J- 1 tune 12, 1941. i. V i arnation Milk does ,. a cup of coffee. ThU bl kh evapoteJ milk : ,i) ooking and creaming. Contented Cows 1.0 30 PEOPLE . c ; June 12: iCP z'J persons from a under a bombed h t.c Wardens R. L. E Davis of Croydon ..rded the George HKNTINCK. skvi.uai. Minx in. LiHiiisi- iMruorauv i;iuti:i; (Continued from Page Two) Goats i ,ons favorite, polo cloth coats ,luU, white, beige, navy, green uo. Sizes 11 to 20. Also tweeds .lor and sizes including Navy v-k Regular value to $2i.5), : TTK'S ANNIVERSARY 10.00 Girls' Coats ueeo stvlcs, hats to match, from 11, vCUular value to $12.w. AN-KTTIS'S ANNIVERSARY bALlv- $7.95 Girls' Reversible Coats :rs from (J to U. CB"1'"' Vti1rl?.c rr) ANNHTTl'VS ANNIVERSARY SALE $7.95 Suits nraker made suits in all the Sizes M to IS eg values to $lb..o. nKTTKS ANNIVERSARY SALE About 6:30 It was noticed that the entrance buoy could not be located. A rock sighted shortly after 7 am. was taken to-be a buoy but It was. them. The plane would not have discovered to be a rock. There was been able to land on account of no actual knowledge of the course the rough water. Mcltaes face was from then on. No heavy was were iofKK,1a?nd th5; ,?ye r"ni"g and they were sure that t Tl? 8 l they ' were in no danger and that on. MrRae laughed and hu head th wmiW rleht ltseU wlth the went down Morgan picked it up U(Je With the faUing of the tide but when he let it go It fell down u tQok a Ust w starboard ap-again. When he r felt his pulse, there proximately 40 degrees burying the was none. When he shook him under It. slarboard rall and ports there was no response. Morgan tried caDtaln decidcd to launch the to hold him but the sea was too and I di h "McRae, Lorenzen rough. decided to looK lor nieDeivs in tasc j About 3:45 Barker snowed signs of emergency" testified Richards. of exhaustion and since he could tWo lifebelts were found. One of! not iiui help iieiy himself iiiiiLacii on uu to to the me raft, i.ut, the the lifebelts lifebelts was was in in good gooa ciiu"' condition Morean helped him. When he felt 9nn the nther was fallina apart. I Barker's pulse there wa3 no res- Also life buoys were found in good j 1 nonse. Just then a sea washed over nnnn ! I V.UIIUJMW1I. them and Morgan lost hU grip and The decided to make a raft. A j udiivci waa Ku.ic wiuic wicjf tumu nana axe, natcnei. v i get him. Morgan had no life belt engineer and a small shingle i 1.1- n.M...tnu. ,!.. nnnH . ... hi. Vi n n H 1 o ana u cjreoiBi.t was scuiiij juui. naicnei wlin a iw5 He was also In bad condition. Lor- was found. The raft was made of enzen died and then they lost him. doors and odds and ends. The raft i .... . i ..tj 4Vi Soon Morgan announced tnat. ne was placed on ine pun. o. -had felt bottom. They got close to shlD ready to launch. A life line shore and began to wade. Movgan was tied around the raft. -With the crawled ashore. Next thing he knew turn of the tide about noon a storm a man was shaking him end two sDrang up and, with the rising tide, men took him to the home of Reb- he ship righted Itself turning over :ert Betulsh. If they had proper on her port side and sinking Piior nfohnah TJnroon tn this attemnts had been made by said they would have all got safely Rlchardi and McRae to get ine ashore pump going which had been lowered A. E. Richards into the galley through a port win- rfnw A snark dIuk was broken and arrangements with the Armour Sal- the pump was useless. While do this I noticed the ship was tak- vage Co. for a trip to Skldegate. ing j anl tk puvr www Women's Blazers QUAKER Com FLAKES In 'Weeds ami stripes. Reg. value to $5. ANNlvriWd AiNiNivi'jnoiwvi kji.- N1V13KSAK1 $4,95 House Dresses Lagest selection in town to choose from, . Sixes from 14 to 52. tub-fast. -md sun-iasi f.mi ami mu iu - XTX.Irrr.0 v Regular values to &.wo. aininii o $1.25 House Coats fine firmly woven in Clean cut as new paint rint- that s ligiu ami u u, ; style and generous suepin.i , $1.65 Smocks Artists smocks in beautiful prints and 1 ais-ic designs. Regular value to $2.60. AN-NETTE S ANNIVERSARY SALE $1.25 Night Gowns and Pyjamas rivon satin. Regular value in and striped !" K ANNETTE'S ANNIVERSARY SALE $1.00 Slips p.,(in ;,ml r -o.flo-Hli"o d!'S in a iiid while. Rcmilar values to $2.!n. AN-NETTE'S ANNIVERSARY SALE $1.00 Tecause vi it J i,r tttr in the hulUald Richards. was launched and side of the ship, wiin ine wavea washing, higher over the roof we decided to take to the ran. aoouu 1 pm. F. McRae and P. Lorenzen wrote in books on their person. The sublect matter was not known. anrt said that the Prince Kuperi " .... . . i . lU.I .fnttnn nounca mm wa plane and a crash boat was on the . way and help wouia come They hung on as long as they could i vin tncY to the raiu i&UU .... - ... i The captain admitted that ne naa not cleared customs. Panties and Bloomers -Latlics panties and bloomers; small, .medium T?nmi1:n vnlllPS S.re. ANNETTE'S ANNIVERSARY SALE 50c Hose First quality, full fashioned, real silk to the top in popular shades. 3-ami -1-thread chiffon and semi-service. Regular value $1.15. ANNETTE'S ANNIVERSARY SALE, Pr. 75c Girls' and Women's Sockees In all sizes and colors. ANNETTE'S ANNIVERSARY SALE. Pair 20c Handbags White and colored, the best value in Prince Rupert. Regular value to .vo. ANNETTE'S ANNIVERSARY SALE Sheer (lots, s $1.00 Waists ''SHOOTING I KISS YOUR Max Asemlssen I ; Max Asemlssen said that boats of The first of a series of 22 calibre the Armour Salvage Co. had radio- rine shooU to be staged alternate telephones on them. The Bcntinck Wednesday .nights by the Prince Rod and Gun Club on the had not contacted the company Rupert directly While Captain Armour range of the Canadian National was taking one of his ships to the lReCreatlon Association was held last Union Oil Dock for fuel a fisher- night. It was a successful event, man told him that a vessel was In interesting and enjoyable to num-, double on the east coast of Queen erous participants. Game Warden Charlotte Island. Captain Armour Gordon Copeland and Sam Currtc was not definitely sure the boat jr. were in charge. i belonged to him so he phoned ine There were two cumpcui-.u. . and with rest. A team Air HTirre lo accu w " vv . Heavy seas were wasning over. iu Th alsQ contaCted Dlgby. in ine m dnVintr nf the Benuncw me riii. tur was a cnance in blkV. tMIIMH'B w- m Mill LL1111C lfVw w a I taken n1.nM t to (ho the lee lfP . X l t. position. The first time trw position was 12 miles north of Sklde-gate apd the next time live miles north of Skldegaie. ineK way of getting there. The only way , thP Air Force. About 1 p.m.: ! they were notified that a crash boat consisting of Etson, Parker. Harks-wwth and Hanson won the former and Cromp, Edgar, Brochu and Reich won the latter. ind nlu'ffnns in strines and polka lini't Mini Inner sIpp.VPS. Si'CS M to 14. iuiii! ciivn v w,f " -- - Re&tilar value to $3.1)5. ANNETTE'S AN NIVERSARY SALE 31.95 Shoes Summer shoes in lovely styles, all colors including white. Regular value to $1.05. AN-NIPTE'S ANNIVERSARY SALE $1.95 Weather Forecast Prince RuDert and Queen r.l.n1. T In-Vit nnrt Ofeasion- l(JLIf. X.llt 1 itio w . " ' lied tnat xne ueumitn. uon waa m tuuimu"v,.v.. .. .showers and becoming pari ciouuy. ianu o.it Its nlace. The raft came ashore midway iway be tween Tlell River and house. ' Richards said that when the captain had given his location over the radio, he was sure they were 'farther than five miles north of Skidegate Bentlnck. . t.J A i-aot C uc- uammon aaiu , Betulsh' sen inspector if he knew that there os a po-1 ACE KILLED ftV ON JJAVE .p. Lt there. - LONDON June 2: (CP)- Fly- lice with a wireless near -.i.i. rV,mo h e rmitj inff UlllCer OIUIICV hiuiuuv. iCarlln- 48- one-leSSed on nnarhart ac 2 i credited with destroying 37 enemy in the First Great War. was planes half 8 only , A "spot" yJu ; (dollar Trv It. in the Daily News ,kllled while on leave in the present t v ti, c(3,i octoin rlasslfled column. (tf) war lue captaiii vuun. wit. oi.i.. ANNETTE'S 1AG1I TITPr CONTEST IK"?1 rrlnce Itupcrt Kod and (iun Club I Has First of Scries of Events UUUUDI l- P.ple.i Many Suffer li'Blood Count Ana von i The Ufllinr thln bout low kW eouni y thVt ron n weinh bnut .. much T r.r did-evn look he.lu.jr .nd rtro" hd led In your emn fed M if you lt, dopey, tired end pepleee. Low Mood count meene yoo heven t enoSJi redblond eorpueclei. It ! their iul t to eVrry Weiivinr; owen from your lantV throuhout your body. And Ju.t ..it Ukee oyen to explode t " car nd mke the power to turn the " you mut h. V'lrrtr'" plode the enerrr In your body and give you "Get nrWWilli.m. TtkT& . Tt arewortd-noted for the help they i In Increaiini the number and trench of red eorpu.clM. Then with your blood eoun .up. like bounding up the iUlre if feel tou-U IZ we" fl".tint on air. A.k y.ur druegut -fo? Dr. William! Pink PUU today. " Char- 8.9c. Halibut Sales American Arthur II., 40,000, Atlin, 10.8c and Wireless, 13,500, Booth, 11.4c ana Richards at first had hired an- was leaving immediately. At 1:24 moderate south n winds, mostly 8.6c. other boat but at 6 p.m. was notl- by checked time Digby wlreiess sta- ' mUd scaUeredl California, 19,400, Storage, U.Jc . . .. . it n nrntilH falrp i m ,n t Inn nrlth the J . t ... I i o ? - - Rainier II., 6,000, Booth, 10.8c and; 8.5c. Canadian' Lois N., 36,000, Storage, 10.7c and; 8.2c. Dollars will win the war. Dollars will end It sooner. Invest In Victory Bonds. SARY SALE II " 8 Dresses Row after row of fresh Summer Dresses that give you a "just out of the bandbox look." Plain printed and dotted spuns, thick and thin Tahiti crepes, novelty printed rayons, plain Shantung-type rayons. Sizes 12 to 02. Regular value to $8.05. ANNETTE'S ANNIVERSARY SALE $2.95 Dresses In sheers, dusky pink, dusky blue, navy and black, also printed jacket dresses. Sizes 12 to 44. Regular Value to $12.05. ANNETTE'S ANNIVERSARY'S ALE $4.95 aaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaMaaaalaaPaawaWaaaaawa Dresses Prints, crepes, Angel skin, in pastel and polka dots. Regular values to $3.05. ANNETTE'S ANNIVERSARY SALE $1.00 Hats All Summer hats in straw and felts. Regular values to $1.05. ANNETTE'S ANNIVERSARY SALE $1.25 I I in , III - Arcticles in Real Bargains, These and Many More You Sec Our Tables 00115 Friday and Saturday tome ffitn me v-rowus 10 Will Find, So Be Sure and Annette's Anniversary Sale Open till 8 p- : in.1 111! II I1T-TTT I fflMMaBnnanrTWWWMaBlBHlBaiaW m. Sat.