1 paqh two TKurgday, Jam APRICOTS Delicipys Ja appearance, In flavor, In ueefulnrAs selected for quality and packed In tje Re.YALOTY kitchen. Ue a dessert or in any of our rrripe? railing for frjdt. Member of Audit bureau oi Circulations EDITORIAL 1 57 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE EUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor What Is A Victory Bond? - You know what a Bank of -Canada qne dollar bill is. A Victory Bond is similar in many respects. The security behind both of them is the Dominion of Canada. It is the same security that is hehind our bank deposits because, when you withdraw money from the bank, you are paid in Bank of Canada bills. But your Bank of Canada bill has inscribed on it "Bank of Canada will Day to Bearer ON DEMAND $1.00." Your $100 Victory Bond has inscribed on it "The Government, nf trio Dominion of Cnnndn will nnv to trip T?pnrpi hereof the sum of $100 on the 1.5th day of June, 1951, and' will pay interest thereon at the rate of 3 from the 15th day of June 1941 until date of Maturity." In other words a Victory Bond is earning interest for you at 3f r as long as you own it. Jf it were a $100 bill, it would not draw a cent of interest, no matter how lonir vou held it. ! The bond itself is about nine times the size of a Si I bill. Attached to it are small coupons about one-fifth thej size of a bill. These are clipped off and cashed at any bank every six months as they become due. If you have ordered a registered bond the government sends you a cheque from Ottawa each six months for the interest. ' An unregistered bond is called a "Bearer" Bond, be-' cause it is payable to anyone holding it and ownership can' be transferred by simply handing it to someone else, just like handing a bank bill to someone in payment of an account. You can order a "Bearer" Bond, or in larger amounts 3 Registered Bond. Bonds are issued in denominations of $1000, $500, $100 and to give everyone a chance, as low as $50. I Even if $50 is out of reach of your immediate means' von ran molo o l!ol. r n - i .... ' v, .Mun(. a iJpi, jjayiinjut oi $o anu pay tne balance over a period of five months. There is nostra charge vM.o ucjajcu yaywKM. viciory uonus are as secure as money in the bank They can be turned into cash immediately by selling them in Hip nnpn mnvW There is no better invpstmpnt i fopie ot Canada than a Dominion of Canada Vipf. orv i 8 ond. RUNNERS and CAMPACS To suit eyery need and style from Infants' to Men's and Ladies' in Composition or crepe soles. Cam-pacs are in a class by themselves. Agents for Penman's Hosiery Jack & Jill Shoes Faily SHOE STORE LTD. The Home of Qoqd Shoes BENTINCK, SEVERAL MILES OFF 1 COURSE. IMPROPERLY I'.QIPPED (Continued from Page One) I across a plane, fjey over. Shortly after McRae passed out. Stx.n John Barter died and Peter LorcnzMi al- sc passed out when they yere near the shore. A homesteader took the four survivors to his place. For lifesavlng equipment there was a skiff, two lifebuoys, two good big life Jackets and two smaller ones which were not ao iood. McRae had a life Jacket as did Rich-arete. Lorenaen had both a life Jacket and a lifebuoy a life buoy. The captain, mate and engineer had nothing. The captain, Notation and Morgan all swim. When asked if the skiff could not have been saved Notation said that he came on deck shortly af ter its launching and lie could hardly see it. In his lis uupeiess w inniK of or recovering recovering The size of the raft was rouehlvsiv feet across und 12 foe; i 4 52 0F BEERS, It your own last Ull you that there it a dilTercnoe in brer and LUCKY LAGEK rout n more. COAST BREWERIES LTD. v..,C0UVtR NEW WESTMINSTER VICTORIA mniwiiBn aw p 1'Uis advi rtifciu' Dt U not published kt displayed by the Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of Bri'iih Columbia. savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. I'lione 37 P.O. Box 5H FKASER STREET Prince JUipert Suggestions Yoy want to gain the Victory so buy Victory Loan Bonds if you can. You still can save for it by dealing at the VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" 330 West 3rd Ave. Phone Bed 120 P.O. Box 757 FOOTBALL TONIGHT CAS P.M. R.M.K.'s vs. INDEPEMI would carry two but not eveii trnvpQ wfri wfltWtna nvpr it The 'made breakfast for the three passengers. Then he went below and laid down. He said that he saw 'land before he went below. He felt the ship hit a rock and then another. He went to ihe wheel-house to lcok at the chart, but did not know where they were so went holnw Qfroln TTa fAlt thA Vifn nnm- to J. R. Stahyer, South Hazelton. WANTED KOUJNI) MAAikAA I WANTED Neat, efficient grl to do I light housework. Must he able to cook. Phone Red 923. (138) SCHOOLS & COLLEGES MRS. N. B. HILL'S night classes in ! shorthand, typewriting and high , speed typewriting will commence. July 1. For full particulars phone Red 923. i38)j FOUND-Chlld's red purse with I sum of money. Owner can have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this ad- yertlsement. rtf). LOST LOST-Small leather wallet. Name i Wm, Morrell Inside. Finder please return to Royal Canadian En-1 glneers, Steele Block. (137) seen about three miles distant. The ship listed and took ki water which they could not get out again. The pump would not operate. Witness noticed that M"Ras was petting nervous o he told him that 4hey would get out or it alright. Morgan noticed that McRie and Lorenzen were writing in notebook One was black. The captain Rsk- ed Morgan to help him launch the When Barker" jthowed signs of ex- SJW ,ut hau$tion, he was put on the raft . u Jtj , wnt over the side 11 feet Ion? The, ship listed so badly that he could , not hang on and, when the skiff i the painter . .., came out of the captains nanas chances could swtof Me no, gl to rather take of getting ashore wlthouMifesavers but they Morgan h.d 'Vhed oateh the iTon in ;arl 3nd lead but that The enelneer said that thev had w n good. ooM contacted Man Lmnh Co. at d??tZ were some around somewhere and ; Robert. Morgan . to get oue IIe found tw good belts ; Robert Morgan- was employed by m oM Qae ThpJe was not the Armour Salvage Co. as cook on to ,t Mo..an ,ve; ooinion it wasithe Bentlnck- n Jun h'eot "phim some ivckUes from the wheel- j it. at 5 aJl 10 ke br.eakfjf fr wheel Xl house to fix it lth. The captain' rtu. crew. Tlien he went to the ..v house to ....... relieve c v..v the mate so ' the wneei irom nim. men me cook at intervals was calling SOS. on! Jt tne radio. At I p.m. tiie Morgan jcrew could eat breakfast together. about eight m;te, away ; The course was set due southwest , Nex, princc Rupert flr Dl?.Qy w,w ,and kept to it. Je4S Nation ,he wasn't sure which) f At 6:20 a.m the captain took the and Mji was rom. ins. I Tools aboard in the engineer? tool ; kit were hand-saw, hammer, hatchet and another small hatchet which, i was almost useless. The size of the raft was about 12 feet Ionic and four feet wide Mor- gar sn id. They got on the raft 4! approximately 2:30 o.m. Notation I r:lT 13 . r. ArjZ a the oaotam were on oach side side. One hour later they hit of the raft. Lorenzen and Morgan "" him UD aPd h IT? Richards was behind Morgan. On W4 rm HaV Thflu mar a rr -i rant Vlcl. . . u Yu7:. ii Tw" -' ..L the end was McRac and Barker ! uiiiijr a uuu-Hr a.u McRac had a lifebelti Lorenzen had ' -' a lirebelt and a lifebuoy. Hkhards also had a lifebelt. FOR SA1A FOR SALE-Plano. Phone Red 433. '. (133) FOR. SALE Blufl Tip mechanic's tools, 2 cross cut saws, 3 Rem-, ington typewriters, studio couches, chesterfields, unpalnted chests and drawers, beds, springs and mattresses at very low prices. Phone Black 324, B, C Clothiers. FOR SALE-7 tube cabinet radio. Newly checked. $24.50. Phone Blue 724, f 137) FOR SALE One 20 h.p. marine .gas engine, medium duty. 24 Inch propellor, 3 blades heavy duty,' propellor shaft and stuffing box"sl bronze, with clutch. Everything complete to. set In boat. Made by Gray Motor Co. In good running condition. Pke $150 00. Apply I Morgan said that the plane came from the south at about an elevation of 500 feet. Since the weather was fogiry the pilot did not ree , (Continual on Vmjc Three.) THERE'S HO MISTAKING THAT'S WHY B LACK& WHITE DISTILLED, bllNOtO, AND BOTTLED IN iCQTLAND m 2Ctt 11.10 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or bv the Government of British Columbia Clean-Up Paint-Up Malt mm&wMkt. 'za&sr Repairs, Build We can supply all the materials for a new home or for additions 5 to the old one. Call in and talk It over Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. I PIIONK 116 PHONE 117 41 I Shaving's just a picnic now, J For Blue Gillettes pre slick and how! f I These blades lick wiry whiskers fasf I You get clean, easy shaves that kl I w mm D'oitxwki (A wvlJ'i hwdnf IkbtlaiK or uitj to 11 th You avvoy$ get easier shaves With Blye Gillette Blades, be-cause they have the sharpest edges ever put on steel. FINEST RAZOH BIADIS YOU EVER USED...O YOUR MONEY BACK JICMf BONDS ! I Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada limited J Battery Operated Radio Willi Maximum Power M Minimum Cost R.C.A. Victor Models from $27,50 upromjilclf with Hatteries Call or Write for Full Particulars GUARANTEED RADIO SBUVICINfl Latest Equipment Lowest Prices Genuine R.C.A. Replacement Parts and Tubes EVEREADY Ill-Power Radio Batteries Buy Victory Bonds Prince Rupert And Wear a VICTORY BOND TORCH This Space Donated by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Lid, British CoIumDi" PAINTING I J. H. BULGER Decorative Kalsomlnlng lorne Cornell Optometrist (lonlonand Anderson's ' Jank dr.