Lsdar, January 29,1641, ' TEDS DAiLT HEWS jMan in the Moon was some gale we had on, day Reminds me of the old days. ,j,!.iir!i -vere turned mulder a ronr iiriDDca Dare. i wn " i . - u IntvnHpH fn hliv a ike says . vfmuir out wnavs me. me i" . . . . : i if it's BinS " De Dlown away ' Win His Aa flu get the man wne giam-2r girl wants to share It with you 2d then other troubles follow. i.'-.tcniini was right after all. i.ti Italy entered the war II DuceJ Ivired ureecc uni fie nothing to fear from him. Evi- intly sne cua noi. kr .iiP Selassie, chosen of God, L of Jndah. Emueror of Ethiopia. Lk as the ace of spades, Is back,, f own country after resting In 1'md for a number of years and (gain cultivating the leonine at-fcatcs. He may yet spring on the r dcrs and rend them asunder. Preparedness through produc- ... . .In... In tTnllail fcn IS a rcueni. oiusaii in viuikiu "Preparedness by lending fcl probably be the next. p Jake, you dare not say a word Lit the price of mutton. First L 5 we know the editor will get r letter about "Pity tne Poor rr.rr." Yet I sympathize with lx at having to pay thirty cents a L:. I don't. I eat welners in- Ld. : a war savine certificate, buy bind, donate to the Red Cross, ,1 to the United Services, pay xt taxes. Oh well! The war can't very long. TODAY'S STOCKS itourteqy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Missouri, .04Vi. :abnie. 10.00. iboo Quartz. 2.65. ... f ntonto, ill A. Urricw. .01. H Belt. .18. ;,V.e Five. .OOViA. nd Oreille, 1.70. 'ijeer. 2.10. .fjnler. .92. tateer. .48. eVes Macdpnald, .15 30. ,11. 'M Arlington, .02; nn Gold. .02'i. : p Creek. .81. -'.iboo Hudson, .01A. Oils , P Con.. .08 V2. -lmont, .23. , . It E 132, he, 2.25. ajlta, .05A. ya) Canadian, .llVivs pkalta, .65. ' (prcury. .04Vi. uirie Royalties, .07 Vi. ; , - Toronln I' if'dermac. .14. i' ti.- prattle. 1.15 i . atral Pat.. 1.80. (a Smelters, 37.004. 'wt Malartic, 2.70. , inland. .05. rancoeur, .42. ods Lake, 21. rdrock, .93. ' Nickel, 35.00. Rrr Addison, 3.65. f- tie Long Lac, 1.95. icLeod Cockshutt. 2.08. fladsen Red Lake, .59 '2. MKenzle Red Lake, 1.15 iloncta, .5 Jranda, 55.004. ickle Crow, 2.80. rston East Dome, 3.20, 3-n. Antonio, 2.45. ' ihcrritt Gordon. .80. ehl, .32. uscadlllac, .02. r'sher. .06. Wend, .07A. welters Gold, .01. IELP FOR KIDNEYS OR MONEY BACK F Pilli are sold on a 'Wiifiction B ny back basit". If you're noi gtirely satisfied nmineir help your WW will be re- i 'ItntheU.s. ..kfor"GlnPil!." r vi to keep the Nazi heel out of WORK- SAVE "History will record many strange and mighty events of this year. Among the strangest will be this: That Canada-numerically a small nation of a dozen million souls in North Anierica-suddenly found herself occupying a strategic position of supreme, importance in a conflict that would deeply affect the whole of mankind. . "Canada abruptly became almost the keystone upon which depended the whole arch of democracy and ..freedomJhroughouUbewhole world." What are we doing to keep the Nazi Heel out of Canada? We are marshalling every resource in manpower, material and money. Huge new plants to make war equipment are under construction and others are projected. In all existing plants, production has been stepped up to the limits of efficiency. 19 fl will see vast expansion in our war effort. What is this effort costing the people of Canada? The cost of Canada's war effort is running at the rate of over One Billion Dollars per year and will steadily increase. We must remember that Canada's contribution to victory is planned deliberately and definitely on the basis of the maximum war effort of which Canada is capable. What about our Army? We now have more than 165,000 men on Active Service and thousands ofothers in training. What about our Air Force? A year ago the R.C.A.F. had a personnel of 4,500. Now it has more than 35,000, without counting the thousands from overseas who arc training under the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. What about the Air Training. Plan? There are already over 50 flying fields and schools in operation. There will be 83 by September, 1911. The Air Training Plan over three years will cost $600,000,000, of which Canada's share will be $350,000,000. '0 -ta't... What about the Navy? When war was declared, Canada had 15 fighting vessels. Today we have 180 of various types. Within a year, another 150 will be added to strengthen and enlarge the Empire's life-line through which flows the ever-growing supply of vital war material. The ship construction programme is costing $80,000,000 and is giving employment now, to 17,000 men. What about' Motorized Equipment? Canada leads In the production of motorized military equipment. This industry has been 'geared up to a production capacity of about 600 units per day of the various types of automotive equipment necessary for mechanized warfare. Contracts awarded for motorized equipment total $127,000,000. What are we doing about Munitions? The construction and financing of new plants in Canada on behalf of the Canadian and British governments for the manufacture of tanks, planes, guns, explosives, shells, and other war equipment is costing over $280,000,-000; including $87,000,000 for chemical and explosive plants, $31,000,000 for shell plants, and $96,000,000 for armament plants. How do Canadians provide this money for our War Effort? They contribute through taxes of various kinds . . . they subscribe to War Loans . . . they purchase War Savings Certificates regularly. We all arc in the "financial forces" ours is the responsibility of seeing to it that our fighting forces have the adequate and vital supplies and equipment to bring about victory. -u wa .sir NORAANANGELL- Must Canadians be prepared to sacrifice? Yes. The Prime Minister stated in his New Year's message that the task in 1941 "is going y to demand more effort and more sacrifice";f No one need go without necessities, but yo'ui '; '"' m ' i are urncd to forego the nurcliase of unneces-; '. ' o o i ' - sary articles no matter how small the cost-no matter how well you are able to pay for ; them which take labour and material away, from the great task of providing goods needed . to win the war. ..: How can you help Canada's .f War Effort? - Be sure to make provision to pay your Income Tax payment is made easier by the new instalment plan. Buj be prepared to do more budget your earnings to make sure that you will have money available to buy War Savings Certificates and to subscribe for War Loan Bonds. You will help Canada you will help? yourself. Minister of Finance- FEBRUARY has been set aside as WAR SAVINGS PLEDGE MONTH, when national drive will be made, through employers, "banks, post offices, canvassers, teachers, and other agencies, to obtain definite pledges' of regular weekly savings from the entire : population of Canada. flf. V. V:...' ,13 r - ( P. It ;h ti ! , ?l t u . T A if 11 t'i ? it r .j II r. rr. IT a it