agi rora Expert OPTICAL SERVICE n Steamship Sailings (Daylight, Saving Times) For Vancouver-Monday S.S. Prince . I I II I PTTO ni I Distillers 'tfFilie Whiskies since 1857 CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerwarc, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT From Ocean Falls Wednesday S.S. Prince George 11 ajn. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide ,.. ain. S.S. Prince George 11 a.m. S.S Cardena .t. . om, Rupert 4 p.m. For Queen Charlotte Island Tuesday S.8. Catala .... 1:30 p.m. August 9, 19 and 30 Wednesday S.S. Princess Louise pjn. Friday SJS. Prince Adelaide 2 p.m. S.S. Cardena 10:30 p.m. Saturday S.S. Prince George 5 p.m. S.S. Princess Alice p.m. From Vancouver Sunday S.S. Catala p.m. Monday S.S. Princess Charlotte a.m. Wednesday S.S. Prince George 11 a.m. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide a.m S.S. Princess Louise a.m. S.S. Prince George 11 a.m S.S. Cardena p.m. For Stewart and Premier Sund ay S.S. Catala 8 pm. Friday S.S. Prince George 1 p.m. From Stewart and Fremier Tuesday S.S. Catala a.m. Saturdaw S.S. Prince George 12 For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday S.S. Catala 8 p.m. From Alice. Arm, Naas; River and Port Simpson Tuesdayl-S.S. Catala ............ a.m. For Ocean Falls Monday S.S. Prince Rupert 4 p.m. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide 2 p.m. Saturday S.S. Prince - George 5 p.m. S.S. Camosun 10 p.m From Queen Charlotte. Islands-August 8. 19 and 29 S.S. Camosun a.m. I For Alaska Monday S.S. Princess Charlotte ajn. Wednesday S.S Prince George 3 p.m. Friday S.S. Princess " ' Louise a.m. From Alaska-Monday S.S. Prince T" L "upeiu 10 a.m. Wednesday S.S. Princess Saturday Princess Alice Send In Your News Earlier noon Due to changed conditions L .ii m .. . ... - : itr , vvv r Whifflets From The Waterfront That redoubtable trio of anglers j Jim Bacon, A. K. Nelson and Alois 'Ohnesorg are authority for an other Jale which we would call a tall orijp If they were not men of such reat integrity. It seems they were iut fishing over the week-end near Ryan Point. Nelson was pulling a fine big cutthroat out of the water when a big eagle spied the catch and swooped down and grabbed It off the line in his talons. A. K., not to be robbed in that fashion, picked up a big rock and drove the eagle off. The fish was dropped at the very feet of the angler and was retrieved. Stories notwithstanding, the party brough home a fine bag to show that jthere. are some really good fish at that point. Two Alaska tourist liners, each with, over t two hundred passengers on board, were in port yesterday morning, both' arriving out of the fog at 10;';5,ajn. C. N. R. steamer Prince. Rupert, Capt. Weil McLean, spent the most of the day In port, sailing, at, J pjn. for Vancouver, being on tye final lap of the Alaska voyage returning south. Aboard Cj'P. R. steamer Princess .Charlotte, 'Capt! William Palmer, sailed sauea Louise nm ;wnicxl at r p.m., were 219 pajUCllgCiJ Ul VW1UU1 iUbt'VII UliCIIl- p" ' barked here-, half a dozen taking i passage from here for the north. . A slight, falling off'ln the sockeye run on the, Skeena'and Naas Rivers 'continues; with glllnet boat averages j around 25 'or 30. fish per day. The plofc average in thp eillnets is also ' around around -25-or . 25 or 30. 30. Seiners Seiners nrp are nnt not doing very much as yet. Plains irom me nananng of vtnn'iA vwi . r, Catala, am Capt. Ern- late war the ' news, Daily News Shels dl" ln Prt at finds it necessary to set a 10 ft this 7:.30 a.m. deadline for local news contributions. To Insure pub- llcation it will be necessary for contributors to have their copy in by that time or earlier 1(, possible, preferably the night before. Otherwise It mav not be published . evening from Stewart and other northern' points and will sail at 8 p m, for Vancouver. ' DIDN'T LAST LONG lXNDON, .August 5: 0i The: Caledonian Club In Soho was closed recently, under Defence Regulations. . It had been started only a week previously. imoodWiUk'A pectmnpMiimi A gooil companion allowi a friend to express himself freely. That is. wKy' water is the perfect companion of goof! jwhiskf. It allows whisky to tell it? qwn ptoryi,. llie Seagram Canadian: Whiskies are distilled, aged and blended to meet trie water test. They are of such exquisite flavour that men who know ; good whiskies refuse to mix with them anything other than plain or sparkling water. It is this delightful nd , exejusiye smoothness that has caused. ther$eagram whiskies to outsell all others on the American continent. 13 OZS. 16 OZS. 25 OZS. 40 ozs. Seagram's Famous Brands - - "V.O.' '. S2.1S J3.J5 -KING S mil" DID HYP cmiram 6 . Jos. E. Seaxram Sons Ltd., Ujih; rr jjf irki. .j . . . auvert.semem , not published o, dUn,, ...., ,.,.., , U) m. n-v.-h,. . of British Columbia ' 1 f, t rnm''r -J-jW... ........ cn pitlt mi XML Were Married Monday Night Mk MHHrrnt Laneert Becomes Bride of Lance Corporal Peterson On Monday evening at the manse of First Presbyterian Church Miss Millicent Lahgert of this city and Lance-Corporal Lyle H. Peterson, of the 21st Provost Company, at pres ent stationed here, were united In marriage, Rev, A. Ferguson Mac-Sween officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Mildred Cooper while Corporal Stanley Mayhew was groomsman. The young couple will make their home at the Alder Block Mail Schedule (Daylight Saving Time) For the East-Monday ( Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.m. From the East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 12 am. For Vancouver-Monday ....... 3 p.m. Tuesday 12:30 p.m. Wednesday 5 p.m. Friday 9:30 p.m. Saturday 5 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday p.m. Monday am. Wednesday .j 11 am. Friday a.m; For Stewart and Premier Sunday 7 p.m. Friday 12 pm. From Stewart and Premier-Tuesday .'. am. Saturday 12 noon For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday .-. f pm. From Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson- Tuesday H:3o am. For Ocean Falls- Monday 3 pjn. Friday l p.m. Saturday 4 pm. From Ocean Falls- Wednesday ii am. ""ay II am. For Queen Charlotte Islands-August 9, 19:and 30 9 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands-August 8, 19 and 29 a.m. For Alaska-Monday am. Wednesday t ....... 2 pm. Friday : am. From Alaska-Monday : .'. arn, ircuurvmy PHI. p.m. i..m Ki:(;iTHY act NOTICE R: Certificate of Title No. 24835-1 to Blockg One (li. Two (2). Three 3), Four ,41. Five (3). 31 6), Seven 7. Eight (8, Nin (9). Ton (10), Eleven Ul) end Twelve 12. Subdivision oi Parts oi Walcrlr-jnt Bl-xkg "A." c." "E" and -O." arm Blor "R t .i. rarts oi water lota in front of Water "ww oiwcto a, tr and o.' 1817. Map WHEREAS Batilffaotory proof of loss af toe above- Ccrtitkwte of Title is-usd in the name of ibh nratvi Tvimv Pacific Railway OomixuiT haa wn '.ftled in th,' offloe. notice u hereby ;glven that 1 shall v the expiration of iw nraitu Iran the date- of the first ipufli,','.on .ncre'. Issue a Provisional CT',ifU:ate rf Title to lieu, of ithe said )lvn Cerf,ftee. unless m the m-antlme uojrouon oe maoe (to me In writ' lng. DATED at the lnd Registry Office, rrlrce Rupert, B.C. ttila 26th day ' of July. 1941. I A. THOMPSON. Deputy Regtotirar of TltJea. CANADIAN NATIONAL R.ILWAYS Western Krjlon ' Sealed Tenders will 'be received at vne oiiKor .the-. Chief Engineer, Win P'peg. Marvtaba .until twelve o'clock peon Tuesday, Amgut 10th. 191, for the construction of frame machine "p at Prince Rupert", British Column. - larm. specifications and form nf tract may be seen and form ot tender ootameci ait the offices of the Chief En- Btiitr. winnnpeg, oistntit Engineer at Vancouver vra Division Engineer at Prince Rupert. Tenders will not be considered unlesa made on form supplied iby the railway ....j m nuuimniea oy an accepted cheque on a chartered bank equal io five percent cf the value of the work pnyable .to tthe order of the treasurer, Camadfan National Railways. No .bid bonds will be accnated with tender, mi 'his work. ' The loweet or any tender not aacvepttrt. 4. . ' V W. R. DEVENISH, Oc'neral Manager. Wlnnlpog, At'gU't 4th', 1041. Fresh Local Haw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 57 J. H. BULGER Optometrist nirlc Urgently Needed Mrs. H. A. Ramsden, provincial chairman of the Red Cross Women's War Work Committee, has received word from national headquarters that "the latest cable from overseas Indicates in no un certain terms that they are still not getting enough mitts and gloves to be ready for the early autumn demands." Mrs. Ramsden urges all workers to knit these ar ticles In prefernce to others. lied Cross Canning Kelowna Red Cross branch has set "a carload of process food pro ducts" as this season's objective. Oliver's Saturday night "Sugai Shower" resulte din 1000 pounds and $13 in cash. Mobile Kitchen The Gyro Club of Nanaimo has presented a cheque for $3100 to ihe B. C. Red Cross Division to Phone 813 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert R. D. Young and D. A. Young, Victoria: c. Richards and J. Morgan, Vancouver; Henry Phle, Montreal; (Mrs. J. Kendall. Prince Rupert; J. J. McLean, Port Edward. I DOWN ON HIS LUCK I CALNE, Eng.. August 5: i Appearing in County Court in connection with failure to keep up instalments on a car, Dave Burnaby, well-known actor, testified his Income had dropped ffom $8,900 to I $1,558 a year. OF NORMAN DESCENT I PORTLAND. Eng.. August 5: if) 1 William Kenelm Jenoure. former innkeeper of this Dorset village who claimed descent from one of William the Conqueror's knights, died here recently. t" purchase a mobile kitchen. This makes the third mobile kitchen from the D, C. division, the Junior. Red Cross branches having presented two. Free Delivery OVERWAITEA LTD. THE HOME OF FINE FOODS AND LOW PRICES F ljstIbr,rade Butter 1,25 A" nran-wit& cup. 2$( Jewel Salad Dressing OQp Goldenloaf Cheese - 4 rn Per quart Jar i2.ib. pkt, IDC CASH 5 R0SES or PURITY $ 1 p C SPECIAL FLQUR-91b. sack j) 1 J) J Cat Food- r Pure PIum Jam qq 4 tins 401 4-lb. tin Ginger Snaps 1-lb. RPp Hatzic Pears Win cello bags. 2 for Per tin Clark's Spaghetti- -j Qp Clarks Veal Loaf 4 n 15-oz. tins. 2 tins pep Un XDL CASH HRUNSWICK SARDINES- C rx SPECIAL 1cr tin DC Lushus Jellies 4 ffp Coffee-Fresh QO 2 pkts ground. Per lb. Ice Cream Wafers- QA0 Shoe Polish en Per lb OUt Per Un VJC CASH FINEST I1.C. SUGAR (f7 OA SPECIAL imh-8acli p."U Overwailea Tea- -p Soda niscuits- Cfn p lb. ODt i-ib. Pkts. 'WC Heinz Vinegar- am Corn Starch- II. Quart bottles Per pkt. 11C CASH LIFEBUOY SOAP SPECIAL 2 l,-s 11c Field, Tomatoes- Affp Utah Celery- Qn 3 lbs -aPt Per lb. DC Bananas- or 7T New Cabbage- 2 lbs l Per lb. 4C Giant Oranges- OQp Grapes- Red or 4(n Per dozen green, Lb. lC Santa Rosa Plums- . OfiTp Fresh Apricots- 2 lbs. 2 lbs )C BUILD A HOME Like This Get Prices of Materials From Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of HUILDING MATERIAL PHONE ,n St0Ck f COal now for winder PHONE 117 CAPITOL A fAMOUl PIATIRS TmUtu TONIGHT and VEI.esdv Matinees Daily 2 p.m Evenings 7:00 and 9:15 SPENCER TRACY MICKEY ROONEY "MEN OF BOYS' TOWN" (At 2:29, 7:29, and 9 44) ADDED March of Time Presents "Crlsfs in the Atlantic-Cartoon "Little Mole NEW SHOW POLICY MATINEES Dally 2 p.m. Saturdays Continuous frora 1 p.m. Three Weeks Opening o(ffr FREE! FREE! SKIRT FOR LADIES TROUSERS FOR GENTS With Each Freed man & Gahlx? Suit From July 21th to Auj. 15th DELUXE TAILOR Opposite Commodi Car SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. loi 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FKO.M HOME" Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Utr Prince Rupert. B.C Phone 281 P.O. I.oi 1 YES.' We Repair Water Pipes, RoofJ, Woodwork, Stotej Connecteil, Etc. Oil Humeri Cleaned Hi Chlmneyt 8wept 12-51 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone IILACK 73S NOTICE To overcome complnate bookkeeping, comi e n : n k August 1 all goods bought at the Dominion Dairy Store are sold for cash and cannot be charged with the milk route. PHONE 10 THE SEAL " QUALITY ill GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only ialffln canning company with an U the year round payroll I"