faqe ea Expert OPTICAL SERVICE EPILOGUE GOES ON BRISTOL, August 15: During one of the heaviest blitzes here Paul Beard, of the B. B. C. orchestra, knelt in an Underground studio, -with bombs crashing all around, and played his violin for the Sunday evening epilogue broadcast. 3 CIGARETTE PAPERS CHAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties j MAX HEILBRQNER. I JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Canada At War 25 Years Ago SATIN PANTIES Ladles' satin panties, figured and plain', assorted colors. Sizes small, medium and large. Reg. price 79c pair. S1 Aft Dollar Day, 2 pairs for 91UU TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS Turkish towels In eyery size; color and quality that's manufactured.. On special Sale Dollar bay, Run of the mill direct from the factory to you. Priced In groups. . Group III 3 for S100GroupI. I V . ' ...: 81.00 ur2Torw' Sl.QO011- Sl.qOTL11- $1.00 Damask Bedspreads Extra large size fadeless silk damask bed' spreads, SG"x 100. Rose, sold, maiive, green and eggshell. Regular value $5.95. (DO Aff Dollar Day Special, each r GIRLS' BEDFORD CORD SLACKS Girls' Bedford cord slacks. Sizes 8. 10, 12 years. Qolwi Royaj a hd Red. An outstanding special. , Q1I KC1 Dollar Day, pair t)OJ LADIES' ALL SATIN NIGHT GOWNS Shades tea rose' and white. Sizes small, medium, large. As- sorted styles. Regular value $2.95 Dollar Day, each S1.98 LADIES' SEARSUCKER CREPE PYJAMAS AND GOWNS Searsucker crepe pyjamas and nightgowns for misses and ladles in assorted colors and trims, There is no better fabric for washing and wearing. We have a big stock on hand to choose from. Sizes small, medium and large. Dollar Day, gowns Dollar Day, pyjamas .. SILK CURTAIN NETS 25 pieces, assorted patterns, English nets, values up to 65c yd. Dollar Day, 3 yds for $1.00 S1.00 - SLACK SUITS Ladies' slack suits? made -from tropical striped wincey in two shades only. Torquoise and stripe and wine and stripe. Tailored in the Callfornlan style. CJO Qt? Sizes 12 to 20. Dollar Day, suit tJ.UO $1.00 DRAPERY HOMESPUN British made drapery homespun, 30'' wide. Assorted colors, fadeless. Dollar Day Special, (SI ft ft 3 yards for &A.UU M Flannelette Bed rSteets 250 pairs first quality" plaid flahheiefte sheets'. Full double bed size, fast colors, blue, rose, mauve, green, gold plaids. This is an outstand- mcr my. dollar Uay, qa it r 'li sJ-cct . . Twenty -Five Years Ago August 15, 1916 , It Is being strongly urged here that much of the ore being exported from this district for treatment in the United States could v?ry .Veil be handled at Prince Rupert if a plant were established. ' The citv council last nlcht re . iected ai proposal to increase the places. , city market commission from 7Vi' Arthur percent to ten percent. TRINCESS SLIPS THE DA1LT KW1 ftoiT Aug- It's "Britain 99 Scots Protest How About .Icotland, Ireland And Wales They Want To Know LONDON, August 15: W members nf narliamantrare.bj- coming concerned abouf the.'u$e of the word "England in official Woodburn has put I mation. asking about a-tablet-ier r Aid. George B.. Casey of this city ectcd In St. Paul's Cathedral to a Is. being prominently mentioned as United States citizen indtcatinj a lpbor candidate for Atlln riding jthat he died "that England might m the 'forthcoming provincial el- live." ., ,. ... . ..Vectlon. i. The minister is askedMof call aU August 15, 1916:-Klng George V, . cnUon the BriUsh Broadstlni, returned from a week's tour of he? c.P.R steamer Princess Adelaide, Corporation and other departments Western Front. .Russians occupied. Capt. R. C. McGeachy, arrived In concerned with publicity "to the Jablonica. Worochta' and Ardzeluz' port at' 8:45 this morning from the desirability of Instructing them? Good quality satins, white and tea rose, assorted styles and finishes. Dollar Day, each .. CHILDREN'S ANKLE SOCKS $1.00 GIRLS' DRILL SLACKS Good quality drill slacks, sizes 8 to 14. .sorted Q-fl Aft colors, white piping. Dollar Day. pair V'"" RRIEF PANTIES Rnym silk knit, heavy weight, lastex leg and waist, tea rr'n and white, excellent wearing garments. " -Dollar Day, 2 pairs for yJl.vV Drapery Damask IS' to 50" wide, an nssortmcnt of colors and designs that arc discontinued by the makers. Values up to $1.95 yard. Qi A A Doljor Day Special, yard V AUU SniOOL GIRLS' CAMrilS HOSE ICnre hih. novelfy silk terry, shades white, royal, rmy. retf. "sreen. sizes uv2, 9, 9'2. 10. Dollar Day. oairs for 1 00 Bilk and lisle and all silk in a variety of new spring shades. Sizes 5 to 8'2. Dollar Day, 5 pairs for ANKLE SOCKS ' $1.00 Ladles all wool, in various shades, all popular colors, sizes BV2 to 10 v2. Dollar Day, 3 pairs for . LADIF.S RAVOV SI1 KiluiSR r - uuasrM -J kf I $1.00 wtira nne knit, mock fashioned, all new Qf Aft popular snaaes, nngiess. Dollar Day, 3 Dairj iorfwv BEDSPREADS 500 spreads, assorted colored stripes and checks, absolutely fast colors, nicely finished and wear guaranteed, made In two sizes, 72"x 90" and 80"x 100". qq Dollar Day, each vX.tO f ABLE CLOTHS Rayon and cotton mixture In very pleasing shades, fast colors, size 52"x52", good heavy quality, Q4 Dollar Day, 2 for . V-I-.UU PILLOW CASES Full size linen finished pillow cases, ready for Q-J Aft use, good quality. Dollar Day, 5 cases for V-l.UU GLASS OR TEA TOWELS Linen Hnished, good large size,, blue arid'red Q-f ftft check, ready for use. Dollar Day. 6 for JJi.U.U NOTTINGHAM FILET NETS Assorted patterns in cream shade only, 36"' wide, ' C-f ft A xtra zood value. Dollar Day. 4 yards for V-l.UU I I Whifflets From The Waterfront Gillnetting Closes on Skeena and K Week From Today Sac ramento Yacht is Visitor to For Sockeye glllnet fishing on the 4kee1S and Naas Rivers as well a- purse seining in the same area-will itoe closed on Augu-t 22, it war ,,,.o mornins at tht aiiituutiwvi -- i Dominion Fisheries office here r T-...r v. nrooV thorn has beer question to the Minister of Jnfor- i"u" - . tne sock m ,X giauuai v- - - eye run on, the Skeena wnere. ar cording. to latest reports, the gill- netters have been averaging ty socke.ye and th'rty pinks. Th-runl of pinks generally continues light as was expected. The latest local halibut boat to be ordered Into provincial police to I n nenrpr t o rharffe Of fishing in soth and sa,led at 2 'clock m selves ,n tne Preclse Mntag tf In1 the' Carpathians. French mada ArPa No, 2 on an Area No. 3 licence minor gains on the right bank of ! I '1 1 I , , " . J. T. V.ZH anv.i . ' er ana way points, me vessel nas oi limiung .ne use oi ine lermj the Meuse. norlh; of Chapel de. on-f,oard qulte a iarge number of England, Scotland, Ireland ian'tl Salntc Fine. " round trip tourists. Wales." . DOLLAR DAY Saturday at Fraser and Payne's t ; See Windows For Numerous Other Items of Outstanding Value Stores Close at 6 O'clock Saturday tvi K-nlpn r.ant. O'.e Steeavig The case will be coming up later. The handsome Sacramento pov er vacht Ferrie II.. with the owner 'A. T. Hav Jr., Capt. A. E. waue Charlpt Johnson and William Roberts on board, was an overni?h visitor at the Prince Rupert Rowin? fciYacht Club. The Ferrie II.. which railed here northbound on July 25 ha: since been cruising Alaska wa- trr inclndlrg visits at Juneau and I Sitka. Mr. Hay has been in the north before by steamer and air nlanp but this has been his firs' Alaska yachting trip. Favored bj si'nerh weather conditions, thr trip has been one of much delight The Ferrie II. arrived here at f o'clock last evening and left thf middle of this morning In contlnu atlon of the trip south. The ves sel, well appointed with bowsprit jnnd rckl'h lines, is 46 feet long and jenulr"ed with a 150 Sterling gas ienglne which gives her maximum I speed of 16 knots. A feature of the 'vessel is a commodious wheel housr l and observation room. Dr R, G. Large and partv return i last nieht from a week's cruls' nn Portland Canal to Stewar tahoarrt Dr. Larsr's boat Soiwil's, I With a large list of passengerr mrt considerable frelsht cargo, C t?R. steamer Prince George, Capt If. V- Npdden, arrived in port a lf:!5 this rooming from Vancou i""r artrf Ocean Falls and wl'l sal this afternoon, on completion o' dl,,h!r',lng frelsht. for Stewar . wh'nc ne will return here tomor row southbound. M. nnn Wonder if Roosevelt and Churchill were sea sick when they met mid Atlantic waters. At any rate they seem to have made a pretty sood Job of the big conference. Says Roosevelt: "When shall we stop this war, Winston?" Snys Winston; "Let Hitler get a bellyfull. It's no use stopping nov ' It looks to us as if Mackenzie King helped to formulate those peace aims when he went to Washington He was all ready to reply: "Them's 'my sentiments too." It's all very n'ce to .talk pdou after the war but Just now th ihlng Is to wipe Hitler off th world map. A young couple were holding a quiet conversation in a telephonr booth, but somebody wanted t; use the phone so they had to get out. There s always somebody try lng to take the Joy out of life. Two citizens were slttinz in ar ice cream parlor and as the hour reached ten one of them asked the waitress "Would vou cpI Raymond Oram Swing on the radio7" "Sorry," she said, "We don't al low dancing here." Walter Wincnell sometimes savs 1 1 . . A . sometmng ongnt. Sneaking of a lady of his acquaintance, he remarked that she waj out of her mind "and believe me, it's an improvement." Prince Rupert has its bores as well as other places. The other day dne of these pleasant gentlemen stopped me on the strpet. and remarked that h passed my house the day, before. I thanked him most profusely. ORIGINAL DOLLARS Canadian decimal currency was Htndlireri Julv 1 185A. n!ni yea'-, before Confederation. I ftinnrrmir fij " NIMOUS PIATI8 THIATir CONTINUOUS SHOW FROM 1 i.M MATINEE PRICES PREVAIL UNTIL 5 n IP MST TIMES TONIGHT MARY BETH HUGHES. NICHOLAS BROTHERS WIERE BROTHERS THE FOUR INKS SPOTS & DttJ fcy AitKt May A JO Cntury-Fei Pictgi, WALLACE I1EERY in A "THE AD MAN" I Shows at 7:09 and 9:05 ' HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mxs. J. K. Willlscroft, Port Esslng-on; S. O. Brune. Aliford Bay; C. V. lope, Prince George; O. D. Mac- achern, Victoria; A. T. Bibb, A. W. Jerron. C. Weeks, J. Cowx and Rally .eid, Vancouver: Mrs. H.'W. Dodd, Uewart; A. Jacobsen, Shirley; M. Hughel, Cincinnati, Ohio; Mr nd Mrs. Frank Cates, Toledo, Ohio; Ir and Mrs. E. N. SaWlette and Rosemary. Sacrum , lse Danlelson, Brcmcrty-Mrs. Robert Horn. u Royal T. H. Olln, cuy u P Kit Canadian Nat mai R Hedstrom. city; L Hue - B Island; Mr. and Mr J C Ekt Central Robert Wlon T fo Soyan, Prlnc' flv ' Burns. Fort. St J. r.. J )k Fort St James. II 1BW i IF This advertisement is not publisned or displayed t Control Board or by the Government of British Canadian National Railways Steamers lonve Prinrn Rimort for Vancouver Monday at3 .00 p.m. P.S.T.. calling at Oican Falls and riwfUBi'8 Saturday at 4:00 p.m. P.S.T., calling al Ocean Falls Trains leave Prince Rupert for the Bast Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. I'sT' Also Fast Through Train Friday at 11:00 a.m. V.h.i Alr-Condltioned Sleeping and Dining Cars BUILD A HOME Like This For full lniormatlon, reservation etc call or write f'll TfrLat nlfl KQ TKlr.l I'hOlie Prime Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada An ' lliel vGet Prices of Materials From Albert & McCaffery, Ltd Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Why not lay'in a stock of coal now for the winter 3 11C 11C PHONE t PHONE ft" 1