act a year ago, they "might have electrified the world and altered the whole course of the war. . sia was building Stalin Lines, one dlffercnt reHglons and more tnan arwr tne omer. uw 150 ianguages and. dialects. tend school for at least seven J-40. years. -UUV-HV" Education is given &41-.4 only ..4Jf in 444 i . .. . J. TUiVXU, matids an enormous Industrial production machine which, augmented by the supplies now being rushed to him by Great Britain and the United States, will be able to serve the needs of his battling armies for an indefinite period In the future. Snow, faithful ally of the Russian people throughout the ages, has now come to the aid of that gallant union of 180,000,000 peo ple. Does history repeat itself? Will Hitler be compelled as Na poleon was compelled to acknowledge Moscow as his nem-sls? The next few weeks should furnish the answer to those two questions. All in One Direction, It Is Revealed. Nov. 25: The Japanese make tne union inau-uu-u, . laneuaae which means that'n- -rnt,, u, , 111 sail before been able to hold back Hltler'sunlted States ls anticipated for a hordes of steel-helmeted maraud-month at least. ers. Stalin has at his disposal al- nnnctyaaMar Privateer Reno Calmont Home Royal Oils Canadian ...... Thirteen Nations Sign New Anti-Comintern Pact; Will Wage War Upon Bolshevism BERLIN, Nov. 25: (CP) The German-sponsored anti-comintern pact was broadened today to include thirteen signatories and was renewed for a five-year period. Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Croatia, Rumania and Slovakia were signed up by reprejeenta.ives in a demonstration at the Reichschancellor' and Foreign Minister Joachim von Rib-bentrpp read a telegram from the president of the Japanese-puppet Nanking regime of China that his g-j.etfnmtni aiso joined. The new members joined Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Hungary and Man-choukuo in an agreement described by the Berlin ii ess as aimed against "all destructive powers , hicii duecjy or indirectly support Bolshevism." EVACUATION POWERS ARE OF TOBRUK IN SESSION wnicn tney are looking forward, mand of the forces which not only United States, Australia, Admiral Critical LONDON, Nov. 2o: (CP) Admiral of the Fleet Sir Roger Keyes, who recently w a s relieved of command of shock and invasion troops he had trained, ' today criticized "a ne- ative power which con trols the w a r machine in Whitehall." Making his attack in the Huse of Commons, Sir Hog- er, wno nad Deen call grand defence which was aided by the Royal Navy, the Royal Aus- tralian Navy and the Royal Aus- A.B.C.D. Nations Meet Again .Washington to Discuss Japanese Situation. WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. Representatives of Great resisted . ... trie - siege o but - kept t - up - t a ana una the 441V Netherlands iivvuuiauvu East iMiu LIKES 'EM FRIED IK. "lln L roicc- Bralorne 10.35 The transfer of ef- troops was Carlboo Quartz 205 fected by ships without a single Hedley Rlascot 43 casualty. Pend 0reWe x C2 I British Forces . pioneer Premier I Move to Canada sheeP"c7r:zpziz: in 2.20 .63 .43 .12 .88 .16 Russia, apprehended the present e(j f rom retirement to Movemenf of Troops Has 4ot Been c. & E 110 B war oi revenge Dy uermany as iar .. ai. fvnnnu ,in Tlif Nazis are also striking hard hack as 1922 and in her earliest M . at Leningrad and Rostov. constitutions not only made pro- On the Ukraine front, Soviet vision for compulsory military dl;nalch?s announced today, a training for all her young man- oowr ful Russian counter -of fen- hood but created a powerful stand- slve west of Rostov-on-Don had jng army and air force which she hurled the Germans back sixty- equipped with all the most mod- two miles and Indicated a furious ern Implements of war. attempt to recapture Rostov. 2.40 - - a .41,4 Toronto LONDON, Nov. 25: Whib Ca- Beattie 1.03 nadlan forces have been arriving central Patricia 1.42 in large numbers in Great Brit- consolidated Smelters '38.50 ain, there has been quite' a large Hardrock 68 movement of British soldiers in jerr Addison 4.C0 the reverse direction to I Jap Liner Is i f Lominff Uver pickie crow .... 2 when sne nao ra There ls today unlversal com. t g for 'S, '51t,S Puls educatln which means! ,Anolher Voyage to San uw buiucu W4 -V" J ;n ithat every child by law must at- Francisco. dustriallzation Plan calculated to Canada. Littie Long li53 McLeod Cockshutt 1.96 Madsen Red Lake 54 McKenzle Red Lake 1.06 Moneta Moneta 30 65 Preston East Dome 3.05 San Antonio 2.21 Sherrltt Gordon 91 President Roosevelt Is fond of pendent of an ouwiae uu aU dlvlslons of language have dis-the end of the month on another fried Potatoes. appeared. voyage to San Francisco. This ls Those are the principal factors taken to Indicate that no break which explain why Russia has in relations between Jap?.n and LOST TO NAZIS, 1940 Belgium gained her Independence from the Netherlands In 1831 most an unlimited reservoir ofm & well-trained manpower. He com War News j AXIS ADMITS REVERSE ROME Axis sources themselves disclose that the extreme left British wing has swept westward a total of more than two hundred miles since the beginning of the Libyan invasion while the rieht wing had effected the capture of Gambut. This deep penetration of a southernmost column was disclosed in an Italian communique revealing the fall of an Italian garrison north of Glalo oasis. The British In this area, it appeared, were beating toward the Gulf cf Slrte, well below the major Axis port of Bengasi. RAIDS ON ENGLAND LONDUNTwo Gciman bombers were brought down Sunday during ralaVon scattered parts of England, NIPPON IS Said In Shanghai That She Would Go So Far As to Break With ' Axis to Stay Friendly With U.S. SHANGHAI, Nov. 25: iJome observers in Shanghai, this ereat origin place of international rumors, believe that Japan would go' so far as to break off her relations ' with the Rome-Berlin AxU in or der to preserve peace with the United States. Axis Partners Representatives of France, Germany and Italy to Confer Near Berlin. Klinpnr nrrivpH vMtorriav ' J' Britain, China I nrol . . I .4.. -j.. -.4.1. . nmnomoe sveauy an.& irum luurus uuruis were in session again last mgnt to Liutui xui&iucilliCO 10' rlnt. ti 1 rv n kalnw n-m m r. f r A -J 1 . . . 1 1 1 141- T . uujo "ut ic4ii6 ;iaiuau.u uisguss leiauuns wini japan, rto at the week-end, says that his further actual progress has yet forces could hive held out for an- be,en made in the negotiations be-1 other year, indeed, some of them tween United States and Japan Prince Rupert' Truck & Equipment Co. Take Out Papers. Two .Prince Rupert company in- Grandvlew .'. 16Vi corporations are announced In the ,iaiest issue or tne British Columbia Gazette. One is Gordon Sc Anderson Limited with capitalization of $50,000, and the other Prince Rupert Si Equipment Co. 'Ltd., with capitalization of $10,000. Bulletins YANKS IN GUIANA WASHINGTON, D.C. The White House announced Monday that a contingent of American troops would move into Dutch Guiana to protect valuable bauxite mines which supply the United States with large quan-I ities of raw aluminum. The I movement of troops into Guiana is in co-operation with the Netherlands and Brazil governments. The American troops, it is stated, will be withdrawn 4as t soon as the danger to the mines is removed." CUBA WILL GO IN ' HAVANA President Fulgcncio Batista of Cuba predicted Sunday that the United States would be in the war by next I spring and added: "When the I United States declares war, Cuba will be the first nation to enter ! war on her side." CIANO IN BERLIN BERLIN Count Clano, Italian foreign minister, has arrived in Berlin to confer with Nazi OPTIMISM NOT WARRANTED TOKYO A new communication was sent Monday by Tokjo to the Japanese emissaries In Washington but their contents were not disclosed. Domel (Japanese) News Agency said "optimism is not warranted." GERMANS RECAPTURED SUDBURY Three German prisoners, who escaped from an internment camp near hero were recaptured. They were huddled In a railway shed. v Battle, of Libya FOR PEACE ALL ENEMY ' FORCES IN TANK BOUT Fighting: Fierce And Casualties On Both Sides Heavy British Columns Continue Advancing CAIRO, Nov. 25: Enemy forces have thrown all their reserves into action in the big tank battle south of Tobruk. Fighting is fierce and casualties on both sides are heavy. Within an area of about forty square miles the British and Axis I ft lVl AAf ftfin tanks are locked in battle 1 U lfiCCl UUU11 Meanwhile Meanwhile British British enlim columns con tinue their advance westward, seme far into Clrenalca and one within four miles of Joining up with the forces operating out of I Tobruk. The Royal Air Force keeps PARIS, Nov. 25: Representa- in continual action In co-operation tlves of Vichy France, Germany, with the ground forces. Italy and Spain will meet near According to latest com-nunl-here within twenty-four hour3 to Que the great tank battle, which discuss plans for further Axis col- has been raging for three days on .laboratlon. Spanish Foreign Min- an undefined desert battlefield lister Sunear arrived here jester- nearRezegh. began to die down i day and Italian Foreign Minister today as forces of both sides weie reduced by heavy casualties. Infantry fighting in this region, ten miles to the southeast of Tobruk, was Intensified, however, as the British poured reinforcements in- l T , j to the fray. There was no evl- Are lllCOrpOrateU dence of fresh troops being sent into battle by the Germans who are being gradually cut olf from were not happy about the re- with a view to possible : agreement go . Goreon..-S Anderson . Ltd. -and supplies, by -the. swlftBritish drlv r British. Poles and Indians have now been stationed at Tobruk to replace the Australians after their on Issues' lh the Pacific, TODAY'S STOCKS iiAuiKy B, D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver westward along the Mediterranean coast. Vegetables Are Not Included that the general price ceiling going into effect in Canada next Monday will not apply "for the present at least" to fresh fruits, vegetables and green .products. i ' OTTAWA, Nov. 25: The Wartime Prices and Trade Board announced yesterday HER DEATH REGRETTED Mrs. S. C, Thomson Passes Away Today After Brief But Critical Illness After a brief but critical illness, : death came early this morning at !the Prince Rupert General Hospital to Mrs. Adele Bremner Thom-json, wife of Sidney C. Thomson, prominent local business man. She had been a patient In the hospital for only five days. Her passing iwlll be deeply regretted by her ;wide circle of friends for she was well known and highly esteemed. Mrs. Thomson was born in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Isl and, the daughter of a former lector of customs there. A school teacher, she came here from Coldstream In the Vernon district and, 1 ber of the teaching staff of Seal Cove S:hool. She was married to Mr. Thomson In 1929. She was a member of the Women's Canadian Club and very popular in social circles. In addition to the widower, de ceased is survived by a daughter, Frances Thomson, an a brother, Gerald Bremner, in New York. Funeral arrangements are in the hands of the B. C. Undertakers. BRIGHT TWO IN ONE Stainless steel is a combination of nick"! and chrome. fit Ik m .