against Italy In the war which Is now centred In Albania. It was he who saw the possibility of an Italian invasion of Oreece following the Fascist rape of Albania and made preparations to resist It. King Ocorge II. has called upon the former President of the Greek National Dank, Alexander Korltsls, to form a new administration to carry on the war uninterrupted. Korltsls, In accepting office, expressed determination to carry on the policies of Metaxas. A chesty little man with the physical attributes of Napoleon Bonaparte and, hli opponents said, with similar ambitions, John Metaxas took dictatorial control of Oreece on August :4, 936. He had mixed army-polltlCja) brew tn the ancient naUcm Jocjrih--40 years His Intimate called , him "JannakL" or "Little John." Trained as a soldier and an acknowledged military genius, he was a confirmed royalist, the chief hope of the House of Olucksburg through 20 years of abdications and restore ations. Later he modified his views sufficiently to make himself persona grata to the constitutionalist monarchists and rode to power with them when Ocorge II. resumed the Oteck throne In October. 1935. - Then death In quick succession took Eleutherlos Venlzelos. his arch political foe and two of his colleagues in the new government, leaving him without a rival for the position of "strong man." Social unrest was threatening to break out in widespread strikes when the plump little prime minister stalked into King George's pal-(Continucd on Page Six) HITLERTO BE HEARD Speech Is Expected to be Delivered Tomorrow by Nazi Chieftain BERLIN, January 29 Marking the eighth anniversary of his rise to supreme power In Germany, Chancellor Adolf Hitler is expected to make an address tomorrow. NAPLES IS ATTACKED Important Italian City is Acain Bombed and Fired by Royal Air Force CAIRO, Jan. 29: (CP) Royal Air Force headquarters today announced that large .fires followed British bomblnp of Nnnlps nlrdrome. cen- D v. - J- tral railway Junction and Its mar-shalllne varrt Mnndjiv nleht. The Naples attack was only one phase of widespread offensive action mostly in support of land 'orces In Africa. Yesterday's Circulation of the Dally News 2150 Your inspection Is Invited Bulletins Of St. John's Ambulance Association She ESTUARY BOMBED LONDON At least five persons were killed when three bombs were dropped in a daylight raid along the Thames Estuary today after a comparatively quiet night when German operations were restricted to minor fliihts over the west coast and Hoyal Air Force planes were grounded. i "LEASE-LEND- BILL i WASHINGTON, D. C- Prcsi-ident rtooscveU stated today that he was willing to accept any modification -qfrthe -"lease-lend! b'lt for a'd to Great Britain providing the program is not disrupted and that it still falls short of war. Republican leaders are getting together to plan propos als providing for revisions. " AUSTRALIAN CASUALTIES CANBERRA The minister of defence announced today that Australian casualties In the siege of Tobruk amounted to not more than 300 killed and injured whereas the Italians lost 25,000 in casualties and prisoners. Australian casualties at Bardia amounted to 320 including seventeen NEGOTIATIONS BEGIN SAIGON, French Indo-China. Armistice negotiations between Thailand and French Indo-China opened this afternoon on the Japanese cruiser Natori. Japan is acting as mediator. "JUST A STOOGE" ROME rreniier Benito Mussolini's newspaper says the recent United States presidential election was a farce. It charges that Wendell Wilkie was picked by President Franklin D. Roosevelt as his opponent and now Wilkie is Roosevelt's special envoy to London. I LONDON NOT CO-OPERATING LONDON British officials' announce that they will not co-op. crate with the German proposal to move political refugees to the United States. LITTLE IS PRESIDENT Meeting last night In the City 4 P. H. Llnzey has received the , appointment as commissioner of the decennial census for , Skeena riding, it is announced today. An official of the Dom- ' inlon Bureau of Statistics from Ottawa will be here shortly to assist Mr. Llnzey In getting or- ganlzed for the work will occupy part of six months, It Is expect- cd. . IMPRESS American Sees How London Can Take It There During Raid LONDON. Jan. 29. In addition to the Prime Minister, Wendell Wlllkle has met Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and Minister of Labor Ernest Bevln. He dined with Lord Joslah Stamp Paul's Cathedral yesterday Wlllkle saw the city under air raid alarm , u.. nr,nrhland bombing. As for the conduct Executive iNamcn ,. . . of the city and Its people, he re'' marked "Fine." Wilkie reiterated that, when he returns to the United States, he will stick up for financial assls- .u- hraneh of the St.(tancft to Great Britain. He had PROVHi .At LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C Lcndcn Has Ninth Quiet Nlsht Brief Alarm Today Slight Activity In West AN ALARM TONIGHT LONDON, Jan. 29: (CP) London had its first air raid alarm in eleven nights tonight. T nMnnN January 29 London count. The had its 453rd air raid alarm of the the better war today. The all clear signal came shortly afterwards. A single German reconnaissance plane ap proached but turned away before , reaching the city. There was light enemy air activity on the West Coast last night. For the ninth straight night London had no alarm. Bad weathsr grounded the Royal Air Force la?t night. Auxiliary Head For Air Force JOhn AmDUiaill-i- .. ,V. ...111 V, ctnlnnp hero for iVlP follows: leu a unwise w uim;uj3 yuuiy .-.... prt officers as next couple of weeks relieving Nor- President J. J- Little. 'at present. j f!f . "cM.nt Charles Graham. , man McEwen who Is being transfer- cUretarv-Treasurer, II. J. Gra-, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Baker and hnm 'daughter returned to the city on '..tivn-Arnold Flaten, W. O. the Prince Rupert this morning . .. pitmi nnH Aneus Macdonald. , .. .virion fnr fiitum ac frcm Vancouver where Mr. Baker recently underwent an operation tivities particularly In connection from the effects of which he Is "U war preparations. " "w xu his return south. Comlne north on the same plane was A. M. Hurst, until recently prin cipal of the Revelstoke High School, who has taken up war work as a war services secretary for the Young ! Men's Christian Association and nects to leave Friday nleht. Later two Y.M.C.A. representatives are to be stationed here to take charge of the auxiliary services work among the local troops which Is rapidly Weather Forecast Tomorrow sTce prince Hup ,yuf . in char- ; High -. 3:16 ajn. 21 1 ft. lotte Island ('oZ't Tc. Hind 15:11 pjn. 20 i It. Low .. 9:23 ajn. I 1 ft. with rain. t frib. 21:36 p.m. 3.j It. V NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V XXX., No. 24. Vol. PRINCE RUPERT;B.C, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1941. PRICE: 5 JENTS. British War Industry Speeds PREMIER JOHN METAXAS, STRONG MAN OF GREECE. DEAD BUT WAR GOES ON Fighting Head of Hcllcnesc Government Succumbs Following Operation Was Given Credit for Success of Campaign ATWF.Wfi .TfiMimrv 90 Pramion flanovnl TViv. 1T taxas, soldier, military genius and strong man of Greece, i is dead at the age of sixty-nine years. He underwent a, throat operation last Saturday from which, in spite of! blood transfusions, he failed to rally satisfactorily. Su-' preme commander of the Greek army, navy and air force, Metaxas was given credit for the success of the Greek campaign ST. PAUL'S ILLUMINATED BY GERMAN "FIRE-R OMBS" Battered by ceaseless "Nazi air raids, but unb ;wed, the city of London, hear of the British Empire, presented this scene during the nigra fire ra id of December 29. Rearing up out of the flames and smoke of surrounding blazing buildings U St. Paul's Cathedral. , Will Count People Here : AIR RAIDS I ARE LIGHT British Invasion Averted? MORE MEN CALLED UP Sir More Classes 1.8 and 19 Year Olds and Those 37 to 40 Rendered Liable for Military Service LONDON, January 29 King -11 1 - ..1MM AttlA Squadron Leader Lee of Ottawa worse, imwwins a privy council at Buckingham Pa-. is Visitor to Trince Rupert-New .... lace, ssued a proclamation today linn ;tn - , ,o camng youins ui io auu o jcaio Souadron Leader H.T.I. Lee.Ot- and men from 37 to 40 to register ! SalWlllkle of Churchill: "He is tawa, chief officer, auxiUaryservl- ror mur, se w a great man. I knew that before, ces, air, lor ueparimeni oi Bondi --- - Defence Is visit to Prince j8 Now I know it more." paying olda are called Wlllkle has been touring London Rupert In the course of a . tour of , e l. .. u uj-,, urv,na f fih various various air air bases Dases in in Canada. Muaua, c -- "B'' - ...... in V HW Illflllil UiilildlLCi ft AllXl uv kv i months before the eighteen arrived by plane at noon yesterday many , from Victoria by way of Ucluelet year-old w and Allford Bay and will leave cn -J 4 " - olds. The new proclamation a , Is year needed, It was explained, to pro vide a steady flow of men into the armed forces as required. WeatKer Forecast General Synopsis Pressure remains low over southern Alaska and is relatively high over eastern red from here to Winnipeg and ex- Washington. The weather contln ues mild throughout BrltlsK Colum bla with showers on the coast. West Coast of Vancouver Island-Fresh to strong southeast wind, cloudy and mild with occasional rain. can now weeks, something that it used to take months to do. Many more new factories are coming into produc tion. Others will not be ready until I 1942. ( The drive to speed up production , 1 LONDON, Jan. 29: (CP) A British military authority said today that German infiltration 1 into Rumania and Bulgaria j and air raid aid to Italy had 1 become so extensive that 'the very real danger" of an tnvas- ion of Britain may be averted. irascuj 'Attends' Wrec'lToTlfniTed States Army Transport Down Coast The United States Navy gunboat Charleston, enroute late yesterday afternoon to Ketchikan w-i'h 23 nassenccrs and 24 member of the crew of the United C(n I.. A r m ir (p.ncnnrt cl.amAr son Channel, sent a radio message to the e'fect that three persons were believed 'ost In the ground-in rt On Kvhak. Confirmation of h Hrnwnrie Is awaited by ih" nutho'iHps. The Charleston is due in Ketchikan today with thf survivors who had reached v. oUy shore safely from the Kv'-bak. The coaHguard cutter Nemaha ?nt a radio message to Ketchikan vesterdav afternoon stating The captain was mong the thir teen seamen remaining on the battered ship. The Charleston took the passengers from the beach where they had been landed to deliver them to Ketchikan. The Nemaha will starts Capt. W. P. Armour, manager of the Armour Salvage Co., flew north from Vancouver to the scene of the wreck late yesterday and today ordered derrick and other salvage equipment to be sent from here. The' outfit is leaving this afternoon in tow of the power tug Daly with Capt. Oscar Sather in charge. The Powell River tug St. Faith was heading for the wreck last night. German Minister Of Justice Dies Gurtner. German minister of Jus tice, died today. He was one of the less prominent of Hitler's Nazi jhenchmen. Up December Biggest Month Yet; January Larger; Not Peak Bombing Fails To Disrupt Production Many More Fac-l torics Are Starting Work Women ; Replacing Men i . ! LONDON, January 29. British munitions ard war 1 supply factories reached a new high mark for vol me of production during December in spite of air raids and'it will be higher, still in January, Rt. Hon. Ernest Bevin, inmicfoi- nf InKnr annnnnppi! Nntwit Visr nnrlin tr t.l it. thp peak has not, yet been reached. A whole army c. vision DB cquipueu wiuuu i."" . I . . ITALIANS SURPRISED more and more Is. continuing. Wo- - Fe French Forces Take I: portant men in increasing numbers are be- ill g liUIkL tl (UVU TIM 4H to replace men who will engage in more active military pursuits. THREE HAVE LOST LIVES Was Sudden Stab CAIRO, Jan. 28: (CP) r lan garrison has been dri jthe ' Important Fezzan c southwestern Libya by Fre forces from the Chad re equatorial Africa, Genera Catroux announced last n said that a French camel ( tachmeomade-a -sudden into the Libyan Interior the Italians unaware. With British motorized ; deep In Libya that Italy's the whole eastern part of onv Is In Jeocanr. gener quarters today announced Jlng pressure on Derna. junits are operating sen west of Derna while mai he Ital-n from sis In French on in George ht. He rps de-obsdecp atchlng aits so lold on he col' "i and forces Kvichak, which wrecked Monday ,mass for an assault on tn; coastal town. trea, Ethiopia and Italian lomali-land are reported develo.-ng sa-" .tlsfactorily. British fighting planes have ma-chine-gunned the retreatin enemy between Derna and Barce in Libya. ; BOMBING ELBASANI that the Kvichik was still hard I aeround with water over the main jRoyal Air Force Co-opera1 -s With decks and bulwarks; Thirteen Greeks, Against Ital ins members of the crew were re- . maining aboard the Kvichak. The CAIRO, January 28 u: nadian cutter arrived at the scene of the j Press) British bombers cause. wreck Tuesday morning and considerable damage to U.S.S. Charleston arrived later, "buildings and stores at Albania, yesterday, the R ' Force announced. The Greek campaign a; Italians on. various sector ues satisfactorily, It was stated today. Further Counter-attacks have been remain at the scene until salvage fully repulsed and the Gr 1 resumed the offensive a! south coast of Albania lllitary basanl, l al Air 'nstthe Italian ng the awards Valona with artillery fire and bayonets. There is continued heavy fighting In the Tepellnl Klesu: area. WILL MAK i-i I LARGE G INS ii Announcement Blade Off "tally by Minister of Supply Rc trding Burnaby riant OTTAWA. Jan. 29: (CI 1 Hon . Clarence D. Howe, mlnlstc if munitions, officially announcr" yesterday that a $5,000,000 fcxte Ion will I be built to Dominion Br1 :e Co.'s One of Hitler's Lesser Henchmen plant at Burnaby In Van ' mver as l'asscs Away in iierun ioaay parsoi uanaaa s uavai ru i uruuu- tion program. The plan', wherr. BERLIN. January 29 Dr. Franz completed, will concentra1? on the production of component )arts of naval guns sucrt. as mourt ngj. .i& Is. part of a hSavV gun program costing $16,000,000, t