PAGE SIX K ? 8 e, K7 I if I 8 K s 9 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE A- CHAS. DODIMEAD rr ni V Vtl I Optometrist in Charge I I T J Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Siore For Pine China. Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONEIW JKWIXEK DIAMOND MERCHANT RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE 217-219 Sixth St. (Across from Hclgerson Real Estate Co.) Christmas Presents from The Store for Dad arid Lad. BRIGHTEN UP TRtB Lir.MTS, string of 8; complete .is NOMA LIGHTS, best quality: complete l.'io IIFLIANCE RELL LIGHTS, complete 1J0 RADIANT ROSETTES, complete 1.-J5 NOMA STARLITIS, complete 2.25 NOMA GLOLITES, complete 2.50 GENUINE MAZDA LAMPS : each 10c 3 for i5 FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS TABLE CHRISTMAS NAPKINS, pkg of 40 .15 ' COCKTAIL NAPKINS, pkg. of 36 .15 CHRISTMAS TABLE COVER, 54x72 inches .55 SNAPPY CRACKERS, Dennison's; pkg. of 6 .35 CANDLES, red, green and fandy; pair .20 - .30 - .33 FANCY HOLDERS, for the table; pair .35 ARTIFICIAL SNOW, pkg. .10 SILVER RIBBON ICICLES pkg. .10. 2 pkgs. NOMA CELLOPHANE BELLS . MERRY CHRISTMAS CUT-OUTS .10 and ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, Spray .10 to "A Good Place to Buy" CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT LAST r... .15 .15 - .25 J50 - S1.00 .20 .35 TREE DECORATIONS GARLANDS CREPE ICICLES DECORATED CREPE STREAMERS WREATHS When You Want a Reliable. Comfortable, Dependable IT. PHONE 13 24-Hour Service at Regular Raes at at at at in a at km irl . 'y' W A. MacKenzie Furniture ltd. I Chesterfield Suites Latest designs and coverings. 2 Bedroom Suites Modern designs with Round Mir- I Occasional Tahles All kinds. .. Coffee Tahles Different designs. K I'lionc 775 327 Tliir,! Av. S Man in the Moon the kind of newspapers I like are those that tell of British and American victories. : ; Last night I uei a chap with a li'.arK pvp Sn i sjiri "I'nau :i peauiy! wno gave it to you" i nouuuy gave n 10 me, lie saia i had to n&nc for it." Young tlusaano My Dear Kol ,y, I mast say that me pudd.n, ..ues nok iasi.e veiy nice.'' young Wile "It must bs your .inagination dear. It says in the cookery book that It tastes excellent." Mr. Chairman, said an oraio. .ho was oeaig severely heckieii 'I must appeal on a point of order. I have been speaking now for jver a quarter of an hour, but .here are so m'any interruptions and so muh nDaidiy from a. parts of the hall that I cai. .carcely hear myself speak." "Cheer up," exclaimed someone. You're not missing much." A fellow got on the bus with a JO-round bomb under his arm ,nd sat down. "What's that you've got on your .ip?" asked the conductor. "It!s a delayed action bomb I'm aking to the police station," came he answer. "Lumme," said the conductor, you don't want to carry thlncs I .ike that on vour lan Put. it nnripr I he seat!" ' Jr. at I LEGION IS at at at at at IN SESSION Executive Gathers in Preparation for Regular Monthly Meeting. ! rUcs for local men overseas. Provision was also considered for men in the forces in Canada and in this district. THE DAILY NEWS ANOTHER HULL RIDES PACIFIC Another corvette slides smoothly down the launching ways from a shr yard an the Pacific Ecth ca,rgo hipo and the .smaller vessels of war are bei ig turned out at a steady pace by British Columbia's, humming yards. Legion's request to the government for immediate Implementation of the points in the memorandum. Other matters taken ud by the Dominion, command dolt with dependents' allowances, war veterans' allowances and pensions under the Pensions-Act. In each case the Legion was using the experience of its twenty-five years' exisitence in All neipmg UU111U& tne Li lC govern and Neil Cameron. support accorded across Canada nlstory bs the' entire Legion membershin pf the Leiion's call for a "Total War" effort, was expressed in a Tetter from the Dominion command. Excerpts from newspapers all across Canada indicated t h r very widespread support of the WE KNOW TWO ANYWAY Some 920 distinct wars have been fought since the dawn of BLACKHEADS Imply dlMolvt: and diappr by thla on Impl. utt and lur method. Get two ounoea of peroxine powder from any druf tore, prinklt on a hot, wet elofh, and pply gtntlr eyery blackhead will be (on. Whifflets From The Waterfront Union steamer Catala. CaDt. Er nest Sheppaid, returned to port ipnrlv at R-tS IhU- mn-nn.r KUVCin- I ' iiiviillliu AiHl The executive of the Prince Ru-if -...v I J stumrt v, . u-.-v, niiciiw uu ucoi viiui ana even an- -" tuniv E .-i 'f , iSl , f ad ., anc Le-! "cipate the problems of the pres-' and sailed at 1:30 this afteinoo, g on of the British Empire Ser- for Vancouver ent men in-service. ! and waypolnU. Nex ZLJ?,"? s in fsular month- Thosc in attendance at t h c ' week on a special pre-Christmaj ,r ta W evenng ln P,reI,ar: meeting were Jack Preece. who,1"1 ctala will leave here SSi,'- J y mC S f Prided, Harry Breen. w. J. at midnight Monday instead of WXS Vfey!n , , . Rance- G- W. Slater, R. C. Bam- ! afternoon for Vancouver. Letters of thanks for assistance t t.... , ....v I ? M:renocren to individuals fiaUalS and and Or- or- -. . 1-1 . . '' ' Normal Nnrmnl naval noml trok ... . 1 i , . Gpor UlTJlgC AUUUll, Ahhott IlURn M.. Rmlt. U. luin aic .. ... omi'.n, ucuig , ui..owuu0 e itu ana auvice T. v,,m, tHo. i.r,. j ODCrated between Prlnrn Hi,rt 1 required on shipments ments of of citra citra- , .n .anrf tho oMn rv.iA. ri 1. Hh-ii v..aiiu,hc 141U tl U' in accordance with previously arranged naval plans, it is announc ed officially. Northland Transportation Co.' motorshlp liner Northland arrivec" in port at 12 noon Sunday from Ketchikan, sailing at 5 pm for Seattle after discharging fish for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways. Advertise in the Daily News. IF YOU ARE ABLE BODIED AND BETWEEN 18-45 The FINGER IS POINTED AT you JOIN THE ARMY TODAY! If you arc over-age or less fit, you TOO can learn to handle a rifle and defend your own. JOIN A RESERVE FORCE UNIT JOIN THE ARMY TODAY "'ii j "VICTORY" ! IS HERE Filmlzation of Famous Novel Pre sented at Capitol Theatre This Mid-Week. j Starring Frederic March and Betty Field. "Victory." filmlaaVion of Joseph Conrad's Breat nove'. comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. A'so featured in an unusual ctist are Sir Cedric Hardwlcke. Sli !Ru-mann, Margaret Wtycher'.y and Jerome Cowan. The role of the J3wede finds March as a cynical hermit who tries to withdraw from the world on a lonely Javanese Island. He thinks few things are wor.h fighting for until he finds love and faith ln a woman, qualities hf never knew before. Betty Field Is seen in the role of the girl who helps March to victory over hlm-seJf with her love. The climax of the film come-when three unprincipled cutthroats invade the island paradise, prepared to do murder for .money they believe March has hidden. Like ln the story, romance and adventure are deftly combined to make dramatic and thrilling entertainment. Twenty -Five Years Ao December 16, 1918. The supply department of the Red Cross Society, In charge of Mrs. F. G. Dawson and Mrs. W. T. Kergin, acknowledges a number of fine new donations. Over $300 was realized at a suc- CADITftrl Corroio . ... at 5 00 7 00 . "TUGBOAT Avvif SAILS AC.liv' 'at 5 7 ' r .. p. "NOIUVAY 1 ,TO(lt ' 1 or 2 I)ays Joseph ConradV firc,, est Thriller 0r Z South Seas! FREDKir MARCH in - "VICTORY with n HETTY Firn Sir Cedric Hardwicke e at 1:45, 3:49. a :5 Ai)i)i:i) "The Lady and the Lug" WORLD NEWS Roht. Henchlev I mYj1EbS 1 Ticmn :cssiui sale of work arranged by Zeinantz and Mi - 1 e ladles of the Catholic Church Rev. A. E. Pnc v in the Stork Block. A supper fol- can Church mi. s, lowed the afternoon sale. Ladies at Kitwanga. an in charge were Mrs. M. J. McNeil, on the Princess m . Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Duffy, Mrs. Mac- day afternoon tr I Laren. Mrs. Olier Besner, Mrs. D. he spent over n r v W Morrissey Mrs. Fred Hennins. way to MasscU ; Mrs MacKay Miss Kennv Miss there. tr JOIN THE ARMY TODAY ENTERPRISE FRUIT and PRODUCE Co. THIRD AVENUE AND FIRST STREET SPECIALIZING IN Fruit and Vegetables You are cordially welcome to inspect our 8?,re We will demonstrate our new produce. "DELNOR" FROZEN FRUIT and VEGETABLES PHONE 343 fit EE DELIVERY DOLLS TOYS and GAMES at the Dolls of every, nationality and all styles from goldrn uaircfl runirs In (lif larprr Hucuit an1 nirllv dripd: DuU'll I11'"1" and Nigger Papoose . . . then the big showily dressed fui Baby" Dolls, also Wetums and Crvinr Babies. To) Diane classes from modpratplv nrifp.l linrs Ul) t elaborate classes wliich really fly when key is used. Cull Toy with strlnir 9nphl M..( Tnv Av in "co" by lUriling key or pulling a string, Fire Trucks, Hose Wagons, T- n -Racing Cars, Freight Cars, etc., and many other tuuig delight the children ... 5 "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars I 320 Third Avp. UVt Phonp Rpd 120 P.O. B03C 0) arro- tli- more ars. to ss