Wednesday. January 26, 1941. COST OF CLOTHES Detail f Annual Huctget Flfurnl Out Ity Untie Sam's Official, it, siorid aunu Associated Press Staff Walter WASHINGTON, Jan. 29: lAPi It tukes an average of $224 a ypir to clothe the professional woman. And when you get Into the individual prices paid for armenUr, she turns up more of a Clnderell than the office siren about whom till the triangle thrillers have been written. The $224 Is not an Ideal cMhr. budget worked out. by some $lnty-eyed economist. It's what 2lW pro- ' feisional women actually sjitfit ' rin their clothes during 1039. . The group agreed po Jot do. wn every penny they spent, from fur coais to shoe shines and sent the result" to the Bureau of Home Economics. What she buys: Average Avtr.No. Prtee Bought Dresses $ 8.95 02 Blips - 193 12 Corsets, eirdles 4.C3 & Bra-ssieres ; 1.18 1.1 Neslit'ee.s .'. 3.5C .5 NightROwns 1.95 1.4 Hose 01 17.4 Shoe 6.16 4.1 Coat.- and wraps 2C.96 1.0 Purses 2.15 2.0 Gloves 1.75 2.0 Hats - 3.98 3.5 The budget showed up some oddi ties There's a great difference amonp women in their desire for clothes In the group one woman spent only $43 during the year. An other shot the works with $710. Eeveral got along on one new dre." even though they were out 'meeting the public" every day and had u, keep up an appearance. One somehow corralled 19 new Thcse women all live In cities of 100.000 or less They are scattered tiirotr h most of the states and' '.heir i.Miua) paychecks range from U83 $5,600. Some Live Alone They live In boarding houses, tn Pay Income Tax Instalment This Week' , :vY0UR INCOME TAX .j) ' (sel.GRATDeCmt rp mc ga- . . PAID VCt )a r-S - yr, INSTALMENT PLAN! f -S 5S' TAX YET ? iN.. YOU DON'T MISS TH6 Isfc 1 ZJy MONEY THAT WAYjy s . and, OU r30Y!-Dces ( YOU SAVE ( IT-GIVE YOU AND ME PAYING INTEREST L. fc, A CHANGE TO TAKE.., ..AND IT KEEPS r-A r PRODueTio J ll Whifflets From The Waterfront apartments with friends, or toy. Union steamer Camosun. south- themsclves. A small number ;lve bound from Stewart and other nor- alone und there's evidence that they thern points to Vancouver, arrived m As salaries eo un. a greater in nort at xau tms morning ana Po tt blue mood. Hats actually cost and will sail at 3 o'clock this af-fc-s than hose in these working wo- ternoon for Ketchikan and Stew- nen's budgets. They spent an av- art whence she win return here fage of $13 yearly for hats, and an tomorrow night southbound. average of $15 for hose. Maybe the answer lies in the beauty parlor e ladies spent an avtroce ?S3 or shampoos, waves and cosmetics. round out their budgets, Com paratively, the doctor's bill, includ- From the East ing health and accident Insurance, Tuesdays, Thursday's and pme to only $58, Saturday An Australian soldier Is shown examining a deserted Italian dug-out I in the western desert. Over the entrance is the name "Bel-lavlsta which means beautiful view. Apparently the view was nt beautiful the tenants when the Australian enough to hold . Lrnrmw ...i- . . ....... ... i nnon ran L T wno wormed the spearhead of the urmsn awvc, up.v... on lhe landscape. v COMMITTEES i APPOINTED liumber iet up their own solo house-. sailed an hour later for Vancouver standing committees for Itolii; . and waypolnts. On conclusion of Vpar 1941 are announrpd bv Presi 0: v a fifth of the group spend this voyage, the Camosun, of which ent w. R. McAfee of the Prince a: . inn for rubbers or galosccs. Capt. Alex McLennan is in com- Rupert Chamber of Comhierce as And if you'll look at the figures mand, will make a special trip north .follows: J'i- . ;ee that fancy underwear on-1 from Vancouver to Moresby Island m,, w r wouc n u r Ipart itly has become a gift Hen. logging camps with a large party of n'' RHnH p'nihh n The career girls also spent smallnh loggers and will then go on the jamea I ium- for slips and nighties ahd regular run between Vancouver and Entertainment Geo Mitchell, such, ! Prince Rupert via the Islands. ,Arf, h n nnrtnnrt n r Hose and shoes, however, take a mrnic 1 nick out of the weekly pay en- with a fair-sized list of passeng- Finance R. G. Hopkins. A. Fla- vC Dpe Hose seemed to last three crs and substantial careo of frelsht tpn J w Nlhnlls R E. Moore. eeks the pair. Shoes lasted about aNJl. steamer Prince Rupert. CaD- I p'ishprisJ L Lee. R. M. Wlns- i'hree months. talrt H. E. Nedden. arrived in wrt Contrary to man's usual belief at 9:30 this morning from Vancou-i Freight Rates R. M. Wlnslow.S. hat don't seems to be the answer ver. Pnwel Rlvpr nnd Ospnn Falls rnwnn t a Hhmu p stism - ' " - - - Atll LtJl&. . 4k. MUtUd J . . -.---. . Grain J. Clark, Bert Morgan, J. E. Boddle, M. M. McLachlan. Highway S, E, Parker, M. Hell-broner, J. G. Johns, J. J. Payne. I Legislative W. L. Coates, H. A. C. S. It. TRAINS 'Breen, R. Gordon, S. E. Parker. For the East I Lumber L Lambly, G. Mitchell, Mondays, Wednesdays and Prl p. skinner, J. Lindsay. days 6 pjn. Membership G. R. S. Blackaby. UNTIL AUSSIES APPEARED ON HORIZON 11 p.m. .,.,Jv,Soott,Brind..RDpddsH J. J. Little, C. Kellett. ' Marine O. W- iNickerson, A. Borland, W. L. Qoates, J. E. Boddie. Peace -River T. Collart, A. W. Llpsln, Frank Dibb. j. Gurvlch. ' Port J. J. Little, J. Clark. A. McRae, H, A. Breen. 1 Public Works-TP. Lakie, J. Cur-rle. R. Gordon, O. Ross. ' Publicity--;!!. F- Pullen, Max Hell-broner, J. E. Morris, D. J. Mathe-son. Radlo-D. C. McRae, J. J. Uttle, J. L. Lee, C. G. Minns. . Real Estate and Insurance J. Dybhavn, G. P. Tinker. John Cur-rle, T. Collart. Retail C. G. Minns, J. Bulger; H. K, Chrlstensen, B, R. Dodds. Trade and Commerce J. W. Nlcholls, C. C. Mills, Thos. Mc-Meekln, J. Scott. Transport--T. W. Brown, A. Bor-land, J. Dybhavn, Geo. Nlckereon. LOOK Bicycles and Wheelfoods of all kinds Repaired. Rubber Footwear, Tires, Etc., vulcanized at GUNN'S Variety Repairs 6th St. opp. OK Barber- Shop tion. '' THE DAILY NEWS . si SMITHERS After a short and snappy spell of two or three days wind which brought- the tempera- President w. 1L McAfee of Cham-;ure "Pj" a hurry from about 20 : degrees oeraw to ocsrm auovc. her of Commerce Makes A or sPe11 of n nwa' Choices for Year 1941 I much of the snow and has again left the streets and country roads the I in an icy and very slippery condi On Sunday several business men of Smithers made a trip to the Hunter Basin mine to have a look at the operations there. During the day the wind was blowing very hard which resulted In the road becoming so badly drifted that they were unable to return and they did not get back until Mon day night. Danny Palumbo and Billy Gyer of Smithers, who are now mem bers of the Canadian Scottish Battalion in Victoria, are home on furlough and are visiting their friends and relatives in the valley. They are both very much taken with army life and both show the beneficial effects of their training. Among the-patients in Smithers hospital are T. A.' McMartlnj man ager of Watson 's . 8tote .Ltd., ; and Billy Price of Walcott, both whom are pneumonia victims doing as well as possible Terrace Having Varied Weather cury dipped to 3 above zero. MANUFACTURERS' Life Insurance Co. P. H. Linzey Local Representative Prince Rupert 1MIONF. GKF.EN 446 IBRUINS IN j 2NDPLACE Boston Defeats Chicago in Natio or and Temperature Dips to 3 Above Fol lowed by Blizzard and Then Rain TERRACE. January 29 A three-day cold snap was experienced in Terrace and district last week, culminating in a blizzard on Sunday afternoon. Monday morning found some of the roads blocked with drifts but It had become milder and the snow turned to rain. The coWer thermometer reading was on Friday night when the mer nal Hockey Learue BOSTON, January 29 (Canadian Press) Boston Bruins defeated the Chicago Black Hawks In the National Hockey League last night and moved into exclusive possession of runner-up position in the standing They had previously been tied with the Detroit Red Wings for second place. Next games will, bt played tomorrow night with Detroit at Toronto and Chicago, at New York with the Americans. The- league standing to date: Toronto 10 3 8 89 58 41 Boston 14 8 7 101 71 36 Detroit 13 8 1Q 70 59 34 Chicago 12 5 12 68 73 29 Rangers 10 7 14 81 82 27 Cahadiens 10 4 16 70 83 24 Americans 6 7 17 54 107 19 Hockey Standings ; Pacific Coast-League Spokane 17 3 U 78 68 37 Vancouver 14 4 14 93 P0 32 Seattle 12 5 14 88 95 29 Portland 14 0 18 70 92 28 CURLING CUP AT SMITHERS Fine Trophy Has Been Put Up by Home Oil Distributors SMITHERS, January 29 A fine gold plated cup donated by the Home Oil Distributors Ltd. of Van- Icouver, as a challenge cup for competition by the Ladies Curling jClub of Smlthers, has Just arrived from Vancouver and Is on (display In the office window of L. H. Kenney. The cup Is mounted on ! a pedestal which will carry shields I bearing the names of the winning rink each vear. It is sultablv ln- Cold I corlKfH-l wHh t nirllnir strwo nnrt this I rmpri hrrMms nnrt th admired by local curling enthusl- SPORT CHAT English cricket lost one of Its best khowp players when Pilot Officer O. O. Macauley was killed on active service. Macaulay, who was" 44, Was one of England's greatest, boilers and during his1 1 years wlt,h (he Yorkshire County team took 1373 wickets at an average cost of 17-08 runs. He played for England in test matches on several occastoru. Scotland is still attracting big crowds to its football games, d?3-olte biltzkrieg and blackouts, furr ther south. Twenty thousand turn-. 2d out for a match between English ind-Scottlsh army teams. The Eng-ish soldiers won 4-1. Glasgow dangers, Incidentally, after going .hrough 15 Scottish League ?a:nes without defeat, finally bowed 1 -0 to Hibernians. . Canada At War 25 Years Ago ,dlstrlctwas favored with a Chinook the donors and It is being. jtrvuJanuaryw29.J916--- Jwentyslcut, persons killed and 30 Injured In asts but more espe-lallv by the Zeppelln ralds on Parls. Germans 11 dy curlers advanced at Frise on the Bomme-ranged A schedule of games will be ,ar- Immediately and play will On the Eastern Front, Russian fore-be started without delay to decide es repulsed a German attack south tiie first winner of this tronhy, of Lake Babit In 'the Rfea sector. CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Trains leave PRlKCE RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and pining Cars Stealer feates PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, 11:30 pjn. calling at Qcean Falls and Powell River WINTER EXCURSION FARE, to VANCOUVER and RETURN QQH AA Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1940 to Feb. 28th, 1941. .$ODUU Final return limit March 31st, 1941 Eor Full Information and Reservation, etc Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines V WherfYo'ii -Want RdiaWe,- btmitifatoft, .Dependable. Service PHONE 1 3 24' Hour Service at Regular Rates " I"1 . . Wanted-Raw Furs HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Ship to J. E. ORM1IEIM, Prince Rupert, B.C. Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Phone "41. 1C7 East 3rd Ave. ( This is thb Time of Year When QUALITY COAL Makes a Difference to Your Comfort Consult with us as to the best kind to use for your J I Stove, Range or Furnace 1 t I Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. j I thOSE 118 PHONE III I t i i i U i ' i fcy r:' '' n 'A i t TKNDKIt lNfllll! Tenders wlU be rect...u at Cambridge ahd Oxford are plan- de nlng to renew boat race rivalry next uoti or tit t jUowinir w spring. Oxford's challenge for a wH1 lrom iuory . . . r u-: . Area . enue, Prince Rupert. jo un- of .tola i. -ace was accepyco uu wuwukubci Bones RoujH Ta. suet who won last year by five length! j ntctm OreMe sq---,-- " hnM four rlractlpea weeklV The' 1,, Tentkr ,crm luil eln will noia lour pracuces weeuj. ba oiiuhii irtm th OJtr 6j- race proDaoiy wui oe jiciu u itu .ipites, supply D. over a snort course ai weniey. blues will be awarded and the re-suit wont go into the official The second Great War may ,kill England's $2,225,000-a-year sport of fox hunting. Most of the Jaraous hunts are at a standstill, horses iaye been sold, stables closed slid in some districts farmers have been encouraged to shoot the foxes. The (port has been losing ground" since J.930. chiefly because people hvnt had the money to go hunting, ahd oeople In the know say they don't .hlnk It will ever come back, at 'east not on the old-time scale. It: Av Tenders must be utaittv..l to live- un-denlgticd not Uter Uua tint 10-a fvfr-ruary. ,1941 J. J. BVRTON-WIlXISQJf, U. til. O, D. 8. & T. O.. PH UZi; ilLTEST DEFENCES 1 t.N' tllK Si I'KKMK fOI'KT Or 111111111 COM M1IIA IV I'lKHilTt : In the Matter of the "AilinJiiNtralliui Art" And In the Mutter of the t'.-IMe of Do n Aid Crerar. 1hn-tanl : TAKE NOTICE that (KCItr if liotvar. W. E. FJher, made tti "ntti rfa'y of January. AX). 1941. I .wiuiptUJ A.1 mintetrator. .dib: wlUnn-Q-s i, fci" the estffLe ol Drnald Creiar. deceo.d, And All parties having claim against tola -enfate ae ihereby required to Xurnish mie. properly verttitd, to roe n -it 4fore the 28th day cX Feijruary, Ah D. 1D41, and alt parties Indebted to" 'vhe estate are required to pny ,Uie -amuuit. of their lndttotedneas .to me torLhft-ltU ' DATED the aaui day cf January; ' AJ. 1041 - NORMAN Ai-WATf . OMlclal AdraVatetnitor, Prince Rp. .. C.C. IS T1IK M Tlit.Mr: f'Ot'KT Ol' ItKllKll (oi.r.Miiiv ix rnoam: In the Matter of the "Administration Art" And In the Matter of the txtale of Augusta Uoehnlng Crerar, lereaed, TAKE. NOTICE that "by order of Jllg Honor, W. E. Fisher, made .the 27th diy of January, A. D. 1941, I was appointed Administrator, with Willi annexed, ot the, estate ot Augusta Roehnlng Crerir. deceased, and all parties bavlng clalnw against the sold estate are hereby re quired to lumish same, properly verlj flea, to me on or before the- 28ttt day of February. A.D. 1941, and all .prtiev uidebtea t,o the estate are required to pay he amount of tlielt .intlebtedness to nrf -forthwith.' JMTCQ4Ji2aUi-riayMJt'iuanr AD. 1941 . . ' NORMAN A- WATf OfXiclal AdrnlnittWtor, RrttMe Rijjen. B.C. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF'' BWTIsrf columbia in probate In the matter op the "Administration ACT" AND-, IH THE MATTER : OF THE ESTATE OF DAVID ALLEN. Deceased. ' TAKE NOTICE tiict fcy Order of. Hie Hontuf Jtidge IMStier. Ijooal Judge of the Supreme Court of Brituih Columbia. ; was on ithe iath Oay c January AJ) 1841 appointed Administrator -jot the Estate of David .Allen, formerly of the Settlement of Hyder, Brltistt Columbia. Deceased, who died on or about Uie 21 at' dy of September 1940. All rott In. debted to the said Ea,t arei feqiHred in pay uie amount or thedf Irujebted- ness .te me forthwith and bi persons havlns claims against the &3id Eatati 1 . .v Ik....... JIU- verified on or before the ,30th -dafr-ot Iperly Aiprii AJ3. 1941 falling Which, durttlv wttiwu win ur iititue iiiavuif regard, only vs. suon claims ox which I shall - have been notified. .. DATED at Prince riupert. BC! :thi 15th day of January 1941. . .. ; ,- ' NORMAN VfATT. -.: Offlctal. Administrator, Prince Rupert, fl,C, "fKIVF.ItS'Mllvr LlQlOft ACT" . (Section 261 NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR. A ' , CLUB LICENCE V 'Notice Is hereby given liuus 'on' -the 10th day of February 1941 nert.i the undersigned REX BOWLING CLUB LIMITED intends to apply to the Uq uor Control Board, for a- CUib LlcenCim respect of premises situate- oii .ihe North-westerly portion of the. Tlitfitl floor of the Besner Block a ih;orr-. per of Third Avenue and Third! Btreet, upori lands dcrtbed as lota 23 and Ji, niook 30, Section 1. May 923 la tavaCity ,. of Prince Rupert. Prince Rupert-LatKI RegLtrtlon District in the 'Provlhre of British Columbia, to entitle- each' member of the said Club- to' Iwep v tai Pie premLses a reasonable queuitrty; of liquor for personal coiwimiiplton oh the pttntlHes. In aooordance with the Jors'-vlslons of the "aovemment Liquor Art" And the Regulations promulgated there-under. PATED this 8th day of January 1941, REX BOWLINO CLUB LIMITED . By Geo. Frlzzen. PresldenC IN THE RUPRJIME DOtlRT OP BRtTIRH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" , AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF ROOER FRANCIS PERRY. Deceased. TAKE NOTICE tint ay .Order of Hi Honour Judge Fisher, local : Judj of Ui Supreme Court of BrtUsh' Columbia, I was A the 13th day of Jinuory A. D. 1941 appointed Administrator ox tlie ' Sstaito of Racer Francis Perry, formerly of tine City of Prince Rupert; firitltli Columbia, Deceased, wlio dJjfd on or aiout the Slat day of August 1940. All persons Indebted to the said Estate are ' required to pay the amount of their IndtibUidneus to me fqntiliwtth and SU perxons having claims against the sstd EKtute are required to file thara - with me properly verified on or before the ' 30th of April AD. 1941 falling Which dd&ttlbtrUori will be made havlnr regard only to such ctetanr of which t tthall have been notified. DATED u Prtoce Rupert, B.C, the' ISO) day qf January 1941, k norman A, Watt, Official Admlnlr itor,