w IRAQ A K C 1 1 A KO 1.0 G 1ST Iraq, some years ago, is dead. THIS SUMMER Be Comfortable IN SMART SPORTSWEAR Sport Jackets HiMe-tuttnn models in fancy shades of green, grey, bUie, brown. All sizes $13-00 TO $15.50 Trousers Choose frrom our large assortment of fancy gabardines, .tweeds, worsteds and wool cords. New shades- Latest styles $4.50 TO $8.75 atts & Nickerson Successors In Bryant Co. Mil. Open Until 10 pjn. Saturdays I A 7 rCVT-T-T) Tiinn 111. iPnl Great Wave Of Dr. Reginald Campbell Thompson, (,llcf'l v11111 C4. Intelligence officer in Mesopot- Fir; subject lanity amia in the First Great War. and I W 1 J M l In charge of British Museum ex- if UllU ilCCU cavations at Ninevah, near Mosul. A lot of praise Is due British Pint3 of message, mission, method Columbia for the quality of gntj Pacific Milk. The climate is' easy on the cows, the water STOCKHOLM'S SUBWAY perfect for them, the pasture STOCKHOLM, June 16: (CP) -rich. Here Is a herd's para- "Despite the war" says an an-dise so, of course, the milk Is nouruement (Sweden Is neutral) better. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed "biocKnoim will build a subway (permitting suburban trains to reach the heart of the city." Dollars will win the war. Dollars will end it sooner. Invest in Vlc- r.B llBZaiLB!K2:a s:IB.KB tory Bonds. Moth Fume CRYSTALS 1 lb. Tin 50c Moth Proof BAGS Price 50c - - - Ormes Ltd. Stfr Pioneer Dru.&1ais The Kexall Store PhonM 81 ft g, Open Bally from S a.m. till 10 jn. Sundays and Holiday from 12 to 2 p.m. and 1 to .m. Frcsli Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 CHIROPRACTOR, Stanley W. Colton, D.C.Ph.C. Wallace Block, Phone CIO AFFAIR IS SUCCESSFUL chapter received the guests Mrs. H; A. Breen and Mrs. J. A. 7za djuly nam Mrs. C. E. Cullln and Mrs. C. J. recent bereavement Korrlngton and servlteurs were Mrs. M. M. Lamb, Mrs. C. A. Oland, Mrs. W. J. Lineham, Miss Kay Rob-' inson and Mrs. Peterson. Mrs. Jam es Laurie was cashier. I Mrs. S. D. Macdonald and Mrs.' W. W. Wrathall had charge of the , home-cooking and Mrs. J. Boddle( and Mrs. Gammon looked after the raffles. J During the afternoon the many 1 guests had the privilege of hearing j - ?a . wets sbsawss' hv ...w....a ..wmui nar aiia oin.' 'Rrockipchv reneatert her so'n later "Build B.C. Payrolls" A Herd's Paradise J i V . LOCAL NEWS NOTES I We pay cash for mechanics tools, Arthur Murray sailed Saturday Queen .Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E, Tea mluslt instrument furnlture,etc, evening on the Prince George for a for Soldiers Craves Fund ' MOOSe BulkUng' ftr,P to Vancouver- .Avenue. (tf). On Saturday afternoon In the Capt S. A, Wallace, medical of Canadian Legion Hall Queen Mary fleer of the Rocky Mountain Rang-Chapter, Imperial Order. Daught- ers, and Mrs. Wallace sailed Satur-ers of the Empire, held a most sue-, day evening on the Prince George seccf ul tea and sale of ho:ne cook- j for a visit In Vancouver and learning In aid of the fund for care and loops, upkeep of soldiers' graves in the, CARD OF THANKS J. M. Walker and family wish to express their sincere appreciation Teng poured for the first half of 0f the many expressions of ?ym- 5 bbbm bbbt m mi 'MA 1 II I II M I 111 II l( I Funeral Notice ;no. 177. iuiiucivcu uaues Cushion, donated by Mrs. Jas. Clarke, won by H. Rlvett, No. 103. Theatre Tickets, donated by Cap-1 Spartan-Cured itol Theatre, won by Faith Klng,. . No. 51. Physical Jerks And No Fooling For Chicken, donated by Bulkley Yoifngsters In England Market, won by Audrey Pearson, No. 376. LONDON, June 16: (CP) As Leg of Lamb, donated by A Friend f. e .American plan to give T V all aid Olr? tr, to Great "loon Tl.Ul I 1. tha "Peterson, No. 116. I Picnic Ham, donated by Rupert .Butchers, won by Miss Lillian Thompson, No. 38. Framed Picture, donated by Sll-versldes, won by Mrs. W. Brass, No. 28. POLISH ARMY PLANS LONDON, June 16: (CP) General Sikorskl, Polish premier, Just back from Canada and the United States predicts formation of a second army corps of volunteers ar riving ln Canada from many Pol ish communities ln North and South America.' , TAKE BOMB CENSUS LONDON, June 16: (CP) A mobile squad of 29 engineers, chemistry and other technical experts has been formed to document the effect of bombs, photograph and study the effects of the mm HWiV.Hnni Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CAR DEN A EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Service Leave Prince Rupert June 7, 17 and 2810 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Trlnce Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Thone 5C8 Britain, wun oy o. uzapaKU, no. ooi. , . . - - Three-pound Box of Chocolates, !v u u . lmg Drou8nt courses of medical gymnastics at a Lewlsham clinic. The woman, who learned the system from a Germman doctor, Is Three more babies, all five months old, were rolled about, swung by the legs, held sprawling In mid-air. The only wall came from the only boy of the lot. He had a "bit of a cold." One baby, who started her exercises at six weeks, weighed less than at birth. But after a week's gymnastics1 she had put on 15 ounces and, slept soundly. A three-year, old lad swung from a special rubber-padded trapeze by one foot ln an exercise designed to strengthen his legs and correct the knock-knees he had when he entered the clinic, . AUSSIEi WOOL FOR U. S. MELBOURNE, June 16: (CP) Minister of Commerce Page says the United States will require "an enourmous amount of wool clothing for Its defence forces' and expects "the effects should be felt In Australia." FOR LOYAL SERVICE LONDON; June 16: (CP) The new bad.ge approved by the King for Invalided men and women of the fighting forces consists of a royal and imperial sypher, sur mounted by a crown, and hisfalbed "b'rjoyal service. Mr. local cemetery. ! John McLeod, after a weeks visit Vancouver. The hall was appropriately and here with Mrs. M. McLeod, 410 Sixth ; beautifully decorated with flags Avenue West, and family, sailed and summer flowers. and Mrs. (3. W. Mckerson sailed Saturday evening on the Prince George for a trip to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shortrldge sailed Saturday afternoon on the Princess Charlotte for a trip to Dr. Neal M. Carter sailed Satur- jSaturday afternoon by the Princess day evening on thaPrlnre George The affair was convened by Mrs. Charlotte on his return to Vancou S. V. Cox, chairman of the graves ver- committee, and was under general direction of Mrs. D. C. Stuart. Mrs. D. C, Stuart, regent of the for a trip to Vancouver on official duties as director of the Prince Rupert JTsherles Experimental John Williams, government' liquor vendor of Atlln and well known pioneer of that camp, was a passen the afternoon and were relieved by pathy extended to them in their B aboard the Princess Charlotte IHimir saiuraay auernoon going tnrougn on a business trip to Vancouver. P. H. Llnzey, who has been on a trip to Atlin and the Telegraph district on business In connection with his duties as census commissioner, returned to the city from the north on the Princess Char-Jlotte Saturday afternoon. " "" - Al Pearce, well known to the rad- Mr .mrt Mrs tot. ..ii. j. lo fan as an entertainer on the Mrs. H. N Brock esby ng In W,, afternoon on the National Broadcasting Co.'s net- !!eid! ' ta., SS? charlott r a trip to VancoSS and Mr Pearce h"e Preaching yesterday morning at'X, t T T.l u land Seattle. aboard the Princess Charlotte Sat- rst Presbyterian Chureh oS the ! D ? w0V'h "l '"J aftemoon "tng south Met of f "TKa n . v. Wtn her rendering OI Land OI TrlVl . 11I. . Inftpr hnvlni? marip thp ronnH rrln i uiui n cioc tum uiiie aaucn- "i ic tuy un une. V nn-" " Rev. Dr. Alexander Esler declared fj. ?ly MJ? .1 cess Charlotte Saturday afternoon' ln Hollywood. .UJU w j,u tuuipicif Ktnen pn Uf,tr. ,lnn-pr . """""IOC w yj.y a visit Wim victory, no real reform which did IrS' e'ses Parents, Mr. and Mrs.' ms E J Smith-amimailed accompanied on on not take God completely Into ac- the S' piano. L n' Bert Morgan Avcnue icoum. wever had the doctrine of the apostles been more needed than it was today. The pastor referred ; to the rapid spread of Christianity 1 in the early centuries after the life Winners of the Grand Drawing; prizes were: Half tons of coal, donated byi Phllpott, Evitt, won by Barbara' Teng, No. 73. to Alaska. They make their home Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson, who were married recently In Chll- llwack, the bride having been the J former Miss Dolores Mabeth Sel-bee, have arrived ln the city to take up residence ln the Alder Block. Mr. Ferguson was formerly a member .of Christ. There was necessity to-F' T . t A . , , I e. runf,ral, of ,Jean Copeland 0f Booth Memorial High School day of another such wave. He dis-L T6 C'P I f,led siwiU take place at 2 o'clock, teaching staff and is now Identl- cussed his topic from the stand- lustre, wuu oy Mi9. u. iiy, irom me u.u under- ,fied with the war services of I Table Lamp, donated by Parkin i : Electric Co., won by James Boyd, CL 1 I the Young Men's Christian Association. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy T. Charrett, Edmonton; J, Skeena; V. G. Woolley, Vancouver. Royal Fred Tondl, city; C. Wilson, Winnipeg; C. H. Ross, Inverness; Ser- bomb-geant Smith. Aliford Bay. Central donated by A Friend, won by Ber- oacK to ?ealtn' strength and steady W. F. Enmington, R. F. Biv&d, J. x xjiXiuii wuinan wno iuuwan, v-.ii.n,., XL. n. wniie, i. gives them scientifically planned. W. Westle, G. Moore, city; Mrs. Shane, Vancouver; F. A. Janke, Hlnes Creek; C. Wilson, Winnipeg. Prince Rupert Gunner W. Parker. Sereeant Estrid Dane and she is financed by Winsor, E. Head, J. H. Jefferles M the British War Relief Society of (Marshall and W. F. Lye, city; U. S. America. Her office is an airy, Annett, W. C. Stevens and C. M. green-walled room, furnished with Hunter, Vancouver; H. M. Cowie, a trapeze, climbing ropes and lad- j Claxton; Mrs. M. Worabec and ders, where 46 children two or j daughter and E. T. Kenncy, Ter-three times a week come for their race; F. H. Lewis, Stewart; Harry "physical Jerks." ' Kenney and T. A. McMartln. Smlth- "I start them young," she said, ers; Marvin Hamlin. Tacoma- Al- Dlcklne tin a naked four-month.' bert Mae. fient.t1 old baby by the heels and swing Lieutenant N. F. o. McNamee, her off the exercise couch into Esquimau; Hon. T. D. Pattullo and space. "I have treated many of.B. Hethey, Victoria: Mr an them immediately 'after birth." Mrs. E. C. Humphries. WInnlner The child crowed arid wriggled the more ecstatically the more '-r violently she was handled. ""She A "sDOf cost vi screamed at first," Miss Dane said, dollar. Try it in the Dallv News hu""6 wiuu uu me vuuen, ciassmeq column, "but she has no nerves now." (tf) Announcements All advertisements ln this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Pop's Show and Dance. Oddfei. lows' Hall, Wednesday June 18. 102nd Auxiliary Tea. Canadian t.p. ion, June 19. Presbyterian Tea. Mrs. J n Mit chell, June 20. . . ; iBoy Scout Tea. Mrs. j rio.v June 21. Anglican Tea, Mrs. Evltt's June 26. Strawberry Tea. Luther June 28. Catholic Tea, Mrs. Brass, June 28. C. N. R. A. Excursion in tv July First. c"ate' Dominion Day Celebration and Dane at Port Esslngton, July 5 : Navy Tea, October 18. READY GOLD COAST SQUADRON FOK AnJ June 16, 1916: Germans launched fresh attacks agalrut Verdun but were repulsed with heavy losses. British ln East Africa took important station of Korogwe and occupied Ukerewe Island, Lake Vic toria. If you want sometning, advertise for It. Hundreds of people get what they want that way. (tf) swift? Money collected from the Gold Coast pnlf. vv h- the .RAF with a tinaHrnn n( lTi,l .-u... " re iiuttivauc jiiiu:r; 'j many of whom have already been decorated, ccn : t cf Can adlans, South Africans, Australians, Englishmen a: d c-- L-1! man. One of the machines Is reloaded with aaunu: '" '"' i ftv returning from a patrol. Canada At War 25 Years Ago TALK REORGANIZATION' i ujnuon, June 16 iCP tirnrMMvtl I in a jar reicsaj p aiscussea Dy tne BUr.-D cf ; don's diocesan reorsar.;::..;.! ; mittee will be coniide-j ai U:i Church Assembly mee'-.-.j a Loi don tomorrow SOME GONE FOK OOOD' LONDON. Jujir )B OP Tj Church Assembly Church of Er, land) meeting here tomorrow tt consider many churches irrepy ably damaged by bombing and at ed as redundant in rccorciru;'. schemes. A Man who won't Lena a HiH ler's Friend! Donnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS We have on hand large stocks of coal to suit every requirement All our coal is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete line of lumber for every type of bulldlng. Our shingles are from the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are not kiln dried and have all of the natural oils so .necessary to long life and durability. SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 I RAILWAY I LINES l TRAVU. fV THONE 638 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S.3. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT June 11th, Hth, 21st, 28th, July 5th, 12th, 16th, 19th To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway June 6th, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, July 7th, 11, Hth Direct Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent. Prince Rupert, C VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden-Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Reasonable Prices. - MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 & 19 p.o. Box 575 .onl Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PIIONE 547 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS'