DAY DECEMBER 16, 1941. Here's Aou; o mae his Christmas a Merry one m - 1 l . . MEN'S VS2 TMKI) AVE. fv ?J B 1 ' r7i AND HOYS' CLOTHIERS PHONE 315 For Gentlemen! Will be be one of the fortunate men to receive one of these practical GIFTS IN LEATHER? Zipper Brief Cases, Zipper Portfolios, Rill-folds, in black or brown Top Grain,, Seal Grain or Walrus Split Cowhide. Acceptable Beautiful Practical n ii' for Service Men. Professional Men and Business Men. PERSONALIZE your Gift to HIM ... INITIALS Stamped in GOLD on any of the above gifts FREE OF CHARGE. Dibb Printing Co. rilONE 231 BESNEIl BLOCK 1 duv a on-wu biii. ceruwcaie ior wnatever you care to pay. 'jg . Pui tt Into the little hat box along with the tiny Stetson tint and dangle the whole affair on the lucky man's Christmas tree. i He turns in the certificate for the Stetson of his choice you don't haye to worry about color, size, or style, and it's a Merry Christmas all around! Give him a STETSON for Christmas atts & Nickerson B B B B B '2 B B B B B B B at at B at at at .-. at B at Oi at at at B at at at at at B B at B at t- at at . - . .... .... .- . .. f.i- ? fi STv fflv ! 1m J'.V f CHRISTMAS GIFTS g n-RNiTl'KE Chesterfield Suites, Dinette Suites, Bedroom 5 ruUc.s. Ranges, Day Lounges. . OCCASIONAL PIECES Living Room Tables, End' Table.? Radio . , .ic- Smoker Stands. Upholstered Chairs, Tea Wagons, '.t ojks, Clothe:; Hamper, Wall Mirrors. China Cabinets, Cedar Chests. Hall Tree. AXMINSTKK CAr.PETS and Linoleum Rugs, Axminstcr Carpets, .;?.!: from 15x27 to 0x12; Jaspe Inlaid Rugs. Linoleum Rues. i cr.eoleum Rugs. Inlaid. Printed Linoleum, Felt 3ise, (sold BAC' AE Travelgard Twin Sets, Fitted Cases, Wardrobe Tv.-'iks, Tiunks. Steamer Trunks, Suitcases, Gladstone Bags, bare. unji Zipper Cases. ,. ' ... , . TOv A.N'l tVUEHL GOODS Doll Prams. Doll Convertibles, Fibre ra ' onages, Wakens. Kiddie Kars, Scooters, Veloclpidos. Baby W. lkers. Children ;; Rockers, Baby Swings, Baby High Chalrsv A: ; omubilea, Wheelbarrows. Elio's Furniture Store TlllltU AVENUE IMUNCE ItUPEKT, B.C. g r---. .... . . .fejMrkjMfkjyilJVIIIC ifr.JLfffS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL IK Miss Canadian Send a 10 lb. box of "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD $2.00 Delivered. To our many customers who usually send la bos : of K'PPeM their friends or relations at this ; Ume t ot the jrar. e -xorcss our regrets, we have not yet been able to secure any Herring suitable for kippering. mtprinr rmd on Rat.hfr than disappoint our friends in the "" I sn He Prairies, who really appreciate a taste or smoked u-eci from the Coast, we substitute the offer above. Cod Tor $2.00 wc will deliver a 10 lb. bos of Smoked Black National W any express point in B. C. or any Canadian t- r . . .it i. c.i. i, i.,rin mid SIaniloia. tjprcs3 point in aun-ii'i, cii-."-"-" Maii your order with cheque or casn w. JfS omi-.txt tptcTt a. rriT.n STORAGE CO. T LTD.. m wu,num" prince Rupert. B.C. vjth name and address of consignee. We will enclose card ij th name of sender. -i.1 Hicn at o nut .in ib itvr, m Ltd. B,ilIls" c,"-ro"" mm itui cuT Co. i If you lose anything, advertise for it. Rev. H. C. Burkholder, who has been here In connection with Religious Education Council rally week, sailed by the Catala this afternoon on his return to HEAD COLDS Relief from Distress Comes this Way Put 3 -purpose Va-tro-nol up each nostril . . . ( 1 ) It thrimks swollen membranes; (2) Soothes irritation; (3) Helps flush out nasal passages, clearing clogging mucus. VICKS VATRONOL In last Thursday's Vancouver Sun aDDears a special article by Arthur Maj'sev describing .thede-fences of Prince Rupert and the ! c i v i 1 i a n protection organization i which stand, 4n readiness in the I event of attack from without or sabotage irom wunin ionowin0 the outbreak of war In the Pacllic Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert A. Robertson and Noel Taylor, Massett: D. Gillespie, Dawson; B. Westman, A. Ryan and F. Madson, Church Creek; L. P. Davles, Sklde- irate: E. Anzlebloom. J. K. Camp bell, E. Vekback, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Woodward, G. G. Fife, R. Barry and Ray Lunningdal, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. G. Leary and child, Freda C Hall, Port Clements; R. J.. Furness, Winnipeg; Robert R. Mallory, O. Veide. D. M. Cross, J. B. Barker and Mrs. J. J. Papp. n 1.. linn. mm IsUIUIUCIll CrtllJ 111 Jiiw- u I NURSINT. CLASSES will be "a kU Pliiica vrict A utth Priestley. P.O. Box 436, I 1IT. If iV.V.V.W.W.V.WV.NW.W B. C. Furniture Co. 1 Underwood Portable Typewriter, in first-class condition. 0 Reconditioned K i t-chen Ranges for coal and wood of various makes at very low prices. Chesterfields, Beds and One Occasional Char, some very fine I, irom. Radio Tables, Coffee Table and Lamps at low prices. Phone Mack 321 THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES Men's First Aid Examinations Thursday, 7:30 p.m. sharp. (295) We still have a good assortment Pfif'tbys at We Dollar Store. Mike Obuchina was a passenger on the Catala this afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Carpenters Meeting Postponed until Sunday afternoon, 2:30, Car penters' Hall, Praser Street. James MacKill of Kleena Kleene in the Cassiar district of northern British Columbia has been ap pointed a coroner. Charles Graham, inspector of mines, left on last evening's train for Vanderhoof enroute to the Omlneca district on official duties. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Turnbull sailed on the Catala this after noon for Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season. A For that special Dress for the holiday season see our personally selected choice, newest styles and colors, reasonably priced, at Star's, opposite the commoaorc, Third Avenue. Tonizht's train, due to arrive from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be one hour late. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Rennle will be Dasseneers on the Cassiar this evening returning to their home in Port Clements 'after a t.p to Vancouver. Miss Elsie Fry arrived in the city at the end of the week from WinniDee to Join the nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hos pitals Did you know a small deposit will secure any evening dress for you on the Rupert Peoples Store Lay-away Plan? Select yours to morrow at the Peoples store. Olof Hanson. M. P. for Skeena. arrived In the city at the end oi the week from Smithers for a visit of a few days here. He will be Droceedlnz to Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season. Miss Ida Smith, B. J. Brldden S. L. Simpson and Arthur Robertson will be passengers by the Cassiar tonight on their return to their homes In Massett. Miss Helen Mathers fs sailing on the Cassiar tonight for Sandsnit. her home, to spend Christmas and New Years. E. V. Whitlne. manaeer of the uHemployment and claims office here of the Unemployment Insur ance Commission of Canada, wil' be the sneaker at the reculai weekly luncheon of the Prince Ru pert Gyro Club on Wednesday of this week. He will speak on the subject of unemployment lnsar ance-, particularly with reference to the new federal plan wnich is now In operation. NEW X-RAY IS ORDERED Prince Rupert General ilospital Tt Have New and More Up-to-Date Equipment Costing $7 ,000 A new x-ray outfit is to be installed In the Prince Rupert General Hospital at an estimated cost of $7,000, It was decided at last night's meeting of the board of directors. It will replace the pre-5ent eoulnment which Is beiomine obsolete. After some discussion the board decided to place the order with the Victor X-Ray Corpora tion. The outfit which Is being obtained Is recommended by Dr. W. A. Whltelaw. Vancouver x-ray spe- clalls, as being best adapted for the requirements here. Arnold Flaten. who estimated that the new equipment would pay for itself in two years, moved mat the purchase be made. This was seconded bv Dr. R. L. Large who stressed the value of having more adequate and up-to-date equip ment. Hospital Here Being Protected Measures Being Taken Against Emergency Arising at Institution. The nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Is being organized against the arising of an emergency, Miss Margaret Jamieson, R.N.. lady superintendent, informed the hospital board at its meeting last night. Miss Jamieson asked the board for rand for emergency use and alfo additional chemical fire extinguishers. Hospital Busier Than Last Year Number Of Patients Increased By More Than One-Third Twenty-Three Babies In .Month The Prince RuDert General Hos- nltal Is much busier today than it was a year ago, the lady superin tendent, Miss Margaret jamieson R. N., reported to the board at its regular monthly meeting last night. On December 1 this year there were sixty-three patients as compared with forty-eight at the same date last year. During this December there were 132 admissions and twenty-three babies born. ISOLATION HOSPITAL Hospital Board And Medical Association To Meet City Commissioner On Matter A delegation representing Vdi board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital and the Prince Rupert Medical Assoclar tlon will interview City Commis sioner D. J. Matheson with a view to havine isolation hospital facili ties resumed. This was decided last night at the regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hos pital. The isolation situation was brousrht uo by Dr. R. G. Large who referred to the additional cost involved by the general hospital having to handle Isolation cases to say nothing of the risk of Infection. Recently both scarlet fever and diptheria cases had been handled in the general hospital -and this had given rise to some very disagreeable publicity rjy word of mouth. Dr. Laree felt that the city should assume some responsibility In connection with treatment oi isolation cases and the board seemed to be In full agreement with this view. Hospital Maids' Home Given Up Present Arrangement For Housing To Be Discontinued After First Of Year After the first of the year the Prince RuDert General Hospital will discontinue the present ar rangement of operating a maids home and eirls In this department of the hosoltal service will be re quired to find their own accommo dation outside, in lieu or tne home, they will be given $10 a month extra salary. Recommendation that the maids' home be discontinued was made by President Frank Dibb who told of present unsatisfactory conditions. Lease on the house at Hays Cove Circle and Fifth Avenue at present being used will be relinquished. , It was left to the lady superintendent and the managing secretary to make the change. CARP OF THANKS Mr. S. Bennett, R. Smith and Priscilla wish to thank all the people of the village, the Epworth League, the P.S.A.C. and the Y.P. E.A. for the sympathy shown them during the time of their rcceni bereavement. 'De6cwus.tifa6ttfr whole grain QUAKER OATS is economical! Over 30 Big healthful servings in every package GIVE THEM FOB XMAS! Xmas Gift Booklets Containing Theatre Tickets for Children, Students and Adults. Priced from $1.00 to $2.23 (Tax is included 1 NO LINING UP AT THE BOX OFFICE. You can also send them to Friends and Armed Services Friends elsewhere In Canada where Famous Players Theatres operate. OKDF.It THEM NOW! CAPITOL Famous Players Theatre PHONE 669 CANADIAN HANDS ARE SKILFUL The skill and ingenuity of Canadian workmen has been displayed In a thousand ways since Industry took over the Job of supplying the tools of war. A worker Is here shown operating a complicated gear-cutting machine, a job that calls for a high of craftsmanship. NAPOLEON'S IDEA House numbers were the idea of ARC. OS OF '49 The 72,000 people who flocked Napoleon; he made the number on to California in 1849 In search of one side of the street even and on ! gold were known as forty-niners the other side odd. ' or argonauts. '"Thumbs Up Tor Santa ( When He Brings This GILLETTE GIFT SET! k 'V IT 111 Ik - 0T n Raid OnrraJiii. Tech y"JA cascl. T nresent that says Q d $i.5u. P;eSoi.PSGU1ctteeiftscts98Ut-0 V -4-- RAZORS AND WALLACE'S Winter Is Here! Let Us Supply You With Warm Bedding FLANNELETTE SHEETS, 82.50 $3.75 Per nnir to FLUFFY BLANKETS, $12.50 $22.50 From, per pair to SATIN COVERED COMFORTERS, $9.50 $22.50 From, each to ALL WOOL REVERSIBLE BEDTHROWS. $10.50 and $12.50 We Have Our Christmas Stock on Display. Shop Early! X PHONE 9 THIRD AND FULTON t . 4-