PAOfi FOUR HOSPITAL NOTES With considerable business on the agenda, the regular monthly aMeUOtt ci :he board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hos pitai vu held last night. Present wre frank Dibb, president of the bcaid. Arnold Platen, J. S. Irvine, G. -P. Tinker. D. G. Borland and Dr. R. O. Large, directors, and H W. Birch, managing secretary. Th report of Fire Chief H. T. Lock .ne inoi.Lh al November. read at the regular monthly meet ing last night of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert Gen-oral Hospital, stated that the fire alarm system of the hospital was In good order with general housekeeping conditions satisfactory. A letter from Mrs. H. V, Tat-tersal. secretary of Centennial Re-bekah Lodge, read at the meeting of the hospital board last night. Expressed pleasure at having been able to supply a fracture bed to the rincc iturert General HosDital and thanked the board for its co operation in the matter. A communication from the Wartime Prices and Control Board, read at the hospital board meeting last night, stated that hospitals were not -required to take out licences and permits but suggested that, in order to facilitate the making of purchases, it would be well to make application for same This has already been done. The resignation of Kenneth Laird as an orderly at the Prince Rupert General Hospital was re-eWved at the regular monthly meeting of the board last night. The taxation assessment notice on hospital property for the current year was received at the hospital board meeting last night. It was filed. The hospital does not actually pay taxes. Th? donation of a case of three down tumblers from the Savoy Hotel was acknowledged with (hanks at the regular monthly meeting of the hospital board last night. I It is I Really The hosDital board, last nleht discussed the scale of charges to be made for the use of gas-oxygen anaesthesia in the operat- ; ing room which has become avail-' able as a result of equipment pre; sentedby Pr..(iVM T.rgln. it was decided to' refr .fhe matter to the finance committee, the basis of charge being tentatively set at $3 per hour until the permanent scale is arrived at. The ambulance matter came up aain at he mc iting of the hospital board last night. G. P. Tin ker, reporting for a special com- iiittee, advising the board that 112 axl was at present looking after ti a-mVon of the pmbulance. It having been found impossible to .nake arrangements with the poi se or fire departments to take it over. The new operators, however. desir-d that they be guaranteed their fees. It was left with the committee to take up the matter :rcm this standpoint with City Commissioner D. J. Matheson. Hcspital expenses for the month of November totalled $5712.19 of which $5698.54 was current ex penditure and $13.56, capital ex penditure, the hospital board was 1 -dvised last night in the monthly report of the finance committee, j Arnold Flaten. There were 1186 hospital days at a cost per hos pltal day of $3.59. At the request of Dr. R. E. Coleman, the hospital board last night decided to purchase two pieces of new equipment a centrifuge and balance at a total cost of $142.50 for the pathological laboratory. The purchases will be made from the laboratory earn ings fund. Dr. Coleman appeared before the board to support the purchase. He referred to the permanent value of the laboratory to the community, stating his desire that it should be improved with new equipment whenever financially possible. Reporting for the house com-itteee. Dr. R. G. Laree renortert that nacessary enamelware had been purchased. The committee was authorized to purchase necessary silverware. Four n?w beds for the Nurses' Home were re quired, Dr. Large stated. Keep in a Good Stock of Albert & McCaffery's Coal VANCOUVER ISLAND TELKWA OR ALBERTA The Best Quality Coal is Needed at a Time Like This PHONES 11C OR 117 ' ft 2f P9 ft jM jS k jr jit k urn k mm ft , CHRISTMAS SIinFSTTftN I For Her: Adrienne Toilet Sets ...... $1.15 to $11.75 g Jasmine Toilet Sets 85c to $11.50 g Gardemajoilet Sets 85c to $4.50 f? Evening m Paris Toilet Sets $2.00 to $14.00 gf Houbigant Toilet Sets ' $2.00 to $3.00 M Cutex Nail Sets 35c to $12.00 Jfe Revlon Nail Sets $1.00 to $1.50 B Woodbury Toilet Sets $1.60 and $2.10 m Fancy Stationerv ..... .in. nn Chocolates r,0c to $!.00 Christmas Cards, Seals, Tags, Ribbon, Paper, Crackers and Tree Decorations Onxi TTiiA Pioneer Druggists THE HEXALL STORE TIIONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. IPt.Vj 12. tv., tki. ' 7 UP s .J t & mi k fa aiso i.oiognes, 1'erfumes of Yardley, Lucien p& le Long, Lentheric, Houbigant and Rubin- For Him: Bachelor Shave Sets 75c to $8.50 l ard ey Shave Sets $1.25 to $7.50 Woodbury Shave Sets ' $1.00 Also: Purses, Tobacco Pouches, Hair Brushes,, Key Rings. Fancy Christmas Wrapped Local Hospital Superintendent Is Resigning The resignation of Miss Mar garet Jamieson, R.N., as lady superintendent of the Prince Rupert Hospital was received with recret at the monthly meetine of the hospital board last night. It is understood that Miss Jamieson Is taking another position in the east. A successor is being sought. GOING ABROAD SOW, TOO The wolf is a well-known in Germany right now especially at the door. "THE TURF" IX AMERICA The first horse race in America is believed to have been held 'n New York In 1665. il Schedule For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5 p.m. From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays n p.m. For Vancouver-Tuesday 12:30 p.m. Thursday ..... 10:15 p.m. FrWay 9;3o p.m. Saturday 10:15 p.m. December 8 and 18 p.m. P11lis is STRENGTH 15 under proof SyVn KUNItNIS Z60ZI TMOUIMr C0ID0N 4 CO LTD, 10ND0N.ENBUND 3u ItAfdl gin diltilUU in tiit hvU4 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia THE DAILY-NEWS TUESDAY, Dk PRINCE GEORGE Temperature has been hovering around the freezing poiri; at Prince George 'during the pa$t week with sleet and snow. Sereeant George Clark, chief of provincial police at Prince George, reports that, as far as he Knows, there are no Japanese in the Fort George district. There has been no increase in recruitlne in the Prince Georae district since the outbreak of war with Japan, according to- Major P L. Gale, district recruiting officer there. Twenty-four men have joined up In that area during the past month. Although response so far has been disappointing,; a drlvo for new Rjd Cross members in Prinw George is continulng.untll canvas sers are able to cover the entire district. . ... . The outbreak of war in the Pa cific has spurred the Prince George civilian. protection organization to activity1. A mass meetins-of the organization was held on Wednesday, of last week when the speaker was W, H. Conley, former Vancouver A, R. warden, t Sergeant-Observer N. J. Izowsky, formerly of the Prince George Citizen newspaper staff, rscently graduated from an air irainln? school In Saskatchewan and is now slated for overseas duty with the Royal Canadian Air Force. J. L. Altchlson has bee-i-eleeUd president of the . .Prince .Georgo AgriculFural ahc Industrial Association Vith IvorB. Guest as vice-president and V. Ferry, secretary-treasurer. i Recent drilling has resulted in water being found at deptn in the Pineview agricultural district near Prince George. This will be a boon to farmers in that area.: A successful bazaar was held by the Ladies' Aid of Connaught Hill Lutheran church, Prince George1, in t h e ballroom of t h ? Prlnc George-Hotel on- Saturday after noon. A resident of the Prince j district was .fined $10 In poxlce court last week for taking and shipping 176 .squirrel skins to a j Vancouver furrier without a trapi i per's licence. The skins were con- ' flscated. Mayor A. M. Patterson, entering his sixteenth term, and AWfsrmaiv Alex B. Moffatt, WlUlam It. Munrdt and William J; Pitman and School Trustee .Catherine S.'Altken were; returned by' acclamation at the" municipal election here last week, William Bland, who recently joined the crew of the steamer Princess Adelaide on the run between Vancouver and Prince Rupert, has had his first promotion, Mrs. w; M. watts and. family and Mrs. A. S. Nlckerson and'fam-ily arrived last ; week from Prime ! Rupert to take up temporary res-; IdenceL rThe rebort Is that, .i." num.' ber of families -left 'Prince tfupert at the Outbreak of war irrtfhe' Pacific. ' lk L JOIN THE ARMY TODAY Gift Subscriptions Nothing better can be given for Christmas than a Subscription to The Daily News. Any person who has recently moved away from the city would particularly appreciate such a gift. Special price this year on Gift Subscriptions $2.00 to any point in Canada, south or east of Prince Rupert. t THINGS TO WEAR SAFE There's Satisfaction,.,; Giving What Will Be Wantcil in Season and Out. By HELEN FORRIST HALL Associated Press Staff Writer BOSTON, Dec. 16: (AP) You never know, from the heap of gifts beneath the tree, just what one thing Is going to strike a little girl's fancy. But you can be mighty sure that If -yon give her something to wear, shell love it if her taste is considered in its se lection. You're a lucky donor If vou present Sarah Ann with that cherished wearable that makes her dance a jig and want to put It on every day. If it strikes her fancy. she's not going to worry her pret ty head about how utilitarian It Is. For a skating miss, your gift rare ' Tkr might be one of the very brief, full and circular cut pinwale corduroy skirts teamed with a quilted calico red wcsklt jacket. Or your choice might be a white raglan-sleeved reversible fleece "torso" or longer Jacket with detachable hood and new white ground plaid hsklrt. To Win the Heart Embroideries and appliquej of wool or felt will win the heart of a tot, whether it's on a snowsuit or sweater. So will a bit of fur, lining her hood or making a pompom on her cap. She'll adore a gingham gown or an old fashioned princess one of black velvet with red and white leaves em broidered across the chett Batis te, organdy or silk In a dre-up affair naturally makes a lady no i matter what her age feel Dresses with matching doU, sweaters, lambskin bonnets, mitts with velveteen skirts, and chain's blouses, military ralnrtpes and undies any one of them will make a big hit. Most exciting are robes with a matching hai-er-prlnted r,.'.'" mach the print :', w into !. r Hay SUpph , . money-bag pockf. Plnafor !r.fBl Tn . . aJ. r , red apples or crie-r ' inexpensive girt pensive versing . lawn with color: , Apron styles inr;U(1 ? t. wiucn button ., , shoulder , " dainty embroidered Aside from gars:.-;, tie girl loves earl the price von".." .Sterling silver w. Hundreds of -the Balkans aim . , flights. t:j. bowknots on diH P lambs' wool cuff., , ,v,L &es all have trexpid: LONG WAY off YET 'i povni ,, in colourful Hoidoj- Wrapper! J0 Tie up to Ogderis for Christmas Givinq ens f FINE CUT fiL l j ' GURV1CH CONTRACTORS Houses Moved To Any Location BASEMENTS AND FOUNDATIONS EXCAVATED AND ERECTED DUMP TRUCKS AND COVF.RED VANS For Hire By The Day Or By Contract Rock and Soil For Sale When Available OFFICE: EXCHANGE BLOCK I'HONE