THE DAILY NEWS. ment in the frui FARM LANDS. jn ai i laa ininahaee — seietatmanaii — —————SSSS THREE GERMAN EXPERTS heir cori 2 row boat Hail} ‘ OUR PRICES INCLUDE ALL CHARGES, BOTH p na ; I Orders | s rain in pill form, and SNES) deliver d direct : ner of he ft te glass 0 you. home KAIEN HARDWARE C OMPANY silent part piste elas r5 sce TRANSFORMATIONS = . Mt Se PEE Beat Quality Hats Any style 29.50, or exis (40) 5 ; rte ner i THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 152 PHONE f ora Vise perspires | ostresed Only measuremert required is ci: cumferenes of Head, Sm crise ity a hate Sample of er doaes Builders’ Paes Sheet and Plate Glass i he =. Suess ~o a Plumbers’ suppii Plate Glass Mirrors «= One of the most} = by hag ss, | i= HARDWARE == i | Sea 4 ; Oils Tinwar ' peusms vs ee , ‘ ey “ Varnishes Graniteware wi 8 trey S“'tcnes | ple) AllGootesccwre | as x: . . ; ty privately ~ : The “‘ Stay Satisfactsz5 ' : ] geta packed and sent rd . MONARCH MALLEABLE ria The tainy season of the] Seyebertas , a ae LATEST - - . 1») 6(CATALOGUE ‘gu * 5 sat I s of slizht No. 13 on Exhibit From Fruit Valleys of Britis porta tied sppmeation t inseonti. Clougher Syndicate — Towers 4 - ids Sidewa 449 SPADINA AVE. ay ae” POSTAGE oe Columbia Delights Winnipeg People Be aes ee vets moet coe Et i T g D ' alia ite ‘or where desired) only oD ars a re. Transiorma $ Sin Saturday Night MEME 82, 62x PERRY ROAD, Ss Ss wages ROCKLEY, Lonno " R : Sager Aiake Manageress on,S.E. ENGLAND, The photograph below of the Great | obtained from the exbibit, states: me SUEY. a Northern Railway's City T “e A nuinber of British Columbia firms —$—___ xindow exhibit at W . she mashing the sale of their properties \ lay of fruits taken from the formed that our exhibit Kootenai, Okan gan and other ) close quite a ws ap ruit valleys of Br ch C ee £ Wi M - yeen of great inter ba e883 0 innipeg, vf he Chicago of Northwestern C r-/\ in the oh ibition, said “The - i I { English Clothes ng the bleak days of Dece mnber | J Jan- | res sign should be a ao aary. a ” the opportunities for : for Canadian mearers | cata 2e gq Canadian men are smart ¢ want Subscribe for the Daily News. dae F * London's best” in tailoring vii. 7 \ growing demand for Ree aan Hi and made by the leading London with 7 go V = 23 shops i in the Metropolis alone). The “ Rego” Ss \ $ prices give you the be t Ex g ade-to-measure j sa + MeCaffery 8 & Gibbons i tailoring at ready- made prices. This superb ie i levia g sa English model, for instance, costs you in all but ee j Z = I hay . = on 1 te ‘ K . a s t Street #2 ; Caer Block 3, Sect . : : wo Summit Ave : wil as a aaa # pais Ea erms 2 and 624 B k 19 Section 5 ? - ‘ < ew s : eact ialf cash, t F WHAT IS RAIN? vey eves: 3i/asaar Ha : Made to your Measure. Te oy as : ewiess s zrea t tt, Block s , 41 Ea ; @ Answer to the First Question rs ' a4 @ It is the famous “Rego” “ Buckingham,” the tat Prince Rupert Children Ask. ‘ o rast J favourite lounge suit of 1912; exactly as worn by i? Bi fier Ree ; s $: : thousands of the best-dressed men in London and Aas i : St ‘ the Empire. $10 includes all, there are no extras F - sias Al f ‘ k s —we pay carriage and duty too. You want be e s Kansas tt - eg ey . this suit when you see the fine quality cloths we aes i ‘ i s : : f 2, 504 ; ermns. - are making it up in. Let us send you a free parcel ‘ : i eee ee ‘ gr : ‘ ul < f the Japanese typl i Block 27, Section 6, $1 of patterns (all this year’s new goods) wit py This exhibit is one of t hich | home-makir:g in the fruit wing districts t i k 2 8 pa 5 : PY 3 ! D > in the fares seta: | oF the Newtierent * aS some s us : substitute! s fath he double-faces . ses ; of our illustrated fashion magazine and our simple i? ; : 7? e t a ; : 7, for $8 self-measurement form. Canadian address ;— \ ; i g gs i r a Ate 48, Se : a} i i Bhock $ : wy sstifig ‘ rf west of the Rock xy ™ Rego 29 j « a i ‘ the Lakelse kKitsumkalum asi eae. nen a ance t Okanogan V - - Poor ' . and Bulkley Valleys, in blocks of from ' ands of passers-by by the display pjand the We oe ot ; . acres of land at neols Lake f hea ' winning apples, wh hich were a pe Sieingly e “t Phe oe Aistinet vari-| arid gE S$ peopie get t d of $7.50 per acre. a ene CLOTHIERS, ty ie: arranged in the window, and the interest a g r i and afte Caan rs 3 ~ pomerad gore Freeh aP vest I east sive! wit ‘ amite and P . ‘ted ne CMONTREAL. fg Daten istrict Freight and Pas! - ; en gcc cer ee i N a senger Agent of the Great Northern Rail- B Mase t ae I sng COHDE SSS. OVCr Im me sy McCaffery & & Gibbons ie S eiaioa way st Winnipeg in writing of the result | Great. Northern Rail way W. ¢ bers to Make; bell farmers have t ‘Le " insurance Third Avenue ; = = is Ph BS BSBSQegggga , ! 4 BSBESEEBBIEBCAPsEBPsAsAseeseseecaeuesaenas Ss ee S&B ann ee = =a = = a a 8 a Beeog =a THE PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE Ww IS THE . THAT the Weekly News is the best weekly news letter that can be sent to the folks at home. It costs but $2.00 per year. ji THAT as you are reading this, others would have read your advertisement had it been insert- ee ed here. | | Ba LE ILS ze RMEBE 4 2 ENS SAU SSS THAT the Daily News Custom Printing Depart- ja ment guarantees satisfaction on every job : i | that goes out of the shop, satisfaction as to in | quality and price. For Particulars call or write THAT accountants can have their office books and record forms prepared here under their T H E D A | L Y N E W S | own supervision at moderate cost. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THAT we make a specialty of rebinding books Telephone 98 P.O. Box 1156 that are coverworn but otherwise fit for use. ses gtr ae See ee e BPs ashok SRE aS doable CB cian oe EE eT TT TT I eee eanennens os on 2 ere san oon e meee -