PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Casement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, uaggage ana rovemes MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT We arc now located in our new lucatipn. In our new and larger quarters we can now offer you one of the largest selections of Men's and Boys' Clothes for dress, wo;k and play. OUU POLICY WILL NOT CHANCE. Wc will continue to give you OUTSTANDING VALUES IN QUALITY-WEARING .MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHES. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER OR RENEW GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS for CHRISTMAS Appropriate Gift Cards Sent at No Extra Charge. ... A McRae Rros. Dependable Service vs.Md Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. Fine Program at Baritone "Barbiere dl Sevlglla" (Barber of Seville), "Largo al Factotum" (Rossini), John Charles Thomas, GOOD BROOMS Sale price, each THE DAILY NEWS Musical Recital WhiffletS From The Waterfront .Mr. AnH Mrs niirk-ihv FnUrlln ' V " The Best in Fine Foods FIRST GRADE BUTTER- 3 lbs. AYL.MF.R PORK & I5EANS- 16-oz. tins; 3 tins ORANGE PEKOE TEA 65c PURE MINCEMEAT Van., tin 19c 39c FINEST B. C. SUGAR 10 lbs. CLOTHES PINS 3 doz. for JIFF FLAKES Per Pkt OLD DUTCH Per tin 12c 20c 9c 39c SWANSDOWN FLOUR Pkt. 30 ROLLED OATS i8-lb, bags; NABOB COFFEE Per Lb. RINSO Large Pkt. IRASEU GOLD PEAS 20-oz. tins; each TOMATOES 16-oz. tins; each 40 to 100 watts; each Orange & Grapefruit Marmalade 2 lb. jar BRAN FLAKES Kellogg's; 3 pkts CHOICE PRUNES 2-lb. pkt HANDY SODAS Dollar Size; pkt 49c 25c 10c 79c 9c BANTAM CORN L""' 25c EDISON MAZDA LAMPS 20c 25 c 29 c 19c 39c BBSSBS3BBS: jujum.umj'iui.n.mi , .zsr LAUGH HIT IS COMING .... Merle Oberon And Melvyn Douglas Pri.,,. 1VM ,, i Friends With Wide Range Of with . ,... n.t ot nasseneers Selections .. - " in iiiai uncertain iciiiiiK on board, consisting largely of Alaskans and Yukoners going south ouin for ir the ie winter, winter. C.P.R. u.r.n. steam- At Capitol Theatre "J , sieam-. Mcrle oberon and Melvvn Dous nuiia vuea, instrumental ana PP Prin.MC r.nht R K. - "..,.." or:hestral-was .5 Included inciuaea In in the me nro ij ; " ,. riVr, , 1.1; v,i, - as afe . m a miw witn wu" an ' oaa (splendid program of phonograph 7t'' " ' " "CI. "7" tumcuy ?'?ance. .uu rrHi. h, , o' niwn theme which is bes shown on nrthem PlntS a"d 81 5 Wednesday and Thursday of this g Bteckabv entertained imusici?' frieSs Fx Sav pjn f0r Vancouver- The P3sse- week at the Capitol Theatre in menus on on oay yJWJVAWVWAV.Wttw ger list of the Princess Louise to- ..Tha,t Uncsrtaln Feehnz " The Thanks To You Ladies and Gentlemen of Prince Rupert Your approval of our value-giving policy in Men's and Boys' Clothing has. made it possible for the Rupert Men's and Boys' Store to become one of the largest stores for men's and bojs' clothing in the city. Rupert Men's & Boys' Store NEW LOCATION: 217-219 SIXTH STREET (Original Bryant Store Location) as follow P 8 talled 253 of vh0m mood of the picture, sophisticated Overture-"Dichter und BauPr" dlsembarkcd at Prlnce RuPert In type, is sprightly and gay. A (Poet ande?sant7 tvSS Suoue) whUe three went aboard ut thls " somewhat daffy com- by Cnc2rSuw SeSS ot p0rt' The thr0Ugh 31st TS'M " 18 ful1 of unexpected twists. ALSdam wfllem largely 01 ;Vhlte P3SS and Yukn beron d DuSlas are a Conductor CndUCtr WiUcm Seberg route employees including river blissfulIy happy couple whose Piano-Berceuse in D. Flat Maj- Ji TnllTr TCS matlUl 5lSUe rUnS lnt0 P1" D. M, M. Mar- nr ir.hnmi. r,i. m 1 f McKay, J. Gardner, v.ons of misunderstandings and tnr Hf t-nKall " Vf fm inrV 1 n r . . i . - ... MaJor Eco&saises LS" 2 G Ma1rr ' " - compromise unui 11 iinnaiy cui- eSsIsSTo 3 D Flat M,io; and UoTlison and ChJef nunates in a happy reconciliation (Alexander Braiiow-ikvi engineers Jonn Sicouana ana f. after many vicissitudes. L. Young. Supporting Miss Oberon and Douglas ate Burgess Meredith, as The season for the shooting of a wild haired pian-st; Alan Mow-gcese and ducks opened In this bray, as a scheming physcho- Jl.i-l.l ii. t A. 1 1. 1 t- a Vioiin "Hora Staccato" (Dinis- uu,UJtt at "e ena ol ine wees, analyst; eve Araen, as an uncon- cu) "Holzapfel und S'hechwein" DesPite .stormy weather, a few ventlonal private secretary, and (Korngold) Jascha Heifitz parties went forth to try their Slg Rumann, as a prosperous SDDiano "Dip 7nihPrfirvtP" luck- Ba5s. evidently, were not Hungarian mattress merchant. (The Magic Fiute) "Aria of the very substantial. B. J. Bacon, Miss Obeicn Is seen In an el Queen of Night" (Mozart) Meliza President of tne Pruice Rupert aborate wardrobe with numerous Korjus. Rod & Gun club' and his friend, smart costumes'. Piano "Liebcstraum Flat. Major" (Liszt) No 3 A weison, were out. iney maae west oi tne action or tne story Alexander no Doasts Dul exPlalned that the unwinds on New York's Park local birds had not yet arrived Avenue. Brallowsky. "Svmchonv Nn 5" in r; Mirmr from the interior because the : (Op. 67. 1st Mvt), (Beethoven) weaiher was mild there- The flight London Plulhaimonlc Orchestra scuthard of th? northern birds Conducted rontlnues but they do not seem to by Serge Koussevitsky ln the viclnlty of Prince "Symphony No. 83" G. Major !frry Rupert- ' 4lh Movement (Haydn) London pniinarmoni Orciestia, conduct ed by Serge Koussevitsky. ESS. C0"dl,5M w"m -- Z c btIutT- "renavment rates" nf frnm 17 r.H Orchestra with Flute Solo "Or- to 25s weekly $(3.06 to $4 50) ' .phee" (Orfeo ed Eurydyce) "Or- - ' , pheus" Ballet Music S;en:s des GET THE RIGHT ONE BSr5CfSrmDatnC l There are ab0 Pt Of- ?S J?P ? 0rchcstra nces in Canada. Philharmonic de Paris, Conductor G. Cloetz. ,A H Maiotte) John ohari Bari.3ne- -"T'he Lord's Prayer" Thomas. Kritish Columbia I N PhoneAunnwAITr-A,., Free 843 I each each uiuumii LA Ltd. Delivery 1 Hotel Arrivals rrince uupcri G. C. McDonald, Telegraph Word Is being awaited from the ' nPrt. P Mnri, n p . M s wh1t. Contralto "Ombra mai fU" Queen Charlotte Islands as to the. tiPr. jnnpan- .i'..."!. tt (Largo) from "Xerxes" (Handel) PrSrs which has been made ln j Hobles. F. Hudema. L. H Chap-Lisie Ackland. connection with the raising of the j. man, Horace slnclalr and G Mixsd Chorum-Messiah" "All 'o:al hahbut boat Unome, Capt. 0, McFcei Vancouver- B E Valde We, Like Sheep, Have Gone Eerf, Sheppard, which sank re- Burns Lake; Sgt urne and Astray" (Handel); "Messiah" ile engaged in fishing Leading Aircraftsman Collins All- "Suieiy, He ha.h Borne our for do2fi Massctt Inlet, about ford Bav: Mr and Mr, w Oriels" en mlles 3D0Ve Mafseft. A week WAftWVW'WWvwwA'wvwvwA (Handel) Royal Chcal waldof. Prince George; J. E. Nix MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Place your new and renewal orders with us LOWEST PUBLISHERS' PRICES ON ALL MAGAZINES to or from any part of the world. bociety, Aloert Hall, London. u l ounaay uaoi. wiiuam Edmonton; Muriel Pearson Ter- Vlollnceilo-"None Bussey Ieft for Massett Inlet with but the Lone- race; H. Carlson, Seal Cove Rally "Heart" (Tschalkowsky) Giocr a vIew to assisting Capt. Sheppard. Guss, Surf Inlet. Patigorsky. F. F. Jenkins. R.'Barry, Mr. and Bass "The Mighty Deep" (W. Union steamer Catala, Capt. Er- Mrs. R. G. Holmes, J. F. Piper R H. Jude) Malcolm McEja.hern. "est Sheppard, is due in port at Hackrldge. J. H. Cochrane. M. A. Piano "Sonato In A. Hat Ma- 4:30 this afternoon from .Stewart Bell and A. Berg. Vancouver; Mr cr" (Op. 26). 1st Movement, Bee- and other northern points and and Mrs. R. 'A. MacOregor and A -hoven. Wilhslm Kempff. will sail soon thereafter ln con- M. Matswnoto, Prince Rupert- Tencr'Mcssiah" "Every Valley tlnuatlon Of her voyage to Van- Mrs. H. Horslund, Dawson; G K Shall be Exalted" (Handel) Her- couver and waypolnts. Willis. Aliford Bay Mr and Mrs bert Eisdell. - William Munn. Pert Clements. Orche.ra "Air from Suite for HOUSING "DOWN UNDER" I Central Orchestra" (Air for G. String) SYn ay, N.S., Oct. 20: This w- Bamford, Vancouver; A. Pro-(Lento from Suite No. 3 in D) J. Australian port Is nlannine to koPn' Tyee; W. Dennis, J. p. o. oacn, new xork Philharmonic build 40,000 homes for sa 1p to Prout a"d R- Deyarcluis, Aliford Royal Nels Olsen, Anyox; L. Hudson, Prince Rupert. We Also Carry RELMONT CO. Ladies' and Gents Suits or Topcoats to .Measure. iM. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Box 975 Thone Gr. 960 I Grade A Raw Milk I Good for Babies and Adults J DOMINION DAIRY 5 PHONE BLACK 608 J J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. rhone 37 p.o. Box 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert When You Want GOOD TAXI SERVICE-Call 235 Taxi Proprietor o. Klldal Begins WEDNESDAY For 2 Days TUESDAY CAPITOL A FAMOUS PIATII1 THIATIP OCTOBER: Con!in Fr(n 1 Complete Shows al 1:00, 3:05, 5: 10, 7 15 9.2!) Ike LAUGH u on ml Have fun-the Lubitsch way as tempting Merle getj joydusly involved in a three-cornered game of "Don't' Here. Ac-comes"! And wliat more exciting playmates could a girl ask for than smooth Melvyn Douglas and charm-ing Burgess Meredith? OBERON DOUGHS THAT FEELING BURGESS IHEREDITII end ALAN MOWBRAY HARRY DAVENPORT EVE ARDEN SIG RUMANN 'at 14!, 3:46, 5:50, 7:56, 10 01 EXTRA SHORT TREATS An Armrrl Vfrvifn (Cn..lil. -THE TANKS ARE COMING" in Technicolor! Pete Smith's "CUBAN RHYTHM" WORLD NEWS Complete Shows ni irii i ii,"c Feature at 1:00, 3:03. 5:06. u"p,mvA nS 1 40 3 4? : 7:09 and 9:12. WEDDING DAV 7 46 and :ii When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 13 21-Hour Service at Regular Rates A. MacKenzie Furniture Iii "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 10 BEDROOM SUITES . . in the latest designs, beautifully matched facing Prlccd ' $72.50, 87.50, ?95.C0 fur four niprps. AND Phone 775 327 Third Ave. i 1 COAL! COAL! The f rentes? Victory Mature won- Was storna fromtAesunf The coal business isn't a m tcr of guess work with us. know good coal when we w It, and you will fZ, when you try It. We buy g best the mines produce. properly graded before comes to us and prop schcened and weighed W it comes to you. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. iMinwp Bsi iiii"-