ii.oict 6. 1641. "K3 nsz? jatsaoj'. TSBZ3 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. HI WOODBURY'S SPECIAL For a Limited Time Only Woodbury's .Hand Lotion Smooths; softens 25c Woodbury's Ileauty Cream Facial, Cold or Cleansing 50c Both for 50c Ormes Ltd. 77it Pioneer Druqgtats rt KexaU Store rbonea 81 ft t Open Dally fram I km. till II p.m. Sundays and UoUdsyi from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 U I B.m. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY COGSWELL CHAIRS WITH OTTAMANS These chairs are covered in a high grade moth-proof covering. They recline to any desired angle. Special $38.50 T0 $56.50 111 Third AvenoF Phone 775 When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI punKIF 1 Service 1 1 ' 14 Hour Service at Regular Rates Donnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS We have on hand large stocks of coal to suit every requirement. All our coal la carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete line of lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are from the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are not kiln dried and have U of the natural ols so necessary to long life and durability. SAND CEMENT GRAVEL Co. Ltd. LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. "10NE 651 PHONE 652 ICE JJt Completed! NewIce Storage Method Ensuring only low temperature ice throughout the fishing season Fishermen are Invited to Inspect Our Reconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperature Dry Ice Now on Sale by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage British Columbia LOCAL NEWS NOTES Rev. Father 12. Fabre of Terrace left on last evening's train from Terrace lor Endako. Jitterbugs Leave your names with Louis Felsenthal, Peoples Store, for entry In Civic Centre Carnival Contest. (184) Tonight's train from the East Is reported one hour late so will not be arriving until 1 a.m, daylight saving time. H. Walker of the E. J. Ryan Contracting Co. Is galling this evening on the Catala for a trip to Vancou ver on business. Major P. V. Longstaff, who has Sam Kerr, who has been at the Mrs. Marie Alexander arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday morning from Ketchikan and proceeded by last evening's train on a trip to St. Louis. Dr. Harold O. McOill of Ottawa, director of Indian Affairs, is pay ing an inspection visit to this district He arrived in the city from the East on Sunday night's train. David Mitchell of Powell .River arrived in the city at the end of the week. On Saturday afternoon hej is to be married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. tvfit.VipIl AtHn Avermo tn f lee TrAna mi.H) . V... . ... Ltlk WW UtW. Mitchell Gerald Patrick Murphy, formerly of this city and during the past few years located in the mining of Northern British Columbia and the Yukon, returned to Prince Rupert from the north on the Prince Rupert yesterday morning. W. R. Dowrey of Vancouver, dis trict covernor of Rotary, after sDendlne over the week-end in the citv. sailed vesterday mornlne on TTTtrpf m&sj 'Charlotte for" Ketchi kan and other Alaska points. He is on an official visit to northern clubs. FOR SALE FOR SALE Crane gate and globe valves, Just like new, household doors and windows, 1 batntuo, i cash registers, beds, springs and mattresses, studio couches, chesterfields, unpainted chests and drawers at reasonable prices. Phone Blk 324. B.C. Furniture, 3rd Ave. FOR REN1 a I 1 FOR RENT TWO room iurnisneu suite for two months. Dally News. Box Rt. Rev. 3. L. Coudert, co-adjutor Bishop, left by last evening's train for Smithers following a visit here. Oeorge Clccone left on last evening's train for a trip to r-orne Creek where he is interested in mining ground. Rev. Father W. F. Lantagne,, parish priest here for the Roman Catholic Church, left on last evening's train for a trip to Lejac. Capt. Monnett, Roman Catholic padre for this garrison area, left on last evening's train for a trip to Smithers and Prince George. mi FOR RENT Bright, bedroom.,' Choice location. Phone Green 830., (183) ! WANTED WANTED Applications will be re- ceived lor an experienced iamwi for King Edward School up to noon August 11. Apply City uierK. wiwiT'.n Two room furnished it ' ... suite. Please state price. Appiy Box 132, Dally News. (183) WANTED Woman to do house work. Apply 610 6th Avenue west, Suite 4. " WANTED Companion for sick lady out of town. For furtner particu lars phone Black 697 (185) WANTED Young man for day work. Apply Chris Mill. Of) WANTED Truck driver at once. RupeftfBakery. tf WANTED Porter, Central Hotel. LOST (186) LOST Half grown kitten. Black with white under neck. If found I please phone Black 491. t -vaTTarfips' Bulova wrlstwatch. Ujj Initialled M.T.S. Finder phone ntA 599. Reward." (182) Miss Pearl Purdy, x-ray technl- been visiting here, wlllsall by the clan at the Prince Rurrt Oeneral Catala tonight on his return to Vic-(Hospital, returned to the city on torla. Last night he addressed Toe the Catala yesterday morning H. jfrom a vacation trip to Vancouver. Mt. and Mrs. Fred Endres, who Capitol Barber Shop here, is lea v- arrived In the city from Juneau on ing on the Catala this evening for. the Prince Rupert yesterday morn- Vancouver, listing. He Is planning on en- Ing, proceeded by last evening's train on a trip to Flint, Michigan. Arthur F. Smith, formerly of Anyox and Alice Arm and for years well known In district mining circles, arrived in the city on the Catala yesterday morning from Vancouver. Earl Eby is home from his naval duUes at Victoria to spend a week's leave with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. L. C. Eby. He arrived last Friday on the Prince George from the south. Mrs. Edith Smith, who has been visiting with relatives at Ketchikan, arrived in the city from Alaska on the Prince Rupert yesterday morning and proceeded by last evening's train to her home In Peoria, Illinois. Nell Macdonald. who has been transferred from Bella Coola to the Naas River In the fisheries patrol service and will now wofic with the departmental cruiser Met-ra, arrived in the city from down the coast on the Catala yesterdav morning. Mrs. Macdonald and son, John, are at present visiting at Quesnel. I i ' m . . : Mrs. Aooipn tnnctrarra'sorrr ar ter a three week's visit here and on the Skeena River, are sailing this evening by the Catala on their return to Victoria. It was the first visit here In eleven years for Mrs. Prince who formerly resided on .Atlin Avenue, Westvlew. Capt I Prince and two of the boys have 'the seiner Violet P. fishing out of Claxton cannery this season Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Cambral Tea. Aug. 9. Canadian Legion nan 102nd. Auxiliary Dance Armouries August 15. Civic Centre Carnival! Aug 18-22. (182) I Catholic Bazaar, October 1 and 2. CHIROPRACTOR, Stanley W. Colton, D.CJh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 640 Gifts and Novelties At The Variety Store 330 3rd Ave. W. Fhone Red 120 J. Bouzek TAILOR LADIES and GENTS Best Materials, Workmanship 2nd Ave. two doors from Broadcasting Station Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Deated Rooms Dot Water Steam Baths Dining Room in Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress Rev. Father "Emll Sanschragrln I left on last evening's train for a trip to Lejac. " Robert Strachan sailed on the Prince Rupert Saturday night for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Salome Wesley sailed yes terday afternoon on the Catala for a visit to Port Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Jenner sailed Saturday night on the Prince George for a trip' to Vancouver. J. Schwass of the Overwaltea store sailed on the Princess Alice Saturday afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Provincial Constable B. E. Munk- ley arrived in the city on the Catala yesterday morning enroute back to his post at Port Essington after a trip to Vancouver on escort duty. Staff Sergeant C. A. Purdon of fortress headquarters staff return ed to the city on the Princess Charlotte yesterday morning from Vancouver, having been south on leave. LINZEY AND INGRAM LTD. Fine Foods Are Thrifty Foods Buy Quality for Economy 2 PHONES 585 5S6 Chocolate Eclairs n Each Baders Biscuits 15 varieties. 10c cello ftFp 4tJO packets. 3 for Potato Chips 9p Nalley's. 3 packets Turkish Delight QQj? 4Ql 1-lb. packets Vlb 15c Tomato Juice Llbby's 10-oz. tins. M XXI 2 for reaches Okanagan 4tJl OCJp Per dozen Canteloupes Okanagan. Large size. 9C 2 for Seedless Grapes Fresh Corn L&f Per dozen Bunch Carrots Fresh ftp and clean. 2 for New Potatoes Fresh OCTp 4ul dug. 10 lbs Wax Beans 9 Kit l 3 lbs Bunch Beets Nice ftp vx size. 2 for Celery Large heads "fir XJA Each Tomatoes Okanagan Held. f XI?l ftp 2 lbs. Hubbard Squash OV Qp Cut, per lb Fresh Pullet Eggs Q"7 Per dozen Make Our Store, Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PCONE 847 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden-Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Reasonable Prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 l I August Furniture Sale 12 Occasional Chairs-Sale price, each . $9.95 Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 ajn. to 5:30 pjn. SAVE MONEY For Yourself While You SAVE GASOLINE For Your Country Ride a C.C.M. Bicycle FOR HEALTH, PLEASURE AND ECONOMY C.C.M. Bicycles are built up to a StandardNot down to a price C.C.M. Bicycles are highest quality, therefore best value Models for Boys, Girls, Men and Women priced right. From, up H TBAVCt. Jf at xr UNION STEAMSinPS LTD. EVENING DANCE CRUISE By S.S. "CAMOSUN" FRIDAY, AUGUST 8th Leaving C.N.R. Dock 1:00 p.m. D.S.T. Returning: 11:00 p.m. Music by DeCarlo's 5-piece Dance Orchestra Refreshments served aboard EXCURSION FARE $1.00 (Plus Tax) Accommodation Comfortably Limited Canadian Pacific Transcontinental ''trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacif ic To VanconTej-.vla Ocean Falls and Way Ports S.S. "PRINCESS ADELAIDE- Every Friday 1 pm. P.S.T. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT Aug. tod. 6th, 9th, 13th, 16th, 23rd, 27th, 30th To Ketchikan, Wrangetl, Juneau and Skagway August 4th, 8th, 11th, 22nd, 25th, September 1st Direct Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Ajent. Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Monday at 3:00 p.m. PATH calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Saturday at 4:00 p.m. P.S.T., calling at Ocean Falls Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. P.S.T. Also Fast Through Train Friday at 11:00 a.m. PS.T. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 538 Third Ave. Phone 260, Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines If you lose anything, advertise for it.