Weather Forecast prince Rupert and Queen Char-lotte Islands-Light westerly winds, dear and mild, becoming part cloudy with many local fog patches. SARDINIA ATTACKED LONDON Admiralty announced today that British naval units had bombarded ports of the Italian island of Sardinia Friday, scoring hits on hangars and buildings. Destroyers carried out the attack, entering the roadstead of Alghero and the harbor of Porto Conte early in the morning and shelling the sea-plane slipway and hangars. . NORWAY SITUATION STOCKHOLM Stockholm newspapers report that a state of ciiil siege already is being put into effect in Norway but Berlin denies this, announcing instead that Reich's Commissioner Ter-boven merely has been authorized to decree such a state of siege. A stale of civil siege is declared' to be more effective than a military state of siege. Berlin said the move was precautionary and will affect virtually all occupied countries. It was said to be a legal step taken because recent events have brought the whole problem to a "decisive phase In Norway." There have been repeated stories out of Norway telling of civilian objection and sometimes defiance of the German occupiers. A crowd in Ale-sund reportedly tangled with German marines who were called on to guard Norwegian hostages. The hostages were taken after previous disorders had developed in the city which jeopardized the German controL HAD WEATHER HOLDS R.A.F. LONDON Unfavorable weather held the Royal Air Force inactive overnight after a week-end of smashing blows at Germany and occupied France ending Sunday night with the blast ing of Hanover, Frankfort and Calais. The heavy offensive of 1 1 -1 . . .1 Urn n.ili it-i 1 1. ra msci 1 M 1 rlf tn nrlin Saturday night. Thoughout Sunday night the noise 'of big explosives and lights from fires in occupied France were heard and seen from the English coast. NEW GERMAN DRIVE MOSCOW A new sector on the long front of the Russo- Gtrman war has been opened by a German drive between Smol ensk and Leningrad but the Russians are still holding up the Germans generally, it was indicated today. Another, mass air attack by the Nazis on Moscow last night was driven off. There la no specific statement from Russian authorities as to the situ- tain i-nif-ri3 v mat tiahl hv i.prmnn arm minrarian irniim in 111c greatest week-end of progress claimed by the Germans on the eastern front h hem throurhthe rlneninr rrain fields of the southern Ukraine below the provincial capital of Kiev, the German crediting their armies with valuable gains all along the line. The Russians do not deny the possibility of the loss of Kiev. BRITISH AT TOIJRUK CAIRO Offensive patrols are being continued by the out of Tobruk in Libya. GERMAN CLAIMS BERLIN German sources claim that 1607 British planes were brought down between January 1 and July 31. Ilnrnair I.Anainl J Police Head nmrtn Mnnr a - T kkace. August 5: Terrace by two distinguished the meetlns on Wednesday. :e were Attorney General Qor- wismer and Police Commls-' er T W F. Parsons, who ad- 5SCd the Lr-elnn 'ng Che dcslrnhlllt.v nf nrirnn- '5 a Civilian Protection Commlt- fhe Drlnclnnl hnctnixo nf Vo r f- HMwamiud V VilV of building an armv hut in Ifracp " After a good deal of consldcra- r. .ummissloncr Kirkaldy sub-pd a motion to appoint a com-3lpe to g0 into the subject. This W agreed to. A committee of five V named h n.n.u..i g win report to the next meet resolution was forwarded to Provincial rw., IQ in V9nn.... . . . --v. .tugUOl, I, UC" ndlrlg COmnUU uiii .1 iiiuiixrrir ttUU manpower. B, 1 the conclusion of Ui h,i. J vi w'"icnta were serv- viitors joined In.. DRY DOCK She IS WINNER Beats Steel Workers In Softball Grotto Defeats Stones Italian I I That High Command Claims British Undersea Craft Was Broken In Two ROME, August 5: U The Italian Hieh Command claimed vasterdav that a British submarine, rammed continue . . . vi - II a ay an Italian torpedo boat in the Mediterranean, had broken in two and ninety-one passengers were picked up and made prisoner. Singapore Reinforced t 8INOAPORE, Aug. 5: Q Large numbers of .British and Indian troops, Including Royal Air Force personnel, have reached Singapore, it was of- 4; ficlally announced today. VISIT TO BRISBANE! Two United States Heavy Cruisers Are at Present in Australian Port WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 5: 0 The DeDarment of the Navy an- nounced today that two United .States heavy ,uUepBNorthamp-jton and Salt Lake City have (.arrived in Brisbane, Australia, on ,what was described In the formal announcement as being a training cruise. KEEPING UP TIGHT RACE Brooklyn Dodgers are Now But One Game Behind St. Louis Cardinals In National League BROOKLYN, Aug. 5: O) Brooklyn defeated New York Giants by a score of 11 to 6 here yesterday and moved up to within one game of the idle St. Louis Cardinals In a hectic late season pennant dash which Walte Hoyt said yesterday would continue to be a fight to the very finish between the two clubs. In the second National League game vrstrrdav Pittsbure Pirates and Cincinnati Reds, who are battling : neck and neck for third place, play ed to a four to one score In favor of Pittsburg which Is now one game ahead. In the American League the New ; York Yankees, wno are cuasuiig 'hnm with t.h nennant and are softbaU now merely practising for the World In the City League games last night Dry Dock defeated Steel Workers 6 to 5 while, in tho secona fixture, Grotto beat Stone's Cloth- Iprs 7 fn 2. The winners of the latter game outhlt the losers 8 to 2. The score stood tie 2 to 2 until the beginning of the fifth Inning when the tobacconists got a couple more to hrenW the deadlock. They also came back In the seventh to net three more while they held their opponents scoreless from the fourth in ning on. naileries ior uiy in. Johnstone and Warner, lor faicei Workers Fitch and Brooks. For stnnps Schroder and BrooRs was the battery and Grotto Kellet and Murray. Umnlres for the evening were Howe and Wlndle In the first game and Astoria and Wilmont in the second game. COAL SHORTAGE DUBLIN, August 5: Reductions in are tiasseneer train ser vices have been made owing to ft shortage of coal. Series, downed the cellar-dwelling Washington Senators 7 to 5. In the second American League game of the day Boston squeezed out a 7 to 6 victory over Philadelphia. The league standings to date: ADRIFT 51 DAYS IJ.ANDYMIL. Wales. August 5: O) Seamen Evan Owen Griffiths of this town and three companions hnv returned to Great Britain al ter surviving 51 days at sea In an boat. Onlv a lew biscuits and rain water were avaiiaDie u Keep the men alive after their ship sank. Mr. nn'ri tars. Robert S. Grelg and family are expected to arrive In the city on the Prince George tomorrow morning from Vancouver. Mr. Grelg is to be the new city passen- crer ncent here for Canadian Na tional Railways In succession to Wllllarh Cruickshank who, is going to Reglna as travelling passenger agent; leaving, it is expected, next Mondayi Bulletins THAILAND WARNED TOKYO There Is no official announcement as yet that Japan has made demands upon Thailand for bases but newspapers to hint broadly that Thailand should come to terms with Japan along lines similar to the agreement with French Indo-Chinal Meantime, it is authoritatively reported that Japanese forces are continuing to pour into Saigon, the capital of French Indo-China despite Japanese statements that the! occupation has been successfully completed and that no new troops are being landed. WAGE DEMAND REJECTED CHICAGO Demands of United States railroad unions for wage increases were rejected today by representatives of rail VANCOUVER PASSED UP SEATTLE iN.Y.K. today can-celled a scheduled Vancouver call for the motorship Heian Maru, indicating a quick dash home to Japan after seven longshore crews have discharged cargo including a million dollars worth of silk, B. C. consignments also are being unloaded here. U.S. SILK INDUSTRY WASHINGTON The nation's silk hosiery mills have closed doors on thelri$259,,006lndus-. try In obedience to the tovern-ment order that they cease production at midnight. Some 175,-000 or njore silk workers meanwhile look to the federal government to provide them the means of support. It is possible most of them will be diverted to work in defence industry manufacture of existing silk stocks Into parachutes or other defence items, thus the effect of economic warfare in the Pacific was brought to Americans with stunning force and suddenness. Last night the OP M issued a stop order against, silk pan which provides raw silk for this country will cease. PROTECTION OF BRAZIL ' WASHINGTON The United States government is reported to have asked Brazil to assume responsibility for protection of the Azores in the event of any threat of their falling to Axis hands. AMERICANS STRANDED SAN FRANCISCO United States liners, now in the naval service, may be sent to Japan to bring back American citizens who are stranded there following the cancellation of Japanese ship sailings to America. Hundreds of Americans are so stranded. The only service between the countries now Is by United States clipper planes. PLAN NOVEL HOMES CANBERRA. August 5: O) Hex agonal houses, with concrete dome roofs, designed as a combined home and bomb-proof shelter; are i being' considered here. THE OTHER MAN LONDON, August 5: 05 Heard in Tottenham Police Court: "The only other man In the house was my trousered daughter." NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPEE i LINE UP IS I. if COMPLETED Romt, Berlin And Tokyo On On I Side And London. Washington And Moscow On Other, Says t Mussolini I ROME. August 5; Oi Premier Benito Mussolini, in a speech made public yesterday, told Itallantroops 'leaving for the Russian ffont last 'week that "the line-up Is. now complete with Rome, Berlin and Tokyo on one side and London, , Washington and Moscow on the other for a clash between two worlds.'' German Sub Is Captured LONDON, Aug 5: Cfc Sur- render nf a Oerman submarine contest In connection event to be staged here two weeks hence. The candidates are as Gyro Club May Skinner, ' Junior Chamber of Commerce Phllomena Murray. Women's Service Corps Lillian I Jones. , Naval Women's Auxiliary Nancy Bremner. PAYING GUEST ! LONDON, August 5: CP) Albert Smith, workman at Woolwich Ar- con a i ufae sentence1 to spend a month (n orison here recently, .Convicted on a charge of begging, he was told by the Judge that he must bear the cost of his appre henslon. conveyance and malnten ance In prison. OUT OF THE PAST SOUTHAMPTOI, Eng., August 5: A postcard sent from Russia March 17. 1902. has lust been de livered at Manor Farm, Herrlard, hire. It bore stamps of the T . . . I Czarlst regime and the postmartc Is St. Petersburg. The body of 5am Buzza, who succumbed to a heart attack; at hhe end of the week aboard the fisheries patrol vessel Kltimaat of which he was cook, was taken yes terday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Victoria for Interment. The widow lives in Victoria. 7. The Vancouver tenderers are Marwell Construction Co., Bennett & White, Northern Construction Co. and J. W. Stewart. E. J. Ryan Contracting Co., Smith Bros and Wilson. Mitchell & Currle Ltd are the Prince Rupert tenderers. The work will Include buildings, roads, J walks, sewers, waterworks, etc. Halibut Sales American Portloek, 37,000, Booth, 12.7c and 11.6c. Blanco, 22.000, Storage, 14.2c and 11.5c. Spray, 25,000, Atlin, 12.2c and 11.8c. Edgecumbe, 14,500, Storage, 13.1c and 11.9c. Nova Laughs At Doubters Says His Cosmic Funch may Mean Something Against Louis HOLEB. Me.. August : 0 Drlll- lne on an island In Holeb Lake for his SeDtember fight with Joe Louis, Lou Nova says he is Just periecung his cosmic punch with which ne (hopes to dethrone the Brown Bomber. "People may think there s no sense in my cosmic punching," he says,' "but there certainly is. I hit Max Baer with it and his stiffen ing was proof enough for me that I have something. "Mv cosmic nunchinz calls for an exclusive timing. I haven't perfect ed It to the extent of throwing it without first thinking out the tim ing. That's why In my last fight I had to slow down my target so that I could figure the thing out." MORE STATE BEER CARLISLE. Eng.. August 5: PO The government took over a brew ery and public houses In this area in the First Great War because oi excessive drink. The brewery and licensed trade are still state- owned and now supplies are to be increased to provide sufficient drink for evacuees. TomorroW sT ides (Pacific Standard Time) High 0:10 ajn. 21.7 ft. 13:11 p.m. 20.1 ft. Low 6:50 a.m. 1.8 It, 19:01 pm. 5.6 ft. I 1 . -'Ulh. ' 1 ' - ttft rrrmm Lj , rw M ' ' 1 , ' . f . j. . . . . ui o'n On , x"itxiNi-i nurciMi p.v. luriOLfivi, Auuuar o, urn. .... . . rlKHKKKKH3OCKKKKKKK00a I. II I f 1.1 TTOTTn PRICE; FIVE CENTS war iMews omoiensk MttacK tasea fH;KKrtai'H0OfiOOK00O ICHUd P1UI11 Wil li JAl'S SHANGHAI A minor clash of Japanese and Soviet border troops occurred two weeks ago near Manchull, Lieut. Col. Kunio Akikama, spokesman for Japanese forces in China, said today. Manchuli is Just inside extreme western Manchoukuo on the railway to Siberia. Oklyama's disclosure came as Japan was reporting moving forces northward to reinforce troops alone the Siberian frontier. SUBMARINE DESTROYED m Germans Endeavouring To Encircle Kiev and Take Ukraine's Heart Red Arrtiv Farine Renewed Offensive With Continued Tenacity Nazis Claim to Have Broken Through STALIN CONFIDENT LONDON, August 5. Back from a visit to Moscow, Harry Hopkins, director of the United States "lease-lend" scheme, is said to have made a favorable report to Prime Minister Winston Churchill on the Russian Military situation. .He reports that Premier Joseph Stalin is confident of Russia's abolity to repulse the third German offensive. LONDON, August 5; (CP) Fierce Russian has forced the German army to abandon temporary ttnpks in the Smolensk sector of the eastern SSSSl.nt, authoritative quarters said today. Slackening of the united states destroyer activity in this sector, however, it was said had been ac-Hunt, one of the fifty Ameri- companied by a renewal of fighting in the Leningrad can destroyers transierrea io i secvor ana on me piains 01 wie uit- Brltain last ' Septemberi was disclosed today with the an nouncement that decorations had been awarded to officers and members of the crew. 4 SUEZ H AS BIG RAID processing to conserve the supply of raw silk for the armed forces. hnrVfTlJ PIDT 0 The order will result in the freei- T II IJ f, ll lIVLlJ i i Lt ...... .-tllr tn 4h 1 ing Ol every uaic ui i" a" i . hands o mills and warehouses 1T PAIUTrCT preparatory to a possible requl- J Vi 1 I JUU 1 Sltioning Dy ine army aim iij - which thereby would gain a two- ( randldaieS are now entered year supply of sii k W in(the civic Centre Carnival Queen oowder.bacs and other defence I ! , . ., with .V the y. big necessities. The order doubtless was taken In preparation for the possibility that all trade with Ja- N'lnetv Persons Killed and 108 In- j jured, According to Cairo Communique I CAIRO. Aug. 51 Ninety per sons were killed and 106 injured in kan Axis air raid on the. Suez canai irea last night, an official Egyptian communique- said today, The Germans cjaim that two Brl-.Uch merchant vessels yers sunk" and badly damaged In raids on .Suea. tiSIX FIRMS TENDERING ralne where the Germans are trying to envelop Kiev. The Red Army, battling with continued tenacity, faced a renewed. offensive nn both sides of Kiev to- Iday. A Soviet communique said the Five Vancouver Contracting Firms Germans again attacked through and One in Prince Rupert Would I" nigm in uie vu iwiu, Build Houses jeighty miles northwest of Kiev, and Belsterkov, barely fifty miles to' 1 Five Vancouver and one Prince I the squtQ, . . ,-y .-..itt- i,rj"ftmir. At Berlin the German high com-- KUpert connatmig iuuu ci.v (. - ... . . j u.o-i. lne on the Wartime Housing Limit- "1U through In the Russian lines In a 'den on which will close on August' surprise thrust sixty miles south- east of Smolensk and annihilation of the allegedly encircled Red Army forces In the Ukraine for the defence of Kiev. DIRECT AID F0RRUSSIA This Is What British Air Attacks on Klrkenes and Petsamo Meant LONDON, August 5. British planes, In heavily attacking Fin land's northern port of Petsamo and the Arctic Norwegian port of Klrkenes, carried out the first Bri tish military operation In direct support of Russia's fight against Germany, Reliable sources regard ed the attack as directed chiefly neainst German use of the Finnish port to supply operations against the Russian port of Murmansk Mercury Property Shipping Steadily Traffic Through- Vanderhoof in Connection With Pinchl Lake Mine VANDERHOOF, Aug. 5. The Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. has: received two carloads of machinery during the past week for delivery from Vanderhoof to the Pinchl Lake mercury property near Fort St. James. Another carload of mercury was shipped East during tho week. WAR-WINNER AT 85 CAPE TOWN, August 5: O) William Scott. 85, of Mafetong, Basutoland, who was awarded the O. V. E. In a recent honors list for charitable and patriotic services has donated another 1,000 for aircraft. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mavo. after a brief visit to tho city, sailed by the Prince George Saturday evening for Vancouver, Mr. Mayo had been here oh business for Bennett St White contracting; firm.